76 research outputs found

    Integrating ant colony and genetic algorithms in the balancing and scheduling of complex assembly lines

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    Copyright © 2015 Springer. This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication in The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. The final publication is available at: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00170-015-7320-y. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting proof before it is published in its final form. Please note that during the production process errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.Different from a large number of existing studies in the literature, this paper addresses two important issues in managing production lines, the problems of line balancing and model sequencing, concurrently. A novel hybrid agent-based ant colony optimization–genetic algorithm approach is developed for the solution of mixed model parallel two-sided assembly line balancing and sequencing problem. The existing agent-based ant colony optimization algorithm is enhanced with the integration of a new genetic algorithm-based model sequencing mechanism. The algorithm provides ants the opportunity of selecting a random behavior among ten heuristics commonly used in the line balancing domain. A numerical example is given to illustrate the solution building procedure of the algorithm and the evolution of the chromosomes. The performance of the developed algorithm is also assessed through test problems and analysis of their solutions through a statistical test, namely paired sample t test. In accordance with the test results, it is statistically proven that the integrated genetic algorithm-based model sequencing engine helps agent-based ant colony optimization algorithm robustly find significantly better quality solutions

    Type-E Parallel Two-Sided Assembly Line Balancing Problem: Mathematical Model and Ant Colony Optimisation based Approach with Optimised Parameters

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    Copyright © 2015 Elsevier. This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication in Computers and Industrial Engineering (doi:10.1016/j.cie.2014.12.037). The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting proof before it is published in its final form. Please note that during the production process errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.There are many factors which affect the performance of a complex production system. Efficiency of an assembly line is one of the most important of these factors since assembly lines are generally constructed as the last stage of an entire production system. Parallel two-sided assembly line system is a new research domain in academia though these lines have been utilised to produce large sized products such as automobiles, trucks, and buses in industry for many years. Parallel two-sided assembly lines carry practical advantages of both parallel assembly lines and two-sided assembly lines. The main purpose of this paper is to introduce type-E parallel two-sided assembly line balancing problem for the first time in the literature and to propose a new ant colony optimisation based approach for solving the problem. Different from the existing studies on parallel assembly line balancing problems in the literature, this paper aims to minimise two conflicting objectives, namely cycle time and number of workstations at the same time and proposes a mathematical model for the formal description of the problem. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study which addresses both conflicting objectives on a parallel two-sided assembly line configuration. The developed ant colony optimisation algorithm is illustrated with an example to explain its procedures. An experimental design is also conducted to calibrate the parameters of the proposed algorithm using response surface methodology. Results obtained from the performed computational study indicate that minimising cycle time as well as number of workstations help increase system efficiency. It is also observed that the proposed algorithm finds promising results for the studied cases of type-E parallel two-sided assembly line balancing problem when the results are compared with those obtained from other three well-known heuristics

    Mixed-model parallel two-sided assembly line balancing problem: A flexible agent-based ant colony optimization approach

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Assembly lines are frequently used as a production method to assemble complex products. Two-sided assembly lines are utilized to assemble large-sized products (e.g., cars, buses, trucks). Locating two lines in parallel helps improve line efficiency by enabling collaboration between the line workers. This paper proposes a mixed-model parallel two-sided assembly line system that can be utilized to produce large-sized items in an inter-mixed sequence. The mixed-model parallel two-sided line balancing problem is defined and the advantages of utilizing multi-line stations across the lines are discussed. A flexible agent-based ant colony optimization algorithm is developed to solve the problem and a numerical example is given to explain the method systematically. The proposed algorithm builds flexible balancing solutions suitable for any model sequence launched. The dynamically changing workloads of workstations (based on specific product models during the production process) are also explored. A comprehensive experimental study is conducted and the results are statistically analyzed using the well-known paired sample t-test. The test results indicate that the mixed-model parallel two-sided assembly line system reduces the workforce need in comparison with separately balanced mixed-model two-sided lines. It is also shown that the proposed algorithm outperforms the tabu search algorithm and six heuristics often used in the assembly line balancing domain

    Prediction of sulfur content in diesel fuel using fluorescence spectroscopy and a hybrid ant colony : Tabu Search algorithm with polynomial bases expansion

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    It is widely accepted that feature selection is an essential step in predictive modeling. There are several approaches to feature selection, from filter techniques to meta-heuristics wrapper methods. In this paper, we propose a compilation of tools to optimize the fitting of black-box linear models. The proposed AnTSbe algorithm combines Ant Colony Optimization and Tabu Search memory list for the selection of features and uses l1 and l2 regularization norms to fit the linear models. In addition, a polynomial combination of input features was introduced to further explore the information contained in the original data. As a case study, excitation-emission matrix fluorescence data were used as the primary measurements to predict total sulfur concentration in diesel fuel samples. The sample dataset was divided into S10 (less than 10 ppm of total sulfur), and S100 (mean sulfur content of 100 ppm) groups and local linear models were fit with AnTSbe. For the Diesel S100 local models, using only 5 out of the original 1467 fluorescence pairs, combined with bases expansion, we were able to satisfactorily predict total sulfur content in samples with MAPE of less than 4% and RMSE of 4.68 ppm, for the test subset. For the Diesel S10 local models, the use of 4 Ex/Em pairs was sufficient to predict sulfur content with MAPE 0.24%, and RMSE of 0.015 ppm, for the test subset. Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed methodology was able to satisfactorily optimize the fitting of linear models to predict sulfur content in diesel fuel samples without need of chemical of physical pre-treatment, and was superior to classic PLS regression methods and also to our previous results with ant colony optimization studies in the same dataset. The proposed AnTSbe can be directly applied to data from other sources without need for adaptations

    Optimal Configuration of Inspection and Rework Stations in a Multistage Flexible Flowline

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    Inspection and rework are two important issues of quality control. In this research, an N-stage flowline is considered to make decisions on these two issues. When defective items are detected at the inspection station the items are either scrapped or reworked. A reworkable item may be repaired at the regular defect-creating workstation or at a dedicated off-line rework station. Two problems (end-of-line and multistage inspections) are considered here to deal with this situation. The end-of-line inspection (ELI) problem considers an inspection station located at the end of the line while the multistage inspection (MSI) problem deals with multiple in-line inspection stations that partition the flowline into multiple flexible lines. Models for unit cost of production are developed for both problems. The ELI problem is formulated for determining the best decision among alternative policies for dealing with defective items. For an MSI problem a unit cost function is developed for determining the number and locations of in-line inspection stations along with the alternative decisions on each type of defects. Both of the problems are formulated as fractional mixed-integer nonlinear programming (f-MINLP) to minimize the unit cost of production. After several transformations the f-MINLP becomes a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) problem. A construction heuristic, coined as Inspection Station Assignment (ISA) heuristic is developed to determine a sub-optimal location of inspection and rework stations in order to achieve minimum unit cost of production. A hybrid of Ant-Colony Optimization-based metaheuristic (ACOR) and ISA is devised to efficiently solve large instances of MSI problems. Numerical examples are presented to show the solution procedure of ELI problems with branch and bound (B&B) method. Empirical studies on a production line with large number of workstations are presented to show the quality and efficiency of the solution processes involved in both ELI and MSI problems. Computational results present that the hybrid heuristic ISA+ACOR shows better performance in terms of solution quality and efficiency. These approaches are applicable to many discrete product manufacturing systems including garments industry

    Balancing and Sequencing of Mixed Model Assembly Lines

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    Assembly lines are cost efficient production systems that mass produce identical products. Due to customer demand, manufacturers use mixed model assembly lines to produce customized products that are not identical. To stay efficient, management decisions for the line such as number of workers and assembly task assignment to stations need to be optimized to increase throughput and decrease cost. In each station, the work to be done depends on the exact product configuration, and is not consistent across all products. In this dissertation, a mixed model line balancing integer program (IP) that considers parallel workers, zoning, task assignment, and ergonomic constraints with the objective of minimizing the number of workers is proposed. Upon observing the limitation of the IP, a Constraint Programming (CP) model that is based on CPLEX CP Optimizer is developed to solve larger assembly line balancing problems. Data from an automotive OEM are used to assess the performance of both the MIP and CP models. Using the OEM data, we show that the CP model outperforms the IP model for bigger problems. A sensitivity analysis is done to assess the cost of enforcing some of the constraint on the computation complexity and the amount of violations to these constraints once they are disabled. Results show that some of the constraints are helpful in reducing the computation time. Specifically, the assignment constraints in which decision variables are fixed or bounded result in a smaller search space. Finally, since the line balance for mixed model is based on task duration averages, we propose a mixed model sequencing model that minimize the number of overload situation that might occur due to variability in tasks times by providing an optimal production sequence. We consider the skip-policy to manage overload situations and allow interactions between stations via workers swimming. An IP model formulation is proposed and a GRASP solution heuristic is developed to solve the problem. Data from the literature are used to assess the performance of the developed heuristic and to show the benefit of swimming in reducing work overload situations

    AWALBP-L2 : the Accessibility Windows Assembly Line Balancing Problem Level 2 : formalization and solution methods

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    This doctoral thesis tackles an assembly line balancing problem with restricted access to the workpieces that has been entitled AWALBP: the Accessibility Windows Assembly Line Balancing Problem. The problem is described and a general classification for its main optimization levels is proposed. The thesis focuses on a specific case of the optimization level AWALBP-L2. The AWALBP-L2 consists of two subproblems that need to be solved simultaneously: (i) the computation of a feasible movement scheme and (ii) the assignment of each task to one workstation and one stationary stage of the cycle. In the particular case of AWALBP-L2 addressed in this thesis, for each task a single workstation is compatible. The review of the state of the art reveals that relatively few studies have been published concerning the AWALBP. Regarding the solution of the AWALBP-L2, the only available previous work is a mathematical programming model, but the model is not tested or validated. In order to fill this research gap, the aim of this thesis is three-fold: i) to describe the AWALBP and characterize its main optimization levels, ii) to propose exact methods for the case of AWALBP-L2 considered, and iii) to develop solution procedures for the challenging instances that are out of reach of the former methods. Consequently, in this doctoral thesis the AWALBP is characterized and the AWALBP-L2 case is addressed through four main approaches. First, the problem is formalized and solved via two mixed integer linear programming (MILP) models. Second, an approach combining a matheuristic and a MILP model is proposed. The third approach considers hybridizing metaheuristics with mathematical programming models. Finally, the fourth approach proposes sequential combinations of the aforementioned hybrid metaheuristics and a MILP model. The performance of all approaches is evaluated via an extensive computational experiment based on realistic instances, and an optimal solution could be found for a large number of them. Future research work may include additional assumptions on the problem, such as precedence relationships among tasks or several workstations compatible for each task. The methods proposed in this thesis are open in nature and extend perspectives for combining (meta)heuristics and mathematical programming models, either for improving the solution of the AWALBP-L2 or for tackling other combinatorial optimization problems.Esta tesis doctoral aborda un problema de equilibrado de líneas con acceso limitado a las piezas que ha sido titulado AWALBP: Accessibility Windows Assembly Line Balancing Problem. Se describe el problema y se propone una clasificación general de sus principales niveles de optimización. La tesis se centra en un caso específico del nivel AWALBP-L2. El AWALBP-L2 consta de dos subproblemas que deben ser resueltos simultáneamente: (i) cálculo de un esquema de movimiento factible y (ii) asignación de cada tarea a una estación y a una de las etapas estacionarias del ciclo. En el caso particular de AWALBP-L2 tratado en esta tesis, para cada tarea existe una única estación compatible. La revisión del estado del arte revela que relativamente pocos estudios han sido publicados sobre el AWALBP. Respecto a la resolución del AWALBP-L2, el único trabajo anterior disponible es un modelo de programación matemática, el cual no está probado o validado. Con tal de cubrir este hueco de investigación, el objetivo de la presente tesis es triple: i) describir el AWALBP y caracterizar sus principales niveles de optimización, ii) proponer métodos exactos para el caso considerado de AWALBP-L2, y iii) desarrollar métodos de resolución para los ejemplares más difíciles que quedaron fuera del alcance de los métodos anteriores. Por consiguiente, en esta tesis doctoral se caracteriza el AWALBP y se aborda el caso de AWALBP-L2 mediante cuatro enfoques principales. En primer lugar, el problema se formaliza y se resuelve mediante dos modelos de programación lineal entera mixta (PLEM). En segundo lugar se propone una mateheurística combinada con un modelo de PLEM. El tercer enfoque consiste en hibridizar metaheurísticas con modelos de programación matemática. Finalmente, el cuarto enfoque propone combinaciones secuenciales de las mencionadas metaheurísticas híbridas con un modelo de PLEM. Los enfoques propuestos se evalúan mediante una extensa experiencia computacional con ejemplares realistas, y se obtuvo una solución óptima para un gran número de ellos. Las líneas propuestas de investigación futura incluyen supuestos adicionales tales como relaciones de precedencia entre tareas o varias estaciones compatibles para una misma tarea. Los métodos propuestos en esta tesis son de naturaleza abierta y ofrecen perspectivas para la combinación de (meta)heurísticas con modelos de programación matemática, tanto para mejorar la solución del AWALBP-L2 como para abordar otros problemas de optimización combinatoria

    Energy Efficient Policies, Scheduling, and Design for Sustainable Manufacturing Systems

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    Climate mitigation, more stringent regulations, rising energy costs, and sustainable manufacturing are pushing researchers to focus on energy efficiency, energy flexibility, and implementation of renewable energy sources in manufacturing systems. This thesis aims to analyze the main works proposed regarding these hot topics, and to fill the gaps in the literature. First, a detailed literature review is proposed. Works regarding energy efficiency in different manufacturing levels, in the assembly line, energy saving policies, and the implementation of renewable energy sources are analyzed. Then, trying to fill the gaps in the literature, different topics are analyzed more in depth. In the single machine context, a mathematical model aiming to align the manufacturing power required to a renewable energy supply in order to obtain the maximum profit is developed. The model is applied to a single work center powered by the electric grid and by a photovoltaic system; afterwards, energy storage is also added to the power system. Analyzing the job shop context, switch off policies implementing workload approach and scheduling considering variable speed of the machines and power constraints are proposed. The direct and indirect workloads of the machines are considered to support the switch on/off decisions. A simulation model is developed to test the proposed policies compared to others presented in the literature. Regarding the job shop scheduling, a fixed and variable power constraints are considered, assuming the minimization of the makespan as the objective function. Studying the factory level, a mathematical model to design a flow line considering the possibility of using switch-off policies is developed. The design model for production lines includes a targeted imbalance among the workstations to allow for defined idle time. Finally, the main findings, results, and the future directions and challenges are presented

    Clustering search

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    This paper presents the Clustering Search (CS) as a new hybrid metaheuristic, which works in conjunction with other metaheuristics, managing the implementation of local search algorithms for optimization problems. Usually the local search is costly and should be used only in promising regions of the search space. The CS assists in the discovery of these regions by dividing the search space into clusters. The CS and its applications are reviewed and a case study for a problem of capacitated clustering is presented.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Universidade Federal do MaranhãoUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas EspaciaisUNIFESPSciEL
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