113 research outputs found

    Seeing Red: PPG Biometrics Using Smartphone Cameras

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    In this paper, we propose a system that enables photoplethysmogram (PPG)-based authentication by using a smartphone camera. PPG signals are obtained by recording a video from the camera as users are resting their finger on top of the camera lens. The signals can be extracted based on subtle changes in the video that are due to changes in the light reflection properties of the skin as the blood flows through the finger. We collect a dataset of PPG measurements from a set of 15 users over the course of 6-11 sessions per user using an iPhone X for the measurements. We design an authentication pipeline that leverages the uniqueness of each individual's cardiovascular system, identifying a set of distinctive features from each heartbeat. We conduct a set of experiments to evaluate the recognition performance of the PPG biometric trait, including cross-session scenarios which have been disregarded in previous work. We found that when aggregating sufficient samples for the decision we achieve an EER as low as 8%, but that the performance greatly decreases in the cross-session scenario, with an average EER of 20%.Comment: 8 pages, 15th IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Biometrics 202

    Assessing mental stress from the photoplethysmogram: a numerical study.

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    OBJECTIVE: Mental stress is detrimental to cardiovascular health, being a risk factor for coronary heart disease and a trigger for cardiac events. However, it is not currently routinely assessed. The aim of this study was to identify features of the photoplethysmogram (PPG) pulse wave which are indicative of mental stress. APPROACH: A numerical model of pulse wave propagation was used to simulate blood pressure signals, from which simulated PPG pulse waves were estimated using a transfer function. Pulse waves were simulated at six levels of stress by changing the model input parameters both simultaneously and individually, in accordance with haemodynamic changes associated with stress. Thirty-two feature measurements were extracted from pulse waves at three measurement sites: the brachial, radial and temporal arteries. Features which changed significantly with stress were identified using the Mann-Kendall monotonic trend test. MAIN RESULTS: Seventeen features exhibited significant trends with stress in measurements from at least one site. Three features showed significant trends at all three sites: the time from pulse onset to peak, the time from the dicrotic notch to pulse end, and the pulse rate. More features showed significant trends at the radial artery (15) than the brachial (8) or temporal (7) arteries. Most features were influenced by multiple input parameters. SIGNIFICANCE: The features identified in this study could be used to monitor stress in healthcare and consumer devices. Measurements at the radial artery may provide superior performance than the brachial or temporal arteries. In vivo studies are required to confirm these observations

    Acceleration plethysmogram based biometric identification

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    This paper presents the feasibility study of Acceleration Plethysmogram (APG) based biometric identification system. APG signals are obtained from the second derivative of the Photoplethysmogram (PPG) signal. It has been reported from previous literature that APG signals contain more information as compared to the PPG signal. Thus, in this paper, the robustness and reliability of APG signal as a biometric recognition mechanism will be proven. APG signals of 10 subjects were acquired from the Multiparameter Intelligent Monitoring in Intensive Care II Waveform Database (MIMIC2WDB) which contains PPG signals with a sampling frequency of 125 Hz. The signals were later converted into an APG waveform. Then, discriminating features are extracted from the APG morphology. Finally, these APG samples were classified using commonly known classification techniques to identify individuals. Based on the experimentation results, APG signal when using Bayes Network gives an identification rate of 97.5 percentage as compared to PPG signal of 55 percentage for the same waveform. This outcome suggests the feasibility and robustness of APG signals as a biometric modality as compared to PPG signals

    Wrist Photoplethysmography Signal Quality Assessment for Reliable Heart Rate Estimate and Morphological Analysis

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    Photoplethysmographic (PPG) signals are mainly employed for heart rate estimation but are also fascinating candidates in the search for cardiovascular biomarkers. However, their high susceptibility to motion artifacts can lower their morphological quality and, hence, affect the reliability of the extracted information. Low reliability is particularly relevant when signals are recorded in a real-world context, during daily life activities. We aim to develop two classifiers to identify PPG pulses suitable for heart rate estimation (Basic-quality classifier) and morphological analysis (High-quality classifier). We collected wrist PPG data from 31 participants over a 24 h period. We defined four activity ranges based on accelerometer data and randomly selected an equal number of PPG pulses from each range to train and test the classifiers. Independent raters labeled the pulses into three quality levels. Nineteen features, including nine novel features, were extracted from PPG pulses and accelerometer signals. We conducted ten-fold cross-validation on the training set (70%) to optimize hyperparameters of five machine learning algorithms and a neural network, and the remaining 30% was used to test the algorithms. Performances were evaluated using the full features and a reduced set, obtained downstream of feature selection methods. Best performances for both Basic- and High-quality classifiers were achieved using a Support Vector Machine (Acc: 0.96 and 0.97, respectively). Both classifiers outperformed comparable state-of-the-art classifiers. Implementing automatic signal quality assessment methods is essential to improve the reliability of PPG parameters and broaden their applicability in a real-world context

    Peak Detection and HRV Feature Evaluation on ECG and PPG Signals

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Heart Rate Variability (HRV) evaluates the autonomic nervous system regulation and can be used as a monitoring tool in conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, neuropathies and sleep staging. It can be extracted from the electrocardiogram (ECG) and the photoplethysmogram (PPG) signals. Typically, the HRV is obtained from the ECG processing. Being the PPG sensor widely used in clinical setups for physiological parameters monitoring such as blood oxygenation and ventilatory rate, the question arises regarding the PPG adequacy for HRV extraction. There is not a consensus regarding the PPG being able to replace the ECG in the HRV estimation. This work aims to be a contribution to this research area by comparing the HRV estimation obtained from simultaneously acquired ECG and PPG signals from forty subjects. A peak detection method is herein introduced based on the Hilbert transform: Hilbert Double Envelope Method (HDEM). Two other peak detector methods were also evaluated: Pan-Tompkins and Wavelet-based. HRV parameters for time, frequency and the non-linear domain were calculated for each algorithm and the Pearson correlation, T-test and RMSE were evaluated. The HDEM algorithm showed the best overall results with a sensitivity of 99.07% and 99.45% for the ECG and the PPG signals, respectively. For this algorithm, a high correlation and no significant differences were found between HRV features and the gold standard, for the ECG and PPG signals. The results show that the PPG is a suitable alternative to the ECG for HRV feature extraction.publishersversionpublishe

    Transcending conventional biometry frontiers: Diffusive Dynamics PPG Biometry

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    In the first half of the 20th century, a first pulse oximeter was available to measure blood flow changes in the peripheral vascular net. However, it was not until recent times the PhotoPlethysmoGraphic (PPG) signal used to monitor many physiological parameters in clinical environments. Over the last decade, its use has extended to the area of biometrics, with different methods that allow the extraction of characteristic features of each individual from the PPG signal morphology, highly varying with time and the physical states of the subject. In this paper, we present a novel PPG-based biometric authentication system based on convolutional neural networks. Contrary to previous approaches, our method extracts the PPG signal's biometric characteristics from its diffusive dynamics, characterized by geometric patterns image in the (p, q)-planes specific to the 0-1 test. The diffusive dynamics of the PPG signal are strongly dependent on the vascular bed's biostructure, which is unique to each individual, and highly stable over time and other psychosomatic conditions. Besides its robustness, our biometric method is anti-spoofing, given the convoluted nature of the blood network. Our biometric authentication system reaches very low Equal Error Rates (ERRs) with a single attempt, making it possible, by the very nature of the envisaged solution, to implement it in miniature components easily integrated into wearable biometric systems.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, 4 table

    A Survey of PPG's Application in Authentication

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    Biometric authentication prospered because of its convenient use and security. Early generations of biometric mechanisms suffer from spoofing attacks. Recently, unobservable physiological signals (e.g., Electroencephalogram, Photoplethysmogram, Electrocardiogram) as biometrics offer a potential remedy to this problem. In particular, Photoplethysmogram (PPG) measures the change in blood flow of the human body by an optical method. Clinically, researchers commonly use PPG signals to obtain patients' blood oxygen saturation, heart rate, and other information to assist in diagnosing heart-related diseases. Since PPG signals contain a wealth of individual cardiac information, researchers have begun to explore their potential in cyber security applications. The unique advantages (simple acquisition, difficult to steal, and live detection) of the PPG signal allow it to improve the security and usability of the authentication in various aspects. However, the research on PPG-based authentication is still in its infancy. The lack of systematization hinders new research in this field. We conduct a comprehensive study of PPG-based authentication and discuss these applications' limitations before pointing out future research directions.Comment: Accepted by Computer & Security (COSE

    CardioCam: Leveraging Camera on Mobile Devices to Verify Users While Their Heart is Pumping

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    With the increasing prevalence of mobile and IoT devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets, smart-home appliances), massive private and sensitive information are stored on these devices. To prevent unauthorized access on these devices, existing user verification solutions either rely on the complexity of user-defined secrets (e.g., password) or resort to specialized biometric sensors (e.g., fingerprint reader), but the users may still suffer from various attacks, such as password theft, shoulder surfing, smudge, and forged biometrics attacks. In this paper, we propose, CardioCam, a low-cost, general, hard-to-forge user verification system leveraging the unique cardiac biometrics extracted from the readily available built-in cameras in mobile and IoT devices. We demonstrate that the unique cardiac features can be extracted from the cardiac motion patterns in fingertips, by pressing on the built-in camera. To mitigate the impacts of various ambient lighting conditions and human movements under practical scenarios, CardioCam develops a gradient-based technique to optimize the camera configuration, and dynamically selects the most sensitive pixels in a camera frame to extract reliable cardiac motion patterns. Furthermore, the morphological characteristic analysis is deployed to derive user-specific cardiac features, and a feature transformation scheme grounded on Principle Component Analysis (PCA) is developed to enhance the robustness of cardiac biometrics for effective user verification. With the prototyped system, extensive experiments involving 25 subjects are conducted to demonstrate that CardioCam can achieve effective and reliable user verification with over 99% average true positive rate (TPR) while maintaining the false positive rate (FPR) as low as 4%