397 research outputs found

    A comparative study of pose representation and dynamics modelling for online motion quality assessment

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    © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. Quantitative assessment of the quality of motion is increasingly in demand by clinicians in healthcare and rehabilitation monitoring of patients. We study and compare the performances of different pose representations and HMM models of dynamics of movement for online quality assessment of human motion. In a general sense, our assessment framework builds a model of normal human motion from skeleton-based samples of healthy individuals. It encapsulates the dynamics of human body pose using robust manifold representation and a first-order Markovian assumption. We then assess deviations from it via a continuous online measure. We compare different feature representations, reduced dimensionality spaces, and HMM models on motions typically tested in clinical settings, such as gait on stairs and flat surfaces, and transitions between sitting and standing. Our dataset is manually labelled by a qualified physiotherapist. The continuous-state HMM, combined with pose representation based on body-joints' location, outperforms standard discrete-state HMM approaches and other skeleton-based features in detecting gait abnormalities, as well as assessing deviations from the motion model on a frame-by-frame basis

    Efficient duration and hierarchical modeling for human activity recognition

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    A challenge in building pervasive and smart spaces is to learn and recognize human activities of daily living (ADLs). In this paper, we address this problem and argue that in dealing with ADLs, it is beneficial to exploit both their typical duration patterns and inherent hierarchical structures. We exploit efficient duration modeling using the novel Coxian distribution to form the Coxian hidden semi-Markov model (CxHSMM) and apply it to the problem of learning and recognizing ADLs with complex temporal dependencies.The Coxian duration model has several advantages over existing duration parameterization using multinomial or exponential family distributions, including its denseness in the space of non negative distributions, low number of parameters, computational efficiency and the existence of closed-form estimation solutions. Further we combine both hierarchical and duration extensions of the hidden Markov model (HMM) to form the novel switching hidden semi-Markov model (SHSMM), and empirically compare its performance with existing models. The model can learn what an occupant normally does during the day from unsegmented training data and then perform online activity classification, segmentation and abnormality detection. Experimental results show that Coxian modeling outperforms a range of baseline models for the task of activity segmentation. We also achieve arecognition accuracy competitive to the current state-of-the-art multinomial duration model, while gaining a significant reduction in computation. Furthermore, cross-validation model selection on the number of phases K in the Coxian indicates that only a small Kis required to achieve the optimal performance. Finally, our models are further tested in a more challenging setting in which the tracking is often lost and the activities considerably overlap. With a small amount of labels supplied during training in a partially supervised learning mode, our models are again able to deliver reliable performance, again with a small number of phases, making our proposed framework an attractive choice for activity modeling

    Efficient duration modelling in the hierarchical hidden semi-Markov models and their applications

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    Modeling patterns in temporal data has arisen as an important problem in engineering and science. This has led to the popularity of several dynamic models, in particular the renowned hidden Markov model (HMM) [Rabiner, 1989]. Despite its widespread success in many cases, the standard HMM often fails to model more complex data whose elements are correlated hierarchically or over a long period. Such problems are, however, frequently encountered in practice. Existing efforts to overcome this weakness often address either one of these two aspects separately, mainly due to computational intractability. Motivated by this modeling challenge in many real world problems, in particular, for video surveillance and segmentation, this thesis aims to develop tractable probabilistic models that can jointly model duration and hierarchical information in a unified framework. We believe that jointly exploiting statistical strength from both properties will lead to more accurate and robust models for the needed task. To tackle the modeling aspect, we base our work on an intersection between dynamic graphical models and statistics of lifetime modeling. Realizing that the key bottleneck found in the existing works lies in the choice of the distribution for a state, we have successfully integrated the discrete Coxian distribution [Cox, 1955], a special class of phase-type distributions, into the HMM to form a novel and powerful stochastic model termed as the Coxian Hidden Semi-Markov Model (CxHSMM). We show that this model can still be expressed as a dynamic Bayesian network, and inference and learning can be derived analytically.Most importantly, it has four superior features over existing semi-Markov modelling: the parameter space is compact, computation is fast (almost the same as the HMM), close-formed estimation can be derived, and the Coxian is flexible enough to approximate a large class of distributions. Next, we exploit hierarchical decomposition in the data by borrowing analogy from the hierarchical hidden Markov model in [Fine et al., 1998, Bui et al., 2004] and introduce a new type of shallow structured graphical model that combines both duration and hierarchical modelling into a unified framework, termed the Coxian Switching Hidden Semi-Markov Models (CxSHSMM). The top layer is a Markov sequence of switching variables, while the bottom layer is a sequence of concatenated CxHSMMs whose parameters are determined by the switching variable at the top. Again, we provide a thorough analysis along with inference and learning machinery. We also show that semi-Markov models with arbitrary depth structure can easily be developed. In all cases we further address two practical issues: missing observations to unstable tracking and the use of partially labelled data to improve training accuracy. Motivated by real-world problems, our application contribution is a framework to recognize complex activities of daily livings (ADLs) and detect anomalies to provide better intelligent caring services for the elderly.Coarser activities with self duration distributions are represented using the CxHSMM. Complex activities are made of a sequence of coarser activities and represented at the top level in the CxSHSMM. Intensive experiments are conducted to evaluate our solutions against existing methods. In many cases, the superiority of the joint modeling and the Coxian parameterization over traditional methods is confirmed. The robustness of our proposed models is further demonstrated in a series of more challenging experiments, in which the tracking is often lost and activities considerably overlap. Our final contribution is an application of the switching Coxian model to segment education-oriented videos into coherent topical units. Our results again demonstrate such segmentation processes can benefit greatly from the joint modeling of duration and hierarchy

    Detecting insider threat within institutions using CERT dataset and different ML techniques

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    The reason of countries development in industrial and commercial enterprises fields in those countries. The security of a particular country depends on its security institutions, the confidentiality of its employees, their information, the target's information, and information about the forensic evidence for those targets. One of the most important and critical problems in such institutions is the problem of discovering an insider threat that causes loss, damage, or theft the information to hostile or competing parties. This threat is represented by a person who represents one of the employees of the institution, the goal of that person is to steal information or destroy it for the benefit of another institution's desires. The difficulty in detecting this type of threat is due to the difficulty of analyzing the behavior of people within the organization according to their physiological characteristics. In this research, CERT dataset that produced by the University of Carnegie Mellon University has been used in this investigation to detect insider threat. The dataset has been preprocessed. Five effective features were selected to apply three ML techniques Random Forest, Naïve Bayes, and 1 Nearest Neighbor. The results obtained and listed sequentially as 89.75917519%, 91.96650826%, and 94.68205476% with an error rate of 10.24082481%, 8.03349174%, and 5.317945236%
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