73 research outputs found

    How to Gamify? A Method For Designing Gamification

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    During recent years, gamification has become a popular method of enriching information technologies. Popular business analysts have made promising predictions about penetration of gamification, however, it has also been estimated that most gamification efforts will fail due to poor understanding of how gamification should be designed and implemented. Therefore, in this paper we seek to advance the understanding of best practices related to the gamification design process. We approach this research problem via a design science research approach; firstly, by synthesizing the current body of literature on gamification design methods and interviewing 25 gamification experts. Secondly, we develop a method for gamification design, based on the gathered knowledge. Finally, we conduct an evaluation of the method via interviews of 10 gamification experts. The results indicate that the developed method is comprehensive, complete and provides practical utility. We deliver a comprehensive overview of gamification guidelines and shed novel insights into the overall nature of the gamification development and design discourse

    Pelillistetyn ilmastopalvelusovelluksen konseptointi namibialaisille nuorille maanviljelyn tueksi

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    Ilmastonmuutos tulee vaikeuttamaan maanviljelyä ja muita maataloussektorin toimia Afrikassa kasvavissa määrin tulevaisuudessa. Jo nyt kuivuus, sään ääri-ilmiöt ja niistä johtuva ruoantuotannon vähyys vaivaa isoa osaa Saharan eteläpuolista Afrikkaa. Pienviljelijöiden koulutuksen ja heille kohdistettujen ilmastopalveluiden avulla on kuitenkin mahdollisuus parantaa yleistä elintarviketurvaa, kuten myös maaseudun ihmisten elintasoa. Yhdeksi potentiaaliseksi ratkaisuksi koulutuksen ja ilmastopalveluiden levitykseen Namibian maaseudun pienviljelijöille on kaavailtu älylaitteilla toimivaa pelillistettyä sovellusta, eli sovellusta joka hyödyntää viihdepeleistä tuttuja elementtejä kasvattaakseen käyttäjien kiinnostusta ja motivaatiota ratkaisua kohtaan. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisen sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Aineistoa kerättiin käyttäjälähtöisesti kolmen työpajan kautta, joihin osallistui yhteensä 25 nuorta Namibiasta. Lisäksi kerättiin aineistoa aiemman tutkimuksen pohjalta, niin ilmastopalveluiden hyödyntämisestä Afrikan pienviljelijöiden mahdollisuuksien parantajana, kuin pelillistämisen keinoista ja pelillistämisen suunnittelun viitekehyksistä. Tutkimuksen aikana selvitettiin minkälainen kohderyhmän edustaja, eli nuori namibialainen maanviljelijä on sekä minkälaiset pelillistämiskeinot toimivat juuri tälle kohderyhmän edustajalle. Näiden tietojen avulla heille konseptoitiin ensimmäinen versio pelillistetystä ilmastopalvelusovelluksesta, jonka tarkoituksena on tukea maanviljelijöitä heidän työssään. Tutkimuksen perusteella kohderyhmän edustajaksi profiloitui kehittymishaluinen, luontoa arvostava, luova, yhteisöllinen ja parempaan tulevaisuuteen uskova nuori mies. Pelaajatyyppinä hän on utelias ja luova oppija, hyvin kehittymishaluinen sekä sitoutuva. Kyseisen kohderyhmän edustajaa varten kannattaa sovelluksesta pelillistää opetusosio, harjoitteluosio, sosiaaliset kontaktit sisältävä osio sekä palkintonäkymä. Näiden osioiden pelillistämisellä saadaan sitoutettua käyttäjää niin maanviljelyyn kuin sovelluksenkin käyttöön sekä kannustettua jatkamaan tekemistä, joka vie häntä ammatillisesti toivottuun suuntaan. Sovelluksen käytön säännöllisyys ja toistuvuus taas parantavat oppimista ja sovelluksen tarjoamien mahdollisuuksien hyödyntämistä

    Gamethinking: a roadmap to a Design Thinking-based model for Game Development education

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    O mindset, comportamento e postura de alunos de licenciatura em desenvolvimento de videojogos integrados em sistemas de aprendizagem baseados em projecto têm-se revelado uma barreira à criatividade das suas propostas de projects, mais especificamente no que diz respeito a processos criativos. Ao passo que a utilização sistemática do Design Thinking (DT) ao longo do currículo escolar certamente melhoraria a situação. Uma abordagem diferente é claramente necessária, muito provavelmente uma que combine DT com gamificação, e que faça uma utilização apropriada da aprendizagem baseada em projeto (PBL) com os métodos ágeis. De forma a refinar e clarificar a nossa contribuição na conjunção destas perspetivas, conduzimos uma revisão da literatura inicial que validou os nossos objetivos. Complementarmente, também definimos um roadmap para transformar tais intenções em acções práticas para a criação de um novo modelo de desenvolvimento de videojogos baseado nos princípios do DT. Toda a definição é baseada na metodologia IDEAS(R)EVOLUTION, a qual provê uma estrutura para toda a investigação no longo prazo. Palavras-chave: design Thinking; aprendizagem baseada em projeto; agile; gamificaçã

    Effective Integration of Gamification and Learning Management Systems for Creating Gamified Learning Arrangements

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    [EN] This paper describes ongoing research concerning the effective development of gamified learning arrangements. It shows the necessity for more standardization of the design of such arrangements and reveals potential ways in order to support this need with the use of a domain-specific modeling language. The latter is used by lecturers for designing and exchanging models of gamified learning arrangements and provides the possibility to automatically generate a working learning management system using a language specific generator. The generated learning management system can directly be used by learners and furthermore allows to track the individual learning process for both learners and lecturers.Bartel, A.; Hagel, G.; Wolff, C. (2017). Effective Integration of Gamification and Learning Management Systems for Creating Gamified Learning Arrangements. En Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 679-686. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD17.2017.5349OCS67968

    The Service Transformation Game:Snakes and Ladders to Advanced Services

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    This paper presents a game that engages players with the transformation processes involved in servitization. We have developed a workshop activity using this game for senior executives from large enterprises and SMEs, which encourages participants to explore transformation processes. The activity employs a board game reminiscent of Snakes and Ladders. Transformation steps are assigned to the squares on the board, and enablers and inhibitors are associated with ladders and snakes respectively. The game encourages reflective learning by asking players to assign their own perceived barriers and enablers to the snakes and ladders, based upon their own experiences


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    The gamification usually refers to the utilization of game design principles and game mechanisms in non-game contexts in order to drive a specific desired behavior. This concept has relatively recently sparked both academic and professional interest. In the last ten-odd years, gamification principles has been used successfully in many fields and lines of work: education and e-learning, human-computer interaction, information studies, health, psychology, consumer behavior, tourism and many others. In a broader sense of the concept, gamified ideas have been in use for decades despite the fact that the terminology is of a more recent date. In theory, primary gamification goals align with the goals of fundamental marketing philosophy. Its utilization has also become popular in the internet information space and platforms related to digital marketing for various goals, especially for increasing user engagement. The aim of this paper is to explore conducted research and studies of gamification concept applied in the wider context of digital marketing. The research overview illustrates the main areas of gamification utilization and its use efficiency in various settings and scenarios. In addition, the paper aims to provide a foundation for comprehensive future research activities. The implications of these findings are valuable as the explored gamification mechanisms have virtually limitless fields of application but are still unjustifiably and insufficiently researched


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    The gamification usually refers to the utilization of game design principles and game mechanisms in non-game contexts in order to drive a specific desired behavior. This concept has relatively recently sparked both academic and professional interest. In the last ten-odd years, gamification principles has been used successfully in many fields and lines of work: education and e-learning, human-computer interaction, information studies, health, psychology, consumer behavior, tourism and many others. In a broader sense of the concept, gamified ideas have been in use for decades despite the fact that the terminology is of a more recent date. In theory, primary gamification goals align with the goals of fundamental marketing philosophy. Its utilization has also become popular in the internet information space and platforms related to digital marketing for various goals, especially for increasing user engagement. The aim of this paper is to explore conducted research and studies of gamification concept applied in the wider context of digital marketing. The research overview illustrates the main areas of gamification utilization and its use efficiency in various settings and scenarios. In addition, the paper aims to provide a foundation for comprehensive future research activities. The implications of these findings are valuable as the explored gamification mechanisms have virtually limitless fields of application but are still unjustifiably and insufficiently researched

    Design Mobile App for Increase the Visitor Museum using Gamification Method

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    The museum's tourism object currently has a low visitor level compared to other tourism objects, even though the museum's function is very important as an enhancer of people's cultural knowledge. Judging from the small level of visitors, it cannot be separated from the effects of the promotion carried out by the museum. From the surveys that have been conducted, museum promotion uses social media more directly to the public, banners, radio, television, blogs and internet social media. In this study, an application that serves to promote museums using gamification methods was designed, this method was chosen because of the many existing promotional techniques, there is still little promotion using game content, therefore the gamification method is expected to encourage the motivation of users to visit the museum. This application will provide convenience to the museum management to promote the museum with media game content without having to spend large development and maintenance costs