10 research outputs found

    How Can Information Systems Strengthen Virtual Communities? Perspective of Media Richness Theory

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    Media richness was known as important in designing information and communication technologies (ICTs). However, no studies have examined how the four aspects of media richness could help fuel users’ commitment to virtual communities, indicating a gap. Hence, we use media richness theory and initiate to use its key elements (i.e., message certainty and message unequivocality) to construct a research framework. We collected 1,971 responses from virtual communities in online games and used structural equation modeling for testing the hypotheses. We found that immediate feedback and personal focus are positively related to message certainty and message unequivocality that are further positively related to network convergence and interdependence, thus contributing to commitment to virtual communities. This study is the first formally incorporating and testing the key elements of media richness, i.e., message certainty and message unequivocality, and examining how media richness of information systems could fuel users’ commitment to virtual communities

    The Effect of the Perceived Information Richness Features of Portal on its Usage Rate and loyalty with the Mediating Role of Satisfaction

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    Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the effect of perceived information richness of the National Iranian South Oil Company portal on its users’ usage rate and loyalty with the mediating role of satisfaction.Design/Methodology/Approach: Applied research was conducted usinga causal-correlation survey approach. As a research sample 378 peoplewas selected from 25000 users of by simple random sampling and complete the researcher-made questionnaire with face-validity and reliability (α = 0.83).Results/Discussion: The results showed that satisfaction (mean=3.179),loyalty (mean = 3.467), and different information richness featuressuch as transparency (mean = 3.769), timeliness (mean = 3.78), interactivity (mean = 3.234), quick feedback (mean = 3.231), quality(mean = 3.936) and accessibility (3.662) are above average and relativelyfavorable.Conclusions: The results showed that among the features of the portal’srichness of information, the quality, interactivity, accessibility, and timeliness affect the usage rate of the portal and their loyalty mediated bysatisfactionOriginality/Value: Users’ loyalty and use of web portals is one of thefactors affecting their viability. Therefore, it is necessary to consider thefactors affecting them. In this study, information richness features are considered as effective factors

    “This Will Blow Your Mind” : examining the urge to click clickbaits

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    Integrating the uses and gratifications (U&G) theory, the notion of information richness, and personal epistemology framework, the purpose of this research is to propose and empirically validate a framework which specifies Internet users’ urge to click clickbaits. The hypotheses in the proposed framework were tested using a between-participants experimental design (N=204) that manipulated information richness (text-only vs. thumbnail clickbaits). Curiosity, perceived enjoyment, and surveillance were significant predictors of the urge to click. In terms of information richness, the urge to click was higher for thumbnail vis-a-vis text-only clickbaits. Internet-related epistemic beliefs moderated the relation between the gratification of passing time and the urge to click. This paper represents one of the earliest attempts to investigate Internet users’ urge to click clickbaits. Apart from extending the boundary conditions of the U&G theory, it integrates two other theoretical lenses, namely, the notion of information richness, and personal epistemology framework, to develop and empirically validate a theoretical framework

    E-loyalty formation : a cross-cultural comparison of Spain and Colombia

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    This article’s objective is to explore the differences between online shopping behavior in two different markets by explaining the attitudinal and behavioral loyalty of consumers. The proposed model identifies the antecedents of loyalty, as analyzed from different aspects. The model is tested by personal interview surveys of 585 online shoppers in Colombia and Spain. The results indicate that nationality moderates different aspects of the loyalty formation process. In the case of Colombian consumers, affective elements are key determinants of their loyalty attitude, whereas for Spanish online shoppers, attitudinal loyalty is determined primarily by perceived enjoyment in the shopping process, highlighting the importance of hedonic factors in the shopping experience. A significant difference was also found in the satisfaction-attitudinal loyalty relationship between the samples, which tests positively in Colombia but has no significant effect in Spain. Thus, it is proposed that with more experienced consumers, there is greater demand for hedonic elements and less demand for affective elements. The article presents the primary elements for generating attitudinal loyalty among online consumers in an emerging country and finds substantial differences to consumers in a developed country. Suggestions are made for companies that want to adopt an online presence.https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6594-5940https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5758-0806https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2865-1748https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57202849705https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=26430896600https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=3573908800

    El impacto del marketing experiencial sobre la lealtad y satisfacción del consumidor en el sector gastronómico.

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    El objetivo de este documento es indagar cómo el marketing experiencial impacta la satisfacción y la lealtad del consumidor y cuáles son las consecuencias de esto en el sector gastronómico. El modelo propuesto establece el origen y los precedentes de las variables del marketing experiencial, la satisfacción y la lealtad del consumidor. Igualmente, se plasma un análisis detallado y amplio de cada una de estas, teniendo en cuenta diferentes perspectivas. La metodología que se expone es cuantitativa de corte transversal, utilizando una muestra de 412 personas que han visitado en los últimos seis meses un establecimiento perteneciente al sector gastronómico. Así mismo, el estudio espera dar a conocer los factores notables que deben tener en cuenta las marcas pertenecientes al sector gastronómico para realizar experiencias de marketing que tengan un impacto sobre la lealtad y la satisfacción de los consumidores con un mayor éxito.Resumen ; Introducción ; Objetivo general ; Objetivos específicos ; 1. Revisión de literatura ; Marketing experiencial ; Lealtad del consumidor ; Satisfacción del consumidor ; 2. Metodología ; Modelo de investigación ; Relación entre marketing experiencial y lealtad del consumidor ; Relación entre marketing experiencial y satisfacción del consumidor ; Diseño de la metodología ; 3. Resultados ; Características demográficas de la muestra cuantitativa ; Estadística descriptiva de investigación cuantitativa ; Contrastación de hipótesis Análisis de regresiones lineales- ANOVA ; 4. Conclusiones.Administrador de EmpresasPregrad

    Increasing Engagement With Student Government Associations: An Examination Of Student Publics

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    Student Government Associations (SGAs) are campus organizations comprised of student leaders which advocate on behalf of the student population. Participation in SGAs have proven academic, professional, and social benefits, yet the engagement in the organization has declined. This study employs Daft and Lengel’s (1986) Media Richness Theory to examine if different media affect the composition of student publics. These publics are defined using Grunig’s (1979) Situational Theory of Publics (STP). Additionally, the impact of self-efficacy, response efficacy, and perceptions of social norms on the variables in STP is also examined

    Leadership Strategies for Improving Employee Retention in the Fast Food Industry

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    The turnover of skilled employees in the fast food industry results in significant yearly financial losses to organizations across the United States. Applying the findings in this study may help business leaders improve best practices in fast food industries in order to minimize employee turnover. Grounded in the expectancy motivation theory, the purpose of this qualitative single case study was to explore strategies 5 transformational business leaders in southern Mississippi used to improve employee retention in a fast food restaurant. Data collection included semistructured face-to-face interviews and an assessment of the company’s documents (e.g., employee handbook, training manual, and vision and mission statements). Using Yin’s 5 steps of analysis led to three central themes: communication, positive reinforcement, and training. A key recommendation for business leaders in the fast food industry is to cultivate a work setting that fosters open communication. The implications for positive social change include increasing business leaders’ understanding of retention strategies, which could enhance the overall success of their organization and stabilize the local community by reducing unemployment rates

    Factores del marketing relacional que generan lealtad en las comunidades de redes sociales de bandas limeñas de rock alternativo

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    Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo principal describir los factores del marketing relacional que inciden en la lealtad de las comunidades de redes sociales de las bandas limeñas de rock alternativo. Es por ello que el presente trabajo se ha apoyado en información académica de fuentes secundarias y en información extraída de fuentes primarias conformadas por entrevistas realizadas a expertos del sector musical. El marco teórico de la presente investigación buscó explicar las diversas definiciones, características, beneficios y clasificaciones tanto del marketing relacional como de la lealtad, esto se elaboró con el fin de identificar aquellas clasificaciones y características que inciden en mayor grado en la relación de las comunidades de redes sociales y las bandas limeñas de rock alternativo. A través de ello, se pudo describir los factores del marketing relacional que inciden en la generación de lealtad de los consumidores. Por otro lado, el marco contextual facilitó la descripción y comprensión del sector musical peruano, los factores contextuales, sus principales dinámicas y la manera en la que interactúan los oyentes con las distintas bandas, además de la creación de perfiles organizacionales de bandas musicales de rock alternativo que permitan comprender mejor la presencia de estos factores en la ejecución de sus acciones de marketing y en la posterior generación de lealtad en sus comunidades respectivas. Lo anteriormente expuesto sirvió para elaborar una matriz explícita de análisis que constituye un aporte importante para un mejor entendimiento de la presencia del marketing relacional en este fenómeno y su incidencia en la generación de lealtad en las bandas de rock alternativo limeñas, para así motivar al desarrollo de estudios sistemáticos futuros sobre el sector musical peruano

    Employee Retention Strategies in the Fast Food Industry

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    AbstractThe annual employee turnover rate in the fast-food industry is 73%, resulting in significant financial losses to the fast-food industry across the United States. The fast-food managers who lack strategies to improve employee retention; risk reduced organizational performance and effectiveness. Grounded in the eight motivational forces of voluntary employee turnover, the purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to identify strategies managers in the fast-food industry used to improve employee retention. The participants were five senior fast-food managers in Baltimore, Maryland, who successfully improved restaurant employee retention. Data were collected through semistructured interviews; and documents (e.g., employee handbook, training manual, and vision and mission statements). Data were analyzed using thematic analysis. Three central themes emerged: communication, organizational support, and training. The recommendation to managers in the fast-food industry is to create a better working environment that encourages effective communication, positive reinforcement, and training. The implications for positive social change include the potential to expand employment opportunities, increase income, and stimulate the economy through increased spending