545 research outputs found

    ToyArchitecture: Unsupervised Learning of Interpretable Models of the World

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    Research in Artificial Intelligence (AI) has focused mostly on two extremes: either on small improvements in narrow AI domains, or on universal theoretical frameworks which are usually uncomputable, incompatible with theories of biological intelligence, or lack practical implementations. The goal of this work is to combine the main advantages of the two: to follow a big picture view, while providing a particular theory and its implementation. In contrast with purely theoretical approaches, the resulting architecture should be usable in realistic settings, but also form the core of a framework containing all the basic mechanisms, into which it should be easier to integrate additional required functionality. In this paper, we present a novel, purposely simple, and interpretable hierarchical architecture which combines multiple different mechanisms into one system: unsupervised learning of a model of the world, learning the influence of one's own actions on the world, model-based reinforcement learning, hierarchical planning and plan execution, and symbolic/sub-symbolic integration in general. The learned model is stored in the form of hierarchical representations with the following properties: 1) they are increasingly more abstract, but can retain details when needed, and 2) they are easy to manipulate in their local and symbolic-like form, thus also allowing one to observe the learning process at each level of abstraction. On all levels of the system, the representation of the data can be interpreted in both a symbolic and a sub-symbolic manner. This enables the architecture to learn efficiently using sub-symbolic methods and to employ symbolic inference.Comment: Revision: changed the pdftitl

    The Mystery of Capital and the Construction of Social Reality

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    John Searle’s The Construction of Social Reality and Hernando de Soto’s The Mystery of Capital shifted the focus of current thought on capital and economic development to the cultural and conceptual ideas that underpin market economies and that are taken for granted in developed nations. This collection of essays assembles 21 philosophers, economists, and political scientists to help readers understand these exciting new theories

    Students And Service Staff Learning And Researching Together On A College Campus

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    Describes the preliminary study of a service learning program at Swarthmore College that paired students and college service staff in learning partnerships and as researchers of the program. Three primary questions were answered: How does service within a college campus count as service learning? How was the program community-shaping as well as personally enriching for students and staff? What place does participatory research have in service learning projects

    Transductive Multi-View Zero-Shot Learning

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    (c) 2012. The copyright of this document resides with its authors. It may be distributed unchanged freely in print or electronic forms

    Automatic Palaeographic Exploration of Genizah Manuscripts

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    The Cairo Genizah is a collection of hand-written documents containing approximately 350,000 fragments of mainly Jewish texts discovered in the late 19th century. The fragments are today spread out in some 75 libraries and private collections worldwide, but there is an ongoing effort to document and catalogue all extant fragments. Palaeographic information plays a key role in the study of the Genizah collection. Script style, and–more specifically–handwriting, can be used to identify fragments that might originate from the same original work. Such matched fragments, commonly referred to as “joins”, are currently identified manually by experts, and presumably only a small fraction of existing joins have been discovered to date. In this work, we show that automatic handwriting matching functions, obtained from non-specific features using a corpus of writing samples, can perform this task quite reliably. In addition, we explore the problem of grouping various Genizah documents by script style, without being provided any prior information about the relevant styles. The automatically obtained grouping agrees, for the most part, with the palaeographic taxonomy. In cases where the method fails, it is due to apparent similarities between related scripts

    On sample efficiency and systematic generalization of grounded language understanding with deep learning

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    En utilisant la méthodologie de l'apprentissage profond qui préconise de s'appuyer davantage sur des données et des modèles neuronaux flexibles plutôt que sur les connaissances de l'expert dans le domaine, la communauté de recherche a récemment réalisé des progrès remarquables dans la compréhension et la génération du langue naturel. Néanmoins, il reste difficile de savoir si une simple extension des méthodes d'apprentissage profond existantes sera suffisante pour atteindre l'objectif d'utiliser le langage naturel pour l'interaction homme-machine. Nous nous concentrons sur deux aspects connexes dans lesquels les méthodes actuelles semblent nécessiter des améliorations majeures. Le premier de ces aspects est l'inefficacité statistique des systèmes d'apprentissage profond: ils sont connus pour nécessiter de grandes quantités de données pour bien fonctionner. Le deuxième aspect est leur capacité limitée à généraliser systématiquement, à savoir à comprendre le langage dans des situations où la distribution des données change mais les principes de syntaxe et de sémantique restent les mêmes. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons quatre études de cas dans lesquelles nous cherchons à apporter plus de clarté concernant l'efficacité statistique susmentionnée et les aspects de généralisation systématique des approches d'apprentissage profond de la compréhension des langues, ainsi qu'à faciliter la poursuite des travaux sur ces sujets. Afin de séparer le problème de la représentation des connaissances du monde réel du problème de l'apprentissage d'une langue, nous menons toutes ces études en utilisant des langages synthétiques ancrés dans des environnements visuels simples. Dans le premier article, nous étudions comment former les agents à suivre des instructions compositionnelles dans des environnements avec une forme de supervision restreinte. À savoir pour chaque instruction et configuration initiale de l'environnement, nous ne fournissons qu'un état cible au lieu d'une trajectoire complète avec des actions à toutes les étapes. Nous adaptons les méthodes d'apprentissage adversariel par imitation à ce paramètre et démontrons qu'une telle forme restreinte de données est suffisante pour apprendre les significations compositionelles des instructions. Notre deuxième article se concentre également sur des agents qui apprennent à exécuter des instructions. Nous développons la plateforme BabyAI pour faciliter des études plus approfondies et plus rigoureuses de ce cadre d'apprentissage. La plateforme fournit une langue BabyAI compositionnelle avec 101910 ^ {19} instructions, dont la sémantique est précisément définie dans un environnement partiellement observable. Nous rapportons des résultats de référence sur la quantité de supervision nécessaire pour enseigner à l'agent certains sous-ensembles de la langue BabyAI avec différentes méthodes de formation, telles que l'apprentissage par renforcement et l'apprentissage par imitation. Dans le troisième article, nous étudions la généralisation systématique des modèles de réponse visuelle aux questions (VQA). Dans le scénario VQA, le système doit répondre aux questions compositionelles sur les images. Nous construisons un ensemble de données de questions spatiales sur les paires d'objets et évaluons la performance des différents modèles sur les questions concernant les paires d'objets qui ne se sont jamais produites dans la même question dans la distribution d'entraînement. Nous montrons que les modèles dans lesquels les significations des mots sont représentés par des modules séparés qui effectuent des calculs indépendants généralisent beaucoup mieux que les modèles dont la conception n'est pas explicitement modulaire. Cependant, les modèles modulaires ne généralisent bien que lorsque les modules sont connectés dans une disposition appropriée, et nos expériences mettent en évidence les défis de l'apprentissage de la disposition par un apprentissage de bout en bout sur la distribution d'entraînement. Dans notre quatrième et dernier article, nous étudions également la généralisation des modèles VQA à des questions en dehors de la distribution d'entraînement, mais cette fois en utilisant le jeu de données CLEVR, utilisé pour les questions complexes sur des scènes rendues en 3D. Nous générons de nouvelles questions de type CLEVR en utilisant des références basées sur la similitude (par exemple `` la balle qui a la même couleur que ... '') dans des contextes qui se produisent dans les questions CLEVR mais uniquement avec des références basées sur la localisation (par exemple `` le balle qui est à gauche de ... ''). Nous analysons la généralisation avec zéro ou quelques exemples de CLOSURE après un entraînement sur CLEVR pour un certain nombre de modèles existants ainsi qu'un nouveau modèle.By using the methodology of deep learning that advocates relying more on data and flexible neural models rather than on the expert's knowledge of the domain, the research community has recently achieved remarkable progress in natural language understanding and generation. Nevertheless, it remains unclear whether simply scaling up existing deep learning methods will be sufficient to achieve the goal of using natural language for human-computer interaction. We focus on two related aspects in which current methods appear to require major improvements. The first such aspect is the data inefficiency of deep learning systems: they are known to require extreme amounts of data to perform well. The second aspect is their limited ability to generalize systematically, namely to understand language in situations when the data distribution changes yet the principles of syntax and semantics remain the same. In this thesis, we present four case studies in which we seek to provide more clarity regarding the aforementioned data efficiency and systematic generalization aspects of deep learning approaches to language understanding, as well as to facilitate further work on these topics. In order to separate the problem of representing open-ended real-world knowledge from the problem of core language learning, we conduct all these studies using synthetic languages that are grounded in simple visual environments. In the first article, we study how to train agents to follow compositional instructions in environments with a restricted form of supervision. Namely for every instruction and initial environment configuration we only provide a goal-state instead of a complete trajectory with actions at all steps. We adapt adversarial imitation learning methods to this setting and demonstrate that such a restricted form of data is sufficient to learn compositional meanings of the instructions. Our second article also focuses on instruction following. We develop the BabyAI platform to facilitate further, more extensive and rigorous studies of this setup. The platform features a compositional Baby language with 101910^{19} instructions, whose semantics is precisely defined in a partially-observable gridworld environment. We report baseline results on how much supervision is required to teach the agent certain subsets of Baby language with different training methods, such as reinforcement learning and imitation learning. In the third article we study systematic generalization of visual question answering (VQA) models. In the VQA setting the system must answer compositional questions about images. We construct a dataset of spatial questions about object pairs and evaluate how well different models perform on questions about pairs of objects that never occured in the same question in the training distribution. We show that models in which word meanings are represented by separate modules that perform independent computation generalize much better than models whose design is not explicitly modular. The modular models, however, generalize well only when the modules are connected in an appropriate layout, and our experiments highlight the challenges of learning the layout by end-to-end learning on the training distribution. In our fourth and final article we also study generalization of VQA models to questions outside of the training distribution, but this time using the popular CLEVR dataset of complex questions about 3D-rendered scenes as the platform. We generate novel CLEVR-like questions by using similarity-based references (e.g. ``the ball that has the same color as ...'') in contexts that occur in CLEVR questions but only with location-based references (e.g. ``the ball that is to the left of ...''). We analyze zero- and few- shot generalization to CLOSURE after training on CLEVR for a number of existing models as well as a novel one

    Syntax with oscillators and energy levels

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    This book presents a new approach to studying the syntax of human language, one which emphasizes how we think about time. Tilsen argues that many current theories are unsatisfactory because those theories conceptualize syntactic patterns with spatially arranged structures of objects. These object-structures are atemporal and do not lend well to reasoning about time. The book develops an alternative conceptual model in which oscillatory systems of various types interact with each other through coupling forces, and in which the relative energies of those systems are organized in particular ways. Tilsen emphasizes that the two primary mechanisms of the approach – oscillators and energy levels – require alternative ways of thinking about time. Furthermore, his theory leads to a new way of thinking about grammaticality and the recursive nature of language. The theory is applied to a variety of syntactic phenomena: word order, phrase structure, morphosyntax, constituency, case systems, ellipsis, anaphora, and islands. The book also presents a general program for the study of language in which the construction of linguistic theories is itself an object of theoretical analysis

    Single case studies are a powerful tool for developing, testing and extending theories

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    Psychology embraces a diverse range of methodologies. However, most rely on averaging group data to draw conclusions. In this Perspective, we argue that single case methodology is a valuable tool for developing and extending psychological theories. We stress the importance of single case and case series research, drawing on classic and contemporary cases in which cognitive and perceptual deficits provide insights into typical cognitive processes in domains such as memory, delusions, reading and face perception. We unpack the key features of single case methodology, describe its strengths, its value in adjudicating between theories, and outline its benefits for a better understanding of deficits and hence more appropriate interventions. The unique insights that single case studies have provided illustrate the value of in-depth investigation within an individual. Single case methodology has an important place in the psychologist’s toolkit and it should be valued as a primary research tool

    Doing sonic urban ethnography: voices from Shanghai, Berlin and London

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    Matters of sound and listening are increasingly being attended to across the social sciences and humanities, reflecting what has been termed a ‘sonic turn’ since the early 2000s. In urban ethnographic research, scholars are starting to pay attention to the role of sound in social relations, in expressions of identity and senses of belonging, as well as in processes of othering. In this paper, we explore the theoretical and methodological opportunities of sonic urban ethnography, that is, an urban ethnography that foregrounds sound and listening in theoretical and methodological ways. We argue that the promise of sonic urban ethnography lies in its ability to interrupt the predominant focus on text and the visual by developing expanded practices of listening for alternative ways of knowing and engaging with the urban. We share four empirical vignettes from Shanghai, Berlin and London that illustrate, in their different ways, the power exercised through sound in the urban environment. Our discussion of the empirical cases highlights three key ‘lessons’ for doing sonic urban ethnography

    The Strategic Influence of Learning and Spatial Intelligence on the Mathematic Study of Discrete Students in the Informatical Technical Studies Program

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     Students' learning outcomes do not correspond to expected skill levels. This is because, in the learning process, teachers still dominate, using lectures or traditional approaches to influence student learning results. This study aims to investigate the influence of learning strategies and spatial intelligence on discreet mathematical learning outcomes.  The Experimental Method is used in this investigation, with the Treatment by Level 2 x 2 design treatment plan. Results of research using the ANAVA Two-Way Test, where there is a treatment variable, the Instructional Strategy (A), which consists of two class groups, namely the class group that is treated with the Inquiry Instructional Strategies (A1) and the control class group which is the Conventional Instructional Strategies (A2). There is a moderator variable, namely Spatial Intelligence (B), which consists of a group of High Space Intelligence (B1) and a low spatial intelligence group (B2). The findings of this study revealed that discrete mathematical learning outcomes of students studying with inquiry instructional strategies were higher than discrete mathematical learning outcomes of students studying with conventional instructional strategies, that there was no influence of interaction between instructional strategy with spatial intelligence on discrete maths learning output, and that there were significant differences between discrete mathematic learning outputs of students with inquiry instructional strategies and students with conventional instructional strategies