62 research outputs found

    Äärelliset tilamallit lukupuheen tunnistamisessa ja tarkastamisessa

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    An automatic speech recognition system has to combine acoustic and linguistic information. Therefore the search space spans multiple layers. Finite state models and weighted finite state transducers in particular can efficiently represent this search space by modeling each layer as a transducer and combining them using generic weighted finite state transducer algorithms. When recognising a text prompt being read aloud, the prompt gives a good estimate of what is going to be said. However human reading naturally produces some deviations from the text, called miscues. The purpose of this thesis is to create a system which accurately recognises recordings of reading. A miscue tolerant finite state language model is implemented and compared against two traditional approaches, an N-gram model and forced alignment. The recognition result will ultimately be used to validate the recording as fit for further automatic processing in a spoken foreign language exam, which Project DigiTala is designing for the Finnish matriculation examination. The computerization of the matriculation examination in Finland makes the use of such automatic tools possible. This thesis first introduces the context for the task of recognising and validating reading. Then it explores three methodologies needed to solve the task: automatic speech recognition, finite state models, and the modeling of reading. Next it recounts the implementation of the miscue tolerant finite state language models and the two baseline methods. After that it describes experiments which show that the miscue tolerant finite state language models solve the task of this thesis significantly better than the baseline methods. Finally the thesis concludes with a discussion of the results and future work.Automaattinen puheentunnistusjärjestelmä yhdistää akustista ja kielellistä tietoa, joten sen hakuavaruus on monitasoinen. Tämän hakuavaruuden voi esittää tehokkaasti äärellisillä tilamalleilla. Erityisesti painotetut äärelliset tilamuuttajat voivat esittää jokaista hakuavaruuden tasoa ja nämä muuttajat voidaan yhdistää yleisillä muuttaja-algoritmeilla. Kun tunnistetaan ääneen lukemista syötteestä, syöte rajaa hakuavaruutta hyvin. Ihmiset kuitenkin poikkeavat tekstistä hieman. Kutsun näitä lukupoikkeamiksi, koska ne ovat luonnollinen osa taitavaakin lukemista, eivätkä siis suoranaisesti lukuvirheitä. Tämän diplomityön tavoite on luoda järjestelmä, joka tunnistaa lukupuheäänitteitä tarkasti. Tätä varten toteutetaan lukupoikkeamia sietävä äärellisen tilan kielimalli, jota verrataan kahteen perinteiseen menetelmään, N-gram malleihin ja pakotettuun kohdistukseen. Lukupuheen tunnistustulosta käytetään, kun tarkastetaan, sopiiko äänite seuraaviin automaattisiin käsittelyvaiheisiin puhutussa vieraan kielen kokeessa. DigiTalaprojekti muotoilee puhuttua osiota vieraan kielen ylioppilaskokeisiin. Ylioppilaskokeiden sähköistäminen mahdollistaa tällaisten automaattisten menetelmien käytön. Kokeet sekä englanninkielisellä simuloidulla aineistolla että ruotsinkielisellä tosimaailman aineistolla osoittavat, että lukupoikkeamia sietävä äärellisen tilan kielimalli ratkaisee diplomityön ongelmanasettelun. Vaikealla tosimaailman aineistolla saadaan 3.77 ± 0.47 prosentuaalinen sanavirhemäärä

    Lexical Disambiguation of Igbo using Diacritic Restoration

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    Properly written texts in Igbo, a low resource African language, are rich in both orthographic and tonal diacritics. Diacritics are essential in capturing the distinctions in pronunciation and meaning of words, as well as in lexical disambiguation. Unfortunately, most electronic texts in diacritic languages are written without diacritics. This makes diacritic restoration a necessary step in corpus building and language processing tasks for languages with diacritics. In our previous work, we built some n−gram models with simple smoothing techniques based on a closedworld assumption. However, as a classi- fication task, diacritic restoration is well suited for and will be more generalisable with machine learning. This paper, therefore, presents a more standard approach to dealing with the task which involves the application of machine learning algorithms

    Error Correction based on Error Signatures applied to automatic speech recognition

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    Representation Analysis Methods to Model Context for Speech Technology

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    Speech technology has developed to levels equivalent with human parity through the use of deep neural networks. However, it is unclear how the learned dependencies within these networks can be attributed to metrics such as recognition performance. This research focuses on strategies to interpret and exploit these learned context dependencies to improve speech recognition models. Context dependency analysis had not yet been explored for speech recognition networks. In order to highlight and observe dependent representations within speech recognition models, a novel analysis framework is proposed. This analysis framework uses statistical correlation indexes to compute the coefficiency between neural representations. By comparing the coefficiency of neural representations between models using different approaches, it is possible to observe specific context dependencies within network layers. By providing insights on context dependencies it is then possible to adapt modelling approaches to become more computationally efficient and improve recognition performance. Here the performance of End-to-End speech recognition models are analysed, providing insights on the acoustic and language modelling context dependencies. The modelling approach for a speaker recognition task is adapted to exploit acoustic context dependencies and reach comparable performance with the state-of-the-art methods, reaching 2.89% equal error rate using the Voxceleb1 training and test sets with 50% of the parameters. Furthermore, empirical analysis of the role of acoustic context for speech emotion recognition modelling revealed that emotion cues are presented as a distributed event. These analyses and results for speech recognition applications aim to provide objective direction for future development of automatic speech recognition systems

    Cross-Lingual Voice Conversion with Non-Parallel Data

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    In this project a Phonetic Posteriorgram (PPG) based Voice Conversion system is implemented. The main goal is to perform and evaluate conversions of singing voice. The cross-gender and cross-lingual scenarios are considered. Additionally, the use of spectral envelope based MFCC and pseudo-singing dataset for ASR training are proposed in order to improve the performance of the system in the singing context