Representation Analysis Methods to Model Context for Speech Technology


Speech technology has developed to levels equivalent with human parity through the use of deep neural networks. However, it is unclear how the learned dependencies within these networks can be attributed to metrics such as recognition performance. This research focuses on strategies to interpret and exploit these learned context dependencies to improve speech recognition models. Context dependency analysis had not yet been explored for speech recognition networks. In order to highlight and observe dependent representations within speech recognition models, a novel analysis framework is proposed. This analysis framework uses statistical correlation indexes to compute the coefficiency between neural representations. By comparing the coefficiency of neural representations between models using different approaches, it is possible to observe specific context dependencies within network layers. By providing insights on context dependencies it is then possible to adapt modelling approaches to become more computationally efficient and improve recognition performance. Here the performance of End-to-End speech recognition models are analysed, providing insights on the acoustic and language modelling context dependencies. The modelling approach for a speaker recognition task is adapted to exploit acoustic context dependencies and reach comparable performance with the state-of-the-art methods, reaching 2.89% equal error rate using the Voxceleb1 training and test sets with 50% of the parameters. Furthermore, empirical analysis of the role of acoustic context for speech emotion recognition modelling revealed that emotion cues are presented as a distributed event. These analyses and results for speech recognition applications aim to provide objective direction for future development of automatic speech recognition systems

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