205 research outputs found

    A stochastic local search algorithm with adaptive acceptance for high-school timetabling

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    Automating high school timetabling is a challenging task. This problem is a well known hard computational problem which has been of interest to practitioners as well as researchers. High schools need to timetable their regular activities once per year, or even more frequently. The exact solvers might fail to find a solution for a given instance of the problem. A selection hyper-heuristic can be defined as an easy-to-implement, easy-to-maintain and effective 'heuristic to choose heuristics' to solve such computationally hard problems. This paper describes the approach of the team hyper-heuristic search strategies and timetabling (HySST) to high school timetabling which competed in all three rounds of the third international timetabling competition. HySST generated the best new solutions for three given instances in Round 1 and gained the second place in Rounds 2 and 3. It achieved this by using a fairly standard stochastic search method but significantly enhanced by a selection hyper-heuristic with an adaptive acceptance mechanism. © 2014 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Course Time Table Scheduling for a Local College

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    This study dive into the field of course time table scheduling for a local institution. The subject of the study will be a local college in Malaysia, in particular on the SEGi College branch in Penang. This covers the development of the prototype software which will enable the simulation of the course time table for both the students and lecturers. The prototype software will be on a local search approach with reference to Hill Climbing with Random Walk algorithm and Best First Search algorithm. This research enables users to increase efficiency and performance in developing a course time table. Later,this research will be proposed for implementation to the management of SEGi College branch in Penang

    Cyclic transfers in school timetabling

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    In this paper we propose a neighbourhood structure based\ud on sequential/cyclic moves and a Cyclic Transfer algorithm for the high school timetabling problem. This method enables execution of complex moves for improving an existing solution, while dealing with the challenge of exploring the neighbourhood efficiently. An improvement graph is used in which certain negative cycles correspond to the neighbours; these cycles are explored using a recursive method. We address the problem of applying large neighbourhood structure methods on problems where the cost function is not exactly the sum of independent cost functions, as it is in the set partitioning problem. For computational experiments we use four real world datasets for high school timetabling in the Netherlands and England. We present results of the cyclic transfer algorithm with different settings on these datasets. The costs decrease by 8% to 28% if we use the cyclic transfers for local optimization compared to our initial solutions. The quality of the best initial solutions are comparable to the solutions found in practice by timetablers

    Cyclic transfers in school timetabling

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    In this paper we propose a neighbourhood structure based on sequential/cyclic moves and a cyclic transfer algorithm for the high school timetabling problem. This method enables execution of complex moves for improving an existing solution, while dealing with the challenge of exploring the neighbourhood efficiently. An improvement graph is used in which certain negative cycles correspond to the neighbours; these cycles are explored using a recursive method. We address the problem of applying large neighbourhood structure methods on problems where the cost function is not exactly the sum of independent cost functions, as it is in the set partitioning problem. For computational experiments we use four real world data sets for high school timetabling in the Netherlands and England.We present results of the cyclic transfer algorithm with different settings on these data sets. The costs decrease by 8–28% if we use the cyclic transfers for local optimization compared to our initial solutions. The quality of the best initial solutions are comparable to the solutions found in practice by timetablers

    A self-adaptive multimeme memetic algorithm co-evolving utility scores to control genetic operators and their parameter settings

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    Memetic algorithms are a class of well-studied metaheuristics which combine evolutionary algorithms and local search techniques. A meme represents contagious piece of information in an adaptive information sharing system. The canonical memetic algorithm uses a fixed meme, denoting a hill climbing operator, to improve each solution in a population during the evolutionary search process. Given global parameters and multiple parametrised operators, adaptation often becomes a crucial constituent in the design of MAs. In this study, a self-adaptive self-configuring steady-state multimeme memetic algorithm (SSMMA) variant is proposed. Along with the individuals (solutions), SSMMA co-evolves memes, encoding the utility score for each algorithmic component choice and relevant parameter setting option. An individual uses tournament selection to decide which operator and parameter setting to employ at a given step. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated on six combinatorial optimisation problems from a cross-domain heuristic search benchmark. The results indicate the success of SSMMA when compared to the static Mas as well as widely used self-adaptive Multimeme Memetic Algorithm from the scientific literature

    Transformation of the university examination timetabling problem space through data pre-processing

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    This research investigates Examination Timetabling or Scheduling, with the aim of producing good quality, feasible timetables that satisfy hard constraints and various soft constraints. A novel approach to scheduling, that of transformation of the problem space, has been developed and evaluated for its effectiveness. The examination scheduling problem involves many constraints due to many relationships between students and exams, making it complex and expensive in terms of time and resources. Despite the extensive research in this area, it has been observed that most of the published methods do not produce good quality timetables consistently due to the utilisation of random-search. In this research we have avoided random-search and instead have proposed a systematic, deterministic approach to solving the examination scheduling problem. We pre-process data and constraints to generate more meaningful aggregated data constructs with better expressive power that minimise the need for cross-referencing original student and exam data at a later stage. Using such aggregated data and custom-designed mechanisms, the timetable construction is done systematically, while assuring its feasibility. Later, the timetable is optimized to improve the quality, focusing on maximizing the gap between consecutive exams. Our solution is always reproducible and displays a deterministic optimization pattern on all benchmark datasets. Transformation of the problem space into new aggregated data constructs through pre-processing represents the key novel contribution of this research

    The Application of Late Acceptance Heuristic Method for the Tanzanian High School Timetabling Problem

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    High School timetabling is the problem of scheduling lessons of different subjects and teachers to timeslots within a week, while satisfying a set of constraints which are classified into hard and soft constraints. This problem is different from university course timetabling problem because of the differences in structures including classroom allocations and grouping of subject combinations. Given the scarce education resources in developing countries, high school timetabling problem plays a very important role in optimizing the use of meager resources and therefore contribute to improvement of quality of education. The problem has attracted attention of many researchers around the world; however, very little has been done in Tanzania. This paper presents a solution algorithm known as Late Acceptance heuristic for the problem and compares results with previous work on Simulated Annealing and Great Deluge Algorithm for three schools in Dar es Salaam Tanzania. It is concluded that Late Acceptance heuristic gives results which are similar to the previous two algorithms but performs better in terms of time saving. Keywords: Late Acceptance; High School Timetabling; Combinatorial Optimization; Heuristics; NP-Har

    A greedy gradient-simulated annealing hyper-heuristic for a curriculum-based course timetabling problem

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    Copyright © 2012 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.12th UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence (UKCI), Edinburgh, Scotland, 5-7 September 2012The course timetabling problem is a well known constraint optimization problem which has been of interest to researchers as well as practitioners. Due to the NP-hard nature of the problem, the traditional exact approaches might fail to find a solution even for a given instance. Hyper-heuristics which search the space of heuristics for high quality solutions are alternative methods that have been increasingly used in solving such problems. In this study, a curriculum based course timetabling problem at Yeditepe University is described. An improvement oriented heuristic selection strategy combined with a simulated annealing move acceptance as a hyper-heuristic utilizing a set of low level constraint oriented neighbourhood heuristics is investigated for solving this problem. The proposed hyper-heuristic was initially developed to handle a variety of problems in a particular domain with different properties considering the nature of the low level heuristics. On the other hand, a goal of hyper-heuristic development is to build methods which are general. Hence, the proposed hyper-heuristic is applied to six other problem domains and its performance is compared to different state-of-the-art hyper-heuristics to test its level of generality. The empirical results show that the proposed method is sufficiently general and powerful

    Transformation of the university examination timetabling problem space through data pre-processing

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    This research investigates Examination Timetabling or Scheduling, with the aim of producing good quality, feasible timetables that satisfy hard constraints and various soft constraints. A novel approach to scheduling, that of transformation of the problem space, has been developed and evaluated for its effectiveness. The examination scheduling problem involves many constraints due to many relationships between students and exams, making it complex and expensive in terms of time and resources. Despite the extensive research in this area, it has been observed that most of the published methods do not produce good quality timetables consistently due to the utilisation of random-search. In this research we have avoided random-search and instead have proposed a systematic, deterministic approach to solving the examination scheduling problem. We pre-process data and constraints to generate more meaningful aggregated data constructs with better expressive power that minimise the need for cross-referencing original student and exam data at a later stage. Using such aggregated data and custom-designed mechanisms, the timetable construction is done systematically, while assuring its feasibility. Later, the timetable is optimized to improve the quality, focusing on maximizing the gap between consecutive exams. Our solution is always reproducible and displays a deterministic optimization pattern on all benchmark datasets. Transformation of the problem space into new aggregated data constructs through pre-processing represents the key novel contribution of this research
