13 research outputs found

    Kinerja topologi flayback pada SMPS(Switch Mode Power Supply)

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    Power supply merupakan perangkat elektronika yang berfungsi sebagai penyedia energi listrik bagi perangkat listrik maupun perangkat elektronika lainnya dengan cara merubah energi listrik berjenis AC menjadi DC. Kelemahan dari power supply linier adalah memiliki efisiensi yang lebih rendah yaitu <60% dibandingkan dengan SMPS yang berkisar>60%. Efisiensi yang rendah merupakan hal kurang baik karena dapat  enyebabkanoverheating pada komponen. Mengangkat dari masalah tersebut, dilakukan penelitian mengenai desain power supply dengan menggunakan teknik switching atau yang sering disebut dengan istilah SMPS dengan menggunakan topologi flyback. Setelah dilakukan penelitian, dapat diketahui bahwa dengan kondisi tanpa beban daya minimum power supply adalah 16 VA dan memiliki efisiensi 77% pada beban maksimum 12 Volt 5 Ampere (60 VA) dengan tegangan masukan 220 Volt. Ini menunjukkan bahwa SMPS dengan menggunakan topologi flyback mampu memberikan efisiensi yang lebih baik dari pada power supply linier. Sedangkan, power supply ini memiliki tegangan keluaran 0-24 Volt, arus keluaran maksimum 5 Ampere untuk tegangan maksimum 12 Volt dan maksimum 2,5 Ampere untuk tegangan maksimum 24 Volt

    Desain High Frequency Pwm Menggunakan Cpld Dan Pemanfaatan Sistem Sebagai Kontrol Pada Dc-dc Flyback Up Converter

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    Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) menjadi bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari kebanyakan sistem kontrol. Salah satu kegunaan dari PWM adalah sebagai pengontrol daya pada rangkaian konverter DC-DC/DC-AC. Penggunaan PWM dengan frekuensi tinggi selalu menjadi alternatif untuk mengurangi besarnya ukuran trafo pada konverter Flyback. Frekuensi tinggi PWM dapat dihasilkan jika mengunakan model pencacah dengan kemampuan menghitung cepat. Teknik pencacahan rising dan falling untuk model pencacah dirancang mampu menghasilkan PWM dengan frekuensi lebih tinggi daripada teknik PWM yang dibangun pada mikrokontroller PIC16F87X. Besarnya frekuensi PWM yang dibangun pada komponen CPLD bergantung pada resolusi dan osilator kristal yang digunakan, nilai frekuensi yang mampu dihasilkan untuk resolusi PWM 10 bit dan frekuensi osilator kristal 48 MHz pada arsitektur PWM yang telah dirancang adalah 93.5 kHz. Serta desain high frequency PWM pada komponen CPLD dapat digunakan sebagai kontrol pada konverter Flyback untuk menaikkan tegangan DC dari 12V ke 400V

    Design and Implementation Intelligent Adaptive Front-lighting System of Automobile using Digital Technology on Arduino Board

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    The automatic light AFS (Adaptive Front - Lighting System) is added to the capabilities of modern vehicles that will improve the safety of vehicle drivers and passengers traveling at night. A new architecture of the AFS has proposed in this paper. This architecture is powerful and intelligent using the PWM technique on ARDUINO Board replaces the old mechanical system based on stepper motors

    FPGA based PWM techniques for controlling Inverter

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    Pulse Width Modulation has nowadays become an integral part of every electronics system. These techniques have been widely accepted and are researched extensively nowadays. It has found its application in large number of applications as a voltage controller. Its use in controlling output voltage of Inverter is the most frequently used application. There are basically two main techniques of PWM Generation- Analog technique and Digital Technique. This thesis deals with these two techniques. First Analog techniques were studied in detail but these techniques have some demerits. Due to these demerits digital techniques were studied. Various digital PWM Generator topologies were studied. The VHDL code for each of these topologies was written and synthesized using Xilinx ISE 10.1 software. Behavioral Simulation was performed on the architecture and after verifying the results this VHDL code was downloaded to SPARTAN 3E FPGA. After downloading the code in FPGA real time debugging was done for the architecture. The results were seen in Chipscope Pro software. Also from Synthesis report generated after synthesizing the VHDL code of each digital PWM Generator topologies comparison was done between these topologies in terms of number of logic blocks used and device utilization of each architecture

    Developing FPGA-based Embedded Controllers Using Matlab/Simulink

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    Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are emerging as suitable platforms for implementing embedded control systems. FPGAs offer advantages such as high performance and concurrent computing which makes them attractive in many embedded applications. As reconfigurable devices, they can be used to build the hardware and software components of an embedded system on a single chip. Traditional FPGA design flows and tools, requiring the use of Hardware Description Languages (HDLs), are in a different domain than standard control system design tools such as MATLAB/Simulink. This paper illustrates development of FPGA-based controllers by utilizing popular tools such as MATLAB/Simulink available for the design and development of control systems. The capability of DSP Builder is extended by developing a custom library of control system building blocks that facilitates rapid development of FPGA-based controllers in the familiar Matlab/Simulink environment. As a case study, this paper presents how the tools can be utilized to develop a FPGA-based controller for a laboratory scale air levitation system

    Implementasi Kontrol PID Pada Pergerakan Autonomous Underwater Vehicle di Dalam Pipa

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    Jaringan pipa merupakan sarana transportasi penting bagi fluida seperti air, gas, dan minyak. Kebocoran pipa dapat mengakibatkan kerugian finansial yang besar bagi pihak pengguna sistem perpipaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmembuat sistem robot yang dapat menyusuri saluran dalam pipa air untuk mendeteksi letak titik kebocoran agar kerugian finansial yang besar dapat dihindari. Penelitian ini menggunakan sensor jarak fotonik infrared yang dapat menjaga laju kestabilan Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) sehingga tidak terjadi tabrakan dengan dinding pipa. Komunikasi dengan sensor pada AUVmenggunakan mikrokontroler Arduino Nano, sedangkan metode kontrol yang digunakan pada sistem ini adalah Proportional-Integral-Derivative(PID), yaitu untuk mengontrol kecepatan baling-baling AUVagar dapat menjaga laju kestabilan dalam pipa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwaAUV dapat begerak di dalam pipa menggunakan kontrol PID untuk mengontrol pergerakan vertikal dan horisontal. Pengukuran sensor jarak di dalam air mengalami eror sebesar 1.25%. Untuk AUV bergerak secara vertikal, dengan rentang duty cycle sebesar 22% hingga 32% dan diperlukan Kp, Ki, Kd terbaik, masing-masing sebesar 3.5, 0, 0.1. Sedangkan untuk AUV bergerak horisontal, diperlukan Kp, Ki, Kd terbaik, masing-masing sebesar 2, 0, 0,1. ================================================================== The pipeline is an important means of transportation for fluids such as water, gas, and oil. Leaking pipes can result in huge financial losses for the users of the piping system. This research aims to create a robot that can navigate the system lines in water pipes to detect the location of the leak points that huge financial losses can be avoided.This research uses distance sensor infrared photonic that can maintain the stability of the rate of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) so there is no collision with the wall of the pipe. Communication with the AUV sensors use a microcontroller Arduino Nano, while the control method used in this system is a Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID), which is to control the speed of the propeller AUV in order to keep the pace of stability in the pipeline.The results showed that the AUV can stir in the pipeline using PID control to control the vertical and horizontal movement. Measurement of the proximity sensor in the water in an error of 1.25%. For AUV move vertically, with a duty cycle range of 22% to 32% and required Kp, Ki, Kd best, respectively 3.5, 0, 0.1. As for the AUV to move horizontally, required Kp, Ki, Kd best, each at 2, 0, 0,1

    Digital Pulse Width Modulator Techniques For Dc - Dc Converters

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    Recent research activities focused on improving the steady-state as well as the dynamic behavior of DC-DC converters for proper system performance, by proposing different design methods and control approaches with growing tendency to using digital implementation over analog practices. Because of the rapid advancement in semiconductors and microprocessor industry, digital control grew in popularity among PWM converters and is taking over analog techniques due to availability of fast speed microprocessors, flexibility and immunity to noise and environmental variations. Furthermore, increased interest in Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) makes it a convenient design platform for digitally controlled converters. The objective of this research is to propose new digital control schemes, aiming to improve the steady-state and transient responses of a high switching frequency FPGA-based digitally controlled DC-DC converters. The target is to achieve enhanced performance in terms of tight regulation with minimum power consumption and high efficiency at steady-state, as well as shorter settling time with optimal over- and undershoots during transients. The main task is to develop new and innovative digital PWM techniques in order to achieve: 1. Tight regulation at steady-state: by proposing high resolution DPWM architecture, based on Digital Clock Management (DCM) resources available on FPGA boards. The proposed architecture Window-Masked Segmented Digital Clock Manager-FPGA based Digital Pulse Width Modulator Technique, is designed to achieve high resolution operating at high switching frequencies with minimum power consumption. 2. Enhanced dynamic response: by applying a shift to the basic saw-tooth DPWM signal, in order to benefit from the best linearity and simplest architecture offered by the conventional counter-comparator DPWM. This proposed control scheme will help the compensator reach the steady-state value faster. Dynamically Shifted Ramp Digital Control Technique for Improved Transient Response in DC-DC Converters, is projected to enhance the transient response by dynamically controlling the ramp signal of the DPWM unit

    Development of a Controller For Fuel Cell Using FPGA

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    This thesis is a sample of what we can do to reduce the complexity of a fuel cell controller and research carried out in the modeling of a renewable energy sources like fuel cell. This thesis mainly deals the control of the fuel cell under variation of different parameters, and implementation of the system in VHDL. As we know that not any voltage source, weather it is traditional energy source or fuel cell system behaves as an ideal source. The output of these cells depends upon some parameter of the cell. To control the output voltage of a fuel cell we need some controller, it may be digital or analog. At the present time, PWM has become an integral part of all the electronic system. This technique has some salient feature, due to which it has replaced the traditional use of digitally just on off signal to control the switching action of the converter. There are two basic techniques of PWM generation, analog and digital. The disadvantages of the analog methods are that they are prone to noise, and they change with voltage and temperature change, they suffer changes due to component variation. To overcome the problem, associated with the analog technique, various types of digital technique are available. Implementation of these techniques in VHDL has done. First we have synthesized the whole system, using Matlab/Simulink then VHDL code for various topology of digital technique of PWM generation. After behavioral Simulation and verification of the results this VHDL code has downloaded to SPARTAN3E FPGA. After downloading the code in FPGA real time debugging has done for the architecture. The overall work done in this thesis aims to promote professional activity in the area of fuel cell controller and low power electronics used in the modern age, with an important focus on the design, development, simulation, and verification, and to examine the possibility of using Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) for the rapid prototyping of a PI+PWM digital electronic controller used in a power system consisting of a 2.4 kW 96 v fuel cell system, which is made up of two main component, fuel cell stack and boost converter

    Design of variability compensation architectures of digital circuits with adaptive body bias

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    The most critical concern in circuit is to achieve high level of performance with very tight power constraint. As the high performance circuits moved beyond 45nm technology one of the major issues is the parameter variation i.e. deviation in process, temperature and voltage (PVT) values from nominal specifications. A key process parameter subject to variation is the transistor threshold voltage (Vth) which impacts two important parameters: frequency and leakage power. Although the degradation can be compensated by the worstcase scenario based over-design approach, it induces remarkable power and performance overhead which is undesirable in tightly constrained designs. Dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) is a more power efficient approach, however its coarse granularity implies difficulty in handling fine grained variations. These factors have contributed to the growing interest in power aware robust circuit design. We propose a variability compensation architecture with adaptive body bias, for low power applications using 28nm FDSOI technology. The basic approach is based on a dynamic prediction and prevention of possible circuit timing errors. In our proposal we are using a Canary logic technique that enables the typical-case design. The body bias generation is based on a DLL type method which uses an external reference generator and voltage controlled delay line (VCDL) to generate the forward body bias (FBB) control signals. The adaptive technique is used for dynamic detection and correction of path failures in digital designs due to PVT variations. Instead of tuning the supply voltage, the key idea of the design approach is to tune the body bias voltage bymonitoring the error rate during operation. The FBB increases operating speed with an overhead in leakage power

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Pengukuran Posisi Target Dengan Kamera Stereo Untuk Pengarah Senjata Otomatis

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    Salah satu hal yang penting dalam mengarahkan senjata secara otomatis ke target adalah informasi posisi dari target terhadap senjata. Terdapat banyak metode untuk mengetahui posisi target. Salah satunya adalah dengan metode pengukuran triangulasi. Metode ini membutuhkan minimal dua citra untuk medapatkan informasi jarak target terhadap kamera. Kemudian, informasi jarak tersebut bisa diolah untuk mengetahui posisi target terhadap senjata. Pada tugas akhir ini, stereo visual digunakan untuk mendukung proses pengukuran triangulasi. Stereo visual menggunakan dua kamera untuk menghasilkan dua citra. Dalam sistem ini, salah satu kamera bertindak sebagai pemilih target. Citra yang ditangkap dua kamera tersebut akan diproses oleh processing unit untuk mendapatkan informasi posisi target terhadap senjata. Informasi ini digunakan untuk menggerakkan motor pada platform senjata agar senjata mengarah ke target. Sistem ini juga memiliki fitur tambahan berupa tracking dengan metode optical flow yang membuat sistem ini dapat mengikuti target yang dipilih. Hasil pengujian yang dilakukan pada tugas akhir ini adalah sistem dapat menentukan posisi target yang dipilih oleh operator dan juga dapat mengarahkan senjata ke arah target tersebut. Agar senjata bisa diarahkan ke target, pengukuran posisi target menjadi hal terpenting dalam sistem ini. Akurasi tertinggi dalam penentuan posisi target dicapai ketika jarak antar dua kamera sekitar 30 cm, yaitu dengan kesalahan pengukuran bernilai kurang dari 5%. ======================================================================================================================== One of the important thing in directing the weapon automatically to target is the position of target to the weapon. There are many methods to determine the position of target. One of method is triangulation method. This method requires at least two image to obtain target distance to the camera. Then, the information of target distance can be processed to determine the position of target to the weapon. In this final project, stereo visual is used to support the process of triangulation method. Stereo visual uses two cameras to produce two images. In this system, one camera acts as a target selector. The image captured by two cameras will be processed by processing unit to obtain the target position to the weapon. This information is used to drive the motor on the platform that leads the weapon to the target. This system also has additional feature such as tracking using optical flow method that makes this system can follow the choosen target. The results of tests performed in this project is the system can determine the position of a target selected by operator and also direct the weapon toward the target. If we want to direct the weapon to the target, position measurement become the most important thing in this system. The highest accuracy in the position measurement was achieved when the distance between cameras was about 30 cm, which the error was less than 5%