17 research outputs found

    Analisis Perbandingan Metode Perkalian Array dan Booth

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    Di era komputasi digital sekarang ini, optimasi sistem komputasi yang terdiri dari berbagai operasi matematika merupakan salah satu topik bahasan yang penting. Diantara operasi matematika, perkalian merupakan operasi dasar yang memiliki komplesitas, area, dan konsumsi daya paling tinggi dibandingkan operasi lainnya. Pada makalah ini, dibandingkan dua jenis teknik implementasi perkalian yang sampai saat ini masih terus dikembangkan, yaitu perkalian array dan perkalian Booth. Perbandingkan keduanya meliputi frekuensi clock maksimum yang dapat diterapkan, komplesitas, dan kecepatan proses komputasi. Perbandingan dilakukan dengan acuan perkalian signed binary dengan lebar data 4 bit dan 8 bit. Hasil analisa dan implementasi pada FPGA menunjukkan hasil bahwa perkalian array mempunyai keunggulan pada kecepatan proses komputasi, sedangkan perkalian Booth mempunyai kelebihan dalam hal komplesitas rangkaian

    Analysis and Evaluation of MAC Operators for Fast Fourier Transformation

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    Arithmetic tasks are broadly utilized in Digital Signal Processing (DSP) applications. In this paper, a streamlined plan of the melded Add-Multiply (FAM) administrators is being investigated for the expanding execution. The direct plan of an AM unit is executed by apportioning a snake and afterward driving its yield to the contribution of a multiplier, increments essentially both region and basic way postponement of the circuit. The immediate recoding of the entirety of two numbers in its MB structure prompts a progressively effective execution of the intertwined Add-Multiply unit contrasted with the regular one, earlier recoding plans depend on complex controls in bit-level, which are actualized by committed circuits in entryway level. This new recoding plan and Modified CSA Tree, diminishes the basic way delay and decreases power utilization. This paper focuses on the extra decrease of dormancy and force utilization of CSA tree multiplier. This is cultivated by the utilization of Modified stall ADD-Multiply administrator and 4:2 compressor adders. Three elective plans of the proposed S-MB approach utilizing regular and marked piece Full Adders (FAs) and Half Adders (HAs) are being investigated as building squares

    Investigating the VLSI Characterization of Parallel Signed Multipliers for RNS Applications Using FPGAs

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    Signed multiplication is a complex arithmetic operation, which is reflected in its relatively high signal propagation delay, high power dissipation, and large area requirement. High reliability applications such as Cryptography, Residue Number System (RNS) and Digital Signal Processing (DSP)2019;s effective performance is mainly depend on its arithmetic circuit's performance. Trend of using Residue Number System (RNS) instead of Constrain over-whelming Binary representation is promising technique in VLSI Systems and Multiplier is the basic building block of such systems. In this paper we have considered signed Modified Baugh Wooley Multiplier and Modified Booth Encoding (MBE) Multiplier logic for analysis and synthesized on best suited application platform. Analysis has taken account of Delay, Number of Logic Element requirements; Number of Signal Transition for particular sample input and its Power Consumption were analyzed for both Modified Baugh Wooley Multiplier and Modified Booth Encoding Multiplier. Analysis of Multiplier is described in Verilog HDL and Simulated using two different simulators namely Xilinx ISIM and Altera Quartus II. Then for comparative study, both multipliers are synthesized with Xilinx Virtex 7 XCV2000T-2FLG1925 and Altera Cyclone II EP2C35F672C6 and same parameter as discussed above are also evaluated. Booth Recoding provides overall advent of 9.691% in terms of area and approximately 43 % in terms of Delay compared to Modified Baugh Wooley Multiplier implemented using FPGA Technology

    Time-Precision Flexible Arithmetic Unit

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    Paper submitted to the XVIII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS), Ciudad Real, España, 2003.A new conception of flexible calculation that allows us to adjust an operation depending on the available time computation is presented. The proposed arithmetic unit is based on this principle. It contains a control operation module that determines the process time of each calculation. The operation method design uses precalculated data stored in look-up tables, which provide, above all, quality results and systematization in the implementation of low level primitives that set parameters for the processing time. We report an evaluation of the architecture in area, delay and computation error, as well as a suitable implementation in FPGA to validate the design.This work is being backed by grant DPI2002-04434-C04-01 from the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología of the Spanish Government

    An Efficient Two-phase Clocked Sequential Multiply -Accumulator unit for Image blurring

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    The multiply-accumulator (MAC) unit is the basic integral computational block in every digital image and digital signal processor. As the demand grows, it is essential to design these units in an efficient manner to build a successful processor. By considering this into account, a power-efficient, high-speed MAC unit is presented in this paper. The proposed MAC unit is a combination of a two-phase clocked modified sequential multiplier and a carry-save adder (CSA) followed by an accumulator register. A novel two-phase clocked modified sequential multiplier is introduced in the multiplication stage to reduce the power and computation time. For image blurring, these multiplier and adder blocks are subsequently incorporated into the MAC unit. The experimental results demonstrated that the proposed design reduced the power consumption by 52% and improved the computation time by 4% than the conventional architectures. The developed MAC unit is implemented using 180nm standard CMOS technology using CADENCE RTL compiler, synthesized using XILINX ISE and the image blurring effect is analyzed using MATLAB


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    Abstrak Di era komputasi digital sekarang ini, optimasi sistem komputasi yang terdiri dari berbagai operasi matematika merupakan salah satu topik bahasan yang penting. Diantara operasi matematika, perkalian merupakan operasi dasar yang memiliki komplesitas, area, dan konsumsi daya paling tinggi dibandingkan operasi lainnya. Pada makalah ini, dibandingkan dua jenis teknik implementasi perkalian yang sampai saat ini masih terus dikembangkan, yaitu perkalian array dan perkalian Booth. Perbandingkan keduanya meliputi frekuensi clock maksimum yang dapat diterapkan, komplesitas, dan kecepatan proses komputasi. Perbandingan dilakukan dengan acuan perkalian signed binary dengan lebar data 4 bit dan 8 bit. Hasil analisa dan implementasi pada FPGA menunjukkan hasil bahwa perkalian array mempunyai keunggulan pada kecepatan proses komputasi, sedangkan perkalian Booth mempunyai kelebihan dalam hal komplesitas rangkaian. Kata kunci: arsitektur perkalian, FPGA, perkalian array, perkalian Boot

    Area and Power efficient booth’s Multipliers Based on Non-Redundant Radix-4Signed-Digit Encoding

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    In this paper, we introduce an architecture of pre-encoded multipliers for Digital Signal Processing applications based on off-line encoding of coefficients. To this extend, the Non-Redundant radix-4 Signed-Digit (NR4SD) encoding technique, which uses the digit values {-1, 0, +1, +2} or {-2,-1,0,+1}, is proposed leading to a multiplier design with less complex partial products implementation. Extensive experimental analysis verifies that the proposed pre-encoded NR4SD multipliers, including the coefficients memory, are more area and power efficient than the conventional Modified Booth scheme


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    ABSTRACT: Multiplication may be a for the most part used mathematical process, considerably in signal process and scientific applications. Multiplication having hardware challenge, and therefore the main criterion of upper speed, lower cost, and fewer VLSI space, the most apprehension in customary multiplication, typically realized by K no of cycles with shifting and adding, is to hurry up the underlying multi-operand addition of partial merchandise. during this paper we have a tendency to studied the changed Booth encryption (MBE) technique that has been introduced to scale back the quantity of PP rows, still keeping each straightforward and quick enough the generation method of every row