190 research outputs found

    Capacitor Mismatch Calibration Technique to Improve the SFDR of 14-Bit SAR ADC

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    This paper presents mismatch calibration technique to improve the SFDR in a 14-bit successive approximation register (SAR) analog-to-digital converter (ADC) for wearable electronics application. Behavioral Monte-Carlo simulations are applied to demonstrate the effect of the proposed method where no complex digital calibration algorithm or auxiliary calibration DAC needed. Simulation results show that with a mismatch error typical of modern technology, the SFDR is enhanced by more than 20 dB with the proposed technique for a 14-bit SAR ADC

    High Linearity SAR ADC for Smart Sensor Applications

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    This paper presents capacitive array optimization technique to improve the Spurious Free Dynamic Range (SFDR) and Signal-to-Noise-and-Distortion Ratio (SNDR) of Successive Approximation Register (SAR) Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) for smart sensor application. Monte Carlo simulation results show that capacitive array optimization technique proposed can make the SFDR, SNDR and (Signal-to-Noise Ratio) SNR more concentrated, which means the differences between maximum value and minimum value of SFDR, SNDR and SNR are much smaller than the conventional calibration techniques, more stable performance enhancement can be achieved, and the averaged SFDR is improved from 72.9 dB to 91.1 dB by using the capacitive array optimization method, 18.2 dB improvement of SFDR is obtained with only little expense of digital logic circuits, which makes it good choice for high resolution and high linearity smart sensing systems

    High-Resolution ADCs Design in Image Sensors

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    This paper presents design considerations for high-resolution and high-linearity ADCs for biomedical imaging ap-plications. The work discusses how to improve dynamic spec-ifications such as Spurious Free Dynamic Range (SFDR) and Signal-to-Noise-and-Distortion Ratio (SNDR) in ultra-low power and high-resolution analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) including successive approximation register (SAR) for biomedical imaging application. The results show that with broad range of mismatch error, the SFDR is enhanced by about 10 dB with the proposed performance enhancement technique, which makes it suitable for high resolution image sensors sensing systems

    Comparator Design in Sensors for Environmental Monitoring

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    This paper presents circuit design considerations of comparator in analog-to-digital converters (ADC) applied for a portable, low-cost and high performance nano-sensor chip which can be applied to detect the airborne magnetite pollution nano particulate matter (PM) for environmental monitoring. High-resolution ADC plays a vital important role in high perfor-mance nano-sensor, while high-resolution comparator is a key component in ADC. In this work, some important design issues related to comparators in analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) are discussed, simulation results show that the resolution of the comparator proposed can achieve 5µV , and it is appropriate for high-resolution application

    A Reconfigurable Readout Integrated Circuit for Heterogeneous Display-Based Multi-Sensor Systems

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    This paper presents a reconfigurable multi-sensor interface and its readout integrated circuit (ROIC) for display-based multi-sensor systems, which builds up multi-sensor functions by utilizing touch screen panels. In addition to inherent touch detection, physiological and environmental sensor interfaces are incorporated. The reconfigurable feature is effectively implemented by proposing two basis readout topologies of amplifier-based and oscillator-based circuits. For noise-immune design against various noises from inherent human-touch operations, an alternate-sampling error-correction scheme is proposed and integrated inside the ROIC, achieving a 12-bit resolution of successive approximation register (SAR) of analog-to-digital conversion without additional calibrations. A ROIC prototype that includes the whole proposed functions and data converters was fabricated in a 0.18 ??m complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) process, and its feasibility was experimentally verified to support multiple heterogeneous sensing functions of touch, electrocardiogram, body impedance, and environmental sensors.ope

    Exploiting smallest error to calibrate non-linearity in SAR ADCs

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    This paper presents a statistics-optimised organisation technique to achieve better element matching in Successive Approximation Register (SAR) Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) in smart sensor systems. We demonstrate the proposed technique ability to achieve a significant improvement of around 23 dB on Spurious Free Dynamic Range (SFDR) of the ADC than the conventional, testing with a capacitor mismatch σu = 0.2% in a 14 bit SAR ADC system. For the static performance, the max root mean square (rms) value of differential nonlinearity (DNL) reduces from 1.63 to 0.20 LSB and the max rms value of integral nonlinearity (INL) reduces from 2.10 to 0.21 LSB. In addition, it is demonstrated that by applying grouping optimisation and strategy optimisation, the performance boosting on SFDR can be effectively achieved. Such great improvement on the resolution of the ADC only requires an off-line pre-processing digital part

    Data Conversion Within Energy Constrained Environments

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    Within scientific research, engineering, and consumer electronics, there is a multitude of new discrete sensor-interfaced devices. Maintaining high accuracy in signal quantization while staying within the strict power-budget of these devices is a very challenging problem. Traditional paths to solving this problem include researching more energy-efficient digital topologies as well as digital scaling.;This work offers an alternative path to lower-energy expenditure in the quantization stage --- content-dependent sampling of a signal. Instead of sampling at a constant rate, this work explores techniques which allow sampling based upon features of the signal itself through the use of application-dependent analog processing. This work presents an asynchronous sampling paradigm, based off the use of floating-gate-enabled analog circuitry. The basis of this work is developed through the mathematical models necessary for asynchronous sampling, as well the SPICE-compatible models necessary for simulating floating-gate enabled analog circuitry. These base techniques and circuitry are then extended to systems and applications utilizing novel analog-to-digital converter topologies capable of leveraging the non-constant sampling rates for significant sample and power savings

    Smart Sensor Networks For Sensor-Neural Interface

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    One in every fifty Americans suffers from paralysis, and approximately 23% of paralysis cases are caused by spinal cord injury. To help the spinal cord injured gain functionality of their paralyzed or lost body parts, a sensor-neural-actuator system is commonly used. The system includes: 1) sensor nodes, 2) a central control unit, 3) the neural-computer interface and 4) actuators. This thesis focuses on a sensor-neural interface and presents the research related to circuits for the sensor-neural interface. In Chapter 2, three sensor designs are discussed, including a compressive sampling image sensor, an optical force sensor and a passive scattering force sensor. Chapter 3 discusses the design of the analog front-end circuit for the wireless sensor network system. A low-noise low-power analog front-end circuit in 0.5μm CMOS technology, a 12-bit 1MS/s successive approximation register (SAR) analog-to-digital converter (ADC) in 0.18μm CMOS process and a 6-bit asynchronous level-crossing ADC realized in 0.18μm CMOS process are presented. Chapter 4 shows the design of a low-power impulse-radio ultra-wide-band (IR-UWB) transceiver (TRx) that operates at a data rate of up to 10Mbps, with a power consumption of 4.9pJ/bit transmitted for the transmitter and 1.12nJ/bit received for the receiver. In Chapter 5, a wireless fully event-driven electrogoniometer is presented. The electrogoniometer is implemented using a pair of ultra-wide band (UWB) wireless smart sensor nodes interfacing with low power 3-axis accelerometers. The two smart sensor nodes are configured into a master node and a slave node, respectively. An experimental scenario data analysis shows higher than 90% reduction of the total data throughput using the proposed fully event-driven electrogoniometer to measure joint angle movements when compared with a synchronous Nyquist-rate sampling system. The main contribution of this thesis includes: 1) the sensor designs that emphasize power efficiency and data throughput efficiency; 2) the fully event-driven wireless sensor network system design that minimizes data throughput and optimizes power consumption

    Ultra-low power mixed-signal frontend for wearable EEGs

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    Electronics circuits are ubiquitous in daily life, aided by advancements in the chip design industry, leading to miniaturised solutions for typical day to day problems. One of the critical healthcare areas helped by this advancement in technology is electroencephalography (EEG). EEG is a non-invasive method of tracking a person's brain waves, and a crucial tool in several healthcare contexts, including epilepsy and sleep disorders. Current ambulatory EEG systems still suffer from limitations that affect their usability. Furthermore, many patients admitted to emergency departments (ED) for a neurological disorder like altered mental status or seizures, would remain undiagnosed hours to days after admission, which leads to an elevated rate of death compared to other conditions. Conducting a thorough EEG monitoring in early-stage could prevent further damage to the brain and avoid high mortality. But lack of portability and ease of access results in a long wait time for the prescribed patients. All real signals are analogue in nature, including brainwaves sensed by EEG systems. For converting the EEG signal into digital for further processing, a truly wearable EEG has to have an analogue mixed-signal front-end (AFE). This research aims to define the specifications for building a custom AFE for the EEG recording and use that to review the suitability of the architectures available in the literature. Another critical task is to provide new architectures that can meet the developed specifications for EEG monitoring and can be used in epilepsy diagnosis, sleep monitoring, drowsiness detection and depression study. The thesis starts with a preview on EEG technology and available methods of brainwaves recording. It further expands to design requirements for the AFE, with a discussion about critical issues that need resolving. Three new continuous-time capacitive feedback chopped amplifier designs are proposed. A novel calibration loop for setting the accurate value for a pseudo-resistor, which is a crucial block in the proposed topology, is also discussed. This pseudoresistor calibration loop achieved the resistor variation of under 8.25%. The thesis also presents a new design of a curvature corrected bandgap, as well as a novel DDA based fourth-order Sallen-Key filter. A modified sensor frontend architecture is then proposed, along with a detailed analysis of its implementation. Measurement results of the AFE are finally presented. The AFE consumed a total power of 3.2A (including ADC, amplifier, filter, and current generation circuitry) with the overall integrated input-referred noise of 0.87V-rms in the frequency band of 0.5-50Hz. Measurement results confirmed that only the proposed AFE achieved all defined specifications for the wearable EEG system with the smallest power consumption than state-of-art architectures that meet few but not all specifications. The AFE also achieved a CMRR of 131.62dB, which is higher than any studied architectures.Open Acces

    Hybrid MIMO Architectures for Millimeter Wave Communications: Phase Shifters or Switches?

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    Hybrid analog/digital MIMO architectures were recently proposed as an alternative for fully-digitalprecoding in millimeter wave (mmWave) wireless communication systems. This is motivated by the possible reduction in the number of RF chains and analog-to-digital converters. In these architectures, the analog processing network is usually based on variable phase shifters. In this paper, we propose hybrid architectures based on switching networks to reduce the complexity and the power consumption of the structures based on phase shifters. We define a power consumption model and use it to evaluate the energy efficiency of both structures. To estimate the complete MIMO channel, we propose an open loop compressive channel estimation technique which is independent of the hardware used in the analog processing stage. We analyze the performance of the new estimation algorithm for hybrid architectures based on phase shifters and switches. Using the estimated, we develop two algorithms for the design of the hybrid combiner based on switches and analyze the achieved spectral efficiency. Finally, we study the trade-offs between power consumption, hardware complexity, and spectral efficiency for hybrid architectures based on phase shifting networks and switching networks. Numerical results show that architectures based on switches obtain equal or better channel estimation performance to that obtained using phase shifters, while reducing hardware complexity and power consumption. For equal power consumption, all the hybrid architectures provide similar spectral efficiencies.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Acces