9 research outputs found

    A Density Control Based Adaptive Hexahedral Mesh Generation Algorithm

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    A density control based adaptive hexahedral mesh generation algorithm for three dimensional models is presented in this paper. The first step of this algorithm is to identify the characteristic boundary of the solid model which needs to be meshed. Secondly, the refinement fields are constructed and modified according to the conformal refinement templates, and used as a metric to generate an initial grid structure. Thirdly, a jagged core mesh is generated by removing all the elements in the exterior of the solid model. Fourthly, all of the surface nodes of the jagged core mesh are matching to the surfaces of the model through a node projection process. Finally, the mesh quality such as topology and shape is improved by using corresponding optimization techniques

    All‐hexahedral element meshing: automatic elimination of self‐intersecting dual lines

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    There has been some degree of success in all‐hexahedral meshing. Standard methods start with the object geometry defined by means of an all‐quadrilateral mesh, followed by the use of the combinatorial dual to the mesh in order to define the internal connectivities among elements. For all of the known methods using the dual concept, it is necessary to first prevent or eliminate self‐intersecting (SI) dual lines of the given quadrilateral mesh. The relevant features of SI lines are studied, giving a method to remove them, which avoids deforming the original geometry. Some examples of resulting meshes are shown where the current meshing method has been successfully applied.&nbsp

    Flipping Cubical Meshes

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    We define and examine flip operations for quadrilateral and hexahedral meshes, similar to the flipping transformations previously used in triangular and tetrahedral mesh generation.Comment: 20 pages, 24 figures. Expanded journal version of paper from 10th International Meshing Roundtable. This version removes some unwanted paragraph breaks from the previous version; the text is unchange

    Finding Hexahedrizations for Small Quadrangulations of the Sphere

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    This paper tackles the challenging problem of constrained hexahedral meshing. An algorithm is introduced to build combinatorial hexahedral meshes whose boundary facets exactly match a given quadrangulation of the topological sphere. This algorithm is the first practical solution to the problem. It is able to compute small hexahedral meshes of quadrangulations for which the previously known best solutions could only be built by hand or contained thousands of hexahedra. These challenging quadrangulations include the boundaries of transition templates that are critical for the success of general hexahedral meshing algorithms. The algorithm proposed in this paper is dedicated to building combinatorial hexahedral meshes of small quadrangulations and ignores the geometrical problem. The key idea of the method is to exploit the equivalence between quad flips in the boundary and the insertion of hexahedra glued to this boundary. The tree of all sequences of flipping operations is explored, searching for a path that transforms the input quadrangulation Q into a new quadrangulation for which a hexahedral mesh is known. When a small hexahedral mesh exists, a sequence transforming Q into the boundary of a cube is found; otherwise, a set of pre-computed hexahedral meshes is used. A novel approach to deal with the large number of problem symmetries is proposed. Combined with an efficient backtracking search, it allows small shellable hexahedral meshes to be found for all even quadrangulations with up to 20 quadrangles. All 54,943 such quadrangulations were meshed using no more than 72 hexahedra. This algorithm is also used to find a construction to fill arbitrary domains, thereby proving that any ball-shaped domain bounded by n quadrangles can be meshed with no more than 78 n hexahedra. This very significantly lowers the previous upper bound of 5396 n.Comment: Accepted for SIGGRAPH 201

    A case study in hexahedral mesh generation: Simulation of the human mandible

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    We provide a case study for the generation of pure hexahedral meshes for the numerical simulation of physiological stress scenarios of the human mandible. Due to its complex and very detailed free-form geometry, the mandible model is very demanding. This test case is used as a running example to demonstrate the applicability of a combinatorial approach for the generation of hexahedral meshes by means of successive dual cycle eliminations, which has been proposed by the second author in previous work. We report on the progress and recent advances of the cycle elimination scheme. The given input data, a surface triangulation obtained from computed tomography data, requires a substantial mesh reduction and a suitable conversion into a quadrilateral surface mesh as a first step, for which we use mesh clustering and b-matching techniques. Several strategies for improved cycle elimination orders are proposed. They lead to a significant reduction in the mesh size and a better structural quality. Based on the resulting combinatorial meshes, gradient-based optimized smoothing with the condition number of the Jacobian matrix as objective together with mesh untangling techniques yielded embeddings of a satisfactory quality. To test our hexahedral meshes for the mandible model within an FEM simulation we used the scenario of a bite on a ‘hard nut.’ Our simulation results are in good agreement with observations from biomechanical experiments

    Unstructured and semi-structured hexahedral mesh generation methods

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    Discretization techniques such as the finite element method, the finite volume method or the discontinuous Galerkin method are the most used simulation techniques in ap- plied sciences and technology. These methods rely on a spatial discretization adapted to the geometry and to the prescribed distribution of element size. Several fast and robust algorithms have been developed to generate triangular and tetrahedral meshes. In these methods local connectivity modifications are a crucial step. Nevertheless, in hexahedral meshes the connectivity modifications propagate through the mesh. In this sense, hexahedral meshes are more constrained and therefore, more difficult to gener- ate. However, in many applications such as boundary layers in computational fluid dy- namics or composite material in structural analysis hexahedral meshes are preferred. In this work we present a survey of developed methods for generating structured and unstructured hexahedral meshes.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Hexahedral Mesh Generation by Successive Dual Cycle Elimination

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    We propose a new method for constructing all-hexahedral finite element meshes. The core of our method is to build up a compatible combinatorial cell complex of hexahedra for a solid body which is topologically a ball and for which a quadrilateral surface mesh of a certain structure is prescribed. The step-wise creation of the hex complex is guided by the cycle structure of the combinatorial dual of the surface mesh. Our method transforms the graph of the surface mesh iteratively by changing the dual cycle structure until we get the surface mesh of a single hexahedron. Starting with a single hexahedron and reversing the order of the graph transformations, each transformation step can be interpreted as adding one or more hexahedra to the so far created hex complex. Given an arbitrary solid body, we first decompose it into simpler subdomains equivalent to topological balls by adding virtual 2-manifolds. Second, we determine a compatible quadrilateral surface mesh for all created..

    Paving the path towards automatic hexahedral mesh generation

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    Esta tesis versa sobre el desarrollo de las tecnologías para la generación de mallas de hexaedros. El proceso de generar una malla de hexaedros no es automático y su generación requiere varias horas te trabajo de un ingeniero especializado. Por lo tanto, es importante desarrollar herramientas que faciliten dicho proceso de generación. Con este fin, se presenta y desarrolla un método de proyección de mallas, una técnica de sweeping o barrido, un algoritmo para la obtención de mallas por bloques, y un entorno de generación de mallas. Las implementaciones más competitivas del método de sweeping utilizan técnicas de proyección de mallas basadas en métodos afines. Los métodos afines más habituales presentan varios problemas relacionados con la obtención de sistemas de ecuaciones normales de rango deficiente. Para solucionar dichos problemas se presenta y analiza un nuevo método afín que depende de dos parámetros vectoriales. Además, se detalla un procedimiento automático para la selección de dichos vectores. El método de proyección resultante preserva la forma de las mallas proyectadas. Esta proyección es incorporada también en una nueva herramienta de sweeping. Dicha herramienta genera capas de nodos internos que respetan la curvatura de las superficies inicial y final. La herramienta de sweeping es capaz de mallar geometrías de extrusión definidas por trayectorias curvas, secciones no constantes a lo largo del eje de sweeping, y superficies inicial y final con diferente forma y curvatura.En las últimas décadas se han propuesto varios ataques para la generación automática de mallas de hexahedros. Sin embargo, todavía no existe un algoritmo rápido y robusto que genere automáticamente mallas de hexaedros de alta calidad. Se propone un nuevo ataque para la generación de mallas por bloques mediante la representación de la geometría y la topología del dual de una malla de hexaedros. En dicho ataque, primero se genera una malla grosera de tetraedros. Después, varió polígonos planos se añaden al interior de los elementos de la malla grosera inicial. Dichos polígonos se denotan como contribuciones duales locales y representan una versión discreta del dual de una malla de hexaedros. En el último paso, la malla por bloques se obtiene como el dual de la representación del dual generada. El algoritmo de generación de mallas por bloques es aplicado a geometrías que presentan diferentes características geométricas como son superficies planas, superficies curvas, configuraciones delgadas, agujeros, y vértices con valencia mayor que tres.Las mallas se generan habitualmente con la ayuda de entornos interactivos que integran una interfaz CAD y varios algoritmos de generación de mallas. Se presenta un nuevo entorno de generación de mallas especializado en la generación de cuadriláteros y hexaedros. Este entorno proporciona la tecnología necesaria para implementar les técnicas de generación de mallas de hexaedros presentadas en esta tesis.This thesis deals with the development of hexahedral mesh generation technology. The process of generating hexahedral meshes is not fully automatic and it is a time consuming task. Therefore, it is important to develop tools that facilitate the generation of hexahedral meshes. To this end, a mesh projection method, a sweeping technique, a block-meshing algorithm, and an interactive mesh generation environment are presented and developed. Competitive implementations of the sweeping method use mesh projection techniques based on affine methods. Standard affine methods have several drawbacks related to the statement of rank deficient sets of normal equations. To overcome these drawbacks a new affine method that depends on two vector parameters is presented and analyzed. Moreover, an automatic procedure that selects these two vector parameters is detailed. The resulting projection procedure preserves the shape of projected meshes. Then, this procedure is incorporated in a new sweeping tool. This tool generates inner layers of nodes that preserve the curvature of the cap surfaces. The sweeping tool is able to mesh extrusion geometries defined by non-linear sweeping trajectories, non-constant cross sections along the sweep axis, non-parallel cap surfaces, and cap surfaces with different shape and curvature. In the last decades, several general-purpose approaches to generate automatically hexahedral meshes have been proposed. However, a fast and robust algorithm that automatically generates high-quality hexahedral meshes is not available. A novel approach for block meshing by representing the geometry and the topology of a hexahedral mesh is presented. The block-meshing algorithm first generates an initial coarse mesh of tetrahedral elements. Second, several planar polygons are added inside the elements of the initial coarse mesh. These polygons are referred as local dual contributions and represent a discrete version of the dual of a hexahedral mesh. Finally, the dual representation is dualized to obtain the final block mesh. The block-meshing algorithm is applied to mesh geometries that present different geometrical characteristics such as planar surfaces, curved surfaces, thin configurations, holes, and vertices with valence greater than three.Meshes are usually generated with the help of interactive environments that integrate a CAD interface and several meshing algorithms. An overview of a new mesh generation environment focused in quadrilateral and hexahedral mesh generation is presented. This environment provides the technology required to implement the hexahedral meshing techniques presented in this thesis