1,195 research outputs found

    Gender Portrayal in J.K. Rowling\u27s “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”: A Feminist Rhetorical Criticism

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    This study examined J.K. Rowling’s (2003) novel entitled, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Although this novel has not yet been classified as a fairy tale, it does contain fairy tale elements. This study reviewed literature in the field of folklore, fairy tales, and feminism. Foss’ (2004) four-step feminist criticism model was employed to analyze gender portrayals in the novel. According to Foss’ model, the novel was analyzed for masculine or feminine perspectives of the world, effects on the audience, improvement of women’s lives, and impact on rhetorical theory. Although Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is not a feminist tale, it has the potential to affect women and men positively and negatively. The study found women’s roles were more realistically portrayed while men’s roles were more traditionally portrayed. The novel both affirmed and contradicted gender roles created by society

    The implication of politeness strategies of request in Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix

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    This research focuses on the discussion about request. Request itself is one of face-threatening acts. Therefore, the speakers have to assess the social factors to minimize the threat. There are two problems of the research. First, what strategies are used by the character of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix movie. Second, how to know strategies are used to make politeness employed by the characters in the movie. To answer the first questions, the writer uses the theory of request strategies proposed by Trosborg that according to him, there are four categories and eight strategies. They are indirect request: Hints, conventionally indirect request (hearer-oriented condition): Ability/willingness/permission and Suggestory Formulae, Conventionally Indirect request (speaker based-condition): Wishes and Needs, and Direct request: Obligation, Performatives and Imperatives. Whereas, to answer the second question, the writer uses the theory of Brown and Levinson that according to them, there are four strategies of politeness namely bald-on record, positive politeness, negative politeness and off-record. In this study, the writer uses qualitative approach supported by quantitative data. The data is taken from the movie entitled Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix

    Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Rewriting Stereotypes

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    Harry Potter is a very successful series of novels, mainly addressed to children and adolescents. The story is set in a magical world, parallel to our own; it revolves around the lives of the young wizard Harry Potter and his friends, each novel narrating a year of their lives as they go to school, study the magic arts, and fight against the evil wizard Voldemort (Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, 1997; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, 1998; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, 1999; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, 2000; Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, 2003; Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, 2005; Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, 2007)

    Marketing a Message: Harry Potter and the Role of Marketing and Publicity in Raincoast Books\u27 Ancient-Forest-Friendly Initiative

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    On June 21, 2003, Raincoast Books released the Canadian edition of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, the fifth installment of the extremely popular series of novels by J.K. Rowling. Raincoast was the only one of fifty-five publishers of Harry Potter worldwide to print the book on 100-percent post-consumer recycled, ancient-forest-friendly paper. Raincoast decided to publicize its commitment to printing on ancient-forest-friendly paper by launching a media campaign on the subject just a few weeks before the release of Harry Potter. Taking advantage of the popularity and media hype surrounding Harry Potter, Raincoast was able to garner attention—from both the media and individuals—for the company\u27s pledge to become an environmentally responsible enterprise and for the issues that initially provoked its decision to make such a commitment. This report explores environmental issues concerning the current state of ancient forests worldwide; the impact of the book publishing industry on ancient forests; and Canadian consumers’ opinions on environmentally responsible paper usage in book publishing. This report documents and examines the changes that have occurred in Canada since an environmental coalition, Markets Initiative, began its ancient-forest-friendly campaign with Canadian book publishers in 2001, and the ripples that are being felt—by publishers, printers, paper manufacturers and the public—since Raincoast’s launch of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

    Enhancing EFL College Students Listening Comprehension by Captioning

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    This study researched the impacts of English writings, Indonesian subtitles, or no subtitles on the tuning in appreciation of middle of the road and low-transitional level EFL students. A sum of 30 Grade-XII Taman Karya Vocational School of Purworejo understudies took part as in place bunches in the examination. The members saw the initial 19-min portion of the film Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix in just a single of the three entry conditions: English inscriptions, Indonesian inscriptions, or no subtitles and finished a 20-thing different decision listening understanding test. The consequences of ANOVA strategies exhibited that the understudies in every one of the three conditions performed correspondingly on the tuning in understanding tes

    Apology Strategies in Harry Potter Movie Series

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    Apology is an inevitable part of human communication as an act of face-saving strategy. It is necessarily uttered if an offense is made. This research is an attempt to reveal the apology strategies used as well as to analyze the influence of social distance and relative power to the realization of apology strategies,  as seen in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 and 2. In total, there are 125 data found and those are classified according the apology strategy employed. The result shows that the majority of the speakers employ indirect apology strategy ‘Explanation or Account of Cause’ to apologize. Furthermore, this research also found that social distance and relative power are taken into account during the apology process and they affect the linguistic realization of apology strategies in the movies.Â

    An Interrogation of Hermione Granger’s Role as a Feminist Icon in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2003).

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    Esta tesis tiene como objetivo analizar y cuestionar a fondo la idea general de Hermione Granger como icono feminista en La Orden del Fénix de J.K Rowling, centrándose en el desarrollo de su personaje a lo largo de la saga, el uso ambivalente del lenguaje para representarla en diversas situaciones y el papel que desempeña en su grupo de amigos y en una comunidad patriarcal en su conjunto. La investigación me permitió contrastar las diferentes opiniones de los críticos en torno a este tema y poner en perspectiva lo que la protagonista femenina de la saga de Harry Potter desea cumplir. Antes de examinar los aspectos más significativos del papel de Hermione en la novela, revisé algunas nociones básicas sobre la literatura juvenil e infantil, que proporcionaron una base de conocimiento desde la cual comenzar mi análisis. Después de examinar varios escritos sobre este género literario y después de leer la novela e instruirme con una amplia gama de perspectivas, me formé una opinión que es apoyada por críticos como Ashley N. Jones, Melanie J. Cordova, y Battis. Finalmente llegué a la conclusión de que la saga de Harry Potter no es un escrito feminista y por lo tanto tampoco Hermione Granger es un personaje feminista. La novela presenta un mundo imaginario profundamente arraigado en un sistema patriarcal que nunca permite que los personajes femeninos asuman el papel de heroína principal, obstaculizando sus acciones mediante el uso de una elección misógina de adjetivos y verbos para describirlas que ayudan a perpetuar el estereotipo. Palabras clave: Hermione Granger, feminismo, heteronormatividad, ética del cuidado, subversión femenina, estereotipos, lenguaje misógino. <br /

    Lexical Cohesion in English – Indonesia Machine Translation Output: The Realization of Manual Post-Editing

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    Lexical cohesion is fundamentally dependent on linguistic cohesiveness. However, whether lexical coherence remains as texts are translated from English into Indonesian has yet to be determined. Considering this, the purpose of this study was to characterize the structure of the lexical cohesion in English-Indonesia Machine Translation (MT), and Post-Editing (PE) outputs and determine whether there were any differences in the use of lexical cohesion. A qualitative descriptive study was conducted. The fifth book in J.K. Rowling's (2013) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix contains the data used in this study. Baker’s (2018) equivalence at the word, above word, grammatical, and textual level, and Halliday & Matthiessen (2014) model of lexical cohesion were used to analyze and interpret the data. It was found that there aren't many differences between the lexical cohesion used in the ST, MT, and PE. While the study explores the application of lexical cohesion, additional problem equivalences, such as those at the word and above-word levels, are added to the PE recommendation
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