14 research outputs found

    An Exercise in Tournament Design: When Some Matches Must Be Scheduled

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    Single-elimination (SE) tournaments are a popular format used in competitive environments and decision making. Algorithms for SE tournament manipulation have been an active topic of research in recent years. In this paper, we initiate the algorithmic study of a novel variant of SE tournament manipulation that aims to model the fact that certain matchups are highly desired in a sporting context, incentivizing an organizer to manipulate the bracket to make such matchups take place. We obtain both hardness and tractability results. We show that while the problem of computing a bracket enforcing a given set of matches in an SE tournament is NP-hard, there are natural restrictions that lead to polynomial-time solvability. In particular, we show polynomial-time solvability if there is a linear ordering on the ability of players with only a constant number of exceptions where a player with lower ability beats a player with higher ability.Comment: Full version of AAAI 2024 pape

    Exploring Subexponential Parameterized Complexity of Completion Problems

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    Let F{\cal F} be a family of graphs. In the F{\cal F}-Completion problem, we are given a graph GG and an integer kk as input, and asked whether at most kk edges can be added to GG so that the resulting graph does not contain a graph from F{\cal F} as an induced subgraph. It appeared recently that special cases of F{\cal F}-Completion, the problem of completing into a chordal graph known as Minimum Fill-in, corresponding to the case of F={C4,C5,C6,}{\cal F}=\{C_4,C_5,C_6,\ldots\}, and the problem of completing into a split graph, i.e., the case of F={C4,2K2,C5}{\cal F}=\{C_4, 2K_2, C_5\}, are solvable in parameterized subexponential time 2O(klogk)nO(1)2^{O(\sqrt{k}\log{k})}n^{O(1)}. The exploration of this phenomenon is the main motivation for our research on F{\cal F}-Completion. In this paper we prove that completions into several well studied classes of graphs without long induced cycles also admit parameterized subexponential time algorithms by showing that: - The problem Trivially Perfect Completion is solvable in parameterized subexponential time 2O(klogk)nO(1)2^{O(\sqrt{k}\log{k})}n^{O(1)}, that is F{\cal F}-Completion for F={C4,P4}{\cal F} =\{C_4, P_4\}, a cycle and a path on four vertices. - The problems known in the literature as Pseudosplit Completion, the case where F={2K2,C4}{\cal F} = \{2K_2, C_4\}, and Threshold Completion, where F={2K2,P4,C4}{\cal F} = \{2K_2, P_4, C_4\}, are also solvable in time 2O(klogk)nO(1)2^{O(\sqrt{k}\log{k})} n^{O(1)}. We complement our algorithms for F{\cal F}-Completion with the following lower bounds: - For F={2K2}{\cal F} = \{2K_2\}, F={C4}{\cal F} = \{C_4\}, F={P4}{\cal F} = \{P_4\}, and F={2K2,P4}{\cal F} = \{2K_2, P_4\}, F{\cal F}-Completion cannot be solved in time 2o(k)nO(1)2^{o(k)} n^{O(1)} unless the Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH) fails. Our upper and lower bounds provide a complete picture of the subexponential parameterized complexity of F{\cal F}-Completion problems for F{2K2,C4,P4}{\cal F}\subseteq\{2K_2, C_4, P_4\}.Comment: 32 pages, 16 figures, A preliminary version of this paper appeared in the proceedings of STACS'1

    LIPIcs, Volume 274, ESA 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 274, ESA 2023, Complete Volum

    Ordering Transactions with Bounded Unfairness: Definitions, Complexity and Constructions

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    An important consideration in the context of distributed ledger protocols is fairness in terms of transaction ordering. Recent work [Crypto 2020] revealed a deep connection of (receiver) order fairness to social choice theory and related impossibility results arising from the Condorcet paradox. As a result of the impossibility, various relaxations of order fairness were investigated in prior works. Given that distributed ledger protocols, especially those processing smart contracts, must serialize the input transactions, a natural objective is to minimize the distance (in terms of injected number of transactions) between any pair of unfairly ordered transactions in the output ledger — a concept we call bounded unfairness. In state machine replication (SMR) parlance this asks for minimizing the number of unfair state updates occurring before the processing of any transaction. This unfairness minimization objective gives rise to a natural class of parametric order fairness definitions that has not been studied before. As we observe, previous realizable relaxations of order fairness do not yield good unfairness bounds. Achieving optimal order fairness in the sense of bounded unfairness turns out to be connected to the graph theoretic properties of the underlying transaction dependency graph and specifically the bandwidth metric of strongly connected components in this graph. This gives rise to a specific instance of the definition that we call ``directed bandwidth order-fairness\u27\u27 which we show that it captures the best possible that any protocol can achieve in terms of bounding unfairness. We prove ordering transactions in this fashion is NP-hard and non-approximable for any constant ratio. Towards realizing the property, we put forth a new distributed ledger protocol called Taxis that achieves directed bandwidth order-fairness in the permissionless setting. We present two variants of our protocol, one that matches the property perfectly but (necessarily) lacks in performance and liveness, and a second variant that achieves liveness and better complexity while offering a slightly relaxed version of the directed bandwidth definition. Finally, we comment on applications of our work to social choice theory, a direction which we believe to be of independent interest

    On interval number in cycle convexity

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    International audienceRecently, Araujo et al. [Manuscript in preparation, 2017] introduced the notion of Cycle Convexity of graphs. In their seminal work, they studied the graph convexity parameter called hull number for this new graph convexity they proposed, and they presented some of its applications in Knot theory. Roughly, the tunnel number of a knot embedded in a plane is upper bounded by the hull number of a corresponding planar 4-regular graph in cycle convexity. In this paper, we go further in the study of this new graph convexity and we study the interval number of a graph in cycle convexity. This parameter is, alongside the hull number, one of the most studied parameters in the literature about graph convexities. Precisely, given a graph G, its interval number in cycle convexity, denoted by incc(G)in_{cc} (G), is the minimum cardinality of a set S ⊆ V (G) such that every vertex w ∈ V (G) \ S has two distinct neighbors u, v ∈ S such that u and v lie in same connected component of G[S], i.e. the subgraph of G induced by the vertices in S.In this work, first we provide bounds on incc(G)in_{cc} (G) and its relations to other graph convexity parameters, and explore its behavior on grids. Then, we present some hardness results by showing that deciding whether incc(G)in_{cc} (G) ≤ k is NP-complete, even if G is a split graph or a bounded-degree planar graph, and that the problem is W[2]-hard in bipartite graphs when k is the parameter. As a consequence, we obtainthat incc(G)in_{cc} (G) cannot be approximated up to a constant factor in the classes of split graphs and bipartite graphs (unless P = N P ).On the positive side, we present polynomial-time algorithms to compute incc(G)in_{cc} (G) for outerplanar graphs, cobipartite graphs and interval graphs. We also present fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) algorithms to compute it for (q, q − 4)-graphs when q is the parameter and for general graphs G when parameterized either by the treewidth or the neighborhood diversity of G.Some of our hardness results and positive results are not known to hold for related graph convexities and domination problems. We hope that the design of our new reductions and polynomial-time algorithms can be helpful in order to advance in the study of related graph problems

    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volum

    EUROCOMB 21 Book of extended abstracts

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