2,505 research outputs found

    Naive possibilistic classifiers for imprecise or uncertain numerical data

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    International audienceIn real-world problems, input data may be pervaded with uncertainty. In this paper, we investigate the behavior of naive possibilistic classifiers, as a counterpart to naive Bayesian ones, for dealing with classification tasks in the presence of uncertainty. For this purpose, we extend possibilistic classifiers, which have been recently adapted to numerical data, in order to cope with uncertainty in data representation. Here the possibility distributions that are used are supposed to encode the family of Gaussian probabilistic distributions that are compatible with the considered dataset. We consider two types of uncertainty: (i) the uncertainty associated with the class in the training set, which is modeled by a possibility distribution over class labels, and (ii) the imprecision pervading attribute values in the testing set represented under the form of intervals for continuous data. Moreover, the approach takes into account the uncertainty about the estimation of the Gaussian distribution parameters due to the limited amount of data available. We first adapt the possibilistic classification model, previously proposed for the certain case, in order to accommodate the uncertainty about class labels. Then, we propose an algorithm based on the extension principle to deal with imprecise attribute values. The experiments reported show the interest of possibilistic classifiers for handling uncertainty in data. In particular, the probability-to-possibility transform-based classifier shows a robust behavior when dealing with imperfect data

    Predicting Panel Ratings for Semantic Characteristics of Lung Nodules

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    In reading CT scans with potentially malignant lung nodules, radiologists make use of high level information (semantic characteristics) in their analysis. CAD systems can assist radiologists by offering a “second opinion” - predicting these semantic characteristics for lung nodules. In our previous work, we developed such a CAD system, training and testing it on the publicly available Lung Image Database Consortium (LIDC) dataset, which includes semantic annotations by up to four human radiologists for every nodule. However, due to the lack of ground truth and the uncertainty in the dataset, each nodule was viewed as four distinct instances when training the classifier. In this work, we propose a way of predicting the distribution of opinions of the four radiologists using a multiple-label classification algorithm based on belief decision trees. We evaluate our results using a distance-threshold curve and, measuring the area under this curve, obtain 69% accuracy on the testing subset. We conclude that multiple-label classification algorithms are an appropriate method of representing the diagnoses of multiple radiologists on lung CT scans when a single ground truth is not available

    Evidential Bagging: Combining Heterogeneous Classifiers in the Belief Functions Framework

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    International audienceIn machine learning, Ensemble Learning methodologies are known to improve predictive accuracy and robustness. They consist in the learning of many classifiers that produce outputs which are finally combined according to different techniques. Bagging, or Bootstrap Aggre-gating, is one of the most famous Ensemble methodologies and is usually applied to the same classification base algorithm, i.e. the same type of classifier is learnt multiple times on bootstrapped versions of the initial learning dataset. In this paper, we propose a bagging methodology that involves different types of classifier. Classifiers' probabilist outputs are used to build mass functions which are further combined within the belief functions framework. Three different ways of building mass functions are proposed; preliminary experiments on benchmark datasets showing the relevancy of the approach are presented

    The Advantage of Evidential Attributes in Social Networks

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    Nowadays, there are many approaches designed for the task of detecting communities in social networks. Among them, some methods only consider the topological graph structure, while others take use of both the graph structure and the node attributes. In real-world networks, there are many uncertain and noisy attributes in the graph. In this paper, we will present how we detect communities in graphs with uncertain attributes in the first step. The numerical, probabilistic as well as evidential attributes are generated according to the graph structure. In the second step, some noise will be added to the attributes. We perform experiments on graphs with different types of attributes and compare the detection results in terms of the Normalized Mutual Information (NMI) values. The experimental results show that the clustering with evidential attributes gives better results comparing to those with probabilistic and numerical attributes. This illustrates the advantages of evidential attributes.Comment: 20th International Conference on Information Fusion, Jul 2017, Xi'an, Chin

    Uncertainty Management of Intelligent Feature Selection in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are envisioned to revolutionize the paradigm of monitoring complex real-world systems at a very high resolution. However, the deployment of a large number of unattended sensor nodes in hostile environments, frequent changes of environment dynamics, and severe resource constraints pose uncertainties and limit the potential use of WSN in complex real-world applications. Although uncertainty management in Artificial Intelligence (AI) is well developed and well investigated, its implications in wireless sensor environments are inadequately addressed. This dissertation addresses uncertainty management issues of spatio-temporal patterns generated from sensor data. It provides a framework for characterizing spatio-temporal pattern in WSN. Using rough set theory and temporal reasoning a novel formalism has been developed to characterize and quantify the uncertainties in predicting spatio-temporal patterns from sensor data. This research also uncovers the trade-off among the uncertainty measures, which can be used to develop a multi-objective optimization model for real-time decision making in sensor data aggregation and samplin

    Applications Of Machine Learning In Biology And Medicine

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    Machine learning as a field is defined to be the set of computational algorithms that improve their performance by assimilating data. As such, the field as a whole has found applications in many diverse disciplines from robotics and communication in engineering to economics and finance, and also biology and medicine. It should not come as a surprise that many popular methods in use today have completely different origins. Despite this heterogeneity, different methods can be divided into standard tasks, such as supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised and reinforcement learning. Although machine learning as a field can be formalized as methods trying to solve certain standard tasks, applying these tasks on datasets from different fields comes with certain caveats, and sometimes is fraught with challenges. In this thesis, we develop general procedures and novel solutions, dealing with practical problems that arise when modeling biological and medical data. Cost sensitive learning is an important area of research in machine learning which addresses the widespread and practical problem of dealing with different costs during the learning and deployment of classification algorithms. In many applications such as credit fraud detection, network intrusion and specifically medical diagnosis domains, prior class distributions are highly skewed, which makes the training examples very much unbalanced. Combining this with uneven misclassification costs renders standard machine learning approaches useless in learning an acceptable decision function. We experimentally show the benefits and shortcomings of various methods that convert cost blind learning algorithms to cost sensitive ones. Using the results and best practices found for cost sensitive learning, we design and develop a machine learning approach to ontology mapping. Next, we present a novel approach to deal with uncertainty in classification when costs are unknown or otherwise hard to assign. Support Vector Machines (SVM) are considered to be among the most successful approaches for classification. However prediction of instances near the decision boundary depends more on the specific parameter selection or noise in data, rather than a clear difference in features. In many applications such as medical diagnosis, these regions should be labeled as uncertain rather than assigned to any particular class. Furthermore, instances may belong to novel disease subtypes that are not from any previously known class. In such applications, declining to make a prediction could be beneficial when more powerful but expensive tests are available. We develop a novel approach for optimal selection of the threshold and show its successful application on three biological and medical datasets. The last part of this thesis provides novel solutions for handling high dimensional data. Although high-dimensional data is ubiquitously found in many disciplines, current life science research almost always involves high-dimensional genomics/proteomics data. The ``omics\u27\u27 data provide a wealth of information and have changed the research landscape in biology and medicine. However, these data are plagued with noise, redundancy and collinearity, which makes the discovery process very difficult and costly. Any method that can accurately detect irrelevant and noisy variables in omics data would be highly valuable. We present Robust Feature Selection (RFS), a randomized feature selection approach dedicated to low-sample high-dimensional data. RFS combines an embedded feature selection method with a randomization procedure for stability. Recent advances in sparse recovery and estimation methods have provided efficient and asymptotically consistent feature selection algorithms. However, these methods lack finite sample error control due to instability. Furthermore, the chances of correct recovery diminish with more collinearity among features. To overcome these difficulties, RFS uses a randomization procedure to provide an accurate and stable feature selection method. We thoroughly evaluate RFS by comparing it to a number of popular univariate and multivariate feature selection methods and show marked prediction accuracy improvement of a diagnostic signature, while preserving a good stability

    Indeterminacy-aware prediction model for authentication in IoT.

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has opened a new chapter in data access. It has brought obvious opportunities as well as major security and privacy challenges. Access control is one of the challenges in IoT. This holds true as the existing, conventional access control paradigms do not fit into IoT, thus access control requires more investigation and remains an open issue. IoT has a number of inherent characteristics, including scalability, heterogeneity and dynamism, which hinder access control. While most of the impact of these characteristics have been well studied in the literature, we highlighted “indeterminacy” in authentication as a neglected research issue. This work stresses that an indeterminacy-resilient model for IoT authentication is missing from the literature. According to our findings, indeterminacy consists of at least two facets: “uncertainty” and “ambiguity”. As a result, various relevant theories were studied in this work. Our proposed framework is based on well-known machine learning models and Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC). To implement and evaluate our framework, we first generate datasets, in which the location of the users is a main dataset attribute, with the aim to analyse the role of user mobility in the performance of the prediction models. Next, multiple classification algorithms were used with our datasets in order to build our best-fit prediction models. Our results suggest that our prediction models are able to determine the class of the authentication requests while considering both the uncertainty and ambiguity in the IoT system

    Possibilistic classifiers for numerical data

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    International audienceNaive Bayesian Classifiers, which rely on independence hypotheses, together with a normality assumption to estimate densities for numerical data, are known for their simplicity and their effectiveness. However, estimating densities, even under the normality assumption, may be problematic in case of poor data. In such a situation, possibility distributions may provide a more faithful representation of these data. Naive Possibilistic Classifiers (NPC), based on possibility theory, have been recently proposed as a counterpart of Bayesian classifiers to deal with classification tasks. There are only few works that treat possibilistic classification and most of existing NPC deal only with categorical attributes. This work focuses on the estimation of possibility distributions for continuous data. In this paper we investigate two kinds of possibilistic classifiers. The first one is derived from classical or flexible Bayesian classifiers by applying a probability–possibility transformation to Gaussian distributions, which introduces some further tolerance in the description of classes. The second one is based on a direct interpretation of data in possibilistic formats that exploit an idea of proximity between data values in different ways, which provides a less constrained representation of them. We show that possibilistic classifiers have a better capability to detect new instances for which the classification is ambiguous than Bayesian classifiers, where probabilities may be poorly estimated and illusorily precise. Moreover, we propose, in this case, an hybrid possibilistic classification approach based on a nearest-neighbour heuristics to improve the accuracy of the proposed possibilistic classifiers when the available information is insufficient to choose between classes. Possibilistic classifiers are compared with classical or flexible Bayesian classifiers on a collection of benchmarks databases. The experiments reported show the interest of possibilistic classifiers. In particular, flexible possibilistic classifiers perform well for data agreeing with the normality assumption, while proximity-based possibilistic classifiers outperform others in the other cases. The hybrid possibilistic classification exhibits a good ability for improving accuracy
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