11 research outputs found


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    This research is aimed to explore each of these two Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) and Message Passing Interface(MPI) vehicles for DPP (Distributed Parallel Processing) considering capability, ease of use, and availability, and compares their distinguishing features and also explores programmer interface and their utilization for solving real world parallel processing applications. This work recommends a potential research issue, that is, to study the feasibility of creating a programming environment that allows access to the virtual machine features of PVM and the message passing features of MPI. PVM and MPI, two systems for programming clusters, are often compared. Each system has its unique strengths and this will remain so in to the foreseeable future. The comparisons usually start with the unspoken assumption that PVM and MPI represent different solutions to the same problem. In this paper we show that, in fact, the two systems often are solving different problems. In cases where the problems do match but the solutions chosen by PVM and MPI are different, we explain the reasons for the differences. Usually such differences can be traced to explicit differences in the goals of the two systems, their origins, or the relationship between their specifications and their implementations. This paper also compares PVM and MPI features, pointing out the situations where one may be favored over the other; it explains the deference’s between these systems and the reasons for such deference’s

    CRAFT: A library for easier application-level Checkpoint/Restart and Automatic Fault Tolerance

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    In order to efficiently use the future generations of supercomputers, fault tolerance and power consumption are two of the prime challenges anticipated by the High Performance Computing (HPC) community. Checkpoint/Restart (CR) has been and still is the most widely used technique to deal with hard failures. Application-level CR is the most effective CR technique in terms of overhead efficiency but it takes a lot of implementation effort. This work presents the implementation of our C++ based library CRAFT (Checkpoint-Restart and Automatic Fault Tolerance), which serves two purposes. First, it provides an extendable library that significantly eases the implementation of application-level checkpointing. The most basic and frequently used checkpoint data types are already part of CRAFT and can be directly used out of the box. The library can be easily extended to add more data types. As means of overhead reduction, the library offers a build-in asynchronous checkpointing mechanism and also supports the Scalable Checkpoint/Restart (SCR) library for node level checkpointing. Second, CRAFT provides an easier interface for User-Level Failure Mitigation (ULFM) based dynamic process recovery, which significantly reduces the complexity and effort of failure detection and communication recovery mechanism. By utilizing both functionalities together, applications can write application-level checkpoints and recover dynamically from process failures with very limited programming effort. This work presents the design and use of our library in detail. The associated overheads are thoroughly analyzed using several benchmarks

    Exascale machines require new programming paradigms and runtimes

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    Extreme scale parallel computing systems will have tens of thousands of optionally accelerator-equiped nodes with hundreds of cores each, as well as deep memory hierarchies and complex interconnect topologies. Such Exascale systems will provide hardware parallelism at multiple levels and will be energy constrained. Their extreme scale and the rapidly deteriorating reliablity of their hardware components means that Exascale systems will exhibit low mean-time-between-failure values. Furthermore, existing programming models already require heroic programming and optimisation efforts to achieve high efficiency on current supercomputers. Invariably, these efforts are platform-specific and non-portable. In this paper we will explore the shortcomings of existing programming models and runtime systems for large scale computing systems. We then propose and discuss important features of programming paradigms and runtime system to deal with large scale computing systems with a special focus on data-intensive applications and resilience. Finally, we also discuss code sustainability issues and propose several software metrics that are of paramount importance for code development for large scale computing systems

    Parallel computing on heterogeneous Networks: Challenges and Responses

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    In the paper, we analyse challenges associated with parallel programming for common networks of computers (NoCs) that are, unlike dedicated parallel computer systems, inherently heterogeneous and unreliable. This analysis results in description of main features of an ideal parallel program for NoCs. We also outline some recent parallel programming tools, which try and respond to some of the challenges

    Implementing generalized deep-copy in MPI

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    In this paper we introduce a framework for implementing deep copy on top of MPI. The process is initiated by passing just the root object of the dynamic data structure. Our framework takes care of all pointer traversal, communication, copying and reconstruction on receiving nodes. The benefit of our approach is that MPI users can deep copy complex dynamic data structures without the need to write bespoke communication or serialize / deserialize methods for each object. These methods can present a challenging implementation problem that can quickly become unwieldy to maintain when working with complex structured data. This paper demonstrates our generic implementation, which encapsulates both approaches. We analyze the approach with a variety of structures (trees, graphs (including complete graphs) and rings) and demonstrate that it performs comparably to hand written implementations, using a vastly simplified programming interface. We make the source code available completely as a convenient header file

    One-Sided Communication for High Performance Computing Applications

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) - Indiana University, Computer Sciences, 2009Parallel programming presents a number of critical challenges to application developers. Traditionally, message passing, in which a process explicitly sends data and another explicitly receives the data, has been used to program parallel applications. With the recent growth in multi-core processors, the level of parallelism necessary for next generation machines is cause for concern in the message passing community. The one-sided programming paradigm, in which only one of the two processes involved in communication actively participates in message transfer, has seen increased interest as a potential replacement for message passing. One-sided communication does not carry the heavy per-message overhead associated with modern message passing libraries. The paradigm offers lower synchronization costs and advanced data manipulation techniques such as remote atomic arithmetic and synchronization operations. These combine to present an appealing interface for applications with random communication patterns, which traditionally present message passing implementations with difficulties. This thesis presents a taxonomy of both the one-sided paradigm and of applications which are ideal for the one-sided interface. Three case studies, based on real-world applications, are used to motivate both taxonomies and verify the applicability of the MPI one-sided communication and Cray SHMEM one-sided interfaces to real-world problems. While our results show a number of short-comings with existing implementations, they also suggest that a number of applications could benefit from the one-sided paradigm. Finally, an implementation of the MPI one-sided interface within Open MPI is presented, which provides a number of unique performance features necessary for efficient use of the one-sided programming paradigm

    Light-Weight Hierarchical Clustering Middleware for Public-Resource Computing

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    The goal of this work was to investigate ways to implement and improve a public-resource computing middleware. Specifically, to make hosting a public-resource computing project logistically simpler and to examine the affect of hierarchical clustering on bandwidth utilization at the central server. To this end, we present the architecture for our cross-platform, multithreaded public-resource computing middleware. Implementing and debugging the middleware proved far more challenging than initially anticipated. As hard as debugging multithreaded programs is, our experience has shown us that it can be leveraged to simplify system components. Our main contribution is the final system architecture.Computer Science Departmen

    Keeping checkpoint/restart viable for exascale systems

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    Next-generation exascale systems, those capable of performing a quintillion operations per second, are expected to be delivered in the next 8-10 years. These systems, which will be 1,000 times faster than current systems, will be of unprecedented scale. As these systems continue to grow in size, faults will become increasingly common, even over the course of small calculations. Therefore, issues such as fault tolerance and reliability will limit application scalability. Current techniques to ensure progress across faults like checkpoint/restart, the dominant fault tolerance mechanism for the last 25 years, are increasingly problematic at the scales of future systems due to their excessive overheads. In this work, we evaluate a number of techniques to decrease the overhead of checkpoint/restart and keep this method viable for future exascale systems. More specifically, this work evaluates state-machine replication to dramatically increase the checkpoint interval (the time between successive checkpoints) and hash-based, probabilistic incremental checkpointing using graphics processing units to decrease the checkpoint commit time (the time to save one checkpoint). Using a combination of empirical analysis, modeling, and simulation, we study the costs and benefits of these approaches on a wide range of parameters. These results, which cover of number of high-performance computing capability workloads, different failure distributions, hardware mean time to failures, and I/O bandwidths, show the potential benefits of these techniques for meeting the reliability demands of future exascale platforms

    Resilience for Asynchronous Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems

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    Large scale simulations are used in a variety of application areas in science and engineering to help forward the progress of innovation. Many spend the vast majority of their computational time attempting to solve large systems of linear equations; typically arising from discretizations of partial differential equations that are used to mathematically model various phenomena. The algorithms used to solve these problems are typically iterative in nature, and making efficient use of computational time on High Performance Computing (HPC) clusters involves constantly improving these iterative algorithms. Future HPC platforms are expected to encounter three main problem areas: scalability of code, reliability of hardware, and energy efficiency of the platform. The HPC resources that are expected to run the large programs are planned to consist of billions of processing units that come from more traditional multicore processors as well as a variety of different hardware accelerators. This growth in parallelism leads to the presence of all three problems. Previously, work on algorithm development has focused primarily on creating fault tolerance mechanisms for traditional iterative solvers. Recent work has begun to revisit using asynchronous methods for solving large scale applications, and this dissertation presents research into fault tolerance for fine-grained methods that are asynchronous in nature. Classical convergence results for asynchronous methods are revisited and modified to account for the possible occurrence of a fault, and a variety of techniques for recovery from the effects of a fault are proposed. Examples of how these techniques can be used are shown for various algorithms, including an analysis of a fine-grained algorithm for computing incomplete factorizations. Lastly, numerous modeling and simulation tools for the further construction of iterative algorithms for HPC applications are developed, including numerical models for simulating faults and a simulation framework that can be used to extrapolate the performance of algorithms towards future HPC systems

    Fault Tolerance for High-Performance Applications Using Structured Parallelism Models

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    In the last years parallel computing has increasingly exploited the high-level models of structured parallel programming, an example of which are algorithmic skeletons. This trend has been motivated by the properties featuring structured parallelism models, which can be used to derive several (static and dynamic) optimizations at various implementation levels. In this thesis we study the properties of structured parallel models useful for attacking the issue of providing a fault tolerance support oriented towards High-Performance applications. This issue has been traditionally faced in two ways: (i) in the context of unstructured parallelism models (e.g. MPI), which computation model is essentially based on a distributed set of processes communicating through message-passing, with an approach based on checkpointing and rollback recovery or software replication; (ii) in the context of high-level models, based on a specific parallelism model (e.g. data-flow) and/or an implementation model (e.g. master-slave), by introducing specific techniques based on the properties of the programming and computation models themselves. In this thesis we make a step towards a more abstract viewpoint and we highlight the properties of structured parallel models interesting for fault tolerance purposes. We consider two classes of parallel programs (namely task parallel and data parallel) and we introduce a fault tolerance support based on checkpointing and rollback recovery. The support is derived according to the high-level properties of the parallel models: we call this derivation specialization of fault tolerance techniques, highlighting the difference with classical solutions supporting structure-unaware computations. As a consequence of this specialization, the introduced fault tolerance techniques can be configured and optimized to meet specific needs at different implementation levels. That is, the supports we present do not target a single computing platform or a specific class of them. Indeed the specializations are the mechanism to target specific issues of the exploited environment and of the implemented applications, as proper choices of the protocols and their configurations