1,782 research outputs found

    The knowledge economy, hub airports and accessibility. A location based perspective.

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    The airplane is gradually creating a completely new spatial pattern as did other kinds of transportation modes in the past. Successively, international airports have gone through a morphogenesis from original pure infrastructure facilities into multimodal and multilayered spatial growth poles and center of competences. Landside infrastructure investments have converted airports and their hinterland into spaces of highest accessibility. The airports unique locational advantages and the growing segment of non-aviation activities on the part of the airport operators have made airports an advantageous business location for knowledge-intensive industries. At the same time airports have become a crucial asset for city-regions especially those competing on a European or international spatial level for future-oriented enterprises and highly skilled employees. The paper asks about the general interplay between airports, air transport and the knowledge economy. What are the contributions of the knowledge economy that explain the economic effects of airports on the spatial structure? What kinds of knowledge economy linked locational patterns have already emerged around airports? What is their spatial relationship to more traditional locations for example within the core cities? Why does an array of knowledge-based companies relocate their business activities at spaces of highest accessibility such as international airports? This paper analyzes aviation induced spatial patterns and processes of specialization around European airports, especially around those with hub function. First results show that airports and their vicinities have become attractive sites for real estate developments and property-led capital accumulation. Locations directly at or close by international airports are notably in demand among highly globalized sectors characterized by their need for frequent face-to-face interaction, high value products and services. As the traditional role of airports is redefined a new spatial quality and entity within the city regions is evolving.

    Unravelling the identity of Pandora species (Bivalvia: Pandoridae) from Southern South America

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    Four species of Pandora have been reported from southern South America: P. cistula Gould, 1850, P. braziliensis G. B. Sowerby II, 1874, P. diffissa Mabille & Rochebrune, 1889 and P. patagonica (Dall, 1915). The group has received little taxonomic attention in this area, resulting in arbitrary and wrong usage of these names, for which several contradictory synonymies have been proposed. This study provides the first revision of Pandora species living in southern South America, including photographs of the type material and descriptions of shells, gross anatomy and living animals. Out of the four species previously mentioned, P. braziliensis is here regarded as valid, including P. patagonica and P. diffissa as synonyms. The fourth species, P. cistula, remains known only from its type specimen. In addition, a new species, P. brevirostris, is described from the shallow waters of Argentina.Fil: Güller, Marina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales ; ArgentinaFil: Zelaya, Diego Gabriel. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental; Argentin

    Cumhuriyet dönemi Türk şiirinde gül imgesi

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    “Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türk Şiirinde Gül İmgesi” adlı bu tezde “gül”ün Türk şiirinde geçirdiği değişim ve dönüşümler, ayrıntılı bir şekilde incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışmaya ilk olarak şiir sanatında önemli bir misyon yüklenen “imge/imaj” bahsiyle birlikte “hislerin geride kalan temsilcileri” olarak tanımlanan imgenin tasnifindeki farklılıkları ve bağlantılı olduğu sembol, metafor, mit, kinestezi, sinestezi, alegori, metonymy ve tropology gibi kavramları özlü bir biçimde tetkik ederek başladık. Tezdeki içerik tasnifinde, Anadolu Üniversitesince yayınlanan Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türk Edebiyatı (Ed. H.Akay-M.Dayanç, Eskişehir 2012) eserindeki düzenlemeden istifade ettik. “Gül”, şiir sanatında pek çok şair tarafından sıkça kullanılmış gözde bir kavramdır. Bu seçkin tabiat varlığına şairler oldukça farklı ve değişik mânâlar yüklemişlerdir. Hz. Peygamber’e isnâd edilen “Kırmızı gül Allah’ın ihtişâmının tezahürüdür.” rivâyeti ile Yunus Emre’nin “Gül Muhammed teridir” dizesi,“gül”ün dînî ve tasavvufî açılımlarının bağdaştırıldığı en önemli kaynaklardandır. Halk Şiirinde “gül” Âşık Veysel, Karacaoğlan, Pir Sultan Abdal gibi şairler başta olmak üzere daha birçok halk şairi tarafından sevgilinin güzelliği, gül-bülbül münâsebeti bağlamında aşkı ve sevgiyi anlatmak için çokça ele alınmıştır. Divan Şiirinde “gül” imgesi, hemen hemen her şair tarafından kullanılmıştır. Bu müstesnâ çiçek için Fuzûlî, Necatî Bey, Hayâlî Bey ve Nev’î’ gibi önemli isimlerin kasîdelerini, Bâkî’nin ise “gül” redifli beş gazelini önemli misâller olarak vermek yerinde olacaktır. Bu dönemde “gül” genellikle Hz. İbrahim, gül-bülbül, aşk, sevgi ve sevgilinin güzelliği ile alâkalı olarak şiirlerde konu edinilmiştir. Özellikle Birinci Tanzimat ve Millî Edebiyat dönemi şiirlerindeki fikrî zemin, şiir metinlerini sanatsal duyarlılıktan uzak tuttuğu için, bu dönem şiirlerinde“gül”ün çok büyük bir itibar konusu olarak işlendiğini söylemek doğru olmaz. Buna karşılık İkinci dönem Tanzimat şairlerinin belli şiirlerinde ve Servet-i Fünûn şiirinde bilhassa Cenab’ın sanatsal bir duyarlılıkla yazdığı metinlerde “gül” ün estetik kullanımı söz konusudur. Tezimizin esasını teşkil eden “Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türk Şiirinde Gül İmgesi” adlı bölümde, Anadolu Üniversitesince yayınlanan Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türk Edebiyatı eserindeki düzenlemeye bağlı olarak kurgulandığı üzere,“ İmgenin Tanımı Ve Tasnifi” adlı 1. Bölüm’de, “Mevcut İmge Tanımları Ve Bu Konudaki Görüşler” ele alınmış, 2. Bölüm’de, “Cumhuriyet Dönemine Kadar Türk Şiirinde Gül İmgesine Genel Bir Bakış”, 3. Bölüm’de “Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türk Şiirinde Gül” İmgesi işlenmiştir. Çalışmamızın amacı; “gül”ün geçmişten bu yana hangi şairler tarafından hangi anlamda ve hangi bağlamlarda kullanıldığını tespit etmek ve Cumhuriyet döneminde “gül”ü imgesel açıdan işleyen önemli isimlerin şiir metinleri üzerinde yapısal açıdan olduğu kadar semantik açıdan da tahliller yapmak suretiyle nasıl işlendiğini irdelemektir

    Comparative analysis of microRNA expression in mouse and human brown adipose tissue

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    BACKGROUND: In small mammals brown adipose tissue (BAT) plays a predominant role in regulating energy expenditure (EE) via adaptive thermogenesis. New-born babies require BAT to control their body temperature, however its relevance in adults has been questioned. Active BAT has recently been observed in adult humans, albeit in much lower relative quantities than small mammals. Comparing and contrasting the molecular mechanisms controlling BAT growth and development in mice and humans will increase our understanding or how human BAT is developed and may identify potential therapeutic targets to increase EE. MicroRNAs are molecular mechanisms involved in mouse BAT development however, little is known about the miRNA profile in human BAT. The aims of this study were to establish a mouse BAT-enriched miRNA profile and compare this with miRNAs measured in human BAT. To achieve this we firstly established a mouse BAT enriched-miRNA profile by comparing miRNAs expressed in mouse BAT, white adipose tissue and skeletal muscle. Following this the BAT-enriched miRNAs predicted to target genes potentially involved in growth and development were identified. METHODS: MiRNA levels were measured using PCR-based miRNA arrays. Results were analysed using ExpressionSuite software with the global mean expression value of all expressed miRNAs in a givensample used as the normalisation factor. Bio-informatic analyses was used to predict gene targets followed by Ingenuity Pathway Analysis. RESULTS: We identified 35 mouse BAT-enriched miRNAs that were predicted to target genes potentially involved in growth and development. We also identified 145 miRNAs expressed in both mouse and human BAT, of which 25 were enriched in mouse BAT. Of these 25 miRNAs, miR-20a was predicted to target MYF5 and PPARγ, two important genes involved in brown adipogenesis, as well as BMP2 and BMPR2, genes involved in white adipogenesis. For the first time, 69 miRNAs were identified in human BAT but absent in mouse BAT, and 181 miRNAs were expressed in mouse but not in human BAT. CONCLUSION: The present study has identified a small sub-set of miRNAs common to both mouse and human BAT. From this sub-set bioinformatics analysis suggested a potential role of miR-20a in the control of cell fate and this warrants further investigation. The large number of miRNAs found only in mouse BAT or only in human BAT highlights the differing molecular profile between species that is likely to influence the functional role of BAT across species. Nevertheless the BAT-enriched miRNA profiles established in the present study suggest targets to investigate in the control BAT development and EE

    Do Airports green cities? : Von der Airport City zur nachhaltigen Region ; Flughafenstrategien und Regionalentwicklung

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    Multivariate pattern recognition approaches have become a prominent tool in neuroimaging data analysis. These methods enable the classification of groups of participants (e.g. controls and patients) on the basis of subtly different patterns across the whole brain. This study demonstrates that these methods can be used, in combination with automated morphometric analysis of structural MRI, to determine with great accuracy whether a single subject has been engaged in regular mental training or not. The proposed approach allowed us to identify with 94.87% accuracy (p<0.001) if a given participant is a regular meditator (from a sample of 19 regular meditators and 20 non-meditators). Neuroimaging has been a relevant tool for diagnosing neurological and psychiatric impairments. This study may suggest a novel step forward: the emergence of a new field in brain imaging applications, in which participants could be identified based on their mental experience

    Mechanism to Generate a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas at the Surface of the Charge-Ordered Semiconductor BaBiO3

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    In this work, we find by means of first principle calculations a new physical mechanism to generate a two dimensional electron gas, namely, the breaking of charge ordering at the surface of a charge ordered semiconductor due to the incomplete oxygen environment of the surface ions. The emergence of the 2D gas is independent of the presence of oxygen vacancies or polar discontinuities; this is a self-doping effect. This mechanism might apply to many charge ordered systems, in particular, we study the case of BaBiO3(001). In bulk, this material is a prototype of a "forbidden valence" compound in which the formal "metallic" Bi4+ state is skipped exhibiting a charge disproportionated Bi3+ - Bi5+ ordered structure. At room temperature, this charge disproportionation together with the breathing distortions gives rise to a Peierls semiconductor with monoclinic crystal structure. At higher temperature (T > 750 K) or upon doping, it turns cubic and metallic. Interestingly, doped BaBiO3 was one of the first non-cuprate high-Tc superconductors discovered. The outer layer of the Bi-terminated simulated surface turns more cubic- like and metallic while the inner layers remain in the insulating monoclinic state. On the other hand, the metallization does not occur for the Ba termination, a fact that makes this system appealing for nanostructuring. Finally, this finding sets another possible route for future exploration: the potential scenario of 2D superconductivity at the BaBiO3 surface

    Behandlung der eitrigen Klauengelenkentzündung beim Rind durch Gelenkresektion

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    Die eitrige Arthritis des distalen Interphalangealgelenkes ist eine relativ häufige, schwerwiegende Erkrankung der Rinderklaue. In vielen Fällen gelingt es, eine Amputation zu vermeiden und die Zehe durch Resektion des Gelenkes funktionstüchtig zu erhalten. Es wird über die Operationstechnik und über die Ergebnisse nach Gelenkresektion bei 281 Rindern verschiedenen Alters berichtet. Von diesen konnten 71 Tiere über Zeiträume zwischen drei Monaten und sechs Jahren postoperativ klinisch und röntgenologisch nachuntersucht werden. Der knöcherne Durchbau erfolgte zwischen dem 7. und 12. Monat nach der Operat i o n ; bei 41 Tieren (£58%) wurde eine vollständige Ankylosierung festgestellt. Von den 71 nachuntersuchten Rindern waren 59 Tiere (= 83%) an der operierten Gliedmaße beschwerdefrei. Die operierte Klaue unterstützte die Partnerklaue bei der Tragefunktion. Haltung auf Spaltenboden oder Weidegang waren weiterhin möglich. Im Vergleich zur Klauenamputation ist die postoperative Nutzungsdauer länger

    El registro fósil más antiguo de la poco conocida familia Condylocardiidae en Argentina

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    La muy poco conocida familia Condylocardiidae (Bivalvia: Archiheterodonta) está pobremente representada en el registro fósil y las especies vivientes del grupo han sido poco estudiadas. Este trabajo presenta un nuevo representante de la familia, procedente de la terraza marina de cerro Laciar (Provincia de Santa Cruz), de edad Plioceno temprano. Carditella pitufina sp. nov. es descrita y caracterizada por presentar valvas grandes para el género, 15 costillas radiales tan anchas como sus interespacios, charnela alta y ancha y dientes charnelares grandes. El pobre registro de la familia es referido a un sesgo de identificación, debido probablemente al pequeño tamaño de los especímenes y a su similaridad con los cardítidos. Esta nueva especie se asemeja a la especie viviente Carditella tegulata del extremo sur de Argentina y Chile y podrían estar estrechamente emparentadas. Carditella pitufina sp. nov. representa el registro más antiguo del género Carditella en América del Sur y el más antiguo de un Condylocardiidae para Argentina.The scarcely known family Condylocardiidae (Bivalvia: Archiheterodonta) is poorly represented in the fossil record and their living representatives are also poorly known. This work presents a new representative of the family from the early Pliocene of marine terrace of Cerro Laciar (Santa Cruz Province). Carditella pitufina sp. nov. is described and characterized by a shell large for the genus, 15 radial ribs as wide as interspaces, high hinge plate and broad and large hinge teeth. The poor record of the family may be due to an identification bias, probably because the tiny size of specimens and its similarity with carditids. This new species resembles to the living Carditella tegulata from southern Argentina and Chile and they could be closely related. Carditella pitufina sp. nov. represents the most ancient record of Carditella in South America and the most ancient record of Condylocardiidae in Argentina.Fil: Perez, Damián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; Argentin

    Ahmet Haşim

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 78-Ahmet Haşimİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033

    Spin density wave instabilities in the NbS2 monolayer

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    In the present work, we study the magnetic properties of the NbS2 monolayer by first-principles calculations. The transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDC) are a family of laminar materials presenting exciting properties such as charge density waves (CDW), superconductivity and metal-insulating transitions among others. 2H-NbS2 is a particular case within the family, because it is the only one that is superconductor without exhibiting a CDW order. Although no long range magnetic order was experimentally observed in the TMDC, we show here that the single monolayer of NbS2 is on the verge of a spin density wave (SDW) phase. Our calculations indicate that a wave-like magnetic order is stabilized in the NbS2 monolayer in the presence of magnetic defects or within zig-zag nanoribbons, due to the presence of unpaired electrons. We calculate the real part of the bare electronic susceptibilty and the corresponding nesting function of the clean NbS2 monolayer, showing that there are strong electronic instabilities at the same wavevector asociated with the calculated SDWs, also corresponding with one of the main nesting vectors of the Fermi surface. We conclude that the physical mechanism behind the spin-wave instabilities are the nesting properties, accentuated by the quasi 2D character of this system, and the rather strong Coulomb interactions of the 4d band of the Nb atom. We also estimate the amplitude of the spin-fluctuations and find that they are rather large, as expected for a system on the verge of a quantum critical transition