17 research outputs found

    Resource-aware Programming in a High-level Language - Improved performance with manageable effort on clustered MPSoCs

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    Bis 2001 bedeutete Moores und Dennards Gesetz eine Verdoppelung der Ausführungszeit alle 18 Monate durch verbesserte CPUs. Heute ist Nebenläufigkeit das dominante Mittel zur Beschleunigung von Supercomputern bis zu mobilen Geräten. Allerdings behindern neuere Phänomene wie "Dark Silicon" zunehmend eine weitere Beschleunigung durch Hardware. Um weitere Beschleunigung zu erreichen muss sich auch die Soft­ware mehr ihrer Hardware Resourcen gewahr werden. Verbunden mit diesem Phänomen ist eine immer heterogenere Hardware. Supercomputer integrieren Beschleuniger wie GPUs. Mobile SoCs (bspw. Smartphones) integrieren immer mehr Fähigkeiten. Spezialhardware auszunutzen ist eine bekannte Methode, um den Energieverbrauch zu senken, was ein weiterer wichtiger Aspekt ist, welcher mit der reinen Geschwindigkeit abgewogen werde muss. Zum Beispiel werden Supercomputer auch nach "Performance pro Watt" bewertet. Zur Zeit sind systemnahe low-level Programmierer es gewohnt über Hardware nachzudenken, während der gemeine high-level Programmierer es vorzieht von der Plattform möglichst zu abstrahieren (bspw. Cloud). "High-level" bedeutet nicht, dass Hardware irrelevant ist, sondern dass sie abstrahiert werden kann. Falls Sie eine Java-Anwendung für Android entwickeln, kann der Akku ein wichtiger Aspekt sein. Irgendwann müssen aber auch Hochsprachen resourcengewahr werden, um Geschwindigkeit oder Energieverbrauch zu verbessern. Innerhalb des Transregio "Invasive Computing" habe ich an diesen Problemen gearbeitet. In meiner Dissertation stelle ich ein Framework vor, mit dem man Hochsprachenanwendungen resourcengewahr machen kann, um so die Leistung zu verbessern. Das könnte beispielsweise erhöhte Effizienz oder schnellerer Ausführung für das System als Ganzes bringen. Ein Kerngedanke dabei ist, dass Anwendungen sich nicht selbst optimieren. Stattdessen geben sie alle Informationen an das Betriebssystem. Das Betriebssystem hat eine globale Sicht und trifft Entscheidungen über die Resourcen. Diesen Prozess nennen wir "Invasion". Die Aufgabe der Anwendung ist es, sich an diese Entscheidungen anzupassen, aber nicht selbst welche zu fällen. Die Herausforderung besteht darin eine Sprache zu definieren, mit der Anwendungen Resourcenbedingungen und Leistungsinformationen kommunizieren. So eine Sprache muss ausdrucksstark genug für komplexe Informationen, erweiterbar für neue Resourcentypen, und angenehm für den Programmierer sein. Die zentralen Beiträge dieser Dissertation sind: Ein theoretisches Modell der Resourcen-Verwaltung, um die Essenz des resourcengewahren Frameworks zu beschreiben, die Korrektheit der Entscheidungen des Betriebssystems bezüglich der Bedingungen einer Anwendung zu begründen und zum Beweis meiner Thesen von Effizienz und Beschleunigung in der Theorie. Ein Framework und eine Übersetzungspfad resourcengewahrer Programmierung für die Hochsprache X10. Zur Bewertung des Ansatzes haben wir Anwendungen aus dem High Performance Computing implementiert. Eine Beschleunigung von 5x konnte gemessen werden. Ein Speicherkonsistenzmodell für die X10 Programmiersprache, da dies ein notwendiger Schritt zu einer formalen Semantik ist, die das theoretische Modell und die konkrete Implementierung verknüpft. Zusammengefasst zeige ich, dass resourcengewahre Programmierung in Hoch\-sprachen auf zukünftigen Architekturen mit vielen Kernen mit vertretbarem Aufwand machbar ist und die Leistung verbessert

    High-Fidelity Provenance:Exploring the Intersection of Provenance and Security

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    In the past 25 years, the World Wide Web has disrupted the way news are disseminated and consumed. However, the euphoria for the democratization of news publishing was soon followed by scepticism, as a new phenomenon emerged: fake news. With no gatekeepers to vouch for it, the veracity of the information served over the World Wide Web became a major public concern. The Reuters Digital News Report 2020 cites that in at least half of the EU member countries, 50% or more of the population is concerned about online fake news. To help address the problem of trust on information communi- cated over the World Wide Web, it has been proposed to also make available the provenance metadata of the information. Similar to artwork provenance, this would include a detailed track of how the information was created, updated and propagated to produce the result we read, as well as what agents—human or software—were involved in the process. However, keeping track of provenance information is a non-trivial task. Current approaches, are often of limited scope and may require modifying existing applications to also generate provenance information along with thei regular output. This thesis explores how provenance can be automatically tracked in an application-agnostic manner, without having to modify the individual applications. We frame provenance capture as a data flow analysis problem and explore the use of dynamic taint analysis in this context. Our work shows that this appoach improves on the quality of provenance captured compared to traditonal approaches, yielding what we term as high-fidelity provenance. We explore the performance cost of this approach and use deterministic record and replay to bring it down to a more practical level. Furthermore, we create and present the tooling necessary for the expanding the use of using deterministic record and replay for provenance analysis. The thesis concludes with an application of high-fidelity provenance as a tool for state-of-the art offensive security analysis, based on the intuition that software too can be misguided by "fake news". This demonstrates that the potential uses of high-fidelity provenance for security extend beyond traditional forensics analysis

    A data dependency recovery system for a heterogeneous multicore processor

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    Multicore processors often increase the performance of applications. However, with their deeper pipelining, they have proven increasingly difficult to improve. In an attempt to deliver enhanced performance at lower power requirements, semiconductor microprocessor manufacturers have progressively utilised chip-multicore processors. Existing research has utilised a very common technique known as thread-level speculation. This technique attempts to compute results before the actual result is known. However, thread-level speculation impacts operation latency, circuit timing, confounds data cache behaviour and code generation in the compiler. We describe an software framework codenamed Lyuba that handles low-level data hazards and automatically recovers the application from data hazards without programmer and speculation intervention for an asymmetric chip-multicore processor. The problem of determining correct execution of multiple threads when data hazards occur on conventional symmetrical chip-multicore processors is a significant and on-going challenge. However, there has been very little focus on the use of asymmetrical (heterogeneous) processors with applications that have complex data dependencies. The purpose of this thesis is to: (i) define the development of a software framework for an asymmetric (heterogeneous) chip-multicore processor; (ii) present an optimal software control of hardware for distributed processing and recovery from violations;(iii) provides performance results of five applications using three datasets. Applications with a small dataset showed an improvement of 17% and a larger dataset showed an improvement of 16% giving overall 11% improvement in performance

    Defining interfaces between hardware and software: Quality and performance

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    One of the most important interfaces in a computer system is the interface between hardware and software. This interface is the contract between the hardware designer and the programmer that defines the functional behaviour of the hardware. This thesis examines two critical aspects of defining the hardware-software interface: quality and performance. The first aspect is creating a high quality specification of the interface as conventionally defined in an instruction set architecture. The majority of this thesis is concerned with creating a specification that covers the full scope of the interface; that is applicable to all current implementations of the architecture; and that can be trusted to accurately describe the behaviour of implementations of the architecture. We describe the development of a formal specification of the two major types of Arm processors: A-class (for mobile devices such as phones and tablets) and M-class (for micro-controllers). These specifications are unparalleled in their scope, applicability and trustworthiness. This thesis identifies and illustrates what we consider the key ingredient in achieving this goal: creating a specification that is used by many different user groups. Supporting many different groups leads to improved quality as each group finds different problems in the specification; and, by providing value to each different group, it helps justify the considerable effort required to create a high quality specification of a major processor architecture. The work described in this thesis led to a step change in Arm's ability to use formal verification techniques to detect errors in their processors; enabled extensive testing of the specification against Arm's official architecture conformance suite; improved the quality of Arm's architecture conformance suite based on measuring the architectural coverage of the tests; supported earlier, faster development of architecture extensions by enabling animation of changes as they are being made; and enabled early detection of problems created from architecture extensions by performing formal validation of the specification against semi-structured natural language specifications. As far as we are aware, no other mainstream processor architecture has this capability. The formal specifications are included in Arm's publicly released architecture reference manuals and the A-class specification is also released in machine-readable form. The second aspect is creating a high performance interface by defining the hardware-software interface of a software-defined radio subsystem using a programming language. That is, an interface that allows software to exploit the potential performance of the underlying hardware. While the hardware-software interface is normally defined in terms of machine code, peripheral control registers and memory maps, we define it using a programming language instead. This higher level interface provides the opportunity for compilers to hide some of the low-level differences between different systems from the programmer: a potentially very efficient way of providing a stable, portable interface without having to add hardware to provide portability between different hardware platforms. We describe the design and implementation of a set of extensions to the C programming language to support programming high performance, energy efficient, software defined radio systems. The language extensions enable the programmer to exploit the pipeline parallelism typically present in digital signal processing applications and to make efficient use of the asymmetric multiprocessor systems designed to support such applications. The extensions consist primarily of annotations that can be checked for consistency and that support annotation inference in order to reduce the number of annotations required. Reducing the number of annotations does not just save programmer effort, it also improves portability by reducing the number of annotations that need to be changed when porting an application from one platform to another. This work formed part of a project that developed a high-performance, energy-efficient, software defined radio capable of implementing the physical layers of the 4G cellphone standard (LTE), 802.11a WiFi and Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) with a power and silicon area budget that was competitive with a conventional custom ASIC solution. The Arm architecture is the largest computer architecture by volume in the world. It behooves us to ensure that the interface it describes is appropriately defined

    Software for Exascale Computing - SPPEXA 2016-2019

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    This open access book summarizes the research done and results obtained in the second funding phase of the Priority Program 1648 "Software for Exascale Computing" (SPPEXA) of the German Research Foundation (DFG) presented at the SPPEXA Symposium in Dresden during October 21-23, 2019. In that respect, it both represents a continuation of Vol. 113 in Springer’s series Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, the corresponding report of SPPEXA’s first funding phase, and provides an overview of SPPEXA’s contributions towards exascale computing in today's sumpercomputer technology. The individual chapters address one or more of the research directions (1) computational algorithms, (2) system software, (3) application software, (4) data management and exploration, (5) programming, and (6) software tools. The book has an interdisciplinary appeal: scholars from computational sub-fields in computer science, mathematics, physics, or engineering will find it of particular interest

    Simulation methodologies for mobile GPUs

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    GPUs critically rely on a complex system software stack comprising kernel- and user-space drivers and JIT compilers. Yet, existing GPU simulators typically abstract away details of the software stack and GPU instruction set. Partly, this is because GPU vendors rarely release sufficient information about their latest GPU products. However, this is also due to the lack of an integrated CPU-GPU simulation framework, which is complete and powerful enough to drive the complex GPU software environment. This has led to a situation where research on GPU architectures and compilers is largely based on outdated or greatly simplified architectures and software stacks, undermining the validity of the generated results. Making the situation even more dire, existing GPU simulation efforts are concentrated around desktop GPUs, making infrastructure for modelling mobile GPUs virtually non-existent, despite their surging importance in the GPU market. Still, mobile GPU designers are faced with the challenge of evaluating design alternatives involving hundreds of architectural configuration options and micro-architectural improvements under tight time-to-market constraints, to which currently employed design flows involving detailed, but slow simulations are not well suited. In this thesis we develop a full-system simulation environment for a mobile platform, which enables users to run a complete and unmodified software stack for a state-of-the-art mobile Arm CPU and Mali Bifrost GPU powered device, achieving 100\% architectural accuracy across all available toolchains. We demonstrate the capability of our GPU simulation framework through a number of case studies exploring modern, mobile GPU applications, and optimize them using functional simulation statistics, unavailable with other approaches or hardware. Furthermore, we develop a trace-based performance model, allowing architects to rapidly model GPU configurations in early design space exploration

    Tipski sistemi za kontrolu memorije i prava pristupa

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    Three issues will be elaborated and disussed in the proposed thesis. The first is administration and control of data access rights in networks with XML data, with emphasis on data security. The second is the administration and control of access rights to data in computer networks with RDF data, with emphasis on data privacy. The third is prevention of errors and memory leaks, as well as communication errors, generated by programs written in Sing # language in the presence of exceptions. For all three issues, there will be presented formal models with corresponding type systems and showed the absence of undesired behavior i.e. errors in networks or programs.У тези су разматрана три проблема. Први је администрација и контрола права приступа података у рачунарској мрежи са XML подацима, са нагласком на безбедости посматраних података. Други је администрација и котрола права приступа подацима у рачунарској мрежи са RDF подацима, са нагласком на приватности посматраних података. Трећи је превенција грешака и цурења меморије, као и грешака у комуникацији генерисаним програмима написаних на језику Sing# у којима су присутни изузеци. За сва три проблема биће предложени формални модели и одговарајући типски системи помоћу којих се показује одсуство неповољних понашања тј. грешака у мрежама односно програмима.U tezi su razmatrana tri problema. Prvi je administracija i kontrola prava pristupa podataka u računarskoj mreži sa XML podacima, sa naglaskom na bezbedosti posmatranih podataka. Drugi je administracija i kotrola prava pristupa podacima u računarskoj mreži sa RDF podacima, sa naglaskom na privatnosti posmatranih podataka. Treći je prevencija grešaka i curenja memorije, kao i grešaka u komunikaciji generisanim programima napisanih na jeziku Sing# u kojima su prisutni izuzeci. Za sva tri problema biće predloženi formalni modeli i odgovarajući tipski sistemi pomoću kojih se pokazuje odsustvo nepovoljnih ponašanja tj. grešaka u mrežama odnosno programima

    Programming Languages and Systems

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    This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 31st European Symposium on Programming, ESOP 2022, which was held during April 5-7, 2022, in Munich, Germany, as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2022. The 21 regular papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 64 submissions. They deal with fundamental issues in the specification, design, analysis, and implementation of programming languages and systems

    Masivně paralelní implementace algoritmů počítačové grafiky

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    Computer graphics, since its inception in the 1960s, has made great progress. It has become part of everyday life. We can see it all around us, from smartwatches and smartphones, where graphic accelerators are already part of the chips and can render not only interactive menus but also demanding graphic applications, to laptops and personal computers as well as to high-performance visualization servers and supercomputers that can display demanding simulations in real time. In this dissertation we focus on one of the most computationally demanding area of computer graphics and that is the computation of global illumination. One of the most widely used methods for simulating global illumination is the path tracing method. Using this method, we can visualize, for example, scientific or medical data. The path tracing method can be accelerated using multiple graphical accelerators, which we will focus on in this work. We will present a solution for path tracing of massive scenes on multiple GPUs. Our approach analyzes the memory access pattern of the path tracer and defines how the scene data should be distributed across up to 16 GPUs with minimal performance impact. The key concept is that the parts of the scene that have the highest number of memory accesses are replicated across all GPUs. We present two methods for maximizing the performance of path tracing when dealing with partially distributed scene data. Both methods operate at the memory management level, and therefore the path tracing data structures do not need to be redesigned. We implemented this new out-of-core mechanism in the open-source Blender Cycles path tracer, which we also extended with technologies that support running on supercomputers and can take advantage of all accelerators allocated on multiple nodes. In this work, we also introduce a new service that uses our extended version of the Blender Cycles renderer to simplify sending and running jobs directly from Blender.Počítačová grafika od svého vzniku v 60. letech 20. století udělala velký pokrok. Stala se součástí každodenního života. Můžeme ji vidět všude kolem nás, od chytrých hodinek a smartphonů, kde jsou grafické akcelerátory již součástí čipů a dokáží vykreslovat nejen interaktivní menu, ale i náročné grafické aplikace, přes notebooky a osobní počítače až po výkonné vizualizační servery nebo superpočítače, které dokáží zobrazovat náročné simulace v reálném čase. V této disertační práci se zaměříme na jednu z výpočetně nejnáročnějších oblastí počítačové grafiky, a tou je výpočet globálního osvětlení. Jednou z nejpoužívanějších metod pro simulaci globálního osvětlení je metoda sledování cesty. Pomocí této metody můžeme vizualizovat např. vědecká nebo lékařská data. Metodu sledování cest lze urychlit pomocí několika grafických akcelerátorů, na které se v této práci zaměříme. Představíme řešení pro vykreslování masivních scén na více GPU. Náš přístup analyzuje vzory přístupů k paměti a definuje, jak by měla být data scény rozdělena mezi grafickými akcelerátory s minimální ztrátou výkonu. Klíčovým konceptem je, že části scény, které mají nejvyšší počet přístupů do paměti, jsou replikovány na všech grafických akcelerátorech. Představíme dvě metody pro maximalizaci výkonu vykreslování při práci s částečně distribuovanými daty scény. Obě metody pracují na úrovni správy paměti, a proto není třeba datové struktury přepracovávat. Tento nový out-of-core mechanismus jsme implementovali do open-source path traceru Blender Cycles, který jsme také rozšířili o technologie podporující běh na superpočítačích a schopné využít všechny akcelerátory alokované na více uzlech. V této práci také představíme novou službu, která využívá naši rozšířenou verzi Blender Cycles a zjednodušuje odesílání a spouštění úloh přímo z programu Blender.96220 - Laboratoř pro výzkum infrastrukturyvyhově