3,917 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Sistem Hukum dalam Era Otonomi (Strategi Pembangunan Hukum dan Substansi Sistem Hukum Daerah)

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    Local legal system in Indonesia had been grey potret and become a servant of power. So, we must develop prograsive-alternative legal development strategy, that is empowerment of all society components to express their need while push low strafication collective group to influence decison making and consistenly improve legislative product. This effort should be follow by globalization local values anoved dlocalization global values. Integration of those efforts become a order that is known as local legal system

    The Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Informed Decision-Making on Primiparous Women During the Birthing Process

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    Childbirth is a very intense and vulnerable experience, especially for first-time mothers. Across the globe, the prevalence of traumatic and unsatisfying births has become an increasingly troublesome issue for women. There is extensive evidence of maltreatment, and a large portion of the problem has to do with the client’s medical team. To combat this dilemma, the best course of action would be to prepare women for this possibility by increasing the client’s self-efficacy and decision-making abilities. Self-efficacy, also known as confidence in one’s skills, is an important trait to have when it comes to patients being able to advocate for themselves. Since it is most common for first-time mothers to face these problems in the hospital, it would be more beneficial to become more educated in pregnancy, thus creating higher confidence. It will be more likely for clients to have an easier time making choices for themselves and their care due to the development of preparedness through proper education. Education and collaboration are some of the most effective ways to increase self-efficacy. It has been found that there is a gap in the research to support the positive relationship between education implementation and self-efficacy so this will be the focal point. This thesis will focus on displaying the prevalence of obstetric maltreatment and why it is such an important problem in our society. There will be further divulging into solutions that have been implemented to increase self-efficacy, thus also increasing informed decision-making in primiparous women. Topics will all be analyzed more deeply in a literature review where conclusions will be drawn about the main topic overall. Afterward, a study proposal will be formulated in relation to the literature review that will describe how educational methods can improve self-efficacy and its effectiveness in creating high birth satisfaction rates in first time mothers

    Decision-Making under Pillars Two and Three

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    The paper focuses on the decision-making process in the European Union since approval of the Treaty of Maastricht. Special consideration is dedicated to pillars two and three. The second pillar is connected with Common Foreign and Security Policy, while the third pillar contributes with Justice and Home Affairs. The first part of this paper introduces the major tools which are commonly used and describes how pillars system works. The difference between intergovernmentalism and supranationalism is also addressed. In the second part the paper deals with some important changes under the Treaty of Nice and Treaty of Lisbon. The Treaty of Lisbon will cancel the pillars system, being replaced by one legal personality for the European Union. While the former treaties were partly based on intergovernmentalism, the Treaty of Lisbon is mostly oriented on supranationalism

    Peningkatan Career Decison Making Self Efficacy (CDMSE) Melalui Pelatihan Perencanaan Karir pada Siswa SMK

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    Salah satu tugas perkembangan remaja pada jenjang pendidikan menengah atas adalah menentukan pilihan karir masa depannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan perencanaan karir terhadap peningkatan career decision making self efficacy (CDMSE) pada siswa SMK. Peneliti menggunakan metode kuasi-eksperimen  yang melibatkan subjek penelitian sebanyak  36  siswa Negeri 1 Bantul  jurusan administrasi perkantoran.  Subjek dikelompokkan menjadi kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol. Pengumpulan data menggunakan skala CDMSE dan dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis Anova Mixed Design dengan bantuan spss 2.3 for windows.  Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan tingkat efikasi diri dalam pengambilan keputusan karir antara kelompok eksperimen dan kontrol. Peningkatan CDMSE terjadi pada kelompok eskperimen dan tidak perubahan pada kelompok kontrol. Hasil analisis juga menujukkan bahwa rerata post test pada kelompok eksperimen lebih tinggi dibandingkan pre test. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan perencanaan karir cukup efektif meningkatkan CDMSE pada siswa SMK

    Family Structure and Reproductive Health Decision Making among the Ogu of Southwestern Nigeria: A Qualitative Study

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    This study examines the structure of the Ogu family and its influence on reproductive health decision-making using a qualitative approach. Data were sourced through nine focus groups organized in the study area among married men and women. The data reveal that the family structure in the study area is changing, although the dominant pattern remains extended. The findings of the study suggest that there are on-going internal transformations that tend to enhance gender equity in reproductive health decision-making between husbands and wives. These changes may be attributed to the widespread influence of western culture and the spread of education in the study population, which are necessary concomitants of economic, political and cultural changes taking place in the society.Cet article examine la structure de la famille Ogu et son influence sur la prise de d\ue9cision en mati\ue8re de sant\ue9 de la reproduction. Les donn\ue9es utilis\ue9es sont des donn\ue9es qualitatives obtenues \ue0 partir de 9 "Focus Group" organis\ue9s entre hommes et femmes mari\ue9es du milieu d'\ue9tude. Les donn\ue9es montrent que la structure de la famille dans ce milieu d'\ue9tude \ue9volue bien que le type dominant reste la famille \ue9largie. Les r\ue9sultats de l'\ue9tude montrent que des transformations internes tendant \ue0 promouvoir l'\ue9galit\ue9 entre les genres en mati\ue8re de prise de d\ue9cision concernant la sant\ue9 de la reproduction entre \ue9poux et \ue9pouses sont entrain de s'op\ue9rer. Ces \ue9volutions peuvent \ueatre dues par l'influence croissante de la culture occidentale et la g\ue9n\ue9ralisation de l'\ue9ducation dans la population \ue9tudi\ue9e qui accompagnent n\ue9cessairement les transformations \ue9conomiques, politiques et culturelles en cours dans la soci\ue9t\ue9

    Selection Of Microcontroller Type As An Implementation Of ANP (Analytical Network Process)

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    Practicum Material changes followed the development of microcontroller, also facilities and infrastructure that support the implementation of the practicum have to adjust to the latest type of microcontroller. The level of student's comprehension towards the type of microcontroller influenced the academic and curriculum developers to establish practicum material that is suitable to the syllabus. Curriculum developers will make an effective decision process to identify the factors that influence the selection of microcontrollers. These problems are modelled with Analytical Network Process (ANP). And the result is microcotroller type AT89S51/52 is better than the others. Keyword : Analytical Network Process, Decision Support System< Microcontroller

    Evidence-based Decision Making to Improve Public Health Practice

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    Despite the many accomplishments of public health, greater attention on evidence-based approaches is warranted. This article reviews the concepts of evidence-based public health (EBPH), on which formal discourse originated about 15 years ago. Key components of EBPH include: making decisions based on the best available scientific evidence, using data and information systems systematically, applying program planning frameworks, engaging the community in decision making, conducting sound evaluation, and disseminating what is learned. Core competencies for EBPH are emerging, including not only technical skills but also attention to administrative practices in public health agencies. To better bridge evidence and practice, the concepts of EBPH outlined in this article should be carried out in their entirety

    Inside the Administrative State: A Critical Look at the Practice of Presidential Control

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    From the inception of the administrative state, scholars have proposed various models of agency decision-making to render such decision-making accountable and effective, only to see those models falter when confronted by actual practice. Until now, the presidential control model has been largely impervious to this pattern. That model, which brings agency decision-making under the direction of the President, has strengthened over time, winning broad scholarly endorsement and bipartisan political support. But it, like prior models, relies on abstractions - for example, that the President represents public preferences and resists parochial pressures - that do not hold up as a factual matter. Although recent empirical analyses purport to validate the model, they fall short because they examine how the White House exercises control without considering how agencies experience control. This Article is the first to study the practice of presidential control from inside the administrative state. We interviewed the top political officials at the Environmental Protection Agency from the George H. W. Bush and Clinton Administrations during 1989-2001. Our data, which do not vary substantially between respondents of different presidential administrations, suggest that White House involvement is more complex and less positive than previous accounts acknowledge. But we do not conclude that the presidential control model lacks merit. Indeed, our respondents recognize that the President has a role to play in controlling agency decision-making. We therefore conclude that the presidential control model requires reworking to remain valid in practice as well as in theory. We identify next steps in that direction
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