79 research outputs found

    Themis: A Spot-Market Based Automatic Resource Scaling Framework

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    International audienceCloud computing brings new provisioning models that offer applications more flexibility and better control over their resource allocations. However these models suffer from the following problem: either they provide limited support for applications demanding quality of service, or they lead to a limited infrastructure utilization. In this paper we propose Themis, a novel resource management system for virtualized infrastructures based on a virtual economy. By limiting the coupling between the applications and the infrastructure through the use of a dynamic resource pricing mechanism, Themis can support diverse types of applications and performance goals while ensuring an efficient resource usage

    Ordonnancement contrôlé de migrations à chaud

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    National audienceMigrer à chaud une machine virtuelle (VM) est une opération basique dans un centre de don-nées. Tous les jours, des VM sont migrées pour répartir la charge, économiser de l'énergie ou préparer la maintenance de serveurs en production. Bien que les problèmes de placement des VM soient beaucoup étudiés, on observe que la gestion des migrations permettant de transiter vers ces nouveaux placements reste un domaine de second plan. On observe alors des algo-rithmes de placement de qualité, couplés à des algorithmes d'ordonnancement prenant des décisions peu pertinentes causées par des hypothèses irréalistes. Nous présentons dans ce papier mVM, un ordonnanceur de migrations reposant sur un modèle précis du réseau et du protocole de migration à chaud. Cet ordonnanceur a été intégré en place de celui du gestionnaire de VM BtrPlace. Nos premières expérimentations montrent que les durées des migrations sont estimées à 1.5 secondes près. Cette précision a permis de calculer de meilleurs ordonnancements, réduisant la durée des migrations par 3.5 comparée à BtrPlace

    Comparison and tuning of MPI implementation in a grid context

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    International audienceToday, clusters are often interconnected by long distance networks to compose grids and to provide users with a huge number of available ressources. To write parallel applica- tions, developers are generally using the standard communication library MPI, which has been optimized for clusters. However, two main features of grids - long distance networks and technological heterogeneity - raise the question of MPI efficiency in grids. This paper presents an evaluation and tuning of four recent MPI implementations (MPICH2, MPICH-Madeleine, OpenMPI and YAMPII) in a research grid: Grid'5000. The comparison is based on the execution of pingpong and NAS Parallel Bench- marks. We show that these implementations present several performance differences. We show that YAMPII performs better results than the others. But we argue that executing MPI appli- cations on a grid can be beneficial if some specific parameters are well tuned. The paper details, for each implementation, the tuning leading the best performances

    Planning Live-Migrations to Prepare Servers for Maintenance

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    International audienceIn a virtualized data center, server maintenance is a common but still critical operation. A prerequisite is indeed to relocate elsewhere the Virtual Machines (VMs) running on the production servers to prepare them for the maintenance. When the maintenance focuses several servers, this may lead to a costly relocation of several VMs so the migration plan must be chose wisely. This however implies to master numerous human, technical, and economical aspects that play a role in the design of a quality migration plan. In this paper, we study migration plans that can be decided by an operator to prepare for an hardware upgrade or a server refresh on multiple servers. We exhibit performance bottleneck and pitfalls that reduce the plan efficiency. We then discuss and validate possible improvements deduced from the knowledge of the environment peculiarities

    Etude d'implémentations MPI dans une grille de calcul

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    National audienceThis paper presents an evaluation on the GRID'5000 platform of four MPI implementation: MPICH2, MPICH-Madeleine, OpenMPI et GridMPI. The comparison is based on a simple pingpong and the NAS parallel benchmarks. We show that GridMPI has the best results with regards to performances on the Grid if the implementation is well tuned. This paper details which parameters should be tuned.De nos jours, les grappes de PC ou clusters sont souvent interconnectés par des réseaux longue-distance de manière à former une grille afin d'offrir à un grand nombre d'utilisateurs un nombre plus conséquent de ressources. MPI, la bibliothèque de communication la plus utilisée pour les applications parallèles, a été efficacement implémentée dans un contexte de clusters. Deux caractéristiques des grilles, les réseaux longue-distance et l'hétérogénéité des processeurs et des réseaux, posent la question de l'efficacité de MPI sur les grilles. Cet article présente une évaluation sur la grille de recherche française GRID'5000, de 4 implémentations récentes de MPI : MPICH2, MPICH-Madeleine, OpenMPI et GridMPI. La comparaison est basée sur un pingpong, les NAS Parallel Benchmarks. Nous mettons en évidence les différences de performance obtenues avec les 4 implé- mentations. GridMPI montre les meilleures performances. L'exécution d'applications MPI sur la grille peut être bénéfique à condition de régler finement certains paramètres des implémentations. Cet article détaille les para- mètres mis en jeu et leurs réglages

    Performance Analysis of Optimization Methods in PSE Applications. Mathematical Programming Versus Grid-based Multi-parametric Genetic Algorithms

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    Due to their large variety of applications in the PSE area, complex optimisation problems are of high interest for the scientific community. As a consequence, a great effort is made for developing efficient solution techniques. The choice of the relevant technique for the treatment of a given problem has already been studied for batch plant design issues. However,most works reported in the dedicated literature classically considered item sizes as continuous variables. In a view of realism, a similar approach is proposed in this paper, with discrete variables representing equipment capacities. The numerical results enable to evaluate the performances of two mathematical programming (MP) solvers embedded within the GAMS package and a genetic algorithm (GA), on a set of seven increasing complexity examples. The necessarily huge number of runs for the GA could be performed within a computational framework basedon a grid infrastructure; however, since the MP methods were tackled through single-computer computations, the CPU time comparison are reported for this one-PC working mode. On the one hand, the high combinatorial effect induced by the new discrete variables heavily penalizes the GAMS modules, DICOPTþþand SBB. On the other hand, the Genetic Algorithm proves its superiority, providing quality solutions within acceptable computational times, whatever the considered example

    Scalable Reed-Solomon-based Reliable Local Storage for HPC Applications on IaaS Clouds

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    International audienceWith increasing interest among mainstream users to run HPC applications, Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud computing platforms represent a viable alternative to the acquisition and maintenance of expensive hardware, often out of the financial capabilities of such users. Also, one of the critical needs of HPC applications is an efficient, scalable and persistent storage. Unfortunately, storage options proposed by cloud providers are not standardized and typically use a different access model. In this context, the local disks on the compute nodes can be used to save large data sets such as the data generated by Checkpoint-Restart (CR). This local storage offers high throughput and scalability but it needs to be combined with persistency techniques, such as block replication or erasure codes. One of the main challenges that such techniques face is to minimize the overhead of performance and I/O resource utilization (i.e., storage space and bandwidth), while at the same time guaranteeing high reliability of the saved data. This paper introduces a novel persistency technique that leverages Reed-Solomon (RS) encoding to save data in a reliable fashion. Compared to traditional approaches that rely on block replication, we demonstrate about 50% higher throughput while reducing network bandwidth and storage utilization by a factor of 2 for the same targeted reliability level. This is achieved both by modeling and real life experimentation on hundreds of nodes

    Benchmark and comparison between hyperledger and MySQL

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    In this paper, we report the benchmarking results of Hyperledger,  a Distributed Ledger, which is the derivation Blockchain Technology.  Method to evaluate Hyperledger in a limited infrastructure is developed. Themeasured infrastructure consists of 8 nodes with a load of up to 20000 transactions/second. Hyperledger consistently runs all evaluation, namely, for 20,000 transactions, the run time 74.30s, latency 73.40ms latency, and 257 tps. The benchmarking of Hyperledger shows better than a database system in a high workload scenario. We found that the maximum size data volume in one transaction on the Hyperledger network is around ten (10) times of MySQL. Also, the time spent on processing a single transaction in the blockchain network is 80-200 times faster than MySQL. This initial analysis can provide an overview for practitioners in making decisions about the adoption of blockchain technology in their IT systems