14 research outputs found

    Descriptional complexity of cellular automata and decidability questions

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    We study the descriptional complexity of cellular automata (CA), a parallel model of computation. We show that between one of the simplest cellular models, the realtime-OCA. and "classical" models like deterministic finite automata (DFA) or pushdown automata (PDA), there will be savings concerning the size of description not bounded by any recursive function, a so-called nonrecursive trade-off. Furthermore, nonrecursive trade-offs are shown between some restricted classes of cellular automata. The set of valid computations of a Turing machine can be recognized by a realtime-OCA. This implies that many decidability questions are not even semi decidable for cellular automata. There is no pumping lemma and no minimization algorithm for cellular automata

    On Boundedness Problems for Pushdown Vector Addition Systems

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    We study pushdown vector addition systems, which are synchronized products of pushdown automata with vector addition systems. The question of the boundedness of the reachability set for this model can be refined into two decision problems that ask if infinitely many counter values or stack configurations are reachable, respectively. Counter boundedness seems to be the more intricate problem. We show decidability in exponential time for one-dimensional systems. The proof is via a small witness property derived from an analysis of derivation trees of grammar-controlled vector addition systems

    A finite state intersection approach to propositional satisfiability

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    AbstractWe use a finite state (FSA) construction approach to address the problem of propositional satisfiability (SAT). We present a very simple translation from formulas in conjunctive normal form (CNF) to regular expressions and use regular expressions to construct an FSA. As a consequence of the FSA construction, we obtain an ALL-SAT solver and model counter. This automata construction can be considered essentially a finite state intersection grammar (FSIG). We also show how an FSIG approach can be encoded. Several variable ordering (state ordering) heuristics are compared in terms of the running time of the FSA and FSIG construction. We also present a strategy for clause ordering (automata composition). Running times of state-of-the-art model counters and BDD based SAT solvers are compared and we show that both the FSA and FSIG approaches obtain an state-of-the-art performance on some hard unsatisfiable benchmarks. It is also shown that clause learning techniques can help improve performance. This work brings up many questions on the possible use of automata and grammar models to address SAT

    Contributions of formal language theory to the study of dialogues

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    For more than 30 years, the problem of providing a formal framework for modeling dialogues has been a topic of great interest for the scientific areas of Linguistics, Philosophy, Cognitive Science, Formal Languages, Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence. In the beginning the goal was to develop a "conversational computer", an automated system that could engage in a conversation in the same way as humans do. After studies showed the difficulties of achieving this goal Formal Language Theory and Artificial Intelligence have contributed to Dialogue Theory with the study and simulation of machine to machine and human to machine dialogues inspired by Linguistic studies of human interactions. The aim of our thesis is to propose a formal approach for the study of dialogues. Our work is an interdisciplinary one that connects theories and results in Dialogue Theory mainly from Formal Language Theory, but also from another areas like Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics and Multiprogramming. We contribute to Dialogue Theory by introducing a hierarchy of formal frameworks for the definition of protocols for dialogue interaction. Each framework defines a transition system in which dialogue protocols might be uniformly expressed and compared. The frameworks we propose are based on finite state transition systems and Grammar systems from Formal Language Theory and a multi-agent language for the specification of dialogue protocols from Artificial Intelligence. Grammar System Theory is a subfield of Formal Language Theory that studies how several (a finite number) of language defining devices (language processors or grammars) jointly develop a common symbolic environment (a string or a finite set of strings) by the application of language operations (for instance rewriting rules). For the frameworks we propose we study some of their formal properties, we compare their expressiveness, we investigate their practical application in Dialogue Theory and we analyze their connection with theories of human-like conversation from Linguistics. In addition we contribute to Grammar System Theory by proposing a new approach for the verification and derivation of Grammar systems. We analyze possible advantages of interpreting grammars as multiprograms that are susceptible of verification and derivation using the Owicki-Gries logic, a Hoare-based logic from the Multiprogramming field

    Rational monoid and semigroup automata

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    We consider a natural extension to the definition of M-automata which allows the automaton to make use of more of the structure of the monoid M, and by removing the reliance on an identity element, allows the definition of S-automata for S an arbitrary semigroup. In the case of monoids, the resulting automata are equivalent to valence automata with rational target sets which arise in the theory of regulated rewriting. We focus on the polycyclic monoids, and show that for polycyclic monoids of rank 2 or more they accept precisely the context-free languages. The case of the bicyclic monoid is also considered. In the process we prove a number of interesting results about rational subsets in polycyclic monoids; as a consequence we prove the decidability of the rational subset membership problem, and the closure of the class of rational subsets under intersection and complement. In the case of semigroups, we consider the important class of completely simple and completely 0-simple semigroups, obtaining a complete characterisation of the classes of languages corresponding to such semigroups, in terms of their maximal subgroups. In the process, we obtain a number of interesting results about rational subsets of Rees matrix semigroups.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Picture languages generated by splicing and assembling til·les

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    Idiomes imatge generats per Empalme i Muntatge Rajoles. L'extensió de l'estudi de les llengües oficials sobre el cas string 2 idiomes dimensionals o idiomes imatge ha estat d'interès per molt temps per les seves vastes aplicacions. En la tesi i l'objecte de dues dimensions més comú estudiat és una imatge que és una matriu rectangular de símbols presos a partir d'un alfabet finit. L 'objectiu d'aquesta tesi se centra en l'estudi de la generació de les classes d'idiomes d'imatge per les operacions de bio-inspirats saber, `Enllaç' i` Auto-Assemblea 'd'ADN-Computing. És a dir, sistema d'entroncament i enrajolats Regla Sistemes H-Array. H-array Empalme Sistema és un formalisme bio-inspirat estès des H-entroncament de la caixa de cadena, un estudi àmpliament investigat introduït per T. Head. Està estructurat com un mecanisme mitjançant l'estudi de les gramàtiques lineals de dues dimensions correctes. Aquest formalisme és un mecanisme que s'aplica al número finit d'imatges trucades imatges inicials amb determinat conjunt de regles d'entroncament de dòmino de columna i fila. El lloc de context en el qual les dues imatges es tallen en columnes i files es va decidir per la seqüència de dòmino adjacents en el conjunt de regles. I llavors el `enganxar 'de la primera part de la imatge a la segona part de la imatge es realitza mitjançant la columna i fila concatenacions respectivament. L'H-Array Enllaç Sistemes s'aplica sobre llengües 2D-RLG generant idiomes Enllaç H-Array (HASL). A continuació, les classes de restricció definides i d'estudi són acte Creu sobre matrius i llenguatges Empalme matriu simples i resultats incomparables es va demostrar amb 2D-RLG, HASL. No són disjunts i es creuen llenguatges recognoscibles. El segon formalisme principal introduït i estudiat a la tesi és Revestiments Sistema de regles . Aquest formalisme genera la imatge pel conjunt de regles de mosaic, muntatge rajoles. Hem demostrat que la classe de L (TS) (Sistema d'enrajolat, llenguatge reconeixible) està continguda en TRuS. A més, vam demostrar existeixen una construcció del formalisme basat en la generació d'imatges en files o columnes que és equivalent a L (TS). L'equivalència es demostra l'ús de sistemes de Wang. Així que porta a una idea interessant d funcionament bio-inspirat (auto-acoblament) a la generació de la imatge.Idiomas de imagen generados por Empalme y Montaje Azulejos. La extensión del estudio de las lenguas oficiales sobre el caso string dos idiomas dimensionales o idiomas imagen ha sido de interés por mucho tiempo por sus vastas aplicaciones. En la tesis y el objeto de dos dimensiones más común estudiado es una imagen que es una matriz rectangular de símbolos tomados a partir de un alfabeto finito. E l objetivo de esta tesis se centra en el estudio de la generación de las clases de idiomas de imagen por las operaciones de bio-inspirados saber, `Empalme 'y` Auto-Asamblea' de ADN-Computing. A saber, sistema de empalme H-Array y sistemas de regla de mosaico. H-array Empalme Sistema es un formalismo bio-inspirado extendido desde H-empalme de la caja de cadena, un estudio ampliamente investigado introducido por T. Head. Está estructurado como un mecanismo mediante el estudio de las gramáticas lineales de dos dimensiones correctas. Este formalismo es un mecanismo que se aplica en el número finito de imágenes llamadas imágenes iniciales con determinado conjunto de reglas de empalme de dominó de columna y fila. El sitio de contexto en el que las dos imágenes se cortan en columnas y filas se decidió por la secuencia de dominós adyacentes en el conjunto de reglas. Y entonces el `pegar 'de la primera parte (o sub-array) de la imagen a la segunda parte de la imagen se realiza mediante la columna y fila concatenaciones respectivamente. El H-Array Empalme Sistemas se aplica sobre lenguas 2D-RLG generando idiomas Empalme H-Array (HASL). A continuación, las clases de restricciones definidas y de estudio son auto Cruz sobre matrices y lenguajes Empalme matriz simples y resultados incomparables se demostró con 2D-RLG, HASL. No son disjuntos y se cruzan lenguajes reconocibles. El segundo formalismo principal introducido y estudiado en la tesis son Revestimientos Sistema de reglas TRuS. Este formalismo genera la imagen por el conjunto de reglas de mosaico, montajes azulejos. Hemos demostrado que la clase de L (TS) (Sistema de alicatado, lenguaje reconocible) está contenida en la TRuS. Además, demostramos existen una construcción del formalismo basado en la generación de imágenes en filas o columnas que es equivalente a L (TS). La equivalencia se demuestra el uso de sistemas de Wang.Picture languages generated by Splicing and Assembling Tiles. The extension of the study of formal languages over string case to two dimensional languages or picture languages has been of interest for long for its vast applications. In the thesis and the most common two-dimensional object studied is a picture which is a rectangular array of symbols taken from a finite alphabet. T he objective of this thesis concentrates on the study of generation of Picture language classes by bio-inspired operations namely, `Splicing' and `Self-Assembly' of DNA-Computing. Namely, H-Array Splicing System and Tiling Rule Systems. H-array Splicing Systems is a bio-inspired formalism extended from H-Splicing from string case, a vastly investigated study introduced by T. Head. In particular it is structured as a mechanism by studying two-dimensional right linear grammars. In elaborate this formalism is a mechanism which is applied on finite number of pictures called initial pictures with given set of column and row domino splicing rules. The context site where the two pictures are cut in columns and rows are decided by the sequence of adjacent dominoes in the set of rules. And then the `pasting' of the first part (or sub-array) of the picture to the second part of the picture is done by column and row concatenations respectively. The H-Array Splicing Systems is applied over 2D-RLG languages generating H-Array Splicing languages (HASL). Then the restriction classes defined and study are Self Cross over Arrays and Simple Array Splicing languages and incomparable results are proved with 2D-RLG, HASL. They are not disjoint and they intersect Recognizable languages. Another and the second main formalism introduced and studied in the thesis is Tiling Rule System TRuS . This formalism generates picture by set of tiling rules, assembling tiles. We have proved that the class of L(TS) (Tiling System, recognizable language) is contained in TRuS . Also, we prove there exist a construct of the formalism based on generating pictures in rows or columns which is equivalent to L(TS). The equivalence is proved using Wang systems. Thus leading to an interesting notion of bio-inspired (self-assembling) operation to picture generation