1,132 research outputs found

    A multifidelity multiobjective optimization framework for high-lift airfoils

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    High-lift devices design is a challenging task as it involves highly complex flow features while being critical for the overall performance of the aircraft. When part of an optimization loop, the computational cost of the Computational Fluid Dynamics becomes increasingly problematic. Methods to reduce the optimization time has been of major interest over the last 50 years. This paper presents a multiobjective multifidelity optimization framework that takes advantage of two approximation levels of the flow equations: a rapid method that provides quick estimates but of relatively low accuracy and a reference method that provides accurate estimations at the cost of a longer run-time. The method uses a sub-optimization, under a trust-region scheme, performed on the low-fidelity model corrected by a surrogate model that is fed by the high-fidelity tool. The size of the trust region is changed according to the accuracy of the corrected model. The multiobjective optimizer is used to set the positions of the ap and slat of a two-dimensional geometry with lift and drag as objectives with an empirical-based method and a Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equations solver. The multifidelity method shows potential for discovering the complete Pareto front, yet it remains less optimal than the Pareto front from the high-fidelity-only optimization

    An improved Tabu search for the global optimizations of electromagnetic devices

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    Author name used in this publication: S. L. HoAuthor name used in this publication: H. C. Wong2001-2002 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalVersion of RecordPublishe

    Multi-objective engineering shape optimization using differential evolution interfaced to the Nimrod/O tool

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    This paper presents an enhancement of the Nimrod/O optimization tool by interfacing DEMO, an external multiobjective optimization algorithm. DEMO is a variant of differential evolution – an algorithm that has attained much popularity in the research community, and this work represents the first time that true multiobjective optimizations have been performed with Nimrod/O. A modification to the DEMO code enables multiple objectives to be evaluated concurrently. With Nimrod/O’s support for parallelism, this can reduce the wall-clock time significantly for compute intensive objective function evaluations. We describe the usage and implementation of the interface and present two optimizations. The first is a two objective mathematical function in which the Pareto front is successfully found after only 30 generations. The second test case is the three-objective shape optimization of a rib-reinforced wall bracket using the Finite Element software, Code_Aster. The interfacing of the already successful packages of Nimrod/O and DEMO yields a solution that we believe can benefit a wide community, both industrial and academic

    Parallelization of Dial-a-Ride Using Tabu Search

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    Dial-A-Ride is a transport system heavily constrained by following fleet size, vehicle capacity, and a fixed number of requests (pickup and drop-off points) with time windows. It is often modelled as Integer Programming, various solutions are proposed using heuristics. One such heuristic is Tabu Search . Tabu Search is very CPU intensive with its process of search, therefore many modern computing techniques like using GPUs have been employed to make it efficient. As with many other greedy algorithms, the local optima is not always the same as the global optima, so it is not possible to go past the local optima using greedy techniques for this problem. It is often modelled as Integer Programming, with the search space being very big, there are proven to not be so efficient. So, many heuristics have been proposed in the past, one such heuristic is Tabu Search . The local search of this heuristic uses memory to keep track of recent moves made and tries to avoid them for specified iterations (marks as Tabu) and also continues to explore the neighbourhood search space even with the degradation optimization function value, thus helping the algorithm to go past the local optima towards global optima. This thesis focuses on limitations of parallelizing DARP-TS for multi-core CPU, discussing major factors like (i) number of good moves in the neighbourhood and how we can estimate a value for N\_SIZE (number of parallel moves to make in each iteration), (ii) difference between a CPU core and a GPU core in the context of thread scheduling, memory layout and memory limitations, (iii) proposes few data-structures to keep the memory allocations low thus reducing the time for garbage collection and (iv) proposes an incremental way of calculating the value of optimization function in the local search phase which helps in mapping the execution and evaluation of N\_SIZE moves in each iteration onto the multiple CPU cores

    Prediction of sulfur content in diesel fuel using fluorescence spectroscopy and a hybrid ant colony : Tabu Search algorithm with polynomial bases expansion

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    It is widely accepted that feature selection is an essential step in predictive modeling. There are several approaches to feature selection, from filter techniques to meta-heuristics wrapper methods. In this paper, we propose a compilation of tools to optimize the fitting of black-box linear models. The proposed AnTSbe algorithm combines Ant Colony Optimization and Tabu Search memory list for the selection of features and uses l1 and l2 regularization norms to fit the linear models. In addition, a polynomial combination of input features was introduced to further explore the information contained in the original data. As a case study, excitation-emission matrix fluorescence data were used as the primary measurements to predict total sulfur concentration in diesel fuel samples. The sample dataset was divided into S10 (less than 10 ppm of total sulfur), and S100 (mean sulfur content of 100 ppm) groups and local linear models were fit with AnTSbe. For the Diesel S100 local models, using only 5 out of the original 1467 fluorescence pairs, combined with bases expansion, we were able to satisfactorily predict total sulfur content in samples with MAPE of less than 4% and RMSE of 4.68 ppm, for the test subset. For the Diesel S10 local models, the use of 4 Ex/Em pairs was sufficient to predict sulfur content with MAPE 0.24%, and RMSE of 0.015 ppm, for the test subset. Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed methodology was able to satisfactorily optimize the fitting of linear models to predict sulfur content in diesel fuel samples without need of chemical of physical pre-treatment, and was superior to classic PLS regression methods and also to our previous results with ant colony optimization studies in the same dataset. The proposed AnTSbe can be directly applied to data from other sources without need for adaptations

    Economic, environmental and mixed objective functions in non-linear process optimization using simulated annealing and tabu search

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    Screening of topologies developed by hierarchical heuristic procedures can be carried out by comparing their optimal performance. In this work we will be exploiting mono-objective process optimization using two algorithms, simulated annealing and tabu search, and four different objective functions: two of the net present value type, one of them including environmental costs and two of the global potential impact type. The hydrodealkylation of toluene to produce benzene was used as case study, considering five topologies with different complexities mainly obtained by including or not liquid recycling and heat integration. The performance of the algorithms together with the objective functions was observed, analyzed and discussed from various perspectives: average deviation of results for each algorithm, capacity for producing high purity product, screening of topologies, objective functions robustness in screening of topologies, trade-offs between economic and environmental type objective functions and variability of optimum solutions

    Design of Mixed-Criticality Applications on Distributed Real-Time Systems

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