16 research outputs found

    Models, Inference, and Implementation for Scalable Probabilistic Models of Text

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    Unsupervised probabilistic Bayesian models are powerful tools for statistical analysis, especially in the area of information retrieval, document analysis and text processing. Despite their success, unsupervised probabilistic Bayesian models are often slow in inference due to inter-entangled mutually dependent latent variables. In addition, the parameter space of these models is usually very large. As the data from various different media sources--for example, internet, electronic books, digital films, etc--become widely accessible, lack of scalability for these unsupervised probabilistic Bayesian models becomes a critical bottleneck. The primary focus of this dissertation is to speed up the inference process in unsupervised probabilistic Bayesian models. There are two common solutions to scale the algorithm up to large data: parallelization or streaming. The former achieves scalability by distributing the data and the computation to multiple machines. The latter assumes data come in a stream and updates the model gradually after seeing each data observation. It is able to scale to larger datasets because it usually takes only one pass over the entire data. In this dissertation, we examine both approaches. We first demonstrate the effectiveness of the parallelization approach on a class of unsupervised Bayesian models--topic models, which are exemplified by latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA). We propose a fast parallel implementation using variational inference on the MapRe- duce framework, referred to as Mr. LDA. We show that parallelization enables topic models to handle significantly larger datasets. We further show that our implementation--unlike highly tuned and specialized implementations--is easily extensible. We demonstrate two extensions possible with this scalable framework: 1) informed priors to guide topic discovery and 2) extracting topics from a multilingual corpus. We propose polylingual tree-based topic models to infer topics in multilingual corpora. We then propose three different inference methods to infer the latent variables. We examine the effectiveness of different inference methods on the task of machine translation in which we use the proposed model to extract domain knowledge that considers both source and target languages. We apply it on a large collection of aligned Chinese-English sentences and show that our model yields significant improvement on BLEU score over strong baselines. Other than parallelization, another approach to deal with scalability is to learn parameters in an online streaming setting. Although many online algorithms have been proposed for LDA, they all overlook a fundamental but challenging problem-- the vocabulary is constantly evolving over time. To address this problem, we propose an online LDA with infinite vocabulary--infvoc LDA. We derive online hybrid inference for our model and propose heuristics to dynamically order, expand, and contract the set of words in our vocabulary. We show that our algorithm is able to discover better topics by incorporating new words into the vocabulary and constantly refining the topics over time. In addition to LDA, we also show generality of the online hybrid inference framework by applying it to adaptor grammars, which are a broader class of models subsuming LDA. With proper grammar rules, it simplifies to the exact LDA model, however, it provides more flexibility to alter or extend LDA with different grammar rules. We develop online hybrid inference for adaptor grammar, and show that our method discovers high-quality structure more quickly than both MCMC and variational inference methods

    Unsupervised segmentace gregoriánských melodií pro zkoumání chorální modality

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    Gregorian chant, as an oral musical tradition, was performed by singers that had to memorize thousands of melodies. Each melody has a set of properties, one of which is what mode it belongs to within the modal system. To understand the learning process principles of chants, it may be helpful to decompose melodies into smaller units and analyze their relationship to modality. In this work, we compare Bayesian and neural network unsupervised segmentation methods. We measure their performance on evalu- ation metrics we design in order to examine the chant's properties with respect to the memorization challenge considering the modality aspects. For this purpose, we have two datasets, one with over thirteen thousand antiphons and the other with over seven thousand responsories. We find the Pitman-Yor process to be a more fitting model than BERT for this particular task, especially the conditional Pitman-Yor process model we proposed to segment each mode independently. We provide several clear arguments that modality and chant segmentation are closely connected. We also dispute the claim by Cornelissen et al. [2020] that the natural segmentation by chant words or syllables is best in terms of mode classification, and we provide a new state-of-the-art performance on the mode classification task. 1Gregoriánský chorál, jako ústní hudební tradice, byl prováděn zpěváky, kteří se museli naučit tisíce melodií. Každá melodie má několik vlastností, z nichž jednou je, do jakého modu v rámci modálního systému patří. Pro pochopení principů vyučování chorálových melodií může být užitečné rozložit melodie na menší jednotky a analyzovat jejich vz- tah k modalitě. V této práci porovnáváme modely neřízené segmentace založené na Bayesovských metodách s těmi, které využívají neuronové sítě. Jejich schopnost segmen- tovat chorální melodie měříme námi navrženými metrikami s cílem prozkoumat vlastnosti chorálů, jak v kontextu modality, tak v kontextu řešení problému se zapamatováním si všech zpěvů. K tomuto účelu máme k dispozici dva datasety: jeden s více než třinácti tisíci antifonami a druhý s více než sedmi tisíci responsorií. Zjistili jsme, že metoda založená na Pitman-Yor procesu je pro tuto konkrétní úlohu vhodnějším modelem než BERT, zejména námi navržený podmíněný model Pitman-Yor procesu, který segmentuje každý modus samostatně. Uvádíme několik jasných argumentů, že modalita úzce souvisí se segmentací melodií. Rovněž zpochybňujeme tvrzení, že přirozená segmentace podle slov nebo slabik chorálu je z hlediska klasifikace modů nejlepší (Cornelissen et al. [2020]), a poskytujeme doposud nejlepší výsledek v úloze...Institute of Formal and Applied LinguisticsÚstav formální a aplikované lingvistikyFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Information overload in structured data

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    Information overload refers to the difficulty of making decisions caused by too much information. In this dissertation, we address information overload problem in two separate structured domains, namely, graphs and text. Graph kernels have been proposed as an efficient and theoretically sound approach to compute graph similarity. They decompose graphs into certain sub-structures, such as subtrees, or subgraphs. However, existing graph kernels suffer from a few drawbacks. First, the dimension of the feature space associated with the kernel often grows exponentially as the complexity of sub-structures increase. One immediate consequence of this behavior is that small, non-informative, sub-structures occur more frequently and cause information overload. Second, as the number of features increase, we encounter sparsity: only a few informative sub-structures will co-occur in multiple graphs. In the first part of this dissertation, we propose to tackle the above problems by exploiting the dependency relationship among sub-structures. First, we propose a novel framework that learns the latent representations of sub-structures by leveraging recent advancements in deep learning. Second, we propose a general smoothing framework that takes structural similarity into account, inspired by state-of-the-art smoothing techniques used in natural language processing. Both the proposed frameworks are applicable to popular graph kernel families, and achieve significant performance improvements over state-of-the-art graph kernels. In the second part of this dissertation, we tackle information overload in text. We first focus on a popular social news aggregation website, Reddit, and design a submodular recommender system that tailors a personalized frontpage for individual users. Second, we propose a novel submodular framework to summarize videos, where both transcript and comments are available. Third, we demonstrate how to apply filtering techniques to select a small subset of informative features from virtual machine logs in order to predict resource usage

    Probabilistic models for melodic sequences

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    Structure is one of the fundamentals of music, yet the complexity arising from the vast number of possible variations of musical elements such as rhythm, melody, harmony, key, texture and form, along with their combinations, makes music modelling a particularly challenging task for machine learning. The research presented in this thesis focuses on the problem of learning a generative model for melody directly from musical sequences belonging to the same genre. Our goal is to develop probabilistic models that can automatically capture the complex statistical dependencies evident in music without the need to incorporate significant domain-specifc knowledge. At all stages we avoid making assumptions explicit to music and consider models that can can be readily applied in different music genres and can easily be adapted for other sequential data domains. We develop the Dirichlet Variable-Length Markov Model (Dirichlet-VMM), a Bayesian formulation of the Variable-Length Markov Model (VMM), where smoothing is performed in a systematic probabilistic manner. The model is a general-purpose, dictionary-based predictor with a formal smoothing technique and is shown to perform significantly better than the standard VMM in melody modelling. Motivated by the ability of the Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) to extract high quality latent features in an unsupervised manner, we next develop the Time-Convolutional Restricted Boltzmann Machine (TC-RBM), a novel adaptation of the Convolutional RBM for modelling sequential data. We show that the TC-RBM learns descriptive musical features such as chords, octaves and typical melody movement patterns. To deal with the non-stationarity of music, we develop the Variable-gram Topic model, which employs the Dirichlet-VMM for the parametrisation of the topic distributions. The Dirichlet-VMM models the local temporal structure, while the latent topics represent di erent music regimes. The model does not make any assumptions explicit to music, but it is particularly suitable in this context, as it couples the latent topic formalism with an expressive model of contextual information

    Interactions in Information Spread

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    Since the development of writing 5000 years ago, human-generated data gets produced at an ever-increasing pace. Classical archival methods aimed at easing information retrieval. Nowadays, archiving is not enough anymore. The amount of data that gets generated daily is beyond human comprehension, and appeals for new information retrieval strategies. Instead of referencing every single data piece as in traditional archival techniques, a more relevant approach consists in understanding the overall ideas conveyed in data flows. To spot such general tendencies, a precise comprehension of the underlying data generation mechanisms is required. In the rich literature tackling this problem, the question of information interaction remains nearly unexplored. First, we investigate the frequency of such interactions. Building on recent advances made in Stochastic Block Modelling, we explore the role of interactions in several social networks. We find that interactions are rare in these datasets. Then, we wonder how interactions evolve over time. Earlier data pieces should not have an everlasting influence on ulterior data generation mechanisms. We model this using dynamic network inference advances. We conclude that interactions are brief. Finally, we design a framework that jointly models rare and brief interactions based on Dirichlet-Hawkes Processes. We argue that this new class of models fits brief and sparse interaction modelling. We conduct a large-scale application on Reddit and find that interactions play a minor role in this dataset. From a broader perspective, our work results in a collection of highly flexible models and in a rethinking of core concepts of machine learning. Consequently, we open a range of novel perspectives both in terms of real-world applications and in terms of technical contributions to machine learning.Comment: PhD thesis defended on 2022/09/1

    Neural recommender models for sparse and skewed behavioral data

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    Modern online platforms offer recommendations and personalized search and services to a large and diverse user base while still aiming to acquaint users with the broader community on the platform. Prior work backed by large volumes of user data has shown that user retention is reliant on catering to their specific eccentric tastes, in addition to providing them popular services or content on the platform. Long-tailed distributions are a fundamental characteristic of human activity, owing to the bursty nature of human attention. As a result, we often observe skew in data facets that involve human interaction. While there are superficial similarities to Zipf's law in textual data and other domains, the challenges with user data extend further. Individual words may have skewed frequencies in the corpus, but the long-tail words by themselves do not significantly impact downstream text-mining tasks. On the contrary, while sparse users (a majority on most online platforms) contribute little to the training data, they are equally crucial at inference time. Perhaps more so, since they are likely to churn. In this thesis, we study platforms and applications that elicit user participation in rich social settings incorporating user-generated content, user-user interaction, and other modalities of user participation and data generation. For instance, users on the Yelp review platform participate in a follower-followee network and also create and interact with review text (two modalities of user data). Similarly, community question-answer (CQA) platforms incorporate user interaction and collaboratively authored content over diverse domains and discussion threads. Since user participation is multimodal, we develop generalizable abstractions beyond any single data modality. Specifically, we aim to address the distributional mismatch that occurs with user data independent of dataset specifics; While a minority of the users generates most training samples, it is insufficient only to learn the preferences of this subset of users. As a result, the data's overall skew and individual users' sparsity are closely interlinked: sparse users with uncommon preferences are under-represented. Thus, we propose to treat these problems jointly with a skew-aware grouping mechanism that iteratively sharpens the identification of preference groups within the user population. As a result, we improve user characterization; content recommendation and activity prediction (+6-22% AUC, +6-43% AUC, +12-25% RMSE over state-of-the-art baselines), primarily for users with sparse activity. The size of the item or content inventories compounds the skew problem. Recommendation models can achieve very high aggregate performance while recommending only a tiny proportion of the inventory (as little as 5%) to users. We propose a data-driven solution guided by the aggregate co-occurrence information across items in the dataset. We specifically note that different co-occurrences are not equally significant; For example, some co-occurring items are easily substituted while others are not. We develop a self-supervised learning framework where the aggregate co-occurrences guide the recommendation problem while providing room to learn these variations among the item associations. As a result, we improve coverage to ~100% (up from 5%) of the inventory and increase long-tail item recall up to 25%. We also note that the skew and sparsity problems repeat across data modalities. For instance, social interactions and review content both exhibit aggregate skew, although individual users who actively generate reviews may not participate socially and vice-versa. It is necessary to differentially weight and merge different data sources for each user towards inference tasks in such cases. We show that the problem is inherently adversarial since the user participation modalities compete to describe a user accurately. We develop a framework to unify these representations while algorithmically tackling mode collapse, a well-known pitfall with adversarial models. A more challenging but important instantiation of sparsity is the few-shot setting or cross-domain setting. We may only have a single or a few interactions for users or items in the sparse domains or partitions. We show that contextualizing user-item interactions helps us infer behavioral invariants in the dense domain, allowing us to correlate sparse participants to their active counterparts (resulting in 3x faster training, ~19% recall gains in multi-domain settings). Finally, we consider the multi-task setting, where the platform incorporates multiple distinct recommendations and prediction tasks for each user. A single-user representation is insufficient for users who exhibit different preferences along each dimension. At the same time, it is counter-productive to handle correlated prediction or inference tasks in isolation. We develop a multi-faceted representation approach grounded on residual learning with heterogeneous knowledge graph representations, which provides us an expressive data representation for specialized domains and applications with multimodal user data. We achieve knowledge sharing by unifying task-independent and task-specific representations of each entity with a unified knowledge graph framework. In each chapter, we also discuss and demonstrate how the proposed frameworks directly incorporate a wide range of gradient-optimizable recommendation and behavior models, maximizing their applicability and pertinence to user-centered inference tasks and platforms

    Iterated learning framework for unsupervised part-of-speech induction

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    Computational approaches to linguistic analysis have been used for more than half a century. The main tools come from the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and are based on rule-based or corpora-based (supervised) methods. Despite the undeniable success of supervised learning methods in NLP, they have two main drawbacks: on the practical side, it is expensive to produce the manual annotation (or the rules) required and it is not easy to find annotators for less common languages. A theoretical disadvantage is that the computational analysis produced is tied to a specific theory or annotation scheme. Unsupervised methods offer the possibility to expand our analyses into more resourcepoor languages, and to move beyond the conventional linguistic theories. They are a way of observing patterns and regularities emerging directly from the data and can provide new linguistic insights. In this thesis I explore unsupervised methods for inducing parts of speech across languages. I discuss the challenges in evaluation of unsupervised learning and at the same time, by looking at the historical evolution of part-of-speech systems, I make the case that the compartmentalised, traditional pipeline approach of NLP is not ideal for the task. I present a generative Bayesian system that makes it easy to incorporate multiple diverse features, spanning different levels of linguistic structure, like morphology, lexical distribution, syntactic dependencies and word alignment information that allow for the examination of cross-linguistic patterns. I test the system using features provided by unsupervised systems in a pipeline mode (where the output of one system is the input to another) and show that the performance of the baseline (distributional) model increases significantly, reaching and in some cases surpassing the performance of state-of-the-art part-of-speech induction systems. I then turn to the unsupervised systems that provided these sources of information (morphology, dependencies, word alignment) and examine the way that part-of-speech information influences their inference. Having established a bi-directional relationship between each system and my part-of-speech inducer, I describe an iterated learning method, where each component system is trained using the output of the other system in each iteration. The iterated learning method improves the performance of both component systems in each task. Finally, using this iterated learning framework, and by using parts of speech as the central component, I produce chains of linguistic structure induction that combine all the component systems to offer a more holistic view of NLP. To show the potential of this multi-level system, I demonstrate its use ‘in the wild’. I describe the creation of a vastly multilingual parallel corpus based on 100 translations of the Bible in a diverse set of languages. Using the multi-level induction system, I induce cross-lingual clusters, and provide some qualitative results of my approach. I show that it is possible to discover similarities between languages that correspond to ‘hidden’ morphological, syntactic or semantic elements


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    Aspect-based Opinion Mining (ABOM) systems take as input a corpus about a product and aim to mine the aspects (the features or parts) of the product and obtain the opinions of each aspect (how positive or negative the appraisal or emotions towards the aspect is). A few systems like Twitter Aspect Classifier and Twitter Summarization Framework have been proposed to perform ABOM on microblogs. However, the accuracy of these techniques are easily affected by spam posts and buzzwords. In this thesis we address this problem of removing noisy aspects in ABOM by proposing an algorithm called Microblog Aspect Miner (MAM). MAM classifies the microblog posts into subjective and objective posts, represents the frequent nouns in the subjective posts as vectors, and then clusters them to obtain relevant aspects of the product. MAM achieves a 50% improvement in accuracy in obtaining relevant aspects of products compared to previous systems

    Genre-Based Music Language Modeling with Latent Hierarchical Pitman-Yor Process Allocation

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    Unsupervised Methods for Learning and Using Semantics of Natural Language

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    Teaching the computer to understand language is the major goal in the field of natural language processing. In this thesis we introduce computational methods that aim to extract language structure — e.g. grammar, semantics or syntax — from text, which provides the computer with information in order to understand language. During the last decades, scientific efforts and the increase of computational resources made it possible to come closer to the goal of understanding language. In order to extract language structure, many approaches train the computer on manually created resources. Most of these so-called supervised methods show high performance when applied to similar textual data. However, they perform inferior when operating on textual data, which are different to the one they are trained on. Whereas training the computer is essential to obtain reasonable structure from natural language, we want to avoid training the computer using manually created resources. In this thesis, we present so-called unsupervised methods, which are suited to learn patterns in order to extract structure from textual data directly. These patterns are learned with methods that extract the semantics (meanings) of words and phrases. In comparison to manually built knowledge bases, unsupervised methods are more flexible: they can extract structure from text of different languages or text domains (e.g. finance or medical texts), without requiring manually annotated structure. However, learning structure from text often faces sparsity issues. The reason for these phenomena is that in language many words occur only few times. If a word is seen only few times no precise information can be extracted from the text it occurs. Whereas sparsity issues cannot be solved completely, information about most words can be gained by using large amounts of data. In the first chapter, we briefly describe how computers can learn to understand language. Afterwards, we present the main contributions, list the publications this thesis is based on and give an overview of this thesis. Chapter 2 introduces the terminology used in this thesis and gives a background about natural language processing. Then, we characterize the linguistic theory on how humans understand language. Afterwards, we show how the underlying linguistic intuition can be operationalized for computers. Based on this operationalization, we introduce a formalism for representing words and their context. This formalism is used in the following chapters in order to compute similarities between words. In Chapter 3 we give a brief description of methods in the field of computational semantics, which are targeted to compute similarities between words. All these methods have in common that they extract a contextual representation for a word that is generated from text. Then, this representation is used to compute similarities between words. In addition, we also present examples of the word similarities that are computed with these methods. Segmenting text into its topically related units is intuitively performed by humans and helps to extract connections between words in text. We equip the computer with these abilities by introducing a text segmentation algorithm in Chapter 4. This algorithm is based on a statistical topic model, which learns to cluster words into topics solely on the basis of the text. Using the segmentation algorithm, we demonstrate the influence of the parameters provided by the topic model. In addition, our method yields state-of-the-art performances on two datasets. In order to represent the meaning of words, we use context information (e.g. neighboring words), which is utilized to compute similarities. Whereas we described methods for word similarity computations in Chapter 3, we introduce a generic symbolic framework in Chapter 5. As we follow a symbolic approach, we do not represent words using dense numeric vectors but we use symbols (e.g. neighboring words or syntactic dependency parses) directly. Such a representation is readable for humans and is preferred in sensitive applications like the medical domain, where the reason for decisions needs to be provided. This framework enables the processing of arbitrarily large data. Furthermore, it is able to compute the most similar words for all words within a text collection resulting in a distributional thesaurus. We show the influence of various parameters deployed in our framework and examine the impact of different corpora used for computing similarities. Performing computations based on various contextual representations, we obtain the best results when using syntactic dependencies between words within sentences. However, these syntactic dependencies are predicted using a supervised dependency parser, which is trained on language-dependent and human-annotated resources. To avoid such language-specific preprocessing for computing distributional thesauri, we investigate the replacement of language-dependent dependency parsers by language-independent unsupervised parsers in Chapter 6. Evaluating the syntactic dependencies from unsupervised and supervised parses against human-annotated resources reveals that the unsupervised methods are not capable to compete with the supervised ones. In this chapter we use the predicted structure of both types of parses as context representation in order to compute word similarities. Then, we evaluate the quality of the similarities, which provides an extrinsic evaluation setup for both unsupervised and supervised dependency parsers. In an evaluation on English text, similarities computed based on contextual representations generated with unsupervised parsers do not outperform the similarities computed with the context representation extracted from supervised parsers. However, we observe the best results when applying context retrieved by the unsupervised parser for computing distributional thesauri on German language. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our framework is capable to combine different context representations, as we obtain the best performance with a combination of both flavors of syntactic dependencies for both languages. Most languages are not composed of single-worded terms only, but also contain many multi-worded terms that form a unit, called multiword expressions. The identification of multiword expressions is particularly important for semantics, as e.g. the term New York has a different meaning than its single terms New or York. Whereas most research on semantics avoids handling these expressions, we target on the extraction of multiword expressions in Chapter 7. Most previously introduced methods rely on part-of-speech tags and apply a ranking function to rank term sequences according to their multiwordness. Here, we introduce a language-independent and knowledge-free ranking method that uses information from distributional thesauri. Performing evaluations on English and French textual data, our method achieves the best results in comparison to methods from the literature. In Chapter 8 we apply information from distributional thesauri as features for various applications. First, we introduce a general setting for tackling the out-of-vocabulary problem. This problem describes the inferior performance of supervised methods according to words that are not contained in the training data. We alleviate this issue by replacing these unseen words with the most similar ones that are known, extracted from a distributional thesaurus. Using a supervised part-of-speech tagging method, we show substantial improvements in the classification performance for out-of-vocabulary words based on German and English textual data. The second application introduces a system for replacing words within a sentence with a word of the same meaning. For this application, the information from a distributional thesaurus provides the highest-scoring features. In the last application, we introduce an algorithm that is capable to detect the different meanings of a word and groups them into coarse-grained categories, called supersenses. Generating features by means of supersenses and distributional thesauri yields an performance increase when plugged into a supervised system that recognized named entities (e.g. names, organizations or locations). Further directions for using distributional thesauri are presented in Chapter 9. First, we lay out a method, which is capable of incorporating background information (e.g. source of the text collection or sense information) into a distributional thesaurus. Furthermore, we describe an approach on building thesauri for different text domains (e.g. medical or finance domain) and how they can be combined to have a high coverage of domain-specific knowledge as well as a broad background for the open domain. In the last section we characterize yet another method, suited to enrich existing knowledge bases. All three directions might be further extensions, which induce further structure based on textual data. The last chapter gives a summary of this work: we demonstrate that without language-dependent knowledge, a computer can learn to extract useful structure from text by using computational semantics. Due to the unsupervised nature of the introduced methods, we are able to extract new structure from raw textual data. This is important especially for languages, for which less manually created resources are available as well as for special domains e.g. medical or finance. We have demonstrated that our methods achieve state-of-the-art performance. Furthermore, we have proven their impact by applying the extracted structure in three natural language processing tasks. We have also applied the methods to different languages and large amounts of data. Thus, we have not proposed methods, which are suited for extracting structure for a single language, but methods that are capable to explore structure for “language” in general