651 research outputs found

    Learning spatio-temporal representations for action recognition: A genetic programming approach

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    Extracting discriminative and robust features from video sequences is the first and most critical step in human action recognition. In this paper, instead of using handcrafted features, we automatically learn spatio-temporal motion features for action recognition. This is achieved via an evolutionary method, i.e., genetic programming (GP), which evolves the motion feature descriptor on a population of primitive 3D operators (e.g., 3D-Gabor and wavelet). In this way, the scale and shift invariant features can be effectively extracted from both color and optical flow sequences. We intend to learn data adaptive descriptors for different datasets with multiple layers, which makes fully use of the knowledge to mimic the physical structure of the human visual cortex for action recognition and simultaneously reduce the GP searching space to effectively accelerate the convergence of optimal solutions. In our evolutionary architecture, the average cross-validation classification error, which is calculated by an support-vector-machine classifier on the training set, is adopted as the evaluation criterion for the GP fitness function. After the entire evolution procedure finishes, the best-so-far solution selected by GP is regarded as the (near-)optimal action descriptor obtained. The GP-evolving feature extraction method is evaluated on four popular action datasets, namely KTH, HMDB51, UCF YouTube, and Hollywood2. Experimental results show that our method significantly outperforms other types of features, either hand-designed or machine-learned

    Learning Discriminative Feature Representations for Visual Categorization

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    Learning discriminative feature representations has attracted a great deal of attention due to its potential value and wide usage in a variety of areas, such as image/video recognition and retrieval, human activities analysis, intelligent surveillance and human-computer interaction. In this thesis we first introduce a new boosted key-frame selection scheme for action recognition. Specifically, we propose to select a subset of key poses for the representation of each action via AdaBoost and a new classifier, namely WLNBNN, is then developed for final classification. The experimental results of the proposed method are 0.6% - 13.2% better than previous work. After that, a domain-adaptive learning approach based on multiobjective genetic programming (MOGP) has been developed for image classification. In this method, a set of primitive 2-D operators are randomly combined to construct feature descriptors through the MOGP evolving and then evaluated by two objective fitness criteria, i.e., the classification error and the tree complexity. Later, the (near-)optimal feature descriptor can be obtained. The proposed approach can achieve 0.9% ∼ 25.9% better performance compared with state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, effective dimensionality reduction algorithms have also been widely used for obtaining better representations. In this thesis, we have proposed a novel linear unsupervised algorithm, termed Discriminative Partition Sparsity Analysis (DPSA), explicitly considering different probabilistic distributions that exist over the data points, simultaneously preserving the natural locality relationship among the data. All these above methods have been systematically evaluated on several public datasets, showing their accurate and robust performance (0.44% - 6.69% better than the previous) for action and image categorization. Targeting efficient image classification , we also introduce a novel unsupervised framework termed evolutionary compact embedding (ECE) which can automatically learn the task-specific binary hash codes. It is regarded as an optimization algorithm which combines the genetic programming (GP) and a boosting trick. The experimental results manifest ECE significantly outperform others by 1.58% - 2.19% for classification tasks. In addition, a supervised framework, bilinear local feature hashing (BLFH), has also been proposed to learn highly discriminative binary codes on the local descriptors for large-scale image similarity search. We address it as a nonconvex optimization problem to seek orthogonal projection matrices for hashing, which can successfully preserve the pairwise similarity between different local features and simultaneously take image-to-class (I2C) distances into consideration. BLFH produces outstanding results (0.017% - 0.149% better) compared to the state-of-the-art hashing techniques

    Gesture and Action Recognition by Evolved Dynamic Subgestures

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    This paper introduces a framework for gesture and action recognition based on the evolution of temporal gesture primitives, or subgestures. Our work is inspired on the principle of producing genetic variations within a population of gesture subsequences, with the goal of obtaining a set of gesture units that enhance the generalization capability of standard gesture recognition approaches. In our context, gesture primitives are evolved over time using dynamic programming and generative models in order to recognize complex actions. In few generations, the proposed subgesture-based representation of actions and gestures outperforms the state of the art results on the MSRDaily3D and MSRAction3D datasets

    Indian Monuments Classification using Support Vector Machine

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    Recently, Content-Based Image Retrieval is a widely popular and efficient searching and indexing approach used by knowledge seekers. Use of images by e-commerce sites, by product and by service industries is not new nowadays. Travel and tourism are the largest service industries in India. Every year people visit tourist places and upload pictures of their visit on social networking sites or share via the mobile device with friends and relatives. Classification of the monuments is helpful to hoteliers for the development of a new hotel with state of the art amenities, to travel service providers, to restaurant owners, to government agencies for security, etc.. The proposed system had extracted features and classified the Indian monuments visited by the tourists based on the linear Support Vector Machine (SVM). The proposed system was divided into 3 main phases: preprocessing, feature vector creation and classification. The extracted features are based on Local Binary Pattern, Histogram, Co-occurrence Matrix and Canny Edge Detection methods.  Once the feature vector had been constructed, classification was   performed using Linear SVM. The Database of 10 popular Indian monuments was generated with 50 images for each class. The proposed system is implemented in MATLAB and achieves very high accuracy. The proposed system was also tested on other popular benchmark databases

    Vision-based human action recognition using machine learning techniques

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    The focus of this thesis is on automatic recognition of human actions in videos. Human action recognition is defined as automatic understating of what actions occur in a video performed by a human. This is a difficult problem due to the many challenges including, but not limited to, variations in human shape and motion, occlusion, cluttered background, moving cameras, illumination conditions, and viewpoint variations. To start with, The most popular and prominent state-of-the-art techniques are reviewed, evaluated, compared, and presented. Based on the literature review, these techniques are categorized into handcrafted feature-based and deep learning-based approaches. The proposed action recognition framework is then based on these handcrafted and deep learning based techniques, which are then adopted throughout the thesis by embedding novel algorithms for action recognition, both in the handcrafted and deep learning domains. First, a new method based on handcrafted approach is presented. This method addresses one of the major challenges known as “viewpoint variations” by presenting a novel feature descriptor for multiview human action recognition. This descriptor employs the region-based features extracted from the human silhouette. The proposed approach is quite simple and achieves state-of-the-art results without compromising the efficiency of the recognition process which shows its suitability for real-time applications. Second, two innovative methods are presented based on deep learning approach, to go beyond the limitations of handcrafted approach. The first method is based on transfer learning using pre-trained deep learning model as a source architecture to solve the problem of human action recognition. It is experimentally confirmed that deep Convolutional Neural Network model already trained on large-scale annotated dataset is transferable to action recognition task with limited training dataset. The comparative analysis also confirms its superior performance over handcrafted feature-based methods in terms of accuracy on same datasets. The second method is based on unsupervised deep learning-based approach. This method employs Deep Belief Networks (DBNs) with restricted Boltzmann machines for action recognition in unconstrained videos. The proposed method automatically extracts suitable feature representation without any prior knowledge using unsupervised deep learning model. The effectiveness of the proposed method is confirmed with high recognition results on a challenging UCF sports dataset. Finally, the thesis is concluded with important discussions and research directions in the area of human action recognition

    A vision-based system for intelligent monitoring: human behaviour analysis and privacy by context

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    Due to progress and demographic change, society is facing a crucial challenge related to increased life expectancy and a higher number of people in situations of dependency. As a consequence, there exists a significant demand for support systems for personal autonomy. This article outlines the vision@home project, whose goal is to extend independent living at home for elderly and impaired people, providing care and safety services by means of vision-based monitoring. Different kinds of ambient-assisted living services are supported, from the detection of home accidents, to telecare services. In this contribution, the specification of the system is presented, and novel contributions are made regarding human behaviour analysis and privacy protection. By means of a multi-view setup of cameras, people's behaviour is recognised based on human action recognition. For this purpose, a weighted feature fusion scheme is proposed to learn from multiple views. In order to protect the right to privacy of the inhabitants when a remote connection occurs, a privacy-by-context method is proposed. The experimental results of the behaviour recognition method show an outstanding performance, as well as support for multi-view scenarios and real-time execution, which are required in order to provide the proposed services

    Differential Evolution to Optimize Hidden Markov Models Training: Application to Facial Expression Recognition

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    The base system in this paper uses Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) to model dynamic relationships among facial features in facial behavior interpretation and understanding field. The input of HMMs is a new set of derived features from geometrical distances obtained from detected and automatically tracked facial points. Numerical data representation which is in the form of multi-time series is transformed to a symbolic representation in order to reduce dimensionality, extract the most pertinent information and give a meaningful representation to humans. The main problem of the use of HMMs is that the training is generally trapped in local minima, so we used the Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm to offer more diversity and so limit as much as possible the occurrence of stagnation. For this reason, this paper proposes to enhance HMM learning abilities by the use of DE as an optimization tool, instead of the classical Baum and Welch algorithm. Obtained results are compared against the traditional learning approach and significant improvements have been obtained.</p

    Action recognition from RGB-D data

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    In recent years, action recognition based on RGB-D data has attracted increasing attention. Different from traditional 2D action recognition, RGB-D data contains extra depth and skeleton modalities. Different modalities have their own characteristics. This thesis presents seven novel methods to take advantages of the three modalities for action recognition. First, effective handcrafted features are designed and frequent pattern mining method is employed to mine the most discriminative, representative and nonredundant features for skeleton-based action recognition. Second, to take advantages of powerful Convolutional Neural Networks (ConvNets), it is proposed to represent spatio-temporal information carried in 3D skeleton sequences in three 2D images by encoding the joint trajectories and their dynamics into color distribution in the images, and ConvNets are adopted to learn the discriminative features for human action recognition. Third, for depth-based action recognition, three strategies of data augmentation are proposed to apply ConvNets to small training datasets. Forth, to take full advantage of the 3D structural information offered in the depth modality and its being insensitive to illumination variations, three simple, compact yet effective images-based representations are proposed and ConvNets are adopted for feature extraction and classification. However, both of previous two methods are sensitive to noise and could not differentiate well fine-grained actions. Fifth, it is proposed to represent a depth map sequence into three pairs of structured dynamic images at body, part and joint levels respectively through bidirectional rank pooling to deal with the issue. The structured dynamic image preserves the spatial-temporal information, enhances the structure information across both body parts/joints and different temporal scales, and takes advantages of ConvNets for action recognition. Sixth, it is proposed to extract and use scene flow for action recognition from RGB and depth data. Last, to exploit the joint information in multi-modal features arising from heterogeneous sources (RGB, depth), it is proposed to cooperatively train a single ConvNet (referred to as c-ConvNet) on both RGB features and depth features, and deeply aggregate the two modalities to achieve robust action recognition

    Sequential compact code learning for unsupervised image hashing

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    Effective hashing for large-scale image databases is a popular research area, attracting much attention in computer vision and visual information retrieval. Several recent methods attempt to learn either graph embedding or semantic coding for fast and accurate applications. In this paper, a novel unsupervised framework, termed evolutionary compact embedding (ECE), is introduced to automatically learn the task-specific binary hash codes. It can be regarded as an optimization algorithm that combines the genetic programming (GP) and a boosting trick. In our architecture, each bit of ECE is iteratively computed using a weak binary classification function, which is generated through GP evolving by jointly minimizing its empirical risk with the AdaBoost strategy on a training set. We address this as greedy optimization by embedding high-dimensional data points into a similarity-preserved Hamming space with a low dimension. We systematically evaluate ECE on two data sets, SIFT 1M and GIST 1M, showing the effectiveness and the accuracy of our method for a large-scale similarity search