5,801 research outputs found

    XSRL: An XML web-services request language

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    One of the most serious challenges that web-service enabled e-marketplaces face is the lack of formal support for expressing service requests against UDDI-resident web-services in order to solve a complex business problem. In this paper we present a web-service request language (XSRL) developed on the basis of AI planning and the XML database query language XQuery. This framework is designed to handle and execute XSRL requests and is capable of performing planning actions under uncertainty on the basis of refinement and revision as new service-related information is accumulated (via interaction with the user or UDDI) and as execution circumstances necessitate change

    Service-oriented architecture for device lifecycle support in industrial automation

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia ElectrotĂ©cnica e de Computadores Especialidade: RobĂłtica e Manufactura IntegradaThis thesis addresses the device lifecycle support thematic in the scope of service oriented industrial automation domain. This domain is known for its plethora of heterogeneous equipment encompassing distinct functions, form factors, network interfaces, or I/O specifications supported by dissimilar software and hardware platforms. There is then an evident and crescent need to take every device into account and improve the agility performance during setup, control, management, monitoring and diagnosis phases. Service-oriented Architecture (SOA) paradigm is currently a widely endorsed approach for both business and enterprise systems integration. SOA concepts and technology are continuously spreading along the layers of the enterprise organization envisioning a unified interoperability solution. SOA promotes discoverability, loose coupling, abstraction, autonomy and composition of services relying on open web standards – features that can provide an important contribution to the industrial automation domain. The present work seized industrial automation device level requirements, constraints and needs to determine how and where can SOA be employed to solve some of the existent difficulties. Supported by these outcomes, a reference architecture shaped by distributed, adaptive and composable modules is proposed. This architecture will assist and ease the role of systems integrators during reengineering-related interventions throughout system lifecycle. In a converging direction, the present work also proposes a serviceoriented device model to support previous architecture vision and goals by including embedded added-value in terms of service-oriented peer-to-peer discovery and identification, configuration, management, as well as agile customization of device resources. In this context, the implementation and validation work proved not simply the feasibility and fitness of the proposed solution to two distinct test-benches but also its relevance to the expanding domain of SOA applications to support device lifecycle in the industrial automation domain

    Modeling and Simulation Methodologies for Digital Twin in Industry 4.0

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    The concept of Industry 4.0 represents an innovative vision of what will be the factory of the future. The principles of this new paradigm are based on interoperability and data exchange between dierent industrial equipment. In this context, Cyber- Physical Systems (CPSs) cover one of the main roles in this revolution. The combination of models and the integration of real data coming from the field allows to obtain the virtual copy of the real plant, also called Digital Twin. The entire factory can be seen as a set of CPSs and the resulting system is also called Cyber-Physical Production System (CPPS). This CPPS represents the Digital Twin of the factory with which it would be possible analyze the real factory. The interoperability between the real industrial equipment and the Digital Twin allows to make predictions concerning the quality of the products. More in details, these analyses are related to the variability of production quality, prediction of the maintenance cycle, the accurate estimation of energy consumption and other extra-functional properties of the system. Several tools [2] allow to model a production line, considering dierent aspects of the factory (i.e. geometrical properties, the information flows etc.) However, these simulators do not provide natively any solution for the design integration of CPSs, making impossible to have precise analysis concerning the real factory. Furthermore, for the best of our knowledge, there are no solution regarding a clear integration of data coming from real equipment into CPS models that composes the entire production line. In this context, the goal of this thesis aims to define an unified methodology to design and simulate the Digital Twin of a plant, integrating data coming from real equipment. In detail, the presented methodologies focus mainly on: integration of heterogeneous models in production line simulators; Integration of heterogeneous models with ad-hoc simulation strategies; Multi-level simulation approach of CPS and integration of real data coming from sensors into models. All the presented contributions produce an environment that allows to perform simulation of the plant based not only on synthetic data, but also on real data coming from equipments

    Engineering design knowledge management in de-centralised virtual enterprises

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    The problems of collaborative engineering design and knowledge management at the conceptual stage in a network of dissimilar enterprises was investigated. This issue in engineering design is a result of the supply chain and virtual enterprise (VE) oriented industry that demands faster time to market and accurate cost/manufacturing analysis from conception. The solution consisted of a de-centralised super-peer net architecture to establish and maintain communications between enterprises in a VE. In the solution outlined below, the enterprises are able to share knowledge in a common format and nomenclature via the building-block shareable super-ontology that can be tailored on a project by project basis, whilst maintaining the common nomenclature of the ‘super-ontology’ eliminating knowledge interpretation issues. The two-tier architecture layout of the solution glues together the peer-peer and super-ontologies to form a coherent system for both internal and virtual enterprise knowledge management and product development

    Proof-of-Concept Application - Annual Report Year 1

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    In this document the Cat-COVITE Application for use in the CATNETS Project is introduced and motivated. Furthermore an introduction to the catallactic middleware and Web Services Agreement (WS-Agreement) concepts is given as a basis for the future work. Requirements for the application of Cat-COVITE with in catallactic systems are analysed. Finally the integration of the Cat-COVITE application and the catallactic middleware is described. --Grid Computing

    Analysis of current middleware used in peer-to-peer and grid implementations for enhancement by catallactic mechanisms

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    This deliverable describes the work done in task 3.1, Middleware analysis: Analysis of current middleware used in peer-to-peer and grid implementations for enhancement by catallactic mechanisms from work package 3, Middleware Implementation. The document is divided in four parts: The introduction with application scenarios and middleware requirements, Catnets middleware architecture, evaluation of existing middleware toolkits, and conclusions. -- Die Arbeit definiert Anforderungen an Grid und Peer-to-Peer Middleware Architekturen und analysiert diese auf ihre Eignung fĂŒr die prototypische Umsetzung der Katallaxie. Eine Middleware-Architektur fĂŒr die Umsetzung der Katallaxie in Application Layer Netzwerken wird vorgestellt.Grid Computing
