9 research outputs found

    Energy Efficiency in Hybrid Beamforming Large-scale mmWave Multiuser MIMO with Spatial Modulation

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    The problem of radio resource allocation for global energy efficiency (GEE) maximization in mmWaves large-scale multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems using hybrid-beamforming with spatial modulation is addressed. The theoretical properties of the optimization problem at hand are analyzed and two provably convergent optimization algorithms with affordable complexity are proposed. The former achieves the global optimum, while the latter trades off optimality with a lower computational complexity. Nevertheless, numerical results show that both algorithms attain global optimality in practical scenarios

    Power saving and optimal hybrid precoding in millimeter wave massive MIMO systems for 5G

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    The proliferation of wireless services emerging from use cases offifth-generation(5G) technology is posing many challenges on cellular communicationinfrastructure. They demand to connect a massive number of devices withenhanced data rates. The massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO)technology at millimeter-wave (mmWave) in combination with hybrid precodingemerges as a concrete tool to address the requirements of 5G networkdevelopments. But Massive MIMO systems consume significant power fornetwork operations. Hence the prior role is to improve the energy efficiency byreducing the power consumption. This paper presents the power optimizationmodels for massive MIMO systems considering perfect channel state information(CSI) and imperfect CSI. Further, this work proposes an optimal hybrid precodingsolution named extended simultaneous orthogonal matchingpursuit (ESOMP).Simulation results reveal that a constant sum-rate can be achieved in massiveMIMO systems while significantly reducing the power consumption. Theproposed extended SOMPhybrid precoder performsclose to the conventionaldigital beamforming method. Further, modulation schemes compatible withmassive MIMO systems are outlined and their bit error rate (BER) performance isinvestigate

    Energy Efficiency in Hybrid Beamforming Large-scale mmWave Multiuser MIMO with Spatial Modulation

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    The problem of radio resource allocation for global energy efficiency (GEE) maximization in mmWaves large-scale multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems using hybridbeamforming with spatial modulation is addressed. The theoretical properties of the optimization problem at hand are analyzed and two provably convergent optimization algorithms with affordable complexity are proposed. The former achieves the global optimum, while the latter trades off optimality with a lower computational complexity. Nevertheless, numerical results show that both algorithms attain global optimality in practical scenarios

    5G Small Cell Backhaul: A Solution Based on GSM-Aided Hybrid Beamforming

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    In the proposed 5G architecture where cell densification is expected to be used for network capacity enhancement, the deployment of millimetre wave (mmWave) massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) in urban microcells located outdoor is expected to be used for high channel capacity small cell wireless traffic backhauling as the use of copper and optic-fibre cable becomes infeasible owing to the high cost and issues with right of way. The high cost of radio frequency (RF) chain and its prohibitive power consumption are big drawbacks for mmWave massive MIMO transceiver implementation and the complexity of using optimal detection algorithm as a result of inter-channel interference (ICI) as the base station antenna approaches large numbers. Spatial modulation (SM) and Generalized Spatial Modulation (GSM) are new novel techniques proposed as a low-complexity, low cost and low-power-consumption MIMO candidate with the ability to further reduce the RF chain for mmWave massive MIMO hybrid beamforming systems. In this work, we present the principles of generalized spatial modulation aided hybrid beamforming (GSMA-HBF) and its use for cost-effective, high energy efficient mmWave massive MIMO transceiver for small cell wireless backhaul in a 5G ultra-dense network

    Generalized-spatial-modulation-based reduced-RF-chain millimeter-wave communications

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    Generalized spatial modulation (GSM)-based millimeter-wave (mmWave) communications system is proposed. The GSM transmitter is characterized by a lower number of radio frequency (RF) chains than the number of transmit antennas, hence it is capable of reducing both the transmitter cost as well as the energy consumption. The antenna array alignment is optimized so as to maximize the rank of the channel matrix encountered. Furthermore, we employ an array of analog beamformers, which allows us to benefit both from the beamforming gain as well as from the GSM scheme’s high rate. It is demonstrated that the constrained capacity of the GSM transmitter equipped with as few as two RF chains is capable of approaching the performance of the full-RF spatial multiplexing having eight RF chains

    Index Modulation Techniques for Energy-efficient Transmission in Large-scale MIMO Systems

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    This thesis exploits index modulation techniques to design energy- and spectrum-efficient system models to operate in future wireless networks. In this respect, index modulation techniques are studied considering two different media: mapping the information onto the frequency indices of multicarrier systems, and onto the antenna array indices of a platform that comprises multiple antennas. The index modulation techniques in wideband communication scenarios considering orthogonal and generalized frequency division multiplexing systems are studied first. Single cell multiuser networks are considered while developing the system models that exploit the index modulation on the subcarriers of the multicarrier systems. Instead of actively modulating all the subcarriers, a subset is selected according to the index modulation bits. As a result, there are subcarriers that remain idle during the data transmission phase and the activation pattern of the subcarriers convey additional information. The transceivers for the orthogonal and generalized frequency division multiplexing systems with index modulation are both designed considering the uplink and downlink transmission phases with a linear combiner and precoder in order to reduce the system complexity. In the developed system models, channel state information is required only at the base station. The linear combiner is designed adopting minimum mean square error method to mitigate the inter-user-interference. The proposed system models offer a flexible design as the parameters are independent of each other. The parameters can be adjusted to design the system in favor of the energy efficiency, spectrum efficiency, peak-to-average power ratio, or error performance. Then, the index modulation techniques are studied for large-scale multiple-input multiple-output systems that operate in millimeter wave bands. In order to overcome the drawbacks of transmission in millimeter wave frequencies, channel properties should be taken in to account while envisaging the wireless communication network. The large-scale multiple-input multiple-output systems increase the degrees of freedom in the spatial domain. This feature can be exploited to focus the transmit power directly onto the intended receiver terminal to cope with the severe path-loss. However, scaling up the number of hardware elements results in excessive power consumption. Hybrid architectures provide a remedy by shifting a part of the signal processing to the analog domain. In this way, the number of bulky and high power consuming hardware elements can be reduced. However, there will be a performance degradation as a consequence of renouncing the fully digital signal processing. Index modulation techniques can be combined with the hybrid system architecture to compensate the loss in spectrum efficiency to further increase the data rates. A user terminal architecture is designed that employs analog beamforming together with spatial modulation where a part of the information bits is mapped onto the indices of the antenna arrays. The system is comprised a switching stage that allocates the user terminal antennas on the phase shifter groups to minimize the spatial correlation, and a phase shifting stage that maximizes the beamforming gain to combat the path-loss. A computationally efficient optimization algorithm is developed to configure the system. The flexibility of the architecture enables optimization of the hybrid transceiver at any signal-to-noise ratio values. A base station is designed in which hybrid beamforming together with spatial modulation is employed. The analog beamformer is designed to point the transmit beam only in the direction of the intended user terminal to mitigate leakage of the transmit power to other directions. The analog beamformer to transmit the signal is chosen based on the spatial modulation bits. The digital precoder is designed to eliminate the inter-user-interference by exploiting the zero-forcing method. The base station computes the hybrid beamformers and the digital combiners, and only feeds back the digital combiners of each antenna array-user pair to the related user terminals. Thus, a low complexity user architecture is sufficient to achieve a higher performance. The developed optimization framework for the energy efficiency jointly optimizes the number of served users and the total transmit power by utilizing the derived upper bound of the achievable rate. The proposed transceiver architectures provide a more energy-efficient system model compared to the hybrid systems in which the spatial modulation technique is not exploited. This thesis develops low-complexity system models that operate in narrowband and wideband channel environments to meet the energy and spectrum efficiency demands of future wireless networks. It is corroborated in the thesis that adopting index modulation techniques both in the systems improves the system performance in various aspects.:1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Overview and Contribution 2 1.3 Outline 9 2 Preliminaries and Fundamentals 13 2.1 Multicarrier Systems 13 2.2 Large-scale Multiple Input Multiple Output Systems 17 2.3 Index Modulation Techniques 19 2.4 Single Cell Multiuser Networks 22 3 Multicarrier Systems with Index Modulation 27 3.1 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing 28 3.2 Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing 40 3.3 Summary 52 4 Hybrid Beamforming with Spatial Modulation 55 4.1 Uplink Transmission 56 4.2 Downlink Transmission 74 4.3 Summary 106 5 Conclusion and Outlook 109 5.1 Conclusion 109 5.2 Outlook 111 A Quantization Error Derivations 113 B On the Achievable Rate of Gaussian Mixtures 115 B.1 The Conditional Density Function 115 B.2 Tight Bounds on the Differential Entropy 116 B.3 A Bound on the Achievable Rate 118 C Multiuser MIMO Downlink without Spatial Modulation 121 Bibliograph