22,526 research outputs found

    Probabilistic opinion pooling generalized Part one: General agendas

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    How can different individuals' probability assignments to some events be aggregated into a collective probability assignment? Classic results on this problem assume that the set of relevant events -- the agenda -- is a σ-algebra and is thus closed under disjunction (union) and conjunction (intersection). We drop this demanding assumption and explore probabilistic opinion pooling on general agendas. One might be interested in the probability of rain and that of an interest-rate increase, but not in the probability of rain or an interest-rate increase. We characterize linear pooling and neutral pooling for general agendas, with classic results as special cases for agendas that are σ-algebras. As an illustrative application, we also consider probabilistic preference aggregation. Finally, we unify our results with existing results on binary judgment aggregation and Arrovian preference aggregation. Our unified theorems show why the same kinds of axioms (independence and consensus preservation) have radically different implications for different aggregation problems: linearity for probability aggregation and dictatorship for binary judgment or preference aggregation

    Probabilistic opinion pooling generalized Part one: General agendas

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    How can different individuals' probability assignments to some events be aggregated into a collective probability assignment? Classic results on this problem assume that the set of relevant events -- the agenda -- is a σ-algebra and is thus closed under disjunction (union) and conjunction (intersection). We drop this demanding assumption and explore probabilistic opinion pooling on general agendas. One might be interested in the probability of rain and that of an interest-rate increase, but not in the probability of rain or an interest-rate increase. We characterize linear pooling and neutral pooling for general agendas, with classic results as special cases for agendas that are σ-algebras. As an illustrative application, we also consider probabilistic preference aggregation. Finally, we unify our results with existing results on binary judgment aggregation and Arrovian preference aggregation. Our unified theorems show why the same kinds of axioms (independence and consensus preservation) have radically different implications for different aggregation problems: linearity for probability aggregation and dictatorship for binary judgment or preference aggregation

    Reliable Uncertain Evidence Modeling in Bayesian Networks by Credal Networks

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    A reliable modeling of uncertain evidence in Bayesian networks based on a set-valued quantification is proposed. Both soft and virtual evidences are considered. We show that evidence propagation in this setup can be reduced to standard updating in an augmented credal network, equivalent to a set of consistent Bayesian networks. A characterization of the computational complexity for this task is derived together with an efficient exact procedure for a subclass of instances. In the case of multiple uncertain evidences over the same variable, the proposed procedure can provide a set-valued version of the geometric approach to opinion pooling.Comment: 19 page

    Probabilistic opinion pooling generalized Part two: The premise-based approach

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    How can different individuals' probability functions on a given σ-algebra of events be aggregated into a collective probability function? Classic approaches to this problem often require `event-wise independence': the collective probability for each event should depend only on the individuals' probabilities for that event. In practice, however, some events may be `basic' and others `derivative', so that it makes sense first to aggregate the probabilities for the former and then to let these constrain the probabilities for the latter. We formalize this idea by introducing a `premise-based' approach to probabilistic opinion pooling, and show that, under a variety of assumptions, it leads to linear or neutral opinion pooling on the `premises'

    An Epistemic Interpretation of Paraconsistent Weak Kleene Logic

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    This paper extends Fitting's epistemic interpretation of some Kleene logics, to also account for Paraconsistent Weak Kleene logic. To achieve this goal, a dualization of Fitting's "cut-down" operator is discussed, rendering a "track-down" operator later used to represent the idea that no consistent opinion can arise from a set including an inconsistent opinion. It is shown that, if some reasonable assumptions are made, the truth-functions of Paraconsistent Weak Kleene coincide with certain operations defined in this track-down fashion. Finally, further reflections on conjunction and disjunction in the weak Kleene logics accompany this paper, particularly concerning their relation with containment logics. These considerations motivate a special approach to defining sound and complete Gentzen-style sequent calculi for some of their four-valued generalizations

    Bayesian Nonparametric Calibration and Combination of Predictive Distributions

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    We introduce a Bayesian approach to predictive density calibration and combination that accounts for parameter uncertainty and model set incompleteness through the use of random calibration functionals and random combination weights. Building on the work of Ranjan, R. and Gneiting, T. (2010) and Gneiting, T. and Ranjan, R. (2013), we use infinite beta mixtures for the calibration. The proposed Bayesian nonparametric approach takes advantage of the flexibility of Dirichlet process mixtures to achieve any continuous deformation of linearly combined predictive distributions. The inference procedure is based on Gibbs sampling and allows accounting for uncertainty in the number of mixture components, mixture weights, and calibration parameters. The weak posterior consistency of the Bayesian nonparametric calibration is provided under suitable conditions for unknown true density. We study the methodology in simulation examples with fat tails and multimodal densities and apply it to density forecasts of daily S&P returns and daily maximum wind speed at the Frankfurt airport.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1305.2026 by other author

    Conditionally externally Bayesian pooling operators in chain graphs

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    We address the multivariate version of French’s group decision problem where the m members of a group, who are jointly responsible for the decisions they should make, wish to combine their beliefs about the possible values of n random variables into the group consensus probability distribution. We shall assume the group has agreed on the structure of associations of variables in a problem, as might be represented by a commonly agreed partially complete chain graph (PCG) we define in the paper. However, the members diverge about the actual conditional probability distributions for the variables in the common PCG. The combination algorithm we suggest they adopt is one which demands, at least on learning information which is common to the members and which preserves the originally agreed PCG structure, that the pools of conditional distributions associated with the PCG are externally Bayesian (EB). We propose a characterization for such conditionally EB (CEB) poolings which is more general and flexible than the characterization proposed by Genest, McConway and Schervish. In particular, such a generalization allows the weights attributed to the joint probability assessments of different individuals in the pool to differ across the distinct components of each joint density. We show that the group’s commitment to being CEB on chain elements can be accomplished by the group being EB on the whole PCG when the group also agrees to perform the conditional poolings in an ordering compatible with evidence propagation in the graph