10 research outputs found

    Panchromatic and multispectral image fusion for remote sensing and earth observation: Concepts, taxonomy, literature review, evaluation methodologies and challenges ahead

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    Panchromatic and multispectral image fusion, termed pan-sharpening, is to merge the spatial and spectral information of the source images into a fused one, which has a higher spatial and spectral resolution and is more reliable for downstream tasks compared with any of the source images. It has been widely applied to image interpretation and pre-processing of various applications. A large number of methods have been proposed to achieve better fusion results by considering the spatial and spectral relationships among panchromatic and multispectral images. In recent years, the fast development of artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning (DL) has significantly enhanced the development of pan-sharpening techniques. However, this field lacks a comprehensive overview of recent advances boosted by the rise of AI and DL. This paper provides a comprehensive review of a variety of pan-sharpening methods that adopt four different paradigms, i.e., component substitution, multiresolution analysis, degradation model, and deep neural networks. As an important aspect of pan-sharpening, the evaluation of the fused image is also outlined to present various assessment methods in terms of reduced-resolution and full-resolution quality measurement. Then, we conclude this paper by discussing the existing limitations, difficulties, and challenges of pan-sharpening techniques, datasets, and quality assessment. In addition, the survey summarizes the development trends in these areas, which provide useful methodological practices for researchers and professionals. Finally, the developments in pan-sharpening are summarized in the conclusion part. The aim of the survey is to serve as a referential starting point for newcomers and a common point of agreement around the research directions to be followed in this exciting area

    Panchromatic and multispectral image fusion for remote sensing and earth observation: Concepts, taxonomy, literature review, evaluation methodologies and challenges ahead

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    Panchromatic and multispectral image fusion, termed pan-sharpening, is to merge the spatial and spectral information of the source images into a fused one, which has a higher spatial and spectral resolution and is more reliable for downstream tasks compared with any of the source images. It has been widely applied to image interpretation and pre-processing of various applications. A large number of methods have been proposed to achieve better fusion results by considering the spatial and spectral relationships among panchromatic and multispectral images. In recent years, the fast development of artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning (DL) has significantly enhanced the development of pan-sharpening techniques. However, this field lacks a comprehensive overview of recent advances boosted by the rise of AI and DL. This paper provides a comprehensive review of a variety of pan-sharpening methods that adopt four different paradigms, i.e., component substitution, multiresolution analysis, degradation model, and deep neural networks. As an important aspect of pan-sharpening, the evaluation of the fused image is also outlined to present various assessment methods in terms of reduced-resolution and full-resolution quality measurement. Then, we conclude this paper by discussing the existing limitations, difficulties, and challenges of pan-sharpening techniques, datasets, and quality assessment. In addition, the survey summarizes the development trends in these areas, which provide useful methodological practices for researchers and professionals. Finally, the developments in pan-sharpening are summarized in the conclusion part. The aim of the survey is to serve as a referential starting point for newcomers and a common point of agreement around the research directions to be followed in this exciting area

    Fusion of MultiSpectral and Panchromatic Images Based on Morphological Operators

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    International audienceNonlinear decomposition schemes constitute an alternative to classical approaches for facing the problem of data fusion. In this paper we discuss the application of this methodology to a popular remote sensing application called pansharpening, which consists in the fusion of a low resolution multispectral image and a high resolution panchromatic image. We design a complete pansharpening scheme based on the use of morphological half gradients operators and demonstrate the suitability of this algorithm through the comparison with state of the art approaches. Four datasets acquired by the Pleiades, Worldview-2, Ikonos and Geoeye-1 satellites are employed for the performance assessment, testifying the effectiveness of the proposed approach in producing top-class images with a setting independent of the specific sensor

    Advances in Image Processing, Analysis and Recognition Technology

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    For many decades, researchers have been trying to make computers’ analysis of images as effective as the system of human vision is. For this purpose, many algorithms and systems have previously been created. The whole process covers various stages, including image processing, representation and recognition. The results of this work can be applied to many computer-assisted areas of everyday life. They improve particular activities and provide handy tools, which are sometimes only for entertainment, but quite often, they significantly increase our safety. In fact, the practical implementation of image processing algorithms is particularly wide. Moreover, the rapid growth of computational complexity and computer efficiency has allowed for the development of more sophisticated and effective algorithms and tools. Although significant progress has been made so far, many issues still remain, resulting in the need for the development of novel approaches

    Divide-and-conquer framework for image restoration and enhancement

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    Abstract(#br)We develop a novel divide-and-conquer framework for image restoration and enhancement based on their task-driven requirements, which takes advantage of visual importance differences of image contents (i.e., noise versus image, edge-based structures versus smoothing areas, high-frequency versus low-frequency components) and sparse prior differences of image contents for performance improvements. The proposed framework is efficient in implementation of decomposition-processing-integration. An observed image is first decomposed into different subspaces based on considering visual importance of different subspaces and exploiting their prior differences. Different models are separately established for image subspace restoration and enhancement, and existing image restoration and enhancement methods are utilized to deal with them effectively. Then a simple but effective fusion scheme with different weights is used to integrate the post-processed subspaces for the final reconstructed image. Final experimental results demonstrate that the proposed divide-and-conquer framework outperforms several restoration and enhancement algorithms in both subjective results and objective assessments. The performance improvements of image restoration and enhancement can be yielded by using the proposed divide-and-conquer strategy, which greatly benefits in terms of mixed Gaussian and salt-and-pepper noise removal, non-blind deconvolution, and image enhancement. In addition, our divide-and-conquer framework can be simply extensible to other restoration and enhancement algorithms, and can be a new way to promote their performances for image restoration and enhancement

    Radiometrically-Accurate Hyperspectral Data Sharpening

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    Improving the spatial resolution of hyperpsectral image (HSI) has traditionally been an important topic in the field of remote sensing. Many approaches have been proposed based on various theories including component substitution, multiresolution analysis, spectral unmixing, Bayesian probability, and tensor representation. However, these methods have some common disadvantages, such as that they are not robust to different up-scale ratios and they have little concern for the per-pixel radiometric accuracy of the sharpened image. Moreover, many learning-based methods have been proposed through decades of innovations, but most of them require a large set of training pairs, which is unpractical for many real problems. To solve these problems, we firstly proposed an unsupervised Laplacian Pyramid Fusion Network (LPFNet) to generate a radiometrically-accurate high-resolution HSI. First, with the low-resolution hyperspectral image (LR-HSI) and the high-resolution multispectral image (HR-MSI), the preliminary high-resolution hyperspectral image (HR-HSI) is calculated via linear regression. Next, the high-frequency details of the preliminary HR-HSI are estimated via the subtraction between it and the CNN-generated-blurry version. By injecting the details to the output of the generative CNN with the low-resolution hyperspectral image (LR-HSI) as input, the final HR-HSI is obtained. LPFNet is designed for fusing the LR-HSI and HR-MSI covers the same Visible-Near-Infrared (VNIR) bands, while the short-wave infrared (SWIR) bands of HSI are ignored. SWIR bands are equally important to VNIR bands, but their spatial details are more challenging to be enhanced because the HR-MSI, used to provide the spatial details in the fusion process, usually has no SWIR coverage or lower-spatial-resolution SWIR. To this end, we designed an unsupervised cascade fusion network (UCFNet) to sharpen the Vis-NIR-SWIR LR-HSI. First, the preliminary high-resolution VNIR hyperspectral image (HR-VNIR-HSI) is obtained with a conventional hyperspectral algorithm. Then, the HR-MSI, the preliminary HR-VNIR-HSI, and the LR-SWIR-HSI are passed to the generative convolutional neural network to produce an HR-HSI. In the training process, the cascade sharpening method is employed to improve stability. Furthermore, the self-supervising loss is introduced based on the cascade strategy to further improve the spectral accuracy. Experiments are conducted on both LPFNet and UCFNet with different datasets and up-scale ratios. Also, state-of-the-art baseline methods are implemented and compared with the proposed methods with different quantitative metrics. Results demonstrate that proposed methods outperform the competitors in all cases in terms of spectral and spatial accuracy

    Super-resolution:A comprehensive survey

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    Multiple Instance Choquet Integral for multiresolution sensor fusion

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    Imagine you are traveling to Columbia, MO for the first time. On your flight to Columbia, the woman sitting next to you recommended a bakery by a large park with a big yellow umbrella outside. After you land, you need directions to the hotel from the airport. Suppose you are driving a rental car, you will need to park your car at a parking lot or a parking structure. After a good night's sleep in the hotel, you may decide to go for a run in the morning on the closest trail and stop by that recommended bakery under a big yellow umbrella. It would be helpful in the course of completing all these tasks to accurately distinguish the proper car route and walking trail, find a parking lot, and pinpoint the yellow umbrella. Satellite imagery and other geo-tagged data such as Open Street Maps provide effective information for this goal. Open Street Maps can provide road information and suggest bakery within a five-mile radius. The yellow umbrella is a distinctive color and, perhaps, is made of a distinctive material that can be identified from a hyperspectral camera. Open Street Maps polygons are tagged with information such as "parking lot" and "sidewalk." All these information can and should be fused to help identify and offer better guidance on the tasks you are completing. Supervised learning methods generally require precise labels for each training data point. It is hard (and probably at an extra cost) to manually go through and label each pixel in the training imagery. GPS coordinates cannot always be fully trusted as a GPS device may only be accurate to the level of several pixels. In many cases, it is practically infeasible to obtain accurate pixel-level training labels to perform fusion for all the imagery and maps available. Besides, the training data may come in a variety of data types, such as imagery or as a 3D point cloud. The imagery may have different resolutions, scales and, even, coordinate systems. Previous fusion methods are generally only limited to data mapped to the same pixel grid, with accurate labels. Furthermore, most fusion methods are restricted to only two sources, even if certain methods, such as pan-sharpening, can deal with different geo-spatial types or data of different resolution. It is, therefore, necessary and important, to come up with a way to perform fusion on multiple sources of imagery and map data, possibly with different resolutions and of different geo-spatial types with consideration of uncertain labels. I propose a Multiple Instance Choquet Integral framework for multi-resolution multisensor fusion with uncertain training labels. The Multiple Instance Choquet Integral (MICI) framework addresses uncertain training labels and performs both classification and regression. Three classifier fusion models, i.e. the noisy-or, min-max, and generalized-mean models, are derived under MICI. The Multi-Resolution Multiple Instance Choquet Integral (MR-MICI) framework is built upon the MICI framework and further addresses multiresolution in the fusion sources in addition to the uncertainty in training labels. For both MICI and MR-MICI, a monotonic normalized fuzzy measure is learned to be used with the Choquet integral to perform two-class classifier fusion given bag-level training labels. An optimization scheme based on the evolutionary algorithm is used to optimize the models proposed. For regression problems where the desired prediction is real-valued, the primary instance assumption is adopted. The algorithms are applied to target detection, regression and scene understanding applications. Experiments are conducted on the fusion of remote sensing data (hyperspectral and LiDAR) over the campus of University of Southern Mississippi - Gulfpark. Clothpanel sub-pixel and super-pixel targets were placed on campus with varying levels of occlusion and the proposed algorithms can successfully detect the targets in the scene. A semi-supervised approach is developed to automatically generate training labels based on data from Google Maps, Google Earth and Open Street Map. Based on such training labels with uncertainty, the proposed algorithms can also identify materials on campus for scene understanding, such as road, buildings, sidewalks, etc. In addition, the algorithms are used for weed detection and real-valued crop yield prediction experiments based on remote sensing data that can provide information for agricultural applications.Includes biblographical reference