30 research outputs found

    Hubungan antara Kecerdasan Emosi dengan Koping pada Gamer

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    There are numerous studies about the relationship between emotional intelligence and coping stress. However, there's still a few studies that examined the relationship of those two in gamer. Hence, the aimed of this study is to empirically examined the relationship between emotional intelligence and coping stress in gamer. The hypothesis of this study stated that there was a relationship between emotional intelligence and coping stress. Participants of the study were 101 college students who is played video game with age range from 17 to 25. Product moment technique was used to analyze the data. The result of the study showed that there is a significant and positive relationship between emotional intelligence and coping stress (p < 0,001; r = 0,586). Based on this result, the hypothesis was accepted


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    Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kecanduan game online di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Pengaruh distres psikologis terhadap internet gaming disorder pada pemain game online dengan motivasi bermain game sebagai variabel pemediasi, (2) Hubungan distres psikologis dengan internet gaming disorder pada pemain game online, dan (3) Hubungan motivasi bermain game dengan internet gaming disorder pada pemain game online. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dan dilakukan pada 30 pemain game online berjenis kelamin pria yang memiliki lima atau lebih gejala internet gaming disorder, telah memainkan game sekurang-kurangnya satu tahun, dan memiliki rata-rata bermain game lima jam atau lebih per-hari. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah skala Internet Gaming Disorder Scale 9 Short Form (IGDS9-SF), Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10), dan Motives for Online Gaming Questionnaire (MOGQ). Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam menguji hipotesis adalah analisis analisis mediasi JASP dan Korelasi Product Moment di SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Tidak terdapat pengaruh distres psikologis terhadap internet gaming disorder dengan motivasi bermain game sebagai variabel pemediasi melalui indirect effect: z-value= -0,030; p= 0,976 (p>0,05), (2) Tidak terdapat hubungan distres psikologis terhadap internet gaming disorder dengan nilai r=-0,188, dan sig. 0,160>0,05, (3) Terdapat hubungan positif yang sangat signifikan variabel motivasi bermain game terhadap internet gaming disorder dengan nilai nilai r=0,493, dan sig. 0,003<0,01

    Hubungan antara Kecerdasan Emosi dengan Koping pada Gamer

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    There are numerous studies about the relationship between emotional intelligence and coping stress. However, there are still a few studies that examined the relationship between those two in the gamer. Hence, the aimed of this study is to empirically examine the relationship between emotional intelligence and coping stress in the gamer. The hypothesis of this study stated that there was a relationship between emotional intelligence and coping stress. Participants of the study were 101 college students who are playing the video game with an age range from 17 to 25. Product moment technique was used to analyze the data. The result of the study showed that there is a significant and positive relationship between emotional intelligence and coping stress (p < 0,001; r = 0,586). Based on this result, the hypothesis was accepted

    The development of the Online Player Type Scale: construct validity and reliability testing

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    The present study outlines the development of the Online Player Type Scale (OPTS) utilizing a motivational taxonomy developed. This taxonomy was comprehensively reviewed to create scale items, and the conceptual framework of the scale was defined. The study group was comprised of 1,479 students attending grades 5 to 8 of a private school. A purposive sampling method was used to recruit the study group, and playing any videogame frequently was the criterion to be included in the sample. The construct validity and reliability testing showed the OPTS comprised four factors: achievement-oriented (ACH), socialization-oriented (SOC), exploration-oriented (EXP), and competition-oriented (COMP). The Cronbach alpha internal consistency coefficients and composite reliability coefficients were 0.89 and 0.99 for KIL, 0.83 and 0.98 for EXP, 0.83 and 0.98 for SOC, and 0.94 and 0.99 for ACH. It is concluded that the Online Player Type Scale is a valid and reliable instrument for assessing gaming motivation

    A literature meta-analysis and integrative model

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    Baptista, G., & Oliveira, T. (2019). Gamification and serious games: A literature meta-analysis and integrative model. Computers in Human Behavior, 92, 306-315. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2018.11.030In recent years we have witnessed a growing number of companies and institutions embedding game mechanics and game design techniques in all types of information systems, applications, and services. Following this trend, it is possible to find an increasing number of publications studying these subjects. With this meta-analysis we synthesise and integrate all the earlier literature and information available on gamification and serious games, assessing the current state-of-the-art in the field, filling a literature gap on this subject. We calculated meta-analysis effects from a total of 54 studies and 59 datasets collected from the literature. Attitude, enjoyment, and usefulness are the most relevant predictors of intention to use gamification. Intention, enjoyment, and usefulness are the most relevant predictors of the brand attitude towards gamification. Our results allow us to present a theoretical model that will be of value to future gamification studies.authorsversionpublishe

    Psychosocial factors mediating the relationship between childhood emotional trauma and Internet gaming disorder: a pilot study

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    Internet gaming disorder (IGD) has been related to a wide range of detrimental psychological and health consequences. The purpose of the present pilot study was to test the direct and indirect relationships between IGD and emotional trauma, body image dissatisfaction, social anxiety, loneliness, depression, and self-esteem. A total of 242 online gamers completed a survey comprising a comprehensive battery of psychometric self-report scales concerning aforementioned variables. Results indicated that IGD was significantly correlated with all the variables except for body image dissatisfaction. Path analysis indicated an indirect relationship between childhood emotional trauma and IGD through depressive symptoms, while adjusting for gender, age, and number of hours gaming. The findings of the present study indicate that online gamers with a history of emotional abuse and/or neglect have higher levels of depressive symptoms, and that depressive symptoms are important risk factors of IGD

    A preliminary cross-cultural study of Hikikomori and Internet Gaming Disorder: the moderating effects of game-playing time and living with parents

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    Background: Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) and Hikikomori (an extreme form of real-life social withdrawal where individuals isolate themselves from society) have both been suggested as mental disorders that require further clinical research, particularly amongst young adult populations. Objective: To add to the extant literature, the present study used a cross-cultural, cross-sectional design to investigate the association between Hikikomori and IGD, and the potential moderating effects of reported game-playing time and living with parents. Method: Two online samples of 153 Australian and 457 U.S.-North American young adult players of Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) games were collected. The nine-item Internet Gaming Disorder Scale-Short Form (IGDS-SF9), and the Hikikomori Social Withdrawal Scale were administered to dimensionally assess IGD and Hikikomori, respectively. Results: Linear regression analyses confirmed that Hikikomori symptoms are associated with IGD. Additionally, moderation analyses indicated that the association was exacerbated by longer game playing time across both populations. Gamers living with their parents was a significant moderator of the relationship for the Australian sample. Conclusions: Extreme real-life social withdrawal and IGD are related, and this association is exacerbated for those who spend more time playing MMOs per day, and, for Australian participants, living with their parents

    Gaming addiction, motivation, and identity: investigating the effects of competitive play in a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena game.

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    The aim of the current study was to investigate the effects of competitive play in a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) on gaming addiction, gaming motivation, and gamer identity. A quasi-experimental design was utilised to assess these effects. The participants (N=121) were from the United Kingdom and were recruited through opportunity and snowball sampling. They were aged between 18 and 34 and played the MOBA League of Legends. Participants had to indicate whether they played the game casually or competitively, and completed a questionnaire which included the Gaming Addiction Scale (GAS), the Gaming Motivation Scale (GAMS), and the Group Identification Measure (GIM). Responses were recorded and the data was analysed using SPSS. One-way between-subjects ANOVAs were conducted to test the effects of type of play on gaming addiction and gaming motivation, and a non-parametric equivalent, a Kruskal-Wallis test, was conducted to test the effects on gamer identity. The analysis indicated there were no significant effects of type of play on any of the variables, which is inconsistent with existing literature. The reasons for this are explored and the implications are discussed. Future research could investigate the effects of time spent playing League of Legends on gaming addiction, gaming motivation, and gamer identity, as no inquiry was made in the current study and this may be an influencing factor. Additional suggestions for further research are give

    Relationship between gaming disorder across various dimensions among PUBG players: a machine learning-based cross-sectional study

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    BackgroundPlayerUnknown’s battlegrounds (PUBG), a widely played multiplayer online game, has sparked interest and concern regarding its impact on players. This study explored the relationship between factors such as cultivation level, motivation, religious engagement, gaming disorder, and addiction among PUBG players.MethodsThis study employed a convenience sampling technique to select a sample of 500 PUBG players. An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model was used to identify the primary factors contributing to the level of cultivation.ResultsMale participants exhibited a higher level of cultivation than their female counterparts did. According to the ANN model, gaming disorder exhibited the greatest normalized importance, with a value of 100%. This was followed by the religious level, which had a normalized importance of 54.6%. Additionally, motivation level and gaming addiction demonstrated normalized importance values of 47.6 and 44.4%, respectively. This study revealed a statistically significant correlation between engaging in PUBG and the cultivation effect observed among respondents.ConclusionThis study highlights several noteworthy factors, including gaming disorder, religious affiliation, motivation level, and gaming addiction. These factors offer valuable insights into understanding gaming behavior and devising effective interventions