Gadjah Mada Journal of Psychology (GamaJoP)
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    149 research outputs found

    The use of UGM’s eLOK as a Student Learning Outcomes Evaluation Platform

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    The use of online platforms in testing is a necessity nowadays, especially in an academic context. The platform used in UGM, namely eLOK, provides a testing facility which enable the lecturers to simultaneously see the results of the test evaluations and questions directly from the platform. However, there haven’t been any studies that compare the evaluation results using UGM’s eLOK with other approaches. Therefore, this study compared evaluation results from UGM’s eLOK with the Classical Test Theory (CTT) and Item Response Theory 2-Parameter Logistics (IRT 2-PL) approach using the Graded Response Model (GRM). This study included 22 active students who took the test using the UGM’s eLOK platform in the Multivariate Statistics course during the even semester of 2020/2021 academic year. The results of the analysis showed that the evaluation using the UGM’s eLOK platform had close equivalence with the CTT approach, although each parameter’s value was slightly different. In addition, the results of the IRT analysis were found to have far differences with the other two methods, but these results only slightly reflect the actual parameters due to the minimal number of subjects. The results of this study can be used as a reference in using UGM’s eLOK as a student academic testing platform, where lecturers are able to evaluate the quality of the tests and items given to test

    #WMHD Talks: Analyses of Mental Health Conversations Among Indonesian Community on Twitter

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    One of the right moments to comprehend people’s understanding of mental health topics is through World Mental Health Day (WMHD). This study aimed to explore themes related to mental health that are the conversation topics on Twitter as social reactions to WMHD 2021. We collected and analyzed Indonesian tweets that contained #WMHD or Mental Health keywords. From October 1 to 23, 2021, a total of 12,500 tweets were collected utilizing tweepy and request, a python programming-based library. Data cleaning processes left 7,126 tweets to be further analyzed with inductive thematic analysis. This study found seven themes from the most to the least frequently discussed, namely (1) positive mental health, (2) social network and social capital, (3) mental health literacy, (4) stressful events, (5) material economic well-being, (6) mental illness and (7) physical wellbeing. This research showed that social media has the capacity to investigate users’ knowledge and perception which might then serve as the foundation for providing relevant mental health education on various platforms to support the improvement of community well-being. Furthermore, knowing the topics of mental health-related conversations on twitter can be a precursor to the development of a measurement tool related to mental health understanding

    Coping Strategies to Survive Online Learning Difficulties: Qualitative Survey Study of Bataknese and Javanese Students

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    It is apparent that students’ perceptions of the online learning experience during the pandemic led to the development of coping abilities to deal with stress. This research aims to explore coping mechanisms that Batak and Javanese students in Medan City used to minimise stress related to online learning difficulties during the COVID 19 pandemic. A total of 671 students participated in the study by completing a self-reported survey online. This research is qualitative research with a thematic analysis approach. The findings were categorized into two main themes: 1) online learning difficulties (consisting of 3 subthemes: technical problems, task overload, emerging negative emotions); 2) overcoming online learning difficulties (consisting of 3 subthemes: patience, prayer, and parental support). This research implies that the coping strategies students use can help them survive adversity during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Gambaran Regulasi Diri Dorongan Seksual Imam Katolik

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi gambaran regulasi diri pada Imam Katolik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi menggunakan metode wawancara mendalam. Penelitian menggunakan teknik sampel purposive. Jumlah partisipan adalah 5 dengan kriteria merupakan Imam Katolik. Teknik analisis tematik digunakan untuk menganalisis data. Terdapat 6 temuan tema yang terkait dengan regulasi diri antara lain standar, pemantauan, kekuatan tekad, motivasi, relasi dengan lawan jenis, dan aktivitas seksual. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa melalui komponen regulasi diri yang baik maka para Imam dapat berhasil melakukan regulasi diri dorongan seksual.  Penelitian ini memberikan gambaran akan penyesuaian seksualitas dari para Imam yang hidup selibat dengan melakukan pengalihan dorongan seksualnya serta menjadi pendorong bagi institusi terkait untuk menyusun berbagai program pembelajaran terutama di Seminari yang mempersiapkan para Imam cara pengelolaan dorongan seksual yang sehat

    Model Perilaku Pencegahan Virus Covid-19 Berdasarkan Kepercayaan Kepada Sains Dengan Mediasi Komitmen Dan Berbagi Informasi

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    Perilaku pencegahan penularan virus COVID-19 selama masa pandemi pada tingkat individu seperti yang dihimbau oleh pemerintah sering tidak dijalankan. Ketidakpercayaan kepada sains merupakan salah satu basis masalah pengabaian pencegahan tersebut. Pada sisi lain, mereka yang aktif melakukan pencegahan memiliki komitmen yang besar agar virus tidak menular. Komitmen tersebut lebih efektif ketika diikuti dengan berbagi informasi terkait dengan perkembangan virus dan pencegahannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji model perilaku pencegahan dengan anteseden kepercayaan kepada sains serta komitmen dan berbagi informasi sebagai mediatornya. Uji model dilakukan pada data empat variabel tersebut, yang dikumpulkan melalui survei online dengan 544 responden melalui pemodelan persamaan struktural. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa tujuan tersebut tercapai yang ditunjukkan oleh kecocokan model teoritis dengan data yang didukung oleh parameter yang kuat. Artinya, kepercayaan kepada sains merupakan basis dari upaya pencegahan COVID-19, tetapi efeknya melalui komitmen pencegahan yang diperkuat dengan berbagi informasi. Implikasi penting dari hasil tersebut adalah perlunya pemaparan bukti-bukti ilmiah tentang permasalahan baru seperti COVID-19 atau dampak perubahan iklim dengan membagikannya kepada publik untuk menguatkan komitmen pencegahannya

    Eksplorasi Kemunculan Efek Metode dalam Tes Potensi Kemampuan Kognitif

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    Skor tes individu dapat dipengaruhi oleh tiga sumber variasi yaitu konstruk ukur, metode pengukuran, dan eror pengukuran. Idealnya, pengaruh terhadap skor dalam sebuah tes didominasi oleh konstruk ukur. Namun, dalam beberapa kasus terdapat pengaruh dari metode pengukuran yang disebabkan oleh keunikan yang terkait dengan metode pengukuran dalam tes tersebut. Pengaruh dari keunikan ini disebut sebagai efek metode yang dapat memengaruhi validitas struktural suatu alat ukur. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi efek metode pada Tes PAPS UGM Seri E menggunakan analisis faktor konfirmatori dengan model bifaktor (bifactor). Hasil analisis (N = 2.170) menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat efek metode dengan porsi yang cukup besar di dalam PAPS Seri E1 dan E2. Semua variasi skor didominasi oleh efek konstruk ukur daripada efek metode pengukuran yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai bobot faktor pada komponen lebih didominasi oleh konstruk ukur dibandingkan dengan metode pengukuran. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa skor yang didapatkan oleh peserta tes cenderung merepresentasikan kemampuan yang bersifat umum yaitu penalaran kognitif daripada kemampuan yang bersifat spesifik yang terkait dengan media pengukuran

    The Role of Emotional Intelligence toward Internalizing and Externalizing Problems in Adolescents

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    People experience more rapid physical, social, and emotional development in adolescence than in any other developmental stage. The dramatic changes may cause them volatile mental conditions and difficulties in overcoming various behavioral problems summarised as internalizing (IP) and externalizing problems (EP). One of the protective factors is emotional intelligence (EI) because someone with good emotional intelligence can control emotions when angry and adapt to unpleasant situations. This study aimed to determine the role of EI on IP and EP in Indonesian adolescents. This study used a quantitative research design with a simple random sampling technique. The research subjects were adolescents aged 15 to 18 years (N = 300) who attended nine high schools in East Java, consisting of 96 males and 204 females. The research instruments used were the Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale (SEIS) and the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). The results showed a significant negative role between emotional intelligence and internalizing problems (R2 =.391; F(1,298) = 191.649; p <.001) and externalizing problems (R2 =.281; F(1.298) = 116.230; p <.001). The higher one's ability to understand, regulate, and use emotions, the lower the manifestation of internal and external problematic behavior. It means that EI is confirmed to predict the IP and EP. The way to advance the capacity of adolescents' emotional intelligence is to try to express emotions and regulate and utilize their feelings. So adolescents do not develop mental health problems.

    Peran Persepsi Keterlibatan Ayah Dan Keterlibatan Ibu Serta Konsep Diri Membaca Terhadap Minat Baca

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    Salah satu kunci untuk mencapai kesuksesan akademik adalah membaca, namun minat membaca masyarakat di Indonesia masih rendah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana persepsi keterlibatan orang tua yang terdiri dari ayah dan ibu, dan konsep diri membaca terhadap minat baca siswa sekolah dasar. Selain itu ada perbedaan dalam persepsi siswa tentang keterlibatan ayah dan keterlibatan ibu. Partisipan penelitian melibatkan 169 siswa kelas tiga dan empat sSekolah Dasar dengan usia 8-11 tahun dan tinggal bersama orang tua. Penelitian ini menggunakan tiga alat ukur yaitu yang skala persepsi keterlibatan ayah dan ibu berdasarkan teori Hoover-Dempsey (2005), skala konsep diri membaca dari the self-concept as reader scale from Motivation to Read Profile (Malloy, et al., 2013) serta skala minat baca berdasarkan teori Schiefele (2009). Analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan IBM SPSS 2.0 software. Menurut analisis regresi ganda, persepsi keterlibatan ayah dan ibu serta konsep diri membaca memiliki pengaruh sebesar 50,1% terhadap minat baca (r = ,501). Selain itu, ada perbedaan dalam persepsi keterlibatan ayah dan ibu serta minat baca antara siswa laki-laki dan perempuan. Implikasi dalam penelitian untuk menumbuhkan minat diperlukan keterlibatan orang tua sejak dini sehingga dapat terbentuk kebiasaan membaca pada anak. Adapun konsep diri membaca akan mendorong siswa untuk membaca sehingga konsep diri membaca yang perlu dibentuk pada siswa

    The Employability of Government Institution: The Role of Job Crafting and Creative Climate Moderator

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    The evolution of technology led to rapid changes that affected both organizations and employees. Employability was a term to describe a continuum process of fulfilling the skills and expertise that also changed rapidly. One’s behavior in crafting a job could lead to one’s employability. Organizational climate, which in this study was the creative climate, had a moderating role in affecting the job creation toward employability. This study aimed to explain the role of job crafting in predicting employability in government institution X and creative climate as the moderator. The quantitative approach was applied to this research, by distributing Employability Scale (α = 0.937), Job Crafting Scale (α=0.922), and Creative Climate Scale (α=0.950) to 129 employees of government institution X. The study showed that job crafting significantly predicted the employability (R2 = 56.7%; p = 0.000, p < 0.05) along with creative climate lessened the prediction of job crafting to employability (p = 0.027, p < 0.05). Thus, the hypothesis in this study was accepted. Therefore, it was worth noting that job crafting had benefits for employees’ employability with a constructive, suitable organizational climate

    The Role of Emotional States on Purchase Decision-Making among Novice Stock Investors

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    Novice stock investors tend to make investment decisions based on their emotions, so they usually have lower performance. Emotions can affect decision-making through immediate emotions (emotional states) and expected emotions (emotional consequences). Happy and sad are the strongest emotions. Therefore, this research aims to examine and explain the effect of emotional states, specifically happy and sad, on novice stock investors' purchase decision-making. This research uses the experiment method, with 30 novice stock investors divided into three groups (two experimental and one control group). The result shows no effect between happy and sad emotional states on purchase decision-making (p > 0,05). The result is caused by participants' tendencies to make rational decisions for the highest utility. The higher the utility they get, the happier they will be, and vice versa. Thus, happy and sad emotions act as expected emotions, not as immediate emotions in decision-making


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