14 research outputs found

    Características de jogos educacionais para adultos mais velhos em processo de alfabetização

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar as principais características de jogos educacionais necessárias para auxiliar adultos mais velhos (AMV) no processo de alfabetização. A pesquisa foi delineada por meio de um estudo de caso. AMV foram observados jogando quatro jogos educativos. Após cada sessão de jogos foi respondido um questionário sobre a experiência com os jogos e, ao término, foi feita uma entrevista. Além disso, dez especialistas na área de informática responderam a um questionário de avaliação dos jogos baseado em heurísticas de jogabilidade. Foi observado que para que haja o sucesso dos jogos digitais no processo de alfabetização é preciso considerar as especificidades dos AMV e suas limitações físicas e permitir adaptações didáticas necessárias a cada AMV individualmente


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    Gamification is becoming part of daily life with growing use in the learning context. The research literature shows that gamified learning can have a positive impact on student motivation, and hence there is a need to reflect upon the pedagogic requirements of gamified learning. Furthermore, existing literature acknowledges the value of teachers’ input in game design processes; however, evidence also seems to suggest that the teacher’s role in gamification design remains undefined and underexplored. For this reason, an investigation was designed to examine primary school teachers' engagement in gamified learning design and categorize the gamification aspects in a learning context from the teacher’s perspective. A survey involving sixty-four Saudi Arabian primary school teachers identified gamification aspects which were perceived as teacher-driven tasks in the gamified learning design process. Building on the results of the survey, six in-depth interviews explored how teachers interacted with the gamified learning design process. The results of the investigation showed that teachers, in general, have a high level grasp of gamification concepts in theory. Teachers positively identified gamification aspects such as the story of the game, rules, timing, and related elements as teacher-driven tasks. However, teachers demonstrated a lack of confidence in applying gamification aspects when asked to complete high level gamification design tasks. For instance, some teachers found the use of gamification input methods and elements such as adding a timing rule for bonus levels as challenging, although they had previously identified these as teacher-driven tasks. In addition, there was a misapplication of concepts, illustrated using in-class rules as gamification rules, i.e., game-specific rules. The research indicated a requirement for a pedagogic gamification framework to support a collaborative strategy between teachers and game developers. A collaborative approach will facilitate teacher involvement in the gamified learning design process, will support better design of the gamification process flow and will enable a better fit to pedagogic requirements. This paper proposes as future work, the development of a pedagogic gamification framework to bridge the gulf between teachers’ theoretical knowledge of gamification in education and the practical application of gamification in a school context. Keywords: Gamification, Gamified learning, Teacher-driven design, Pedagogical gamification, Game-based learning

    Gamification – A Novel Phenomenon or a New Wrapping for Existing Concepts?

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    Adding game elements to products and services has become a popular approach for enhancing users’ experiences. Accordingly, gamification is widely considered an important method for intrinsically motivating users toward a preferred behavior. But what exactly about gamification is actually novel? In a broad literature review, we compare and contrast gamification to similar concepts such as hedonic, persuasive and intrinsically motivating information systems. By decomposing and classifying game elements found in the literature, we distinguish between already existing elements and ones that can be considered new. In order to drive this area of research forward, we develop an extended framework for gamification, identify gaps in the literature, and propose future avenues for research

    La Gamificación como estrategia didáctica para la enseñanza/aprendizaje de la programación: un mapeo sistemático de literatura

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    The incorporation of gamification into Programming courses has been identified as a potential strategy that could maximize student participation and have a positive impact on learning. To our knowledge, there is no study aimed at collecting and analyzing research results on this subject using a systematic method. To fill this gap, a systematic mapping of literature was carried out with the aim of summarizing the studies on the use of gamification as a didactic strategy for teaching/learning of Programming. Initially, through the search in four (4) digital libraries, 186 studies were obtained. Then, after a careful analysis of each of them, we verify that only 78 match our needs. Finally, we have categorized the contributions of these studies to present an overview of the results produced by the research community.La incorporación de la gamificación en cursos de Programación ha sido identificada como una estrategia potencial que podría maximizar la participación de los estudiantes y tener un impacto positivo en el aprendizaje. Hasta donde sabemos, no existe un estudio dirigido a recopilar y analizar los resultados de investigación sobre este tema utilizando un método sistemático. Para llenar este vacío, se realizó un mapeo sistemático de literatura con el objetivo de resumir los estudios sobre el uso de la gamificación como estrategia didáctica para la enseñanza/aprendizaje de la Programación. Inicialmente, mediante la búsqueda en cuatro (4) bibliotecas digitales, se obtuvieron 186 estudios. Luego, después de un cuidadoso análisis de cada uno de ellos, verificamos que sólo 78 coinciden con nuestras necesidades. Por último, hemos categorizado las contribuciones de estos estudios para presentar una visión general de los resultados producidos por la comunidad investigadora

    Análisis de deserción a través de la gamificación y duración de videos en MOOCs

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    Los cursos que son masivos y abiertos en línea (MOOC) han permitido el acceso a la educación en todo el mundo, ya que cualquier persona puede tomar cursos. El acceso a la educación es mucho más flexible y abierto, en primer lugar hay acceso abierto a los contenidos de aprendizaje, y acceso gratuito a cursos en línea lo cual llevo a abrir clases virtuales para las masas. Los educadores y las instituciones educativas están lidiando con este nuevo y poderoso concepto de aprendizaje que ha atraído a miles de estudiantes. A pesar de las conveniencias que ofrecen, las bajas tasas de finalización y los niveles de participación de los MOOC en comparación con los cursos tradicionales han sido objeto de críticas. Se propuso diseñar estrategias aplicables para reducir la deserción en los MOOC que permitirían aumentar la eficiencia terminal, manipulando variables independientes que ayudan a disminuir la deserción utilizando como metodología el diseño experimental de investigación cuantitativa. En este proyecto, se desarrollaron 3 cursos de 4 semanas, basados en el curso Pronósticos de ventas una herramienta comercial. Uno de ellos tenía videos con un promedio de aproximadamente 3 minutos y cada semana se asignaba uno de estos videos para complementar la información que se daba en cada módulo. Los otros dos cursos tenían elementos de gamificación, se dio un elemento reforzado para los estudiantes que habían obtenido 3 o más en su calificación. Posteriormente, se realizó un análisis del comportamiento de las personas registradas y se evaluó su efecto en la deserción. De esta manera, teniendo en cuenta as modificaciones que tuvieron un efecto en la deserción, se llevó a cabo un curso de prueba MOOC con las modificaciones para contrastar las hipótesis formuladas y para verificar el efecto de las variables en el abandono.Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have spread access to education worldwide, allowing anyone to take courses. Access to education is much more flexible and open, firstly with open access to learning content, and then free access online courses which led to open virtual classes for the masses. Educators and educational institutions are grappling with this new and powerful learning concept that has attracted thousands of learners. Despite the conveniences they offer, the lower completion rates and engagement levels of MOOCs as compared with traditional courses have been the subject of criticism. It was proposed to design applicable strategies to reduce the dropout in MOOCs that would allow to increase the terminal efficiency, manipulating independent variables that helps to decrease the attrition, using as a methodology the experimental quantitative research design. In this project 3 courses of 4 weeks were developed, based on the course Pronóstico de ventas una herramienta comercial. One of them had videos with an average of approximately 3 minutes and every week one of these videos was assigned to complement the information that was given in each module. The two other courses had elements of gamification, one reinforced element was given for students that had obtained 3 or more in their score. Subsequently, an analysis of the behavior of the registered people was made and their effect on the dropout was evaluated. In this way, determining the modifications that had an effect on the dropout, a MOOC test course was carried out with the modifications to contrast the hypotheses formulated and to verify the effect of the variables on the dropout.Ingeniero (a) IndustrialPregrad

    Aplicabilidade da gamificação no contexto empresarial

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2016.O rápido avanço tecnológico transforma padrões, originando novos obstáculos. Nesse contexto, a capacidade das empresas em inovar representa uma vantagem competitiva, onde um dos quesitos para que haja inovação é o engajamento dos colaboradores. Ou seja, a gamificação implica ter pessoas empenhadas na realização de suas atividades. Para isso, é preciso estar constantemente motivado e engajado, através de novos modelos de processos. Nesse contexto, a gamificação (que deriva do termo original em inglês gamification), vem sendo utilizada como uma forma de motivação dos colaboradores, abrangidos por esse conceito. A gamificação é apresentada nesta pesquisa como sendo o uso de elementos, técnicas e design de jogos em contextos não-jogo. A mesma tem se tornado um elemento cada vez mais popular em diversos ambientes, no entanto, a aplicação no contexto empresarial ainda é pouco explorada. Sendo assim, entende-se que existe uma lacuna em como de fato a gamificação é implementada nas organizações. Dessa forma, esta dissertação tem como objetivo verificar qual a aplicabilidade da gamificação, no contexto empresarial. Para alcançar este objetivo realizou-se uma jornada científica exploratória empregando as técnicas de revisão bibliométrica, entrevista com especialistas e análise de conteúdo. Verificou-se que a aplicabilidade da gamificação dá-se a partir de um objetivo bem definido, gerando mudanças positivas no processo. A principal mudança gerada, após a aplicação da gamificação, consiste num maior engajamento dos envolvidos no processo gamificado. Para trabalhos futuros, como continuidade a esta pesquisa, propõem-se a realização de uma pesquisa empírica.Abstract: The technologies advance rapidly transforming patterns and create new obstacles. In this context, the ability of companies to innovate it is a competitive advantage. One of the requirements to obtain innovation is the engagement of employees. In other words, gamification involves having people committed to carry out their activities. To make this possible, there is a need to be constantly motivated and engaged through out new process models. In this context, gamification has been used as a form of motivation of the contributors embraced by that concept. The gamification is presented in this study as the use of elements, technics and game design in non-game contexts. This concept has become an increasingly popular element in many environments, however, the application in the business context is little explored yet. Thus, it is understood that there is a loophole in how indeed the gamification is implemented in organizations. Thus, the present work aims to find what is the applicability of gamification, in the enterprise context. To achieve this goal it was performed an exploratory scientific journey using the techniques of bibliometric reviews, interviews with experts and content analysis. It was noted that the applicability of gamification occurs from a well-defined goal, generating positive changes in the process. The main change generated after the application of gamification, is a greater engagement of those involved in the process. For future work, as a continuation of this research, it is propose the carrying out of an empirical research

    Gamificação aplicada ao ensino fundamental : uma revisão sistemática

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2019.A falta de motivação dos alunos do Ensino Fundamental é um problema que merece atenção, pois este é um período crucial na formação do indivíduo. Entretanto, a bibliografia tem apresentado que, cada vez mais, os estudantes deste nível de ensino estão perdendo o interesse ou tendo um desempenho muito aquém do esperado. É nesse cenário que o presente trabalho encontra-se inserido. Trata-se de um estudo que busca subsidiar o desenvolvimento de propostas que promovam um maior engajamento e motivação dos estudantes. O trabalho utiliza o método da Revisão Sistemática para identificar estudos que utilizam a gamificação em disciplinas do Ensino Fundamental e que produzem evidências empíricas, possibilitando um levantamento de potencialidades e dificuldades que podem surgir com a aplicação da gamificação. Com o levantamento dos estudos que abordam o tema, busca-se responder às seguintes questões: Quais são os elementos de jogos utilizados no modelo de gamificação no Ensino Fundamental? Como a gamificação está sendo utilizada em aula? Quais as potencialidades e as dificuldades encontradas com a utilização de gamificação na educação? Em quais disciplinas a gamificação está sendo utilizada? A gamificação corresponde ao uso de elementos de jogos com o intuito de engajar e motivar as pessoas. A partir da análise dos resultados foi possível observar que trata-se de uma proposta que pode favorecer a motivação e o engajamento dos alunos, apesar de ser ainda pouco aplicada ao Ensino Fundamental. Considera-se que este estudo contribui para uma melhor compreensão do conhecimento publicado sobre o tema de gamificação e pode auxiliar pesquisadores que pretendam desenvolver novos estudos acerca dessa temática.The lack of motivation of elementary school students is a problem that deserves attention, because this is a crucial period in the formation of the individual. However, the literature has shown that, more and more, students at this level of education are losing interest or performing poorly. It is in this scenario that the present work is inserted. It is a study that seeks to subsidize the development of proposals that promote greater engagement and motivation of students. The work uses the Systematic Review method to identify studies that use gamification in elementary school subjects and that produce empirical evidence, allowing a survey of the potentialities and difficulties that can arise with the application of gamification. With the survey of the studies that approach the theme, we try to answer the following questions: What are the elements of games used in the gamification model in Elementary School? How is gamification being used in class? What are the potentialities and difficulties encountered with the use of gamification in education? In what disciplines is gamification being used? Gamification refers to the use of game elements in order to engage and motivate people. From the analysis of the results it was possible to observe that this is a proposal that can favor the motivation and the engagement of the students, although it yet a still is not very applied to Elementary School. It is considered that this study contributes to a better understanding of the published knowledge on the topic of gamification and can help researchers who wish to develop new studies on this topic

    Meta-Analysis For Comparing Effect Between Game-Based Learning Versus Gamification Utilized In Nutrition Education

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    The prevalence of obesity tripled from 1975 to 2016 and was declared as a global epidemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1997 (Haththotuwa et al., 2020; Controlling the global obesity epidemic, 2022). Nutrition education that involves knowledge and behavioral change is one major component addressing the problem ( Controlling the global obesity epidemic, 2022). Therefore, the effectiveness of each learning session is essential (Sharifirad et al., 2013). Thus, many nutrition educators have used gamified nutrition education to improve teaching effectiveness to increase healthy behavior or knowledge (Chow et al., 2020.; Munguba et al., 2008; Azevedo et al., 2019). Two approaches were often used for gamified learning: gamification and GBL (GBL; Browne et al., 2014; Johnson et al., 2016; Chow et al., 2020). Gamification applies a game mechanism to non-game content, while GBL or serious gaming involves a game that was built to achieve educational goals (De Freitas, 2006; Johnson et al., 2016). Despite many positive outcomes promoted by gamified education as a whole (Chow et al., 2020; Hamari et al., 2014), there is disagreement among researchers and professionals regarding how games affect education. This study aims to identify and analyze research literature on the effects of active game, gamification and GBL applied to nutrition knowledge and behavior. The researcher performed a network meta-analysis with three sub-constructs. First, searching journal articles that addressed nutrition education implied an intervention consolidated educational strategies into food choice knowledge, fruit and vegetable consumption, and physical activity to a non-medical background population. Then, the studies were compared on the average effect of treatment indirectly through the control group. Results indicated there were plenty of studies that investigated the effect of gamification or GBL to nutrition education. Out of three focused outcomes: food choice knowledge, fruit and vegetable consumption, and physical activity, only studies focusing on physical activity were able to produce measurable differences by comparing hours per week spent performing physical activity. Comparison of the treatment result showed that gamification had the greatest improvement in facilitating physical activity, but it was non-significant. This suggests that utilizing gamification across the globe would be the more successful intervention strategy, but would require improved heterogeneity of measurements for food knowledge and fruit and vegetable consumption in order to achieve consistent measurable results for comparison

    The Use of Gamification and Its Impact on Crowdfunding Participation:

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    This action research study examined how the use of two gamification tools (CreatiCUBE and Children Story Time) can increase the interest of venture capitalists to invest in the start-up company that designed both tools. Data were collected through interviews and field notes using convenience sampling. The eight participants in this study were people who had previous knowledge of and supported the two projects. The initial findings revealed that participants and potential investors were inclining to support Children Story Time rather than CreatiCUBE. The flexible nature of action research allowed a refocus of the study on the latter gamification tool. Four themes emerged from the analysis of data: 1) participants had no particular interest in funding; 2) funding was a byproduct of market demand; 3) Children Story Time was a market-disrupting tool; and 4) strategies emerged to secure venture capital investment. Three analytical theories shed light on the findings: Bourdieu’s cultural capital theory and Csikszentmikalyi’s flow and transactional leadership theories. Findings provide evidence that, to secure financial investment, startup entrepreneurs need to immerse in the cultural capital of their community and appeal to the support of close friends and family members to create a workable application, demonstrate the application has over 10,000 daily users, and hold a successful Kickstarter campaign