52,034 research outputs found

    The Paradox of Policing as Protection: A Harm Reduction Approach to Prostitution Using Safe Injection Sites as a Guide

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    Hälsofrågan har blivit betydelsefull över världen. Med en plattform som exempelvis smartphone kan begreppet gamification förstärka möjligheterna till beteendeförändringar och läkarbehandlingar. Gamification är ett relativt nytt begrepp som använder spelelement och speldesigntekniker som appliceras i annan kontext än spel. Gamification finns i diverse kontexter som; handel, utbildning och lärande, organisationer internt, delning, hållbar konsumtion, arbeten, innovationer, data samlingar och hälsa/träning. I den sist nämnda kontexten hälsa, saknas det tydliga studier inom och i kvalitativ ansats. Den här studien är en kvalitativ studie, och har inriktat sig inom sjukgymnastik/fysioterapeut kontexten. I studien har det undersökts hur gamification kan användas inom sjukgymnaster/fysioterapeuter och i vilket avseende sjukgymnasterna/fysioterapeuterna kan tänka sig att applicera gamification i sitt arbete som ett verktyg i framtiden. I studien har det undersökts om spelelement kan ha koppling till sjukgymnaster/fysioterapeuter. Studien resulterar i att gamification kan stöda sjukgymnaster/fysioterapeuter genom faktorerna motivation, psykologi och beteende. Det finns möjligheter att bygga ett gamification system eller tjänst i kontexten sjukgymnastik/fysioterapeut med hjälp av speldynamikerna. Nyckelord: Gamification, gamification inom hälsa, kritik om gamification, motivation, psykologi, beteende och sjukgymnastik/fysioterapeut.

    Using Gamification to Motivate Students with Dyslexia

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    The concept of gamification is receiving increasing attention, particularly for its potential to motivate students. However, to date the majority of studies in the context of education have predominantly focused on University students. This paper explores how gamification could potentially benefit a specific student population, children with dyslexia who are transitioning from primary to secondary school. Two teachers from specialist dyslexia teaching centres used classDojo, a gamification platform, during their teaching sessions for one term. We detail how the teachers appropriated the platform in different ways and how the students discussed classDojo in terms of motivation. These findings have subsequently informed a set of provisional implications for gamification distilling opportunities for future pedagogical uses, gamification design for special education and methodological approaches to how gamification is studied

    A Social-Centred Gamification Approach to Improve Household Water Use Efficiency

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    The research community is showing a growing interest in gamification and there are works showing the usefulness of gamification in different problem domains. Recently, a special interest has been given to the gamification design on systems addressing natural resource consumption issues such as to encourage efficient household water consumption. Despite the potential benefits, the gamification design method for such system is not conclusive. In this paper, we proposed a social-centred gamification approach to improve household water use efficiency. The approach firstly identified the water use related social network activities based upon existing popular social network activities. The approach then gamified each identified activity in terms of traditional instruments for improving water use efficiency and gamification rewards. The approach also used a set of indicators to explicitly detect and monitor both online social network activities and offline water use activities. With this approach the gamification effectiveness can be better traced and evaluated.ISS-EWATUS, Integrated Support System for Efficient Water Usage and Resources Management, FP7 project (grant no. 619228), funded by the European Communit

    A study of gamification effectiveness

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    Studies have shown that gamification increases motivation and user experience when it comes to a certain behavior or completing a process. Gamification is often deeply associated with naïve animations and stylized text. This paper addresses the effect that visual representation has on the motivation of a subject by measuring their motivation after completing a mundane process, with entertaining gamification elements as well as gamification elements presented in plain text. For the purposes of this study a within subject design was used to gather data. Participants completed a mundane task three times, once without any gamification elements, once with pragmatic feedback and once with entertaining feedback. After completion the participants filled out the same Likert scale survey. The results were evaluated using the Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks test method, indicated that there was not a significant difference in user motivation between the visually stylized and plain text feedback. If conducted on a larger scale, this discovery could lead to a reduction time and cost for gamification development

    Pros and cons gamification and gaming in classroom

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    The aim of the current work is to assess the challenges that gamification in education are facing nowadays. Benefits and disadvantages of using gamification in classroom are both discussed to offer a clearer view on the impact of using gamification within learning process. Exploratory study cases are provided to investigate the relation between motivation and engagement of the students and gamification in training. Following this idea, a survey was conducted to assess how students behavior and motivation is affected by introducing a single, specific gamification element during a semester learning process. To stimulate competition among students, a ranking type plugin was introduced within the university learning management system used for extramural education. The results prove that motivation decreases by comparison to the previous semester.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure


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    The following article presents the application of the mechanism games,"gamification" as a tool to support risk management in the enterprise. After presenting therisk characterization, risk management and the concept of gamification, we present practicalsteps to be taken in accordance with the concept of gamification, allow for the efficientoperation of Risk Management in any enterprise. We have chosen an enterprises, producingthe small plastics objectives, as an example how the Risk Management System might beimproved by adding the action taken from the gamification mechanisms.risk management, gamification, tool, enterprise

    Questionify gamification in education

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    In the education industry, lecturers are finding ways to improve students’ concentrations and grades by using smart devices to track students’ assignment or tutorial progress. One of the few possible and attractive solution is by using the gamification technique. This paper proposes an educational application called Questionify that implements the gamification elements and allow users to collect points, gain achievements, increase motivation and engagement towards students’ coursework in Software Engineering subject. Questionify is developed using C# and Java language has been evaluated using questionnaire among 24 respondents. The findings showed that the respondents believe that gamification can do better in education as compare to the traditional method of teaching the students. In the future, this gamification approach will be tested on more technical subjects such as programming and networking subjects to help students engage in a different learning approach

    A game based approach to improve traders' decision-making

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    Purpose: The development of a game based approach to improving the decision-making capabilities of financial traders through attention to improving the regulation of emotions during trading. Design/methodology/approach: The project used a design-based research approach to integrate the contributions of a highly inter-disciplinary team. The approach was underpinned by considerable stakeholder engagement to understand the ‘ecology of practices’ in which this learning approach should be embedded. Findings: Taken together, our 35 laboratory, field and evaluation studies provide much support for the validity of our game based learning approach, the learning elements which make it up, and the value of designing game-based learning to fit within an ecology of existing practices. Originality/value: The novelty of the work described in the paper comes from the focus in this research project of combining knowledge and skills from multiple disciplines informed by a deep understanding of the context of application to achieve the successful development of a Learning Pathway, which addresses the transfer of learning to the practice environment Key words: Design-based research, emotion-regulation, disposition–effect, financial traders, serious games, sensor-based game

    Fictional Game Elements: Critical Perspectives on Gamification Design

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    Gamification has been widely accepted in the HCI community in the last few years. However, the current debate is focused on its short-term consequences, such as effectiveness and usefulness, while its side-effects, long-term criticalities and systemic impacts are rarely raised. This workshop will explore the gamification design space from a critical perspective, by using design fictions to help researchers reflect on the long-term consequences of their designs