51 research outputs found

    The Design of Population Data Application Using Unified Modeling Language

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    Population data collection at the sub-district level still uses a manual system. It is causing less efficient time. In this study the application of population data is generated in the sub-district, using web applications and using the Unified Modeling Language design. With the above considerations, we need a system that can solve population data problems. With this application, it is expected that it will facilitate the processing of population data. This new application can accelerate the process of population registration with the help of human resources who can run it. Advice needed human resources that can run the application properly

    XML: aplicações e tecnologias associadas: 6th National Conference

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    This volume contains the papers presented at the Sixth Portuguese XML Conference, called XATA (XML, Aplicações e Tecnologias Associadas), held in Évora, Portugal, 14-15 February, 2008. The conference followed on from a successful series held throughout Portugal in the last years: XATA2003 was held in Braga, XATA2004 was held in Porto, XATA2005 was held in Braga, XATA2006 was held in Portalegre and XATA2007 was held in Lisboa. Dued to research evaluation criteria that are being used to evaluate researchers and research centers national conferences are becoming deserted. Many did not manage to gather enough submissions to proceed in this scenario. XATA made it through. However with a large decrease in the number of submissions. In this edition a special meeting will join the steering committee with some interested attendees to discuss XATA's future: internationalization, conference model, ... We think XATA is important in the national context. It has succeeded in gathering and identifying a comunity that shares the same research interests and has promoted some colaborations. We want to keep "the wheel spinning"... This edition has its program distributed by first day's afternoon and next day's morning. This way we are facilitating travel arrangements and we will have one night to meet

    X-Databases - The Integration of XML into Enterprise Database Management Systems

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    An examination of how the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) and database management systems (DBMS) fit together, and current approaches to providing database technologies that support XML. Analysis of how XML is being deployed in four classes of XML Database (X-Database) applications provides a basis for understanding the direction of X-Database technology and associated standards. In a simple implementation, an XML Document Type Definition (DTD) is mapped to relational structures, and XML data are stored in a DBMS (Oracle8i). Sample queries are presented to retrieve XML from the database. A middleware tool (XSQL Java Servlet) is used to transform query results into records on a Web page. The results demonstrate that relational databases require data to be rigidly mapped to relational structures. The paper concludes by exploring future challenges to integrating XML and DTDs with X-Databases, which establishes the need for a more "native" integration approach

    Intermediador de serviços na Nuvem

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e TelemáticaDe acordo com história dos sistemas informáticos, os engenheiros têm vindo a remodelar infraestruturas para melhorar a eficiência das organizações, visando o acesso partilhado a recursos computacionais. O advento da computação em núvem desencadeou um novo paradigma, proporcionando melhorias no alojamento e entrega de serviços através da Internet. Quando comparado com abordagens tradicionais, este apresenta vantajens por disponibilizar acesso ubíquo, escalável e sob demanda, a determinados conjuntos de recursos computacionais partilhados. Ao longo dos últimos anos, observou-se a entrada de novos operadores que providenciam serviços na núvem, a preços competitivos e diferentes acordos de nível de serviço (“Service Level Agreements”). Com a adoção crescente e sem precedentes da computação em núvem, os fornecedores da área estão se a focar na criação e na disponibilização de novos serviços, com valor acrescentado para os seus clientes. A competitividade do mercado e a existência de inúmeras opções de serviços e de modelos de negócio gerou entropia. Por terem sido criadas diferentes terminologias para conceitos com o mesmo significado e o facto de existir incompatibilidade de Interfaces de Programação Aplicacional (“Application Programming Interface”), deu-se uma restrição de fornecedores de serviços específicos na núvem a utilizadores. A fragmentação na faturação e na cobrança ocorreu quando os serviços na núvem passaram a ser contratualizados com diferentes fornecedores. Posto isto, seria uma mais valia existir uma entidade, que harmonizasse a relação entre os clientes e os múltiplos fornecedores de serviços na núvem, por meio de recomendação e auxílio na intermediação. Esta dissertação propõe e implementa um Intermediador de Serviços na Núvem focado no auxílio e motivação de programadores para recorrerem às suas aplicações na núvem. Descrevendo as aplicações de modo facilitado, um algoritmo inteligente recomendará várias ofertas de serviços na núvem cumprindo com os requisitos aplicacionais. Desta forma, é prestado aos utilizadores formas de submissão, gestão, monitorização e migração das suas aplicações numa núvem de núvens. A interação decorre a partir de uma única interface de programação que orquestrará todo um processo juntamente com outros gestores de serviços na núvem. Os utilizadores podem ainda interagir com o Intermediador de Serviços na Núvem a partir de um portal Web, uma interface de linha de comandos e bibliotecas cliente.Throughout the history of computer systems, experts have been reshaping IT infrastructure for improving the efficiency of organizations by enabling shared access to computational resources. The advent of cloud computing has sparked a new paradigm providing better hosting and service delivery over the Internet. It offers advantages over traditional solutions by providing ubiquitous, scalable and on-demand access to shared pools of computational resources. Over the course of these last years, we have seen new market players offering cloud services at competitive prices and different Service Level Agreements. With the unprecedented increasing adoption of cloud computing, cloud providers are on the look out for the creation and offering of new and valueadded services towards their customers. Market competitiveness, numerous service options and business models led to gradual entropy. Mismatching cloud terminology got introduced and incompatible APIs locked-in users to specific cloud service providers. Billing and charging become fragmented when consuming cloud services from multiple vendors. An entity recommending cloud providers and acting as an intermediary between the cloud consumer and providers would harmonize this interaction. This dissertation proposes and implements a Cloud Service Broker focusing on assisting and encouraging developers for running their applications on the cloud. Developers can easily describe their applications, where an intelligent algorithm will be able to recommend cloud offerings that better suit application requirements. In this way, users are aided in deploying, managing, monitoring and migrating their applications in a cloud of clouds. A single API is required for orchestrating the whole process in tandem with truly decoupled cloud managers. Users can also interact with the Cloud Service Broker through a Web portal, a command-line interface, and client libraries

    A diagnostic expert system as a tool for technology improvement support

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    This dissertation focuses on design, modelling and development of a diagnostic expert system, which was implemented as a tool (named Capability Diagnostic) in FutureSME project (and web portal) as one of the tools for self-diagnostic of SMEs, where according to analysis of current state the output data were generated. These data were used for creation of an action plan, which serves as a list of improvements that need to be done to solve crucial processes of the company. After improvements in company processes were completed, a new diagnostic process was initiated and a comparison with previous results was performed. This tool was evaluated by companies partnering to the project as one of the most contributive results of the project. Design, modelling and development of the system were focused on general use of the diagnostic system for company processes and improvement support.Tato disertační práce se zabývá návrhem, modelováním, vývojem a realizací obecného diagnostického expertního systému, který byl jako nástroj (nazván jako Capability Diagnostic) nasazen v rámci projektu (a portálu) FutureSME jako jeden z nástrojů pro diagnostiku malých a středních podniků, kde na základě analýzy aktuálního stavu generoval výstupní data, která byla použita pro vytvoření akčního plánu, na základě kterého byly provedeny zásahy do chodu firmy, které měly napomoci k řešení klíčových procesů jejího fungování. Po zavedení opatření byla opakovaně provedena diagnostika a výsledek byl porovnán s původním či předchozím stavem. Tento nástroj byl partnery projektu (majiteli či řediteli firem) hodnocen jako jeden z nejpřínosnějších v tomto projektu. Návrh, model i vývoj systému byl zaměřen na obecné využití i v jiných oblastech (nejen průmyslových) pro zlepšování firemních procesů.352 - Katedra automatizační techniky a řízenívyhově

    Information technological aspects in the field of music. Overview

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    Uurimuse põhieesmärgiks on anda lugejale ülevaade nootide (noodilehtede) ettevalmistamist ja muusika esitamist toetavatest tarkvarapakettidest ning tutvustada olulisemaid aspekte, mis on seotud nende rakendamisega muusikavallas. Üksikasjaliku ülevaate esitab töö tulemusena valminud veebisõelmete andmebaas koos seda esitava veebirakendusega, mis sisaldab nimetatud tarkvarapakette iseloomustavaid kirjeid. Töö tekstiline osa, st dokument, kirjeldab kokkuvõtlikult olulisemaid aspekte koos mõningate tarkvaraliste näidetega. Osutub, et kõige rohkem leidub internetis noodigraafika töötlemise ning diginoodiks teisendamise vahendeid – vastavalt 98 ja 13 rakendust. Nende valdkondadega seotud töö jaotistes sätestatakse erinevad kriteeriumid, mida nimetatud rakenduste andmebaasi kandmisel arvesse võeti, aga ka meetodeid ja probleeme, millega vastavate rakenduste kasutamisel arvestada tuleks. Uurimust alustades oli üks esmaseid eesmärke koguda võimalikult palju informatsiooni intelligentsete muusikaseadmete, eelkõige elektroonilis-intelligentsete noodipultide kohta. Paraku leidub just nimelt selles valdkonnas kõige vähem vahendeid – kokku vaid 4 rakendust, millest reaalselt kasutatav on vaid üks. Töös kirjeldatakse rakenduste võimalikke omavahelisi võrdlusmomente, analüüsitakse vaadeldava valdkonna nüansse ning tutvustatakse arenguperspektiive. Informatiivsuse huvides on esitletud aga ka tarkvarakomponente ja -pakette (sh raamistikke), mis kaudselt toetavad nootide (noodilehtede) ettevalmistamist ning muusika esitamist – kokku 55 kirjet. Lisaks kirjeldatakse muusikaõpet toetavaid vahendeid. Nendest on andmebaasi kantud kokku 14 rakendust. Antakse põgus ülevaade olemasolevatest huvitavamatest noodikogudest ning nende kasutamisvõimalustest; andmebaasi lisatud vastavalt 13 kirjet. Tutvustatakse aga ka uurimuse kontekstiga seotud bibliograafiat ning ühte tuntumat konverentsiseeriat (ISMIR), mille raames on paljud publikatsioonid valminud. Publikatsioonide loetelu on samuti lisatud töö käigus valminud andmebaasi – kokku 113 kirjet. Arvestades, et pakettide kasutajaliidesed on reeglina ingliskeelsed, on koostatud vastav inglise-eesti terminisõnastik.The main purpose of this thesis is to give an overview of the existing software packages and tools, oriented towards the simplification of musicians everyday work. Since the field is quite extensive, only a subset of the available software has been taken into account – mainly programs designed to support preparing and interpreting sheet music. The thesis is divided into two major components – a database (appended on a CD), which contains all the information about the collected data (software, hardware, related bibliography, etc) and the document itself, where the criterions for comparing the software packages are listed and explained together with some illustrative examples. The first two chapters of the document are dedicated to the ways of generating sheet music – describing and comparing the different software tools for displaying and editing sheet music using note graphics software. Also, an overview of intelligent music stands, which is still an underdeveloped branch in this field, is given. The third chapter of the document describes aspects of using music software as a learning intent complemented with some examples of a freeware program. Additionally, a slight overview of digital (sheet)music archives together with some interesting examples is given in the fourth chapter. Also, the field-specific bibliography (comprising years 1989-2012) is presented in the fifth chapter. In consideration of the fact that almost all user interfaces of the software packages use English language, an illustrated English-Estonian dictionary of relevant terms is appended. The database contains 184 entries of topic-related software packages – 4 intelligent music stand applications, 13 digital sheet music converter applications, 98 score editors, 14 study assistant applications and 55 miscellaneous applications; 13 digital note archives and 113 publications

    Flexible RDF data extraction from Wiktionary - Leveraging the power of community build linguistic wikis

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    We present a declarative approach implemented in a comprehensive opensource framework (based on DBpedia) to extract lexical-semantic resources (an ontology about language use) from Wiktionary. The data currently includes language, part of speech, senses, definitions, synonyms, taxonomies (hyponyms, hyperonyms, synonyms, antonyms) and translations for each lexical word. Main focus is on flexibility to the loose schema and configurability towards differing language-editions ofWiktionary. This is achieved by a declarative mediator/wrapper approach. The goal is, to allow the addition of languages just by configuration without the need of programming, thus enabling the swift and resource-conserving adaptation of wrappers by domain experts. The extracted data is as fine granular as the source data in Wiktionary and additionally follows the lemon model. It enables use cases like disambiguation or machine translation. By offering a linked data service, we hope to extend DBpedia’s central role in the LOD infrastructure to the world of Open Linguistics.

    SEMEDA (Semantic Meta-Database) : ontology based semantic integration of biological databases

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    Köhler J. SEMEDA (Semantic Meta-Database) : ontology based semantic integration of biological databases. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University; 2003.The work presented in this thesis is outlined in the following. The state of the art in the relevant disciplines is introduced and reviewed in chapter 2. This includes on the one hand the current state of molecular biological databases, their heterogeneity and the integration of molecular biological databases. On the other hand the current usage of ontologies in general and with special regard to database integration is described. The principles of semantic database integration as introduced in this thesis are new and suitable to be used also in other database integration systems, which have to deal with a high number of semantically heterogeneous databases. Therefore in Chapter 3 the newly introduced principles for ontology based semantic database integration are presented independent of their implementation. Chapter 4 introduces the requirements for the implementation of a semantic database integration system (SEMEDA). Several general requirements for the integration of molecular biological systems from the scientific literature are discussed with regard to the feasibility of their implementation in general and in SEMEDA. In addition, the requirements specific to semantic database integration are introduced. In addition how the BioDataServer is used to overcome "technical" heterogeneity, so that SEMEDA only has to deal with semantic heterogeneity is analysed. In chapter 5, an appropriate data structure for storing ontologies, database metadata and the semantic definitions as described in Chapter 3 is developed. Subsequently, it is discussed how this data structure can be edited and queried. In Chapter 6, SEMEDAs software design, implementation and system architecture is given. Chapter 7 describes the use of SEMEDA and its interfaces. The user interface SEMEDA-edit is used to collaboratively edit ontologies and to semantically define databases using ontologies. SEMEDA-query is the query interface that provides uniform access to heterogeneous databases. In addition, a set of procedures exists which can be used by external applications. In order to use SEMEDA to semantically define databases, an appropriate ontology is needed. Although SEMEDA allows building ontologies from the scratch, due to the fact that generating ontologies is a labour intensive time-consuming task, it would be preferable to use an existing ontology. Therefore, in chapter 8 several ontologies were evaluated for their usability in SEMEDA. The intention was to find out if a suitable ontology can be found and imported or whether it is more appropriate to build a custom ontology for SEMEDA. It turned out that the existing ontologies were not well suited for semantic database integration. In chapter 9 general and SEMEDA specific ontology design principles are introduced which were then followed to build a custom ontology for database integration. The structure of this custom ontology and some issues concerning its use for semantic database integration are explained. In chapter 10, the practical use of SEMEDA is described by two examples. The first section of this chapter shows how SEMEDA supports the building of user schemata for the BioDataServer. The second section describes how the clone database of the RZPD Berlin (Deutsches Ressourcenzentrum für Genomforschung GmbH) is connected to SEMEDA and thus linked to the other databases. In the discussion (chapter 11) SEMEDA is compared to existing database integration systems, especially other ontology based integration systems. It is further discussed how principles for semantic database integration apply to other database integration systems and how they might be implemented there. A database mirror is proposed to improve the overall performance of SEMEDA and the BioDataServer