1,631 research outputs found

    Prognostic factors facilitating multiple food allergies and atopiv march occurrence in children with Non-IgE mediated gastrointestinal Food Allergy: results of two years follow up of the NIGEFA project

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    Objectives and Study: Non-IgE mediated gastrointestinal food allergies (non-IgE-GIFA) are an increasing problem in pediatric gastroenterology clinical practice. These conditions include food protein-induced: enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES), enteropathy (FPE), allergic proctocolitis (FPIAP), and motility disorders (FPIMD). The NIGEFA project is focused on the investigation of main clinical features, prognostic factors (presence atopic dermatitis (AD), multiple food allergies, diagnostic delay, and familial history of allergy), and natural history (atopic march (AM) prevalence and timing of immune tolerance acquisition). Methods: Prospective observational study evaluating children with non-IgE-GIFA diagnosed according to standard criteria observed at a tertiary center for pediatric gastroenterology and allergy (both sexes, aged <36 m, follow up 12 m after diagnosis). Main anamnestic, demographic, and clinical data were collected from all enrolled patients. Immune tolerance acquisition was evaluated by the result of oral food challenge. Results: A total of 100 patients were enrolled: 58% male, mean age at diagnosis (SD) 8.5(8.8) m. Non-IgE-GIFA conditions were: FPE (44%), FPIES (11%), FPIAP (18%), FPIMD (27%). Mean diagnostic delay was 5.3 (7.4) m. Multiple non-IgE-GIFA were observed in 47% at baseline. Familial history of allergy was observed in 64% of subjects. Presence of AD before the onset of non-IgE-GIFA was observed in 40% of subjects. The overall rate of immune tolerance acquisition at 12 m was 27%, with a higher rate in FPIAP (44%) compared with FPIMD (29.6%), FPE (22.7%) and FPIES (9.1%) subjects (p<0.05). The rate of immune tolerance acquisition at 12 m was significantly lower in children with familial history of allergy (-48%, estimated risk ratio (RR)0.52 (95% CI 0.28 to 0.99, p<0.05)) and in those with multiple non-IgE-GIFA (-61%, RR at 12 m 0.39 (95% CI 0.18 to 0.85, p<0.05)). At 12 m follow up, the rate of subjects presenting AM was 24% with no difference among the 4 disease groups. The occurrence of AM was significantly higher in subjects with multiple (38%) vs. mono non-IgE-GIFA (11%) (p<.001) at baseline, with an estimated RR of 3.38 (95% CI 1.47 to 7.81, p<0.01) at 12 m. Moreover, for every 1-month of diagnostic delay there was an increase of 1.04 RR(95% CI 1.01 to 1.07) of AM occurrence at 12 m. No associations with other potential predictors (sex, familial allergy risk, AD before the onset of GIFA, type of non-IgE-GIFA) were found. Conclusions: These data shed lights on prognostic factors and natural history of non-IgE-GIFA suggesting the importance of early diagnosis in preventing the occurrence of AM occurrence in these patients. Contac

    The Distinctive Regulation of Cyanobacterial Glutamine Synthetase

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    Glutamine synthetase (GS) features prominently in bacterial nitrogen assimilation as it catalyzes the entry of bioavailable nitrogen in form of ammonium into cellular metabolism. The classic example, the comprehensively characterized GS of enterobacteria, is subject to exquisite regulation at multiple levels, among them gene expression regulation to control GS abundance, as well as feedback inhibition and covalent modifications to control enzyme activity. Intriguingly, the GS of the ecologically important clade of cyanobacteria features fundamentally different regulatory systems to those of most prokaryotes. These include the interaction with small proteins, the so-called inactivating factors (IFs) that inhibit GS linearly with their abundance. In addition to this protein interaction-based regulation of GS activity, cyanobacteria use alternative elements to control the synthesis of GS and IFs at the transcriptional level. Moreover, cyanobacteria evolved unique RNA-based regulatory mechanisms such as glutamine riboswitches to tightly tune IF abundance. In this review, we aim to outline the current knowledge on the distinctive features of the cyanobacterial GS encompassing the overall control of its activity, sensing the nitrogen status, transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation, as well as strain-specific differences.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft KL 3114/2-1Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIO2016-75634-PFEDER BIO2016-75634-

    Parental perception of their child's Quality of Life in children with non-Immunoglobulin-E mediated gastrointestinal allergies

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    BACKGROUND: Food allergy can have a significant impact on health related quality of life (HRQoL). Parental proxy questionnaires are commonly used when children are too young to complete questionnaires themselves. Little data is available on HRQoL in children with non-IgE-mediated gastrointestinal food allergy (GIFA). The aim of this study was to evaluate HRQoL in these children by parent proxy. METHODS: A cross-sectional questionnaire study was conducted with children 2-16 years old with confirmed (GIFA). Parents of these children completed the Paediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL(™) ) and the Family Impact module of the PedsQL. The PedsQL scores were compared to two published cohorts: functional abdominal pain (FAP) and IgE-mediated food allergy. RESULTS: Fifty-two parents of children with GIFA completed the PedsQL(™) parent proxy. The GIFA cohort had significantly better overall HRQoL compared to the FAP cohort, but lower emotional functioning scores. The GIFA cohort also had poorer physical QoL compared to the IgE cohort (all p<0.05). The more foods excluded, comorbidity of nasal congestion, abdominal pain, back arching, the persistence of flatus and gastrointestinal symptom severity after elimination diet were related to poorer QoL in this non-IgE cohort. Regression analyses showed that number of foods and nasal congestion significantly predicted total QoL score as perceived by parents. CONCLUSIONS: This study has shown that different areas of HRQoL of children with GIFA are affected compared to children with FAP or IgE-mediated food allergy, highlighting the need for a specific GIFA HRQoL questionnaire to better understand the impact on these children. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Does Finance Bolster Superstar Companies? Banks, Venture Capital, and Firm Size in Local U.S. Markets

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    We study the relative effect of venture capital and bank finance on large manufacturing firms in local U.S. markets. Theory predicts that with venture capital, the firm size distribution should become more stretched-out to the right, but it’s ambiguous on the effect of banks on large firms. The empirical evidence suggests that while the average size of firms in the top bin of the firm size distribution has remained unaffected by banking sector developments, it has increased with venture capital investment. We argue that this is due to the emergence of new corporate giants rather than the growth of existing ones. JEL Classification: G24, J24, L11banking, firm size, Venture Capital


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    Noviyanti Mega Putri.NIM: 1908204088,” ANALISIS STRATEGI PENETAPAN HARGA TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMESANAN BUSANA DI GIFA COSTUME CIREBON DENGAN KUALITAS PRODUK SEBAGAI VARIABEL INTERVENING”2023. Industri produksi busana kini semakin berkembang di indonesia.Salah satunya yaitu gifa costume sebagai industri produksi busana di cirebon.pada industri busana ini strategi penetapan harga dan kualitas produk menjadi faktor yang mempengaruhi konsumen dalam melakukan pembelian atau pemesanan. Maka dari itu tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis strategi penetapan harga terhadap keputusan pemesanan dengan kualitas produk sebagai variabel intervening pada konsumen gifa costume cirebon. Subjek penelitian ini adalah Konsumen Gifa Costume.Jumlah populasi dalam penelitian ini tidak diketahui.jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 97 konsumen dihitung dengan rumus unknown dengan taraf kesalahan 10%.Metode analisis data dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Data yang diperoleh dari penyebaran angket. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji validitas, uji realibilitas, uji normalitas, ujiheteroskedastisitas, uji multikolinearitas, uji analisis jalur, uji t, uji F, dan uji koefisien determinasi dengan spss versi 23. Hasil penelitian menunjukan secara parsial bahwa strategi penetapan harga memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap keputusan pemesanan ,strategi penetapan harga berpengaruh positif terhadap kualitas produk,kualitas produk berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pemesanan .Dan secara simultan strategi penetapan harga berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pemesanan yang dimediasi oleh kualitas produk pada gifa costume secara simultan.Dapat disimpulkan strategi penetapan harga berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pemesanan melalui kualitas produk sebagai variabel intervening pada gifa costume cirebon. Kata kunci :Strategi penetapan harga,Kualitas Produk, Keputusan pemesanan,Industri busan

    <sup>210</sup>Pb- <sup>226</sup>Ra chronology reveals rapid growth rate of Madrepora oculata and Lophelia pertusa on world's largest cold-water coral reef

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    Here we show the use of the 210Pb- 226Ra excess method to determine the growth rate of two corals from the world's largest known cold-water coral reef, Røst Reef, north of the Arctic circle off Norway. Colonies of each of the two species that build the reef, Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata, were collected alive at 350 m depth using a submersible. Pb and Ra isotopes were measured along the major growth axis of both specimens using low level alpha and gamma spectrometry and trace element compositions were studied. 210Pb and 226Ra differ in the way they are incorporated into coral skeletons. Hence, to assess growth rates, we considered the exponential decrease of initially incorporated 210Pb, as well as the increase in 210Pb from the decay of 226Ra and contamination with 210Pb associated with Mn-Fe coatings that we were unable to remove completely from the oldest parts of the skeletons. 226Ra activity was similar in both coral species, so, assuming constant uptake of 210Pb through time, we used the 210Pb- 226Ra chronology to calculate growth rates. The 45.5 cm long branch of M. oculata was 31 yr with an average linear growth rate of 14.4 ± 1.1 mm yr -1 (2.6 polyps per year). Despite cleaning, a correction for Mn-Fe oxide contamination was required for the oldest part of the colony; this correction corroborated our radiocarbon date of 40 yr and a mean growth rate of 2 polyps yr -1. This rate is similar to the one obtained in aquarium experiments under optimal growth conditions. For the 80 cm-long L. pertusa colony, metal-oxide contamination remained in both the middle and basal part of the coral skeleton despite cleaning, inhibiting similar age and growth rate estimates. The youngest part of the colony was free of metal oxides and this 15 cm section had an estimated a growth rate of 8 mm yr -1, with high uncertainty (∼1 polyp every two to three years). We are less certain of this 210Pb growth rate estimate which is within the lowermost ranges of previous growth rate estimates. We show that 210Pb- 226Ra dating can be successfully applied to determine the age and growth rate of framework-forming cold-water corals if Mn-Fe oxide deposits can be removed. Where metal oxides can be removed, large M. oculata and L. pertusa skeletons provide archives for studies of intermediate water masses with an up to annual time resolution and spanning over many decades. © 2012 Author(s)

    Adverse drug reactions in older people : detection and prevention

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    Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in older adults are an important healthcare problem since they are frequently a cause of hospitalization, occur commonly during admission, and are an important cause of morbidity and mortality. Older adults are particularly susceptible to ADRs because they are usually on multiple drug regimens and because age is associated with changes in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. The presentation of an ADR in older adults is often atypical, which further complicates its recognition. One potential strategy for improving recognition of ADRs is to identify those patients who are at risk of an ADR. The recently developed GerontoNet ADR Risk Score is a practical tool for identification of older patients who are at increased risk for an ADR and who may represent a target for interventions aimed at reducing ADRs. Provision of adequate education in the domain of clinical geriatric pharmacology can improve recognition of ADRs. Besides formal surveillance systems, built-in computer programs with electronic prescribing databases and clinical pharmacist involvement in patient care within multidisciplinary geriatric teams might help to minimize the occurrence of ADRs. In addition, a number of actions can be taken in hospitals to stimulate appropriate prescribing and to assure adequate communication between primary and hospital care. In older adults with complex medical problems and needs, a global evaluation obtained through a comprehensive geriatric assessment may be helpful in simplifying drug prescription and prioritizing pharmacological and healthcare needs, resulting in an improvement in quality of prescribing

    Context guided retrieval

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    This paper presents a hierarchical case representation that uses a context guided retrieval method The performance of this method is compared to that of a simple flat file representation using standard nearest neighbour retrieval. The data presented in this paper is more extensive than that presented in an earlier paper by the same authors. The estimation of the construction costs of light industrial warehouse buildings is used as the test domain. Each case in the system comprises approximately 400 features. These are structured into a hierarchical case representation that holds more general contextual features at its top and specific building elements at its leaves. A modified nearest neighbour retrieval algorithm is used that is guided by contextual similarity. Problems are decomposed into sub-problems and solutions recomposed into a final solution. The comparative results show that the context guided retrieval method using the hierarchical case representation is significantly more accurate than the simpler flat file representation and standard nearest neighbour retrieval