608 research outputs found

    Relational Representation of Uncertain and Imprecise Time Assess-ments: An Application to Artworks Dating.

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    Imprecision and uncertainty appear together in many situations of real life and thereforesoft computing techniques must be studied to tackle this problem. Imprecise and uncertainvalues are usually expressed by means of linguistic terms, specially when they have beenprovidedbya human being. This is also the case of temporal information where, inaddition to handling time constraints, we may also have both uncertainty and imprecisionin the description, like in the sentence”It is very possible that Giotto’s Crucifix was paintedby 1289”. To manage both uncertainty (very possible) and imprecision (by 1289) in aseparate way would lead to a quite complicated computation and a lack of comprehensionby the users of the system. Because of these reasons, it is very desirable that bothsources of imperfection of time values are combined into a single value which appropriatelydescribes the intended information. In this work, we extend our previous research on thistopic and we study how to adapt it to relational systems in order to be useful. The finalgoal is obtaining normalized fuzzy values that provide an equivalent information about thedescribed temporal fact than the original ones, for making it possible to store and managethem in a fuzzy relational database. On the other hand, there will be some situationswhere more than one expert opinion about a time period must be taken into account andwe need to find a representative value of them all in order to be stored and managed. Forthe sake of simplicity, comprehensibility and the efficiency in computation (when usingtrapezoidal representation), the fuzzy average is used to find such a representative value

    Finite-time active fuzzy sliding mode approach for deep surge control in nonlinear disturbed compressor system with uncertainty in charactrisitic curve

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    In this paper, a novel active control approach is designed for surge instability in the compressor system using the finite-time fuzzy sliding mode scheme. The primary novelty of this study lies in the development of a finite-time fuzzy sliding mode control for the surge instability in a compressor system in the presence of disturbance and uncertainty in the characteristic curve of the compressor and also throttle valve. To ensure the stability of the closed-loop system in Lyapunov\u27s concept, a finite time active control method is proposed based on fuzzy estimation method and robust adaptive and sliding mode methods. Achieving finite time stability and rapid elimination of deep surge instability occurs through a fast sliding mode design, while fuzzy and adaptive techniques are used to estimate uncertainty and nonlinear terms, as well as to obtain optimal estimation weights. The simulation results in MATLAB environment and comparison show that the suggested method provides better quality control in terms of surge suppression, robustness, and overcoming uncertainty and disturbance effects

    A new dynamic approach for non-singleton fuzzification in noisy time-series prediction

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    Non-singleton fuzzification is used to model uncertain (e.g. noisy) inputs within fuzzy logic systems. In the standard approach, assuming the fuzzification type is known, the observed [noisy] input is usually considered to be the core of the input fuzzy set, usually being the centre of its membership function. This paper proposes a new fuzzification method (not type), in which the core of an input fuzzy set is not necessarily located at the observed input, rather it is dynamically adjusted based on statistical methods. Using the weighted moving average, a few past samples are aggregated to roughly estimate where the input fuzzy set should be located. While the added complexity is not huge, applying this method to the well-known Mackey-Glass and Lorenz time-series prediction problems, show significant error reduction when the input is corrupted by different noise levels

    Control of a modified double inverted pendulum using machine learning based model predictive control

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    Abstract: A machine learning-based controller (MLC) has been developed for a modified double inverted pendulum on a cart (MDIPC). First, the governing differential equations of the system are derived using the Lagrangian method. Then, a dataset is generated to train and test the machine learning-based models of the plant. Different types of machine learning models such as artificial neural networks (ANN), deep neural networks (DNN), long-short-term memory neural networks (LSTM), gated recurrent unit (GRU), and recurrent neural networks (RNN) are employed to capture the system’s dynamics. DNN and LSTM are selected due to their superior performance compared to other models. Finally, different variations of the Model Predictive Controller (MPC) are designed, and their performance is evaluated in terms of running time and tracking error. The proposed control methods are shown to have an advantage over the conventional nonlinear and linear model predictive control methods in simulation.Communication présentée lors du congrès international tenu conjointement par Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) et Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada (CFD Canada), à l’Université de Sherbrooke (Québec), du 28 au 31 mai 2023

    Performance measurement under increasing environmental uncertainty in the context of interval type-2 fuzzy logic based robotic sailing

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    Performance measurement of robotic controllers based on fuzzy logic, operating under uncertainty, is a subject area which has been somewhat ignored in the current literature. In this paper standard measures such as RMSE are shown to be inappropriate for use under conditions where the environmental uncertainty changes significantly between experiments. An overview of current methods which have been applied by other authors is presented, followed by a design of a more sophisticated method of comparison. This method is then applied to a robotic control problem to observe its outcome compared with a single measure. Results show that the technique described provides a more robust method of performance comparison than less complex methods allowing better comparisons to be drawn

    Development of decision support system for the diagnosis of arthritis pain for rheumatic fever patients: Based on the fuzzy approach

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    Developing a Decision Support System (DSS) for Rheumatic Fever (RF) is complex due to the levels of vagueness, complexity and uncertainty management involved, especially when the same arthritis symptoms can indicate multiple diseases. It is this inability to describe observed symptoms precisely that necessitates our approach to developing a Decision Support System (DSS) for diagnosing arthritis pain for RF patients using fuzzy logic. In this paper we describe how fuzzy logic could be applied to the development of a DSS application that could be used for diagnosing arthritis pain (arthritis pain for rheumatic fever patients only) in four different stages, namely: Fairly Mild, Mild, Moderate and Severe. Our approach employs a knowledge-base that was built using WHO guidelines for diagnosing RF, specialist guidelines from Nepal and a Matlab fuzzy tool box as components to the system development. Mixed membership functions (Triangular and Trapezoidal) are applied for fuzzification and Mamdani-type is used for the fuzzy reasoning process. Input and output parameters are defined based on the fuzzy set rules

    Modelling the Interruption on HCI Using BDI Agents with the Fuzzy Perceptions Approach: An Interactive Museum Case Study in Mexico

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    Technological advancements have revolutionized the proliferation and availability of information to users, which has created more complex and intensive interactions between users and systems. The learning process of users is essential in the construction of new knowledge when pursuing improvements in user experience. In this paper, the interruption factor is considered in relation to interaction quality due to human–computer interaction (HCI) being seen to affect the learning process. We present the results obtained from 500 users in an interactive museum in Tijuana, Mexico as a case study. We model the HCI of an interactive exhibition using belief–desire–intention (BDI) agents; we adapted the BDI architecture using the Type-2 fuzzy inference system to add perceptual human-like capabilities to agents, in order to describe the interaction and interruption factor on user experience. The resulting model allows us to describe content adaptation through the creation of a personalized interaction environment. We conclude that managing interruptions can enhance the HCI, producing a positive learning process that influences user experience. A better interaction may be achieved if we offer the right kind of content, taking the interruptions experienced into consideration

    Interval Logic Tensor Networks

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    In this paper, we introduce Interval Real Logic (IRL), a two-sorted logic that interprets knowledge such as sequential properties (traces) and event properties using sequences of real-featured data. We interpret connectives using fuzzy logic, event durations using trapezoidal fuzzy intervals, and fuzzy temporal relations using relationships between the intervals' areas. We propose Interval Logic Tensor Networks (ILTN), a neuro-symbolic system that learns by propagating gradients through IRL. In order to support effective learning, ILTN defines smoothened versions of the fuzzy intervals and temporal relations of IRL using softplus activations. We show that ILTN can successfully leverage knowledge expressed in IRL in synthetic tasks that require reasoning about events to predict their fuzzy durations. Our results show that the system is capable of making events compliant with background temporal knowledge

    Construcción de un sistema de información y de ayuda a la decisión mediante lógica difusa para el cultivo del olivar en Andalucía

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    In Southern Spain, olive (Olea europaea L.) growing is an important part of the economy, especially in the provinces of Jaén, Córdoba and Granada. This work proposes the first stages of an Information and Decision-Support System (IDSS) for providing different types of users (farmers, agricultural engineers, public services, etc.) with information on olive growing and the environment, and also assisting in decision-making. The main purposes of the project reported in this paper are to process uncertain or imprecise data, such as those concerning the environment or crops, and combine user data with other scientific-experimental data. The possibility of storing agricultural and ecological information in fuzzy relational databases, vital to the development of an IDSS is described. The information will be processed using knowledge extraction tools (fuzzy data-mining) that will allow rules on expert knowledge for assessing suitability of land to be developed and making thematic maps with the aid of Geographic Information Systems. Flexible querying will allow the users to collect information interactively from databases, while user information is constantly added. Flexible querying of databases, land suitability and thematic maps may be used to help in decisionmaking.El cultivo del olivo (Olea europaea L.) tiene una enorme importancia económica en la zona sur de España y concretamente en las provincias de Jaén, Córdoba y Granada. En este trabajo se propone la construcción de un sistema de información y ayuda a la toma de decisión (IDSS) que permita en el futuro a distintos tipos de usuarios (agricultores, agrónomos, administraciones públicas, etc.) obtener y manejar información sobre el cultivo de olivar y el soporte ambiental del mismo, así como ayudar en la toma de decisiones. Los principales objetivos desarrollados en este trabajo son el tratamiento de datos inciertos e imprecisos, como es el caso de la información ambiental y sobre cultivos, y la fusión de datos sobre cultivo y otros de carácter científico-experimental. Se describe la posibilidad de almacenar la información de carácter agronómico y ecológico en bases de datos relacionales, que es vital para el desarrollo de un IDSS. La información será procesada a través de herramientas de extracción de conocimiento (minería de datos difusa) y permitirá sobre la base del conocimiento experto el desarrollo de reglas para la clasificación de aptitud del terreno y para la obtención de mapas temáticos con la ayuda de Sistemas de Información Geográfica. La consulta flexible permitirá a los distintos usuarios la consulta interactiva de toda la información almacenada en las bases de datos, así como una implementación constante de las mismas. La consulta flexible de bases de datos, la idoneidad de los terrenos y los mapas temáticos pueden ser de gran utilidad en la toma de decisiones.This work is part of the research projects 1FD97-0244-CO3-2 (financed with FEDER funds) and CGL2004-02282BTE (Spanish Ministry of Education and Science)