2,352 research outputs found

    Indexing Metric Spaces for Exact Similarity Search

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    With the continued digitalization of societal processes, we are seeing an explosion in available data. This is referred to as big data. In a research setting, three aspects of the data are often viewed as the main sources of challenges when attempting to enable value creation from big data: volume, velocity and variety. Many studies address volume or velocity, while much fewer studies concern the variety. Metric space is ideal for addressing variety because it can accommodate any type of data as long as its associated distance notion satisfies the triangle inequality. To accelerate search in metric space, a collection of indexing techniques for metric data have been proposed. However, existing surveys each offers only a narrow coverage, and no comprehensive empirical study of those techniques exists. We offer a survey of all the existing metric indexes that can support exact similarity search, by i) summarizing all the existing partitioning, pruning and validation techniques used for metric indexes, ii) providing the time and storage complexity analysis on the index construction, and iii) report on a comprehensive empirical comparison of their similarity query processing performance. Here, empirical comparisons are used to evaluate the index performance during search as it is hard to see the complexity analysis differences on the similarity query processing and the query performance depends on the pruning and validation abilities related to the data distribution. This article aims at revealing different strengths and weaknesses of different indexing techniques in order to offer guidance on selecting an appropriate indexing technique for a given setting, and directing the future research for metric indexes

    Ptolemaic Indexing

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    This paper discusses a new family of bounds for use in similarity search, related to those used in metric indexing, but based on Ptolemy's inequality, rather than the metric axioms. Ptolemy's inequality holds for the well-known Euclidean distance, but is also shown here to hold for quadratic form metrics in general, with Mahalanobis distance as an important special case. The inequality is examined empirically on both synthetic and real-world data sets and is also found to hold approximately, with a very low degree of error, for important distances such as the angular pseudometric and several Lp norms. Indexing experiments demonstrate a highly increased filtering power compared to existing, triangular methods. It is also shown that combining the Ptolemaic and triangular filtering can lead to better results than using either approach on its own

    Scaling Robot Motion Planning to Multi-core Processors and the Cloud

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    Imagine a world in which robots safely interoperate with humans, gracefully and efficiently accomplishing everyday tasks. The robot's motions for these tasks, constrained by the design of the robot and task at hand, must avoid collisions with obstacles. Unfortunately, planning a constrained obstacle-free motion for a robot is computationally complex---often resulting in slow computation of inefficient motions. The methods in this dissertation speed up this motion plan computation with new algorithms and data structures that leverage readily available parallel processing, whether that processing power is on the robot or in the cloud, enabling robots to operate safer, more gracefully, and with improved efficiency. The contributions of this dissertation that enable faster motion planning are novel parallel lock-free algorithms, fast and concurrent nearest neighbor searching data structures, cache-aware operation, and split robot-cloud computation. Parallel lock-free algorithms avoid contention over shared data structures, resulting in empirical speedup proportional to the number of CPU cores working on the problem. Fast nearest neighbor data structures speed up searching in SO(3) and SE(3) metric spaces, which are needed for rigid body motion planning. Concurrent nearest neighbor data structures improve searching performance on metric spaces common to robot motion planning problems, while providing asymptotic wait-free concurrent operation. Cache-aware operation avoids long memory access times, allowing the algorithm to exhibit superlinear speedup. Split robot-cloud computation enables robots with low-power CPUs to react to changing environments by having the robot compute reactive paths in real-time from a set of motion plan options generated in a computationally intensive cloud-based algorithm. We demonstrate the scalability and effectiveness of our contributions in solving motion planning problems both in simulation and on physical robots of varying design and complexity. Problems include finding a solution to a complex motion planning problem, pre-computing motion plans that converge towards the optimal, and reactive interaction with dynamic environments. Robots include 2D holonomic robots, 3D rigid-body robots, a self-driving 1/10 scale car, articulated robot arms with and without mobile bases, and a small humanoid robot.Doctor of Philosoph

    Supermetric search

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    Metric search is concerned with the efficient evaluation of queries in metric spaces. In general, a large space of objects is arranged in such a way that, when a further object is presented as a query, those objects most similar to the query can be efficiently found. Most mechanisms rely upon the triangle inequality property of the metric governing the space. The triangle inequality property is equivalent to a finite embedding property, which states that any three points of the space can be isometrically embedded in two-dimensional Euclidean space. In this paper, we examine a class of semimetric space that is finitely four-embeddable in three-dimensional Euclidean space. In mathematics this property has been extensively studied and is generally known as the four-point property. All spaces with the four-point property are metric spaces, but they also have some stronger geometric guarantees. We coin the term supermetric space as, in terms of metric search, they are significantly more tractable. Supermetric spaces include all those governed by Euclidean, Cosine, Jensen–Shannon and Triangular distances, and are thus commonly used within many domains. In previous work we have given a generic mathematical basis for the supermetric property and shown how it can improve indexing performance for a given exact search structure. Here we present a full investigation into its use within a variety of different hyperplane partition indexing structures, and go on to show some more of its flexibility by examining a search structure whose partition and exclusion conditions are tailored, at each node, to suit the individual reference points and data set present there. Among the results given, we show a new best performance for exact search using a well-known benchmark

    A log square average case algorithm to make insertions in fast similarity search

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    To speed up similarity based searches many indexing techniques have been proposed in order to address the problem of efficiency. However, most of the proposed techniques do not admit fast insertion of new elements once the index is built. The main effect is that changes in the environment are very costly to be taken into account. In this work, we propose a new technique to allow fast insertions of elements in a family of static tree-based indexes. Unlike other techniques, the resulting index is exactly equal to the index that would be obtained by building it from scratch. Therefore there is no performance degradation in search time. We show that the expected number of distance computations (and the average time complexity) is bounded by a function that grows with log2(n) where n is the size of the database. In order to check the correctness of our approach some experiments with artificial and real data are carried out.This work has been supported in part by Grants TIN2009-14205-C04-01 from the Spanish CICYT (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación), the IST Programme of the European Community, under the Pascal Network of Excellence, IST-2002-506778, and the program CONSOLIDER INGENIO 2010 (CSD2007-00018)

    Information system for image classification based on frequency curve proximity

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    With the size digital collections are currently reaching, retrieving the best match of a document from large collections by comparing hundreds of tags is a task that involves considerable algorithm complexity, even more so if the number of tags in the collection is not fixed. For these cases, similarity search appears to be the best retrieval method, but there is a lack of techniques suited for these conditions. This work presents a combination of machine learning algorithms put together to find the most similar object of a given one in a set of pre-processed objects based only on their metadata tags. The algorithm represents objects as character frequency curves and is capable of finding relationships between objects without an apparent association. It can also be parallelized using MapReduce strategies to perform the search. This method can be applied to a wide variety of documents with metadata tags. The case-study used in this work to demonstrate the similarity search technique is that of a collection of image objects in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) containing metadata tags.This work has been done in the context of the project “ASASEC (Advisory System Against Sexual Exploitation of Children)” (HOME/2010/ISEC/AG/043) supported by the European Union with the program “Prevention and fight against crime”.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio