903 research outputs found

    Automated Retinal Lesion Detection via Image Saliency Analysis

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    Background and objective:The detection of abnormalities such as lesions or leakage from retinal images is an important health informatics task for automated early diagnosis of diabetic and malarial retinopathy or other eye diseases, in order to prevent blindness and common systematic conditions. In this work, we propose a novel retinal lesion detection method by adapting the concepts of saliency. Methods :Retinal images are firstly segmented as superpixels, two new saliency feature representations: uniqueness and compactness, are then derived to represent the superpixels. The pixel level saliency is then estimated from these superpixel saliency values via a bilateral filter. These extracted saliency features form a matrix for low-rank analysis to achieve saliency detection. The precise contour of a lesion is finally extracted from the generated saliency map after removing confounding structures such as blood vessels, the optic disc, and the fovea. The main novelty of this method is that it is an effective tool for detecting different abnormalities at pixel-level from different modalities of retinal images, without the need to tune parameters. Results:To evaluate its effectiveness, we have applied our method to seven public datasets of diabetic and malarial retinopathy with four different types of lesions: exudate, hemorrhage, microaneurysms, and leakage. The evaluation was undertaken at pixel-level, lesion-level, or image-level according to ground truth availability in these datasets. Conclusions:The experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms existing state-of-the-art ones in applicability, effectiveness, and accuracy

    Automatic extraction of retinal features to assist diagnosis of glaucoma disease

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    Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that have common traits such as high eye pressure, damage to the Optic Nerve Head (ONH) and gradual vision loss. It affects the peripheral vision and eventually leads to blindness if left untreated. The current common methods of diagnosis of glaucoma are performed manually by the clinicians. Clinicians perform manual image operations such as change of contrast, zooming in zooming out etc to observe glaucoma related clinical indications. This type of diagnostic process is time consuming and subjective. With the advancement of image and vision computing, by automating steps in the diagnostic process, more patients can be screened and early treatment can be provided to prevent any or further loss of vision. The aim of this work is to develop a system called Glaucoma Detection Framework (GDF), which can automatically determine changes in retinal structures and imagebased pattern associated with glaucoma so as to assist the eye clinicians for glaucoma diagnosis in a timely and effective manner. In this work, several major contributions have been made towards the development of the automatic GDF consisting of the stages of preprocessing, optic disc and cup segmentation and regional image feature methods for classification between glaucoma and normal images. Firstly, in the preprocessing step, a retinal area detector based on superpixel classification model has been developed in order to automatically determine true retinal area from a Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope (SLO) image. The retinal area detector can automatically extract artefacts out from the SLO image while preserving the computational effciency and avoiding over-segmentation of the artefacts. Localization of the ONH is one of the important steps towards the glaucoma analysis. A new weighted feature map approach has been proposed, which can enhance the region of ONH for accurate localization. For determining vasculature shift, which is one of glaucoma indications, we proposed the ONH cropped image based vasculature classification model to segment out the vasculature from the ONH cropped image. The ONH cropped image based vasculature classification model is developed in order to avoid misidentification of optic disc boundary and Peripapillary Atrophy (PPA) around the ONH of being a part of the vasculature area. Secondly, for automatic determination of optic disc and optic cup boundaries, a Point Edge Model (PEM), a Weighted Point Edge Model (WPEM) and a Region Classification Model (RCM) have been proposed. The RCM initially determines the optic disc region using the set of feature maps most suitable for the region classification whereas the PEM updates the contour using the force field of the feature maps with strong edge profile. The combination of PEM and RCM entitled Point Edge and Region Classification Model (PERCM) has significantly increased the accuracy of optic disc segmentation with respect to clinical annotations around optic disc. On the other hand, the WPEM determines the force field using the weighted feature maps calculated by the RCM for optic cup in order to enhance the optic cup region compared to rim area in the ONH. The combination of WPEM and RCM entitled Weighted Point Edge and Region Classification Model (WPERCM) can significantly enhance the accuracy of optic cup segmentation. Thirdly, this work proposes a Regional Image Features Model (RIFM) which can automatically perform classification between normal and glaucoma images on the basis of regional information. Different from the existing methods focusing on global features information only, our approach after optic disc localization and segmentation can automatically divide an image into five regions (i.e. optic disc or Optic Nerve Head (ONH) area, inferior (I), superior(S), nasal(N) and temporal(T)). These regions are usually used for diagnosis of glaucoma by clinicians through visual observation only. It then extracts image-based information such as textural, spatial and frequency based information so as to distinguish between normal and glaucoma images. The method provides a new way to identify glaucoma symptoms without determining any geometrical measurement associated with clinical indications glaucoma. Finally, we have accommodated clinical indications of glaucoma including the CDR, vasculature shift and neuroretinal rim loss with the RIFM classification and performed automatic classification between normal and glaucoma images. Since based on the clinical literature, no geometrical measurement is the guaranteed sign of glaucoma, the accommodation of the RIFM classification results with clinical indications of glaucoma can lead to more accurate classification between normal and glaucoma images. The proposed methods in this work have been tested against retinal image databases of 208 fundus images and 102 Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope (SLO) images. These databases have been annotated by the clinicians around different anatomical structures associated with glaucoma as well as annotated with healthy or glaucomatous images. In fundus images, ONH cropped images have resolution varying from 300 to 900 whereas in SLO images, the resolution is 341 x 341. The accuracy of classification between normal and glaucoma images on fundus images and the SLO images is 94.93% and 98.03% respectively

    Intelligent optic disc segmentation using improved particle swarm optimization and evolving ensemble models

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    In this research, we propose Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)-enhanced ensemble deep neural networks for optic disc (OD) segmentation using retinal images. An improved PSO algorithm with six search mechanisms to diversify the search process is introduced. It consists of an accelerated super-ellipse action, a refined super-ellipse operation, a modified PSO operation, a random leader-based search operation, an average leader-based search operation and a spherical random walk mechanism for swarm leader enhancement. Owing to the superior segmentation capabilities of Mask R-CNN, transfer learning with a PSO-based hyper-parameter identification method is employed to generate the fine-tuned segmenters for OD segmentation. Specifically, we optimize the learning parameters, which include the learning rate and momentum of the transfer learning process, using the proposed PSO algorithm. To overcome the bias of single networks, an ensemble segmentation model is constructed. It incorporates the results of distinctive base segmenters using a pixel-level majority voting mechanism to generate the final segmentation outcome. The proposed ensemble network is evaluated using the Messidor and Drions data sets and is found to significantly outperform other deep ensemble networks and hybrid ensemble clustering models that are incorporated with both the original and state-of-the-art PSO variants. Additionally, the proposed method statistically outperforms existing studies on OD segmentation and other search methods for solving diverse unimodal and multimodal benchmark optimization functions and the detection of Diabetic Macular Edema

    Automatic CDR Estimation for Early Glaucoma Diagnosis

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    Automatic computation of the arteriovenous ratio and assessment of its effectiveness as a prognostic indicator in hypertension

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    [Resumen] La retina es la única parte del cuerpo humano en donde se pueden observar los vasos sanguíneos directamente de una forma no invasiva mediante un examen de fondo de ojo. De esta manera, la imagen de la retina mediante las técnicas de procesamiento de imágenes se convirtió en un campo de clave para el diagnóstico precoz de varias enfermedades sistémicas que provocan alteraciones visibles en dicha imagen. Así, alteraciones en el ancho de los vasos retinianos se asocian con patologías tales como diabetes o hipertensión. De hecho, el estrechamiento de las arterias constituye un indicio precoz de la hipertensión arterial sistémica, siendo una característica del grado I de la retinopatía hipertensiva de acuerdo con la clasificación de Keith-Wagener-Barker. En este sentido, se han realizado esfuerzos para desarrollar programas asistidos por ordenador para medir con precisión los cambios en el ancho de los vasos a través del índice arteriovenoso (IAV), es decir, la relación entre los calibres de las arterias y las venas. Sin embargo, aunque estos sistemas se han usado en muchos estudios con fines de investigación, su aplicabilidad en la práctica clínica diaria es todavía discutida. En este trabajo, se propone una nueva metodología para el cálculo del IAV con el fin de estratificar el riesgo cardiovascular de los hipertensos. Por un lado, se ha desarrollado un método completamente automático para estimar el IAV en una imagen de fondo de ojo de un paciente. Por otro lado, se propone un sistema para monitorizar el IAV del paciente a lo largo del tiempo. Para este fin, las mediciones del IAV en las diferentes imágenes adquiridas sobre el mismo ojo del paciente en diferentes fechas se estiman usando el mismo conjunto de vasos medidos en las mismas áreas. Por lo tanto, la mediciones obtenidos de esta manera son comparables y precisas, debido a que son independientes en el conjunto de vasos seleccionados para el cálculo. Las dos técnicas se han integrado en SIRIUS, un sistema web destinado a incluir diferentes servicios en el campo del análisis de la imagen retiniana. El sistema incluye también gestión de pacientes y revisiones, lo que facilita el análisis de las lesiones retinianas causadas por diferentes patologías y su evolución después de un determinado tratamiento. Además al ser una aplicación distribuída a través de la web, proporciona un entorno de colaboración entre diferentes médicos, investigadores y centros.[Resumo] A retina é a única parte do corpo humano onde se poden observar os vasos sanguíneos directamente dunha maneira non invasiva mediante un examen do fondo do ollo. Desta maneira, a imaxe da retina mediante as técnicas de procesamento de imáxenes converteuse nun campo chave para o diagnóstico precoz de varias enfermidades sistémicas que provocan alteracións visibles en dita imaxe. Así, cambios no ancho dos vasos retinianos asócianse con patoloxías tales como a diabetes ou a hipertensión. De feito, o estreitamento das arterias constitúe un indicio prematuro da hipertensión arterial sistémica, sendo unha característica do grado I da retinopatía hipertensiva dacordo coa clasificación de Keith- Wagener-Barker. Neste sentido, fixerónse moitos esforzos para desenvolver programas asistidos por ordenador para medir con precisión os cambios no ancho dos vasos a través do índice arteriovenoso (IAV), é dicir, a relación entre os calibres das arterias e das veas. Nembargantes, aínda que estes sistemas foron usados en moitos estudios con fins investigadores, a sua aplicabilidade na práctica clínica diaria aínda é discutida. Neste traballo, proponse unha nova metodoloxía para o cálculo do IAV co fin de estratificar o risco cardiovascular dos hipertensos. Por un lado, desenvolveuse un método completamente automático para estimar o IAV nunha imaxe de fondo de ollo dun doente. Por outra banda, proponse un sistema para monitorizar o IAV dun doente a lo longo do tempo. Para isto, as medicións do IAV nas diferentes imaxes adquiridas sobre o mesmo ollo do doente en diferentes datas fanse usando o mesmo conxunto de vasos medidos nas mesmas áreas. Polo tanto, as medicións obtidas desta maneira son comparables e precisas, debido a que son independentes do conxunto de vasos seleccionados para o cálculo. As dúas técnicas foron integradas no SIRIUS, un sistema web destinado a incluir diferentes servicios no campo da análise da imaxe retiniana. O sistema inclúe tamén xestión de doentes e revisións, facilitando a análise e estudo das lesións retinianas causadas por diferentes patoloxías e a súa evolución despois dun determinado tratamento. Ademais ao ser unha aplicación distribuída a través da web, proporciona un entorno de colaboración entre diferentes médicos, investigadores e centros.[Abstract] Retina is the only part in the human body where blood vessels can be directly observed in a non-invasive way through an eye fundus examination. In this manner, the retinal imaging assisted by image processing techniques became a key field for the early diagnosis of several systemic diseases which cause visible alterations in the fundus image. Thus, changes in the retinal vessel widths are associated with pathologies such as diabetes or hypertension. In fact, arteriolar narrowing constitutes an early sign of systemic hypertension, being a feature for the grade I of hypertension retinopathy according to Keith-Wagener-Barker classification. In this sense, some efforts have been made to develop computer-assisted programs to measure accurately abnormalities in the vessel widths through the arteriovenous ratio (AVR), that is, the relation between arteriolar and venular vessel widths. However, although these systems have been used in many studies for research purposes, their applicability to daily clinical practice is yet discussed. In this work, a new methodology for the AVR computation is proposed in order to stratify the cardiovascular risk of hypertension. On one hand, a fully automatic method to estimate the AVR in a sample patient's image is developed. On the other hand, an AVR monitoring system to compute the patient's AVR over time was implemented. To this end, the AVR measurements computed in the different patient's images acquired from the same eye at different dates, uses the same set of vessels measured at the same areas. Thus, the measurements achieved in this manner are comparable and precise due to they are independent on the set of vessels selected for the calculus. The two approaches have been integrated in SIRIUS, a web-based system aimed to include different services in the field of retinal image analysis. It includes patient and checkup management, making easier to analyze the retinal lesions caused by different pathologies and their evolution after a specific treatment. Moreover, being a application distributed via the web, it provides a collaborative environment among different physicians, researchers and medical centers

    Evolving Ensemble Models for Image Segmentation Using Enhanced Particle Swarm Optimization

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    In this paper, we propose particle swarm optimization (PSO)-enhanced ensemble deep neural networks and hybrid clustering models for skin lesion segmentation. A PSO variant is proposed, which embeds diverse search actions including simulated annealing, levy flight, helix behavior, modified PSO, and differential evolution operations with spiral search coefficients. These search actions work in a cascade manner to not only equip each individual with different search operations throughout the search process but also assign distinctive search actions to different particles simultaneously in every single iteration. The proposed PSO variant is used to optimize the learning hyper-parameters of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and the cluster centroids of classical Fuzzy C-Means clustering respectively to overcome performance barriers. Ensemble deep networks and hybrid clustering models are subsequently constructed based on the optimized CNN and hybrid clustering segmenters for lesion segmentation. We evaluate the proposed ensemble models using three skin lesion databases, i.e., PH2, ISIC 2017, and Dermofit Image Library, and a blood cancer data set, i.e., ALL-IDB2. The empirical results indicate that our models outperform other hybrid ensemble clustering models combined with advanced PSO variants, as well as state-of-the-art deep networks in the literature for diverse challenging image segmentation tasks

    3D Segmentation & Measurement of Macular Holes

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    Macular holes are blinding conditions where a hole develops in the central part of retina, resulting in reduced central vision. The prognosis and treatment options are related to a number of variables including the macular hole size and shape. In this work we introduce a method to segment and measure macular holes in three-dimensional (3D) data. High-resolution spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) allows precise imaging of the macular hole geometry in three dimensions, but the measurement of these by human observers is time consuming and prone to high inter- and intra-observer variability, being characteristically measured in 2D rather than 3D. This work introduces several novel techniques to automatically retrieve accurate 3D measurements of the macular hole, including surface area, base area, base diameter, top area, top diameter, height, and minimum diameter. Specifically, it is introducing a multi-scale 3D level set segmentation approach based on a state-of-the-art level set method, and introducing novel curvature-based cutting and 3D measurement procedures. The algorithm is fully automatic, and we validate the extracted measurements both qualitatively and quantitatively, where the results show the method to be robust across a variety of scenarios. A segmentation software package is presented for targeting medical and biological applications, with a high level of visual feedback and several usability enhancements over existing packages. Specifically, it is providing a substantially faster graphics processing unit (GPU) implementation of the local Gaussian distribution fitting (LGDF) energy model, which can segment inhomogeneous objects with poorly defined boundaries as often encountered in biomedical images. It also provides interactive brushes to guide the segmentation process in a semi-automated framework. The speed of implementation allows us to visualise the active surface in real-time with a built-in ray tracer, where users may halt evolution at any timestep to correct implausible segmentation by painting new blocking regions or new seeds. Quantitative and qualitative validation is presented, demonstrating the practical efficacy of the interactive elements for a variety of real-world datasets. The size of macular holes is known to be one of the strongest predictors of surgical success both anatomically and functionally. Furthermore, it is used to guide the choice of treatment, the optimum surgical approach and to predict outcome. Our automated 3D image segmentation algorithm has extracted 3D shape-based macular hole measurements and described the dimensions and morphology. Our approach is able to robustly and accurately measure macular hole dimensions. This thesis is considered as a significant contribution for clinical applications particularly in the field of macular hole segmentation and shape analysis