27 research outputs found

    From Building Information Modeling to City Information Modeling

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    With the development of Geographic Information System (GIS), the concept of digital city is implemented widely. However, in practice, most of the GIS models are relatively poorly attributed, semantically. Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a process involving the generation and management of digital representations of physical and functional characteristics of building, which is most used in small scale projects. In order to address the target problem of completing the semantic attribution of 3D digital city model, a framework of integrating BIM technology into GIS is demonstrated. A new concept of city information modeling (CIM) is proposed with the goal of bringing great benefits to the urban construction and city management. The composition of city information model is discussed. The data schema behind BIM and GIS (i.e. IFC and CityGML) are compared and mapped with each other. A case study of land planning of campus is demonstrated to present the potential benefits of CIM

    ESPRESSO – systEmic Standardisation apPRoach to Empower Smart citieS and cOmmunities

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    Innovative Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie ist ein Schlüsselelement bei der Transformationzur Smart City. Aus technologischer Sicht muss in den städtischen IKT-Netzwerken ein bestimmter Standardisierungsgrad erreicht werden. Diese Standards müssen gleichermaßen für Stadtverwaltungen, Unternehmen und Bürger offen sein und so innovative Bottom-up-Lösungen ermöglichen. Das ESPRESSO-Konsortium umfasst Partner aus Smart Cities, öffentlichen Verwaltungen, europäischen Normungsorganisationen, nationalen Normungsgremien,Standardentwicklungsorganisationen, Industrievertretern und Forschungseinrichtungen. Das Hauptziel von ESPRESSO ist es, die Interoperabilität von Smart City-Lösungen sicherzustellen. Dies hilft Städten, Eintrittsbarrieren oder die Abhängigkeit von Anbietern zu vermeiden, indem sie gemeinsame Metadatenstrukturen und Anstelle von Proprietäten, offeneinteroperable Schnittstellen verwenden. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, hat ESPRESSO ein konzeptionelles Smart-City-Informations-Framework entwickelt, das auf offenen Standards basiert. Für diesen Rahmen ist es notwendig, ein gemeinsames Smart City-Vokabular zu entwickeln und Referenzarchitektur sowie Stadtinformationsindikatoren zu definieren. Im Rahmen des Projekts wurde ein auf Fallstudien basierender Ansatz verwendet, um Schlüsselanforderungen für weitere Standardanalyseaktivitäten zu identifizieren. Durch eine zusätzliche Stärken-Schwächen-Analyse wurden sowohl existierende als auch neu entwickelte Standards untersucht, umdie aktuell verwendeten Standards zu verbessern und verlässlichere für die Zukunft zu entwickeln. Die meisten der ursprünglich entwickelten Smart City Konzepte konzentrieren sich auf die Optimierung und Effizienz des Siedlungsraums. Häufig sind diese Ansätze top-down organisiert und betrachten den sozialen Stadtbereich nur unzureichend. Um die sozialen Auswirkungen und die gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz der entwickelten Lösungen zu verbessern, hat ESPRESSO ein Stakeholder-Kommunikationsnetzwerk eingerichtet, das einen frühen Dialog zwischen allen Beteiligen ermöglicht. Zur Unterstützung des theoretischen Ansatzes hat ESPRESSO vier Fallstudien in zwei Pilotstädten, Rotterdam (Niederlande) und Tartu (Estland), durchgeführt. Dabei wurde in unterschiedlichen Szenarien der Einsatz von standardisierten Smart City Lösungen getestet und anschleißend analysiert


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    Abstract. The mitigation of seismic risk passes through the assessment of seismic hazard of urban fabrics on a given territory. Statistical methods and damage probability matrices are currently used to facilitate seismic safety knowledge and assessment operations. These methods, despite being fast and low cost, often return results that differ from reality and prone to the expertise of the operator. Indeed, in order to have more accurate information it is necessary to conduct Finite Element Analysis (FEA). However, this type of analysis requires considerable surveying and modeling time and therefore are not easily applied to the urban scale. The key to implement this analysis at the territorial scale lies in the way of acquisition of urban data (geometric and informative) and their management within appropriate modeling environments that allow their treatment. Currently, the information modeling paradigms used for urban data collection and management are either time and resource consuming (HBIM) or overly simplified (GIS). In this research we investigate the potential of City Information Modeling (CIM) in a parametric environment (with reference to CityGML standards) combined with urban survey procedures. Aim of the work presented here is the definition of a parametric modeling protocol that allows, in a short time, the acquisition, modeling and finite element structural analysis of urban aggregates


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    Sustainable development is quite popular scientific concept in a recent time, which formed the basis of the Ukrainian regional development strategic planning and regulation of urban development activities. However, the meth-odological basis for assessing the sustainability of the territorial development is still not developed and formalized enough. Methods for assessing the sustainability of territorial systems development in the economic, environmental and social spheres are still uncertain.Therefore, selected purpose of the study is an analysis of the existing methods of environmental assessment of the territorial development set forth in the legislative and regulatory documents, with further determination of the their suitability for conducting an assessment of the territorial development based on the sustainable development concept, which will form the scientific novelty of this study. To achieve this goal, the legislative and regulatory framework analysis was carried out in the field of territorial development, the main regulatory documents were identified. Subsequently, the definition of ecological assessment and its purpose for each of these basic documents was analyzed, environmental assessment methods and their application suitability for the environmental assessment of the territorial development based of the sustainable development concept were considered. It is concluded, that the environmental assessment methods proposed in these documents have numerous signifi-cant shortcomings when used for ecological assessment of the territorial development sustainability. There is no any formalized methodology for determining the sustainability of the relevant systems development in considered legisla-tive and regulatory documents. There is also an intersection of proposed environmental assessment methods with social and economic assessments. The optimality justifies of the adopted project decisions set issuing exclusively from the environmental and sanitary legislation requirements is incorrect in terms of sustainable development. The conclusion based on the obtained results was made about the need to improve the environmental assessment methods in their abil-ity of sustainable development concept implementation. The assessment of the current territorial state in the economic, social and environmental spheres must be carried out separately from each other while regional development strategies forms on the basis of sustainable development. It will pro-vide further assess of each sphere development balance and form a strategy direction for additional needed measures.Carrying environmental assessment, the strategy analysis for compliance with legislative and regulatory con-straints is insufficient in terms of the sustainable development concept. The assessment of environmental impacts should be carried out both for negative aspects and for positive, where the last are not normalized. Conclusions based on the negative environmental impacts absence are insufficient to consider strategies for developing such territories, as national parks or nature reserves. Therefore, the existing indicators system of environmental pollution levels by human activity as a basis for ecological assessment needs to be finalized, since it does not allow measuring the positive effects of some nature-recovery projects on the environment. Finally, it is necessary to formalize in legislative and regulatory documents the methods for the integrated sustainabil-ity assessment as a basis for consideration of alternative concepts for the territorial development. Formation and implementa-tion of appropriate methods can be selected as a direction for further research by the author on the chosen topic.Сталий розвиток є популярною останнім часом науковою концепцією, яку вітчизняними законодавчими актами закладено в основу стратегічного планування розвитку регіонів України та регулювання містобудівної діяльності. Але методологічна основа оцінки сталості розвитку територій досі розроблена та формалізована недостатньо. Майже не визначеними залишаються методи оцінки сталості розвитку територіальних систем в економічній, екологічній та соціальній сферах. Тому метою дослідження обрано аналіз відомих методів екологічної оцінки розвитку територій, викладених у законодавчих та нормативних документах, з подальшим визначенням придатності їх використання для проведення оцінки проектів розвитку територій на базі концепції сталого розвитку, що і становитиме наукову новизну цього дослідження. Для досягнення цієї мети було виконано аналіз законодавчої та нормативної бази в галузі територіально-го розвитку, виявлено основні регулюючі документи. Далі за кожним з цих основних документів було розглянуто наведене в ньому поняття екологічної оцінки та її призначення, визначені методи проведення екологічної оцінки, а також проаналізовано придатність до застосування викладених підходів та методик для здійснення екологічної оцінки розвитку територій на засадах концепції сталого розвитку. Отримано висновок, що запропоновані в розглянутих документах методи екологічної оцінки при їх використанні для екологічної оцінки сталості розвитку територій, матимуть численні суттєві недоліки. Жоден з розглянутих законодавчих та нормативних документів не наводить конкретної методики визначення сталості розвитку відповідної системи, в запропонованих методах екологічна оцінка пересікається із соціальною та економічною оцінками, наводяться некоректні з точки зору сталого розвитку обґрунтування оптимальності прийнятого комплексу проектних рішень виходячи виключно з вимог екологічного та санітарного законодавства. Отримані результати наводяться на висновок про необхідність вдосконалення методів екологічної оцінки в сфері розвитку територій з точки зору імплементації положень концепції сталого розвитку. При формуванні регіональних стратегій розвитку на засадах сталого розвитку, оцінка сучасного стану території в економічній, соціальній та екологічній сферах повинна здійснюватися окремо одна від одної для того, щоб мати можливість далі оцінити збалансованість розвитку за кожною сферою та сформувати відповідну стратегію у напрямі, який потребує додаткових заходів. При проведенні екологічної оцінки, аналіз стратегій лише на відповідність законодавчим та нормативним обмеженням є недостатнім з точки зору концепції сталого розвитку. Оцінка екологічних впливів повинна здійснюватися як для негативних аспектів, так і для позитивних, що не нормуються. Висновки щодо відсутності негативного впливу на довкілля є недостатніми для розгляду стратегій розвитку таких територій, як наприклад, національні парки або заповідники. Тому існуюча система показників рівнів забруднення довкілля діяльністю людини як основа екологічної оцінки потребує доопрацювання, адже не дає змоги виміряти позитивні впливи деяких природовідновлювальних проектів на довкілля. Нарешті, в законодавчих та нормативних документах потрібно формалізувати конкретні методи комплексної оцінки сталості розвитку як базу для розгляду альтернативних концепцій розвитку територій. Формування та впровадження відповідних методів і може бути обрано як напрямок подальших досліджень автора за обраною тематикою

    A review of cloud-based bim technology in the construction sector

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    Cloud computing technology is regarded as a major transformational force that is causing unprecedented change across the communication and business disciplines. In the architecture, engineering and construction sector, cloud-BIM integration is considered to be the second generation of building information management (BIM) development, and is expected to produce another wave of change across the construction industry. Despite this, few studies to date have attempted to summarise the research literature on cloud-BIM. This paper explores the literature to identify the substantive work on cloud-BIM, particularly regarding building life cycle management, to provide valuable insight for practitioners and to propose avenues for further research. Thirty academic sources, including refereed journal articles and conference papers, were retrieved and analysed in terms of their research focus and nature of application. The review revealed that most cloud-BIM research has focused on the building planning/design and construction stages. The findings suggest that more research should be directed towards operation, maintenance and facility management, energy efficiency and the demolition and deconstruction stages of building life cycle management. Further empirical research on organisational and legal issues, including security, responsibility, liability and model ownership, of the cloud-BIM model is also needed

    Energy planning and forecasting approaches for supporting physical improvement strategies in the building sector: a review

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    The strict CO2 emission targets set to tackle the global climate change associated with greenhouse gas emission exerts so much pressure on our cities which contribute up to 75% of the global carbon dioxide emission level, with buildings being the largest contributor (UNEP, 2015). Premised on this fact, urban planners are required to implement proactive energy planning strategies not only to meet these targets but also ensure that future cities development is performed in a way that promotes energy-efficiency. This article gives an overview of the state-of-art of energy planning and forecasting approaches for aiding physical improvement strategies in the building sector. Unlike previous reviews, which have only addressed the strengths as well as weaknesses of some of the approaches while referring to some relevant examples from the literature, this article focuses on critically analysing more approaches namely; 2D GIS and 3DGIS (CityGML) based energy prediction approaches, based on their frequent intervention scale, applicability in the building life cycle, and conventional prediction process. This will be followed by unravelling the gaps and issues pertaining to the reviewed approaches. Finally, based on the identified problems, future research prospects are recommended

    Analyzing the feasibility of integrating urban sustainability assessment indicators with City Information Modelling (CIM)

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    Sustainability assessment methods have gained the attention between urban planners and policymakers since they promote a comprehensive view of the cities. Intelligent solutions, enabled by advances in information technologies, can accelerate progress in achieving sustainability goals. In this context, City Information Modelling (CIM) emerges as a tool to facilitate urban sustainability assessment implementation. Accordingly, the main question aimed to address in this article is whether conventional sustainability assessment tools can be adapted to the CIM framework. In this regard, this study extracts the most consensual list of indicators from four sustainability assessment methods: BREEAM-C, LEED-ND, SNTool, and SBToolPT Urban, to identify a clear set of key sustainability priorities. The selected sustainability assessment methods are pioneering and often used for performance assessment at the urban scale. Furthermore, the indicators extracted from the assessment methods are measurable and can present accurate results. The study analyses the potential of the selected indicators to be calculated in CIM. The final product of the article is identifying the indicators that are adaptable to be used in the CIM approach.This research received no external funding. However, the authors acknowledge the support of CYTED Network ECoEICo—Circular Economy as a Strategy for a More Sustainable Construction Industry and the COST Action CircularB—Implementation of Circular Economy in the Built Environment

    Multi-Agent Analysis of Scenarios for "arctic Smart City"

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    An approach to formalizing problems of municipal management in the Russian Arctic via smart city technologies is considered on the example of city Salekhard. An analysis of modern smart city concepts and prospects for integrating such technologies as BIM, GIS, and CIM is given. A discussion is based on comparison of two options to implement smart city technologies. Those are: 1) the inertial scenario of development adopted in the Strategy of the municipality Salekhard city, and 2) an alternative scenario corresponding to the innovation model of multicomponent sustainable system which includes energy subsystems. A multi-agent formalization of city management presents specific object features, including factors of the Northern nature. The framework of a four-component model of the flow distribution of resources: material, energy, information, financial, is applied. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The reported research was partly funded by Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the government of the Yamal region of the Russian Federation, grant № 19-48-890001

    The Energy Application Domain Extension for CityGML: enhancing interoperability for urban energy simulations

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    The road towards achievement of the climate protection goals requires, among the rest, a thorough rethinking of the energy planning tools (and policies) at all levels, from local to global. Nevertheless, it is in the cities where the largest part of energy is produced and consumed, and therefore it makes sense to focus the attention particularly on the cities as they yield great potentials in terms of energy consumption reduction and efficiency increase. As a direct consequence, a comprehensive knowledge of the demand and supply of energy resources, including their spatial distribution within urban areas, is therefore of utmost importance. Precise, integrated knowledge about 3D urban space, i.e. all urban (above and underground) features, infrastructures, their functional and semantic characteristics, and their mutual dependencies and interrelations play a relevant role for advanced simulation and analyses. As a matter of fact, what in the last years has proven to be an emerging and effective approach is the adoption of standard-based, integrated semantic 3D virtual city models, which represent an information hub for most of the abovementioned needs. In particular, being based on open standards (e.g. on the CityGML standard by the Open Geospatial Consortium), virtual city models firstly reduce the effort in terms of data preparation and provision. Secondly, they offer clear data structures, ontologies and semantics to facilitate data exchange between different domains and applications. However, a standardised and omni-comprehensive urban data model covering also the energy domain is still missing at the time of writing (January 2018). Even CityGML falls partially short when it comes to the definition of specific entities and attributes for energy-related applications. Nevertheless, and starting from the current version of CityGML (i.e. 2.0), this article describes the conception and the definition of an Energy Application Domain Extension (ADE) for CityGML. The Energy ADE is meant to offer a unique and standard-based data model to fill, on one hand, the above-mentioned gap, and, on the other hand, to allow for both detailed single-building energy simulation (based on sophisticated models for building physics and occupant behaviour) and city-wide, bottom-up energy assessments, with particular focus on the buildings sector. The overall goal is to tackle the existing data interoperability issues when dealing with energy-related applications at urban scale. The article presents the rationale behind the Energy ADE, it describes its main characteristics, the relation to other standards, and provides some examples of current applications and case studies already adopting it