108 research outputs found

    From RT-LOTOS to Time Petri Nets new foundations for a verification platform

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    The formal description technique RT-LOTOS has been selected as intermediate language to add formality to a real-time UML profile named TURTLE. For this sake, an RT-LOTOS verification platform has been developed for early detection of design errors in real-time system models. The paper discusses an extension of the platform by inclusion of verification tools developed for Time Petri Nets. The starting point is the definition of RT-LOTOS to TPN translation patterns. In particular, we introduce the concept of components embedding Time Petri Nets. The translation patterns are implemented in a prototype tool which takes as input an RT-LOTOS specification and outputs a TPN in the format admitted by the TINA tool. The efficiency of the proposed solution has been demonstrated on various case studies

    Effective representation of RT-LOTOS terms by finite time petri nets

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    The paper describes a transformational approach for the specification and formal verification of concurrent and real-time systems. At upper level, one system is specified using the timed process algebra RT-LOTOS. The output of the proposed transformation is a Time Petri net (TPN). The paper particularly shows how a TPN can be automatically constructed from an RT-LOTOS specification using a compositionally defined mapping. The proof of the translation consistency is sketched in the paper and developed in [1]. The RT-LOTOS to TPN translation patterns formalized in the paper are being implemented. in a prototype tool. This enables reusing TPNs verification techniques and tools for the profit of RT-LOTOS

    Mapping RT-LOTOS specifications into Time Petri Nets

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    RT-LOTOS is a timed process algebra which enables compact and abstract specification of real-time systems. This paper proposes and illustrates a structural translation of RT-LOTOS terms into behaviorally equivalent (timed bisimilar) finite Time Petri nets. It is therefore possible to apply Time Petri nets verification techniques to the profit of RT-LOTOS. Our approach has been implemented in RTL2TPN, a prototype tool which takes as input an RT-LOTOS specification and outputs a TPN. The latter is verified using TINA, a TPN analyzer developed by LAAS-CNRS. The toolkit made of RTL2TPN and TINA has been positively benchmarked against previously developed RT-LOTOS verification tool

    Formal and efficient verification techniques for Real-Time UML models

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    The real-time UML profile TURTLE has a formal semantics expressed by translation into a timed process algebra: RT-LOTOS. RTL, the formal verification tool developed for RT-LOTOS, was first used to check TURTLE models against design errors. This paper opens new avenues for TURTLE model verification. It shows how recent work on translating RT-LOTOS specifications into Time Petri net model may be applied to TURTLE. RT-LOTOS to TPN translation patterns are presented. Their formal proof is the subject of another paper. These patterns have been implemented in a RT-LOTOS to TPN translator which has been interfaced with TINA, a Time Petri Net Analyzer which implements several reachability analysis procedures depending on the class of property to be verified. The paper illustrates the benefits of the TURTLE->RT-LOTOS->TPN transformation chain on an avionic case study

    Code Generation from Pragmatics Annotated Coloured Petri Nets

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    Conception basée modèle des systèmes temps réel et distribués

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    Les systèmes temps réel et distribués posent des problèmes complexes en termes de conception d'architecture et de description de comportements. De par leur criticité en vies humaines et leurs coûts de prototypage, ces systèmes ont motivé le développement d'une activité de recherche sur les langages de modélisation formelle et les techniques de validation basées modèle qui contribuent à la détection au plus tôt des erreurs de conception. Néanmoins, les langages formels ont eu un succès plus que limité dans l'industrie. L'arrivée du langage UML (Unified Modeling Language) a ouvert de nouveaux horizons pour l'intégration de langages de modélisation formelle dans une méthodologie de conception susceptible d'être mieux acceptée par les praticiens du domaine. En s'appuyant sur une expérience antérieure de la technique de description formelle Estelle et des extensions temporelles des réseaux de Petri, notre activité de recherche sur les cinq dernières années a débouché sur la production d'un profil UML nommé TURTLE (Timed UML and RT-LOTOS Environment). TURTLE surpasse UML 2.0 par ses extensions aux diagrammes d'analyse et de conception UML, sa sémantique formelle exprimée en RT-LOTOS, et ses outils de support (éditeur de diagrammes et outil de validation formelle combinant simulation et vérification basée sur une analyse d'accessibilité). La méthodologie TURTLE trouve son champ d'application naturel dans la conception de systèmes temps réel et la validation d'architectures de communication en particulier. L'approche proposée a été appliquée avec succès à des systèmes satellitaires et des protocoles d'authentification

    Distributed systems : architecture-driven specification using extended LOTOS

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    The thesis uses the LOTOS language (ISO International Standard ISO 8807) as a basis for the formal specification of distributed systems. Contributions are made to two key research areas: architecture-driven specification and LOTOS language extensions. The notion of architecture-driven specification is to guide the specification process by providing a reference-base of pre-defined domain-specific components. The thesis builds an infra-structure of architectural elements, and provides Extended LOTOS (XL) definitions of these elements. The thesis develops Extended LOTOS (XI.) for the specification of distributed systems. XL- is LOTOS enhanced with features for the formal specification of quantitative timing. probabilistic and priority requirements. For distributed systems, the specification of these ‘performance’ requirements, ran be as important as the specification of the associated functional requirements. To support quantitative timing features, the XL semantics define a global, discrete clock which can be used both to force events to occur at specific times, and to measure Intervals between event occurrences. XL introduces time policy operators ASAP (as soon as possible’ corresponding to “maximal progress semantics") and ALAP (late as possible'). Special internal transitions are introduced in XL semantics for the specification of probability, Conformance relations based on a notion of probabilization, together with a testing framework, are defined to support reasoning about probabilistic XL specifications. Priority within the XL semantics ensures that permitted events with the highest priority weighting of their class are allowed first. Both functional and performance specification play important roles in CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) systems. The thesis uses a CIM system known as the CIM- OSA lntegrating Infrastructure as a case study of architecture-driven specification using XL. The thesis thus constitutes a step in the evolution of distributed system specification methods that have both an architectural basis and a formal basis

    Rigorous code generation for distributed real-time embedded systems

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    This thesis addresses the problem of generating executable code for distributed embedded systems in which computing nodes communicate using the Controller Area Network (CAN). CAN is the dominant network in automotive and factory control systems and is becoming increasingly popular in robotic, medical and avionics applications. The requirements for functional and temporal reliability in these domains are often stringent, and testing alone may not offer the required level of con dence that systems satisfy their specications. Consequently, there has been considerable research interest in additional techniques for reasoning about the behaviour of CAN-based systems. This thesis proposes a novel approach in which system behaviour is specifed in a high-level language that is syntactically similar to Esterel but which is given a formal semantics by translation to bCANDLE, an asynchronous process calculus. The work developed here shows that bCANDLE systems can be translated automatically, via a common intermediate net representation, not only into executable C code but also into timed automaton models that can be used in the formal verification of a wide range of functional and temporal properties. A rigorous argument is presented that, for any system expressed in the high-level language, its timed automaton model is a conservative approximation of the executable C code, given certain well-defined assumptions about system components. It is shownthat an off-the-shelf model-checker (UPPAAL) can be used to verify system properties with a high-level of confidence that those properties will be exhibited by the executable code. The approach is evaluated by applying it to four representative case studies. Our results show that, for small to medium-sized systems, the generated code is sufficiently efficient for execution on typical hardware and the generated timed automaton model is sufficiently small for analysis within reasonable time and memory constraints