24 research outputs found

    Iterated local search algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with backhauls and soft time windows

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    The vehicle routing problem with backhauls and soft time windows contains two disjoint sets of customers: those that receive goods from the depot, who are called linehauls, and those that send goods to the depot, named backhauls. To each customer is associated an interval of time (time window), during which each one should be served. If a time window can be violated it is called soft, but this violation implies an additional cost. In this paper, only the upper limit of the interval can be exceeded. For solving this problem we created deterministic iterated local search algorithm, which was tested using a large set of benchmark problems taken from the literature. These computational tests have proven that this algorithm competes with best known algorithms in terms of the quality of the solutions andcomputing time. So far as we know, there is no published paper for this problem dealing with soft time windows, and, therefore, this comparison is only with the algorithms that do not allow time windows violation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Tabu Search algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with discrete split deliveries and pickups

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    The Vehicle Routing Problem with Discrete Split Deliveries and Pickups is a variant of the Vehicle Routing Problem with Split Deliveries and Pickups, in which customers’ demands are discrete in terms of batches (or orders). It exists in the practice of logistics distribution and consists of designing a least cost set of routes to serve a given set of customers while respecting constraints on the vehicles’ capacities. In this paper, its features are analyzed. A mathematical model and Tabu Search algorithm with specially designed batch combination and item creation operation are proposed. The batch combination operation is designed to avoid unnecessary travel costs, while the item creation operation effectively speeds up the search and enhances the algorithmic search ability. Computational results are provided and compared with other methods in the literature, which indicate that in most cases the proposed algorithm can find better solutions than those in the literature

    The split delivery vehicle routing problem with three-dimensional loading constraints

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     The Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem with three-dimensional loading constraints (3L-SDVRP) combines vehicle routing and three-dimensional loading with additional packing constraints. In the 3L-SDVRP splitting deliveries of customers is basically possible, i.e. a customer can be visited in two or more tours. We examine essential problem features and introduce two problem variants. In the first variant, called 3L-SDVRP with forced splitting, a delivery is only split if the demand of a customer cannot be transported by a single vehicle. In the second variant, termed 3L-SDVRP with optional splitting, splitting customer deliveries can be done any number of times. We propose a hybrid algorithm consisting of a local search algorithm for routing and a genetic algorithm and several construction heuristics for packing. Numerical experiments are conducted using three sets of instances with both industrial and academic origins. One of them was provided by an automotive logistics company in Shanghai; in this case some customers per instance have a total freight volume larger than the loading space of a vehicle. The results prove that splitting deliveries can be beneficial not only in the one-dimensional case but also when goods are modeled as three-dimensional items

    A mixed integer linear programming formulation for the vehicle routing problem with backhauls

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    The separate delivery and collection services of goods through different routes is an issue of current interest for some transportation companies by the need to avoid the reorganization of the loads inside the vehicles, to reduce the return of the vehicles with empty load and to give greater priority to the delivery customers. In the vehicle routing problem with backhauls (VRPB), the customers are partitioned into two subsets: linehaul (delivery) and backhaul (pickup) customers. Additionally, a precedence constraint is established: the backhaul customers in a route should be visited after all the linehaul customers. The VRPB is presented in the literature as an extension of the capacitated vehicle routing problem and is NP-hard in the strong sense. In this paper, we propose a mixed integer linear programming formulation for the VRPB, based on the generalization of the open vehicle routing problem; that eliminates the possibility of generating solutions formed by subtours using a set of new constraints focused on obtaining valid solutions formed by Hamiltonian paths and connected by tie-arcs. The proposed formulation is a general purpose model in the sense that it does not deserve specifically tailored algorithmic approaches for their effective solution. The computational results show that the proposed compact formulation is competitive against state-of-the-art exact methods for VRPB instances from the literature

    Thirty years of heterogeneous vehicle routing

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    It has been around thirty years since the heterogeneous vehicle routing problem was introduced, and significant progress has since been made on this problem and its variants. The aim of this survey paper is to classify and review the literature on heterogeneous vehicle routing problems. The paper also presents a comparative analysis of the metaheuristic algorithms that have been proposed for these problems

    A Hybrid Heuristic for a Broad Class of Vehicle Routing Problems with Heterogeneous Fleet

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    We consider a family of Rich Vehicle Routing Problems (RVRP) which have the particularity to combine a heterogeneous fleet with other attributes, such as backhauls, multiple depots, split deliveries, site dependency, open routes, duration limits, and time windows. To efficiently solve these problems, we propose a hybrid metaheuristic which combines an iterated local search with variable neighborhood descent, for solution improvement, and a set partitioning formulation, to exploit the memory of the past search. Moreover, we investigate a class of combined neighborhoods which jointly modify the sequences of visits and perform either heuristic or optimal reassignments of vehicles to routes. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first unified approach for a large class of heterogeneous fleet RVRPs, capable of solving more than 12 problem variants. The efficiency of the algorithm is evaluated on 643 well-known benchmark instances, and 71.70\% of the best known solutions are either retrieved or improved. Moreover, the proposed metaheuristic, which can be considered as a matheuristic, produces high quality solutions with low standard deviation in comparison with previous methods. Finally, we observe that the use of combined neighborhoods does not lead to significant quality gains. Contrary to intuition, the computational effort seems better spent on more intensive route optimization rather than on more intelligent and frequent fleet re-assignments

    Branch-and-Cut for the split delivery vehicle routing problem with time windows

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    The split delivery vehicle routing problem with time windows (SDVRPTW) is a notoriously hard combinatorial optimization problem. First, it is hard to find a useful compact mixed-integer programming (MIP) formulation for the SDVRPTW. Standard modeling approaches either suffer from inherent symmetries (mixed-integer programs with a vehicle index) or cannot exactly capture all aspects of feasibility. Because of the possibility to visit customers more than once, the standard mechanisms to propagate load and time along the routes fail. Second, the lack of useful formulations has rendered any direct MIP-based approach impossible. Up to now, the most effective exact algorithms for the SDVRPTW have been branch-and-price-and-cut approaches using path-based formulations. In this paper, we propose a new and tailored branch-and-cut algorithm to solve the SDVRPTW. It is based on a new, relaxed compact model, in which some integer solutions are infeasible for the SDVRPTW. We use known and introduce some new classes of valid inequalities to cut off such infeasible solutions. One new class is path-matching constraints that generalize infeasible-path constraints. However, even with the valid inequalities, some integer solutions to the new compact formulation remain to be tested for feasibility. For a given integer solution, we build a generally sparse subnetwork of the original instance. On this subnetwork, all time-window-feasible routes can be enumerated, and a path-based residual problem then solved to decide on the selection of routes, the delivery quantities, and thereby the overall feasibility. All infeasible solutions need to be cut off. For this reason, we derive some strengthened feasibility cuts exploiting the fact that solutions often decompose into clusters. Computational experiments show that the new approach is able to prove optimality for several previously unsolved instances from the literature

    The Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Customer Inconvenience Constraints

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    In classical routing problems, each customer is visited exactly once. By contrast, when allowing split deliveries, customers may be served through multiple visits. This potentially results in substantial savings in travel costs. Even if split deliveries are beneficial to the transport company, several visits may be undesirable on the customer side: at each visit the customer has to interrupt his primary activities and handle the goods receipt. The contribution of the present paper consists in a thorough analysis of the possibilities and limitations of split delivery distribution strategies. To this end, we investigate two different types of measures for limiting customer inconvenience (a maximum number of visits and the temporal synchronization of deliveries) and evaluate the impact of these measures on carrier efficiency by means of different objective functions (comprising variable routing costs, costs related to route durations, fixed fleet costs). We consider the vehicle routing problem with time windows in which split deliveries are allowed (SDVRPTW) and define the corresponding generalization that takes into account customer inconvenience constraints (SDVRPTW-IC). We design an extended branch-and-cut algorithm to solve the SDVRPTW-IC and report on experimental results showing the impact of customer inconvenience constraints. We finally draw useful insights for logistics managers on the basis of the experimental analysis carried out