22 research outputs found

    Foundations of Modular SOS

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    A novel form of labelled transition system is proposed, wherethe labels are the arrows of a category, and adjacent labels in computations are required to be composable. Such transition systems provide thefoundations for modular SOS descriptions of programming languages.Three fundamental ways of transforming label categories, analogous tomonad transformers, are provided, and it is shown that their applicationspreserve computations in modular SOS. The approach is illustrated withfragments taken from a modular SOS for ML concurrency primitives

    Pragmatics of Modular SOS

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    Modular SOS is a recently-developed variant of Plotkin's Structural Operational Semantics (SOS) framework. It has several pragmatic advantages over the original framework--the most significant being that rules specifying the semantics of individual language constructs can be given definitively, once and for all. Modular SOS is being used for teaching operational semantics at the undergraduate level. For this purpose, the meta-notation for modular SOS rules has been made more user-friendly, and derivation of computations according to the rules is simulated using Prolog. After giving an overview of the foundations of Modular SOS, this paper gives some illustrative examples of the use of the framework, and discusses various pragmatic aspects

    Exploiting Labels in Structural Operational Semantics

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    Structural Operational Semantics (SOS) allows transitions to be labelled. This is fully exploited in SOS descriptions of concurrent systems, but usually not at all in conventional descriptions of sequential programming languages. This paper shows how the use of labels can provide significantly simpler and more modular descriptions of programming languages. However, the full power of labels is obtained only when the set of labels is made into a category, as in the recently-proposed MSOS variant of SOS

    Modularity in Meta-Languages

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    A meta-language for semantics has a high degree of modularitywhen descriptions of individual language constructs can be formulated independently using it, and do not require reformulation when new constructs are added to the described language. The quest for modularity in semantic meta-languages has been going on for more than two decades. Here, most of the main meta-languages for operational, denotational, and hybrid styles of semantics are compared regarding their modularity. A simple bench-mark is used: describing the semantics of a pure functional language, then extending the described language with references, exceptions, and concurrency constructs. For each style of semantics, at least one of the considered meta-languages appears to provide a high degree of modularity

    Logical Specification of Operational Semantics

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    Various logic-based frameworks have been proposed for specifying the operational semantics of programming languages and concurrent systems, including inference systems in the styles advocated byPlotkin and by Kahn, Horn logic, equational specifications, reductionsystems for evaluation contexts, rewriting logic, and tile logic.We consider the relationship between these frameworks, and assess theirrespective merits and drawbacks - especially with regard to the modularity of specifications, which is a crucial feature for scaling up to practicalapplications. We also report on recent work towards the use of the Maudesystem (which provides an efficient implementation of rewriting logic) asa meta-tool for operational semantics

    GSOS for non-deterministic processes with quantitative aspects

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    Recently, some general frameworks have been proposed as unifying theories for processes combining non-determinism with quantitative aspects (such as probabilistic or stochastically timed executions), aiming to provide general results and tools. This paper provides two contributions in this respect. First, we present a general GSOS specification format (and a corresponding notion of bisimulation) for non-deterministic processes with quantitative aspects. These specifications define labelled transition systems according to the ULTraS model, an extension of the usual LTSs where the transition relation associates any source state and transition label with state reachability weight functions (like, e.g., probability distributions). This format, hence called Weight Function SOS (WFSOS), covers many known systems and their bisimulations (e.g. PEPA, TIPP, PCSP) and GSOS formats (e.g. GSOS, Weighted GSOS, Segala-GSOS, among others). The second contribution is a characterization of these systems as coalgebras of a class of functors, parametric on the weight structure. This result allows us to prove soundness of the WFSOS specification format, and that bisimilarities induced by these specifications are always congruences.Comment: In Proceedings QAPL 2014, arXiv:1406.156

    Pluggable AOP: Designing Aspect Mechanisms for Third-party Composition

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    Studies of Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) usually focus on a language in which a specific aspect extension is integrated with a base language. Languages specified in this manner have a fixed, non-extensible AOP functionality. In this paper we consider the more general case of integrating a base language with a set of domain specific third-party aspect extensions for that language. We present a general mixin-based method for implementing aspect extensions in such a way that multiple, independently developed, dynamic aspect extensions can be subject to third-party composition and work collaboratively

    Modular Structural Operational Semantics

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    Modular SOS (MSOS) is a variant of conventional Structural Operational Semantics (SOS). Using MSOS, the transition rules for each construct of a programming language can be given incrementally, once and for all, and do not need reformulation when further constructs are added to the language. MSOS thus provides an exceptionally high degree of modularity in language descriptions, removing a shortcoming of the original SOS framework. After sketching the background and reviewing the main features of SOS, the paper explains the crucial differences between SOS and MSOS, and illustrates how MSOS descriptions are written. It also discusses standard notions of semantic equivalence based on MSOS. An appendix shows how the illustrative MSOS rules given in the paper would be formulated in conventional SOS

    Weaving Concurrency in eXecutable Domain-Specific Modeling Languages

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    International audienceThe emergence of modern concurrent systems (e.g., Cyber-Physical Systems or the Internet of Things) and highly-parallel platforms (e.g., many-core, GPGPU pipelines, and distributed platforms) calls for Domain-Specific Modeling Languages (DSMLs) where concurrency is of paramount importance. Such DSMLs are intended to propose constructs with rich concurrency semantics, which allow system designers to precisely define and analyze system behaviors. However , specifying and implementing the execution semantics of such DSMLs can be a difficult, costly and error-prone task. Most of the time the concurrency model remains implicit and ad-hoc, embedded in the underlying execution environment. The lack of an explicit concurrency model prevents: the precise definition, the variation and the complete understanding of the semantics of the DSML, the effective usage of concurrency-aware analysis techniques, and the exploitation of the concurrency model during the system refinement (e.g., during its allocation on a specific platform). In this paper, we introduce a concurrent executable metamodeling approach, which supports a modular definition of the execution semantics , including the concurrency model, the semantic rules, and a well-defined and expressive communication protocol between them. Our approach comes with a dedicated metalanguage to specify the communication protocol, and with an execution environment to simulate executable models. We illustrate and validate our approach with an implementation of fUML, and discuss the modularity and applicability of our approach

    Software meta-language engineering and CBS

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    The SLE conference series is devoted to the engineering principles of software languages: their design, their implementation, and their evolution. This paper is about the role of language specification in SLE. A precise specification of a software language needs to be written in a formal meta-language, and it needs to co-evolve with the specified language. Moreover, different software languages often have features in common, which should provide opportunities for reuse of parts of language specifications. Support for co-evolution and reuse in a meta-language requires careful engineering of its design.The author has been involved in the development of several meta-languages for semantic specification, including action semantics and modular variants of structural operational semantics (MSOS, I-MSOS). This led to the PLanCompS project, and to the design of its meta-language, CBS, for component-based semantics. CBS comes together with an extensible library of reusable components called ‘funcons’, corresponding to fundamental programming constructs. The main aim of CBS is to optimise co-evolution and reuse of specifications during language development, and to make specification of language semantics almost as straightforward as context-free syntax specification.The paper discusses the engineering of a selection of previous meta-languages, assessing how well they support co-evolution and reuse. It then gives an introduction to CBS, and illustrates significant features. It also considers whether other current meta-languages might also be used to define an extensible library of funcons for use in component-based semantics