17 research outputs found

    Автоматизоване проектування програм для розв’язання задачі метеорологічного прогнозування

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    Розроблено засіб автоматизованого конструювання паралельного коду для середовища OpenMP на основі високорівневих алгебро-алгоритмічних специфікацій. Застосування засобу демонструється на прикладі задачі моделювання циркуляції атмосфери, що представлений як сервіс у складі Інтернет-порталу з надання послуг метеопрогнозу. Здійснена генерація програмного коду та наведено результати експерименту з виконання розробленої паралельної програми прогнозування на мультипроцесорній платформі.Разработано средство автоматизированного конструирования параллельного кода для среды OpenMP на основе высокоуровневых алгебро-алгоритмических спецификаций. Применение средства демонстрируется на примере задачи моделирования циркуляции атмосферы, представленном как сервис в составе Интернетпортала для предоставления услуг метеопрогноза. Осуществлена генерация программного кода и приведены результаты эксперимента по выполнению разработанной параллельной программы прогнозирования на мультипроцессорной платформе.The facilities for automated design of parallel code for OpenMP environment on the basis of highlevel algebra-algorithmic specifications are developed. The application of the facilities is illustrated on an example of a problem of atmosphere circulation modeling, which is represented as a service, belonging to the Internet-portal for providing meteorological forecasting services. The generation of program code was implemented and the results of the conducted experiment, which consisted in execution of the developed parallel weather forecasting program on a multiprocessor platform, are given

    An Institutional Framework for Heterogeneous Formal Development in UML

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    We present a framework for formal software development with UML. In contrast to previous approaches that equip UML with a formal semantics, we follow an institution based heterogeneous approach. This can express suitable formal semantics of the different UML diagram types directly, without the need to map everything to one specific formalism (let it be first-order logic or graph grammars). We show how different aspects of the formal development process can be coherently formalised, ranging from requirements over design and Hoare-style conditions on code to the implementation itself. The framework can be used to verify consistency of different UML diagrams both horizontally (e.g., consistency among various requirements) as well as vertically (e.g., correctness of design or implementation w.r.t. the requirements)

    Van Kampen Colimits and Path Uniqueness

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    Fibred semantics is the foundation of the model-instance pattern of software engineering. Software models can often be formalized as objects of presheaf topoi, i.e, categories of objects that can be represented as algebras as well as coalgebras, e.g., the category of directed graphs. Multimodeling requires to construct colimits of models, decomposition is given by pullback. Compositionality requires an exact interplay of these operations, i.e., diagrams must enjoy the Van Kampen property. However, checking the validity of the Van Kampen property algorithmically based on its definition is often impossible. In this paper we state a necessary and sufficient yet efficiently checkable condition for the Van Kampen property to hold in presheaf topoi. It is based on a uniqueness property of path-like structures within the defining congruence classes that make up the colimiting cocone of the models. We thus add to the statement "Being Van Kampen is a Universal Property" by Heindel and Soboci\'{n}ski the fact that the Van Kampen property reveals a presheaf-based structural uniqueness feature

    Behavioural and abstractor specifications revisited

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    In the area of algebraic specification there are two main approaches for defining observational abstraction: behavioural specifications use a notion of observational satisfaction for the axioms of a specification, whereas abstractor specifications define an abstraction from the standard semantics of a specification w.r.t. an observational equivalence relation between algebras. Earlier work by Bidoit, Hennicker, Wirsing has shown that in the case of first-order logic specifications both concepts coincide semantically under mild assumptions. Analogous results have been shown by Sannella and Hofmann for higher-order logic specifications and recently, by Hennicker and Madeira, for specifications of reactive systems using a dynamic logic with binders. In this paper, we bring these results into a common setting: we isolate a small set of characteristic principles to express the behaviour/abstractor equivalence and show that all three mentioned specification frameworks satisfy these principles and therefore their behaviour and abstractor specifications coincide semantically (under mild assumptions). As a new case we consider observational modal logic where observational satisfaction of Hennessy–Milner logic formulae is defined “up to” silent transitions and observational abstraction is defined by weak bisimulation. We show that in this case the behaviour/abstractor equivalence can only be obtained, if we restrict models to weakly deterministic labelled transition systems.publishe

    Refinement in hybridised institutions

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    Hybrid logics, which add to the modal description of transition structures the ability to refer to specific states, offer a generic framework to approach the specification and design of reconfigurable systems, i.e., systems with reconfiguration mechanisms governing the dynamic evolution of their execution configurations in response to both external stimuli or internal performance measures. A formal representation of such systems is through transition structures whose states correspond to the different configurations they may adopt. Therefore, each node is endowed with, for example, an algebra, or a first-order structure, to precisely characterise the semantics of the services provided in the corresponding configuration. This paper characterises equivalence and refinement for these sorts of models in a way which is independent of (or parametric on) whatever logic (propositional, equational, fuzzy, etc) is found appropriate to describe the local configurations. A Hennessy–Milner like theorem is proved for hybridised logics.This work is funded by ERDF-European Regional Development Fund, through the COMPETE Programme, and by National Funds through FCT within project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-028923 and by project NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000060, co-financed by the North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (ON.2), under the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The work had also partial financial assistance by the project PEst-OE/MAT/UI4106/2014 at CIDMA, FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-037281 at INESC TEC and the Marie Curie project FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IRSES (GetFun)

    A logic for the stepwise development of reactive systems

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    D↓is a new dynamic logic combining regular modalities with the binder constructor typical of hybrid logic, which provides a smooth framework for the stepwise development of reactive systems. Actually, the logic is able to capture system properties at different levels of abstraction, from high-level safety and liveness requirements, to constructive specifications representing concrete processes. The paper discusses its semantics, given in terms of reachable transition systems with initial states, its expressive power and a proof system. The methodological framework is in debt to the landmark work of D.Sannella and A.Tarlecki, instantiating the generic concepts of constructor and abstractor implementations by standard operators on reactive components, e.g. relabelling and parallel composition, as constructors, and bisimulation for abstraction.This work was funded by ERDF European Regional Development Fund, through the COMPETE Programme, and by National Funds through FCT – Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology – within projects POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016692 (DaLí – Dynamic logics for cyber-physical systems: towards contract based design) and UID/MAT/04106/2013 at CIDMA. Further support was given by the project SmartEGOV, NORTE-01-0145-FEDER000037, supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the EFDR. The first author is also supported by a FCT individual grant SFRH/BPD/103004/201

    Detecting component changes at run time with behavior models

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    Modern software systems are composed of several services which may be developed and maintained by third parties and thus they can change independently and without notice during the system’s runtime execution. In such systems, changes may possibly be a threat to system functional correctness, and thus to its reliability. Hence, it is important to detect them as soon as they happen to enable proper reaction. Change detection can be done by monitoring system execution and comparing the observed execution traces against models of the services composing the application. Unfortunately, formal specifications for services are not usually provided and developers have to infer them. In this paper we propose a methodology which exactly addresses these issues by using software behavior models to monitor component execution and detect changes. In particular, we describe a technique to infer behavior model specifications with a dynamic black box approach, keep them up-to-date with run time observations and detect behavior changes. Finally, we present a case study to validate the effectiveness of the approach in component change detection for a component that implements a complex, real communication protocol.European Commission (Programme IDEAS-ERC, Project 227977-SMScom

    On the algebra of structured specifications

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    AbstractWe develop module algebra for structured specifications with model oriented denotations. Our work extends the existing theory with specification building operators for non-protecting importation modes and with new algebraic rules (most notably for initial semantics) and upgrades the pushout-style semantics of parameterized modules to capture the (possible) sharing between the body of the parameterized modules and the instances of the parameters. We specify a set of sufficient abstract conditions, smoothly satisfied in the actual situations, and prove the isomorphism between the parallel and the serial instantiation of multiple parameters. Our module algebra development is done at the level of abstract institutions, which means that our results are very general and directly applicable to a wide variety of specification and programming formalisms that are rigorously based upon some logical system