12 research outputs found

    Long-term impacts of prenatal synthetic glucocorticoids exposure on functional brain correlates of cognitive monitoring in adolescence

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    The fetus is highly responsive to the level of glucocorticoids in the gestational environment. Perturbing glucocorticoids during fetal development could yield long-term consequences. Extending prior research about effects of prenatally exposed synthetic glucocorticoids (sGC) on brain structural development during childhood, we investigated functional brain correlates of cognitive conflict monitoring in term-born adolescents, who were prenatally exposed to sGC. Relative to the comparison group, behavioral response consistency (indexed by lower reaction time variability) and a brain correlate of conflict monitoring (the N2 event-related potential) were reduced in the sGC exposed group. Relatedly, source localization analyses showed that activations in the fronto-parietal network, most notably in the cingulate cortex and precuneus, were also attenuated in these adolescents. These regions are known to subserve conflict detection and response inhibition as well as top-down regulation of stress responses. Moreover, source activation in the anterior cingulate cortex correlated negatively with reaction time variability, whereas activation in the precuneus correlated positively with salivary cortisol reactivity to social stress in the sGC exposed group. Taken together, findings of this study indicate that prenatal exposure to sGC yields lasting impacts on the development of fronto-parietal brain functions during adolescence, affecting multiple facets of adaptive cognitive and behavioral control

    Should I stay or should I go? How local-global implicit temporal expectancy shapes proactive motor control: An hdEEG study

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    In this study, we investigated the effect of global temporal prediction on the brain capability to implicitly adjust proactive motor control. We used the Dynamic Temporal Prediction (DTP), in which local and global predictions of an imperative stimulus were manipulated by using different stimulus-onset asynchronies (SOAs), presented with several distribution probabilities. At a behavioural level, the results show a performance adjustment (reaction time decrease) depending on the implicit use of global prediction. At a neurophysiological level, three separate computational steps underlying motor control were investigated. First, the expectancy implementation was associated with global probability-dependent contingent negative variation (CNV) modulation supported by the recruitment of a frontoparietal network involving the anterior cingulate, the left intraparietal sulcus, the occipital, and the premotor areas. Second, the response implementation was modulated by the global prediction fostering stimulus processing (P3 increase) at the motor response level, as suggested by both oscillatory (beta desynchronization), as well as source analysis (frontal cortical network). Third, the expectancy violation lead to a negativity increase (omission-detection potential) time locked to the global rule violation and additionally, to delta and theta power increase interpreted as inhibitory control and rule violation detection, respectively. The expectancy violation further engaged a left lateralized network including the temporal parietal junction (TPJ) and the motor cortex, suggesting involvement of attentional reorienting and a motor adjustment. Finally, these findings provide new insights on the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying proactive motor control, suggesting an overlapping between implicit and explicit processes

    0 Statistical Approaches to the Inverse Problem

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    Attention and speech-processing related functional brain networks activated in a multi-speaker environment

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    Human listeners can focus on one speech stream out of several concurrent ones. The present study aimed to assess the whole-brain functional networks underlying a) the process of focusing attention on a single speech stream vs. dividing attention between two streams and 2) speech processing on different time-scales and depth. Two spoken narratives were presented simultaneously while listeners were instructed to a) track and memorize the contents of a speech stream and b) detect the presence of numerals or syntactic violations in the same (“focused attended condition”) or in the parallel stream (“divided attended condition”). Speech content tracking was found to be associated with stronger connectivity in lower frequency bands (delta band- 0,5–4 Hz), whereas the detection tasks were linked with networks operating in the faster alpha (8–10 Hz) and beta (13–30 Hz) bands. These results suggest that the oscillation frequencies of the dominant brain networks during speech processing may be related to the duration of the time window within which information is integrated. We also found that focusing attention on a single speaker compared to dividing attention between two concurrent speakers was predominantly associated with connections involving the frontal cortices in the delta (0.5–4 Hz), alpha (8–10 Hz), and beta bands (13–30 Hz), whereas dividing attention between two parallel speech streams was linked with stronger connectivity involving the parietal cortices in the delta and beta frequency bands. Overall, connections strengthened by focused attention may reflect control over information selection, whereas connections strengthened by divided attention may reflect the need for maintaining two streams in parallel and the related control processes necessary for performing the tasks.</div

    Neuronal Correlates of Informational and Energetic Masking in the Human Brain in a Multi-Talker Situation

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    Human listeners can follow the voice of one speaker while several others are talking at the same time. This process requires segregating the speech streams from each other and continuously directing attention to the target stream. We investigated the functional brain networks underlying this ability. Two speech streams were presented simultaneously to participants, who followed one of them and detected targets within it (target stream). The loudness of the distractor speech stream varied on five levels: moderately softer, slightly softer, equal, slightly louder, or moderately louder than the attended. Performance measures showed that the most demanding task was the moderately softer distractors condition, which indicates that a softer distractor speech may receive more covert attention than louder distractors and, therefore, they require more cognitive resources. EEG-based measurement of functional connectivity between various brain regions revealed frequency-band specific networks: (1) energetic masking (comparing the louder distractor conditions with the equal loudness condition) was predominantly associated with stronger connectivity between the frontal and temporal regions at the lower alpha (8–10 Hz) and gamma (30–70 Hz) bands; (2) informational masking (comparing the softer distractor conditions with the equal loudness condition) was associated with a distributed network between parietal, frontal, and temporal regions at the theta (4–8 Hz) and beta (13–30 Hz) bands. These results suggest the presence of distinct cognitive and neural processes for solving the interference from energetic vs. informational masking