253,484 research outputs found

    Performance Evaluation of Software using Formal Methods

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    Formal Methods (FMs) can be used in varied areas of applications and to solve critical and fundamental problems of Performance Evaluation (PE). Modelling and analysis techniques can be used for both system and software performance evaluation. The functional features and performance properties of modern software used for performance evaluation has become so intertwined. Traditional models and methods for performance evaluation has been studied widely which culminated into the modern models and methods for system and software engineering evaluation such as formal methods. Techniques have transcended from functionality to performance modeling and analysis. Formal models help in identifying faulty reasoning far earlier than in traditional design; and formal specification has proved useful even on already existing software and systems. Formal approach eliminates ambiguity. The basic and final goal of the performance evaluation technique is to come to a conclusion, whether the software and system are working in a good condition or satisfactorily

    RationalGRL: A Framework for Argumentation and Goal Modeling

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    Goal-oriented requirements modeling approaches aim to capture the intentions of the stakeholders involved in the development of an information system as goals and tasks. The process of constructing such goal models usually involves discussions between a requirements engineer and a group of stakeholders. Not all the arguments in such discussions can be captured as goals or tasks: e.g., the discussion whether to accept or reject a certain goal and the rationale for acceptance or rejection cannot be captured in goal models. In this paper, we apply techniques from computational argumentation to a goal modeling approach by using a coding analysis in which stakeholders discuss requirements for a Traffic Simulator. We combine a simplified version of a traditional goal model, the Goal-oriented Requirements Language (GRL), with ideas from argumentation on schemes for practical reasoning into a new framework (RationalGRL). RationalGRL provides a formal semantics and tool support to capture the discussions and outcomes of the argumentation process that leads to a goal model. We also define the RationalGRL development process to create a RationalGRL model

    Using Event Calculus to Formalise Policy Specification and Analysis

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    As the interest in using policy-based approaches for systems management grows, it is becoming increasingly important to develop methods for performing analysis and refinement of policy specifications. Although this is an area that researchers have devoted some attention to, none of the proposed solutions address the issues of analysing specifications that combine authorisation and management policies; analysing policy specifications that contain constraints on the applicability of the policies; and performing a priori analysis of the specification that will both detect the presence of inconsistencies and explain the situations in which the conflict will occur. We present a method for transforming both policy and system behaviour specifications into a formal notation that is based on event calculus. Additionally it describes how this formalism can be used in conjunction with abductive reasoning techniques to perform a priori analysis of policy specifications for the various conflict types identified in the literature. Finally, it presents some initial thoughts on how this notation and analysis technique could be used to perform policy refinement

    MetTeL: A Generic Tableau Prover.

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    Requirements modelling and formal analysis using graph operations

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    The increasing complexity of enterprise systems requires a more advanced analysis of the representation of services expected than is currently possible. Consequently, the specification stage, which could be facilitated by formal verification, becomes very important to the system life-cycle. This paper presents a formal modelling approach, which may be used in order to better represent the reality of the system and to verify the awaited or existing system’s properties, taking into account the environmental characteristics. For that, we firstly propose a formalization process based upon properties specification, and secondly we use Conceptual Graphs operations to develop reasoning mechanisms of verifying requirements statements. The graphic visualization of these reasoning enables us to correctly capture the system specifications by making it easier to determine if desired properties hold. It is applied to the field of Enterprise modelling

    Validating specifications of dynamic systems using automated reasoning techniques

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    In this paper, we propose a new approach to validating formal specifications of observable behavior of discrete dynamic systems. By observable behavior we mean system behavior as observed by users or other systems in the environment of the system. Validation of a formal specification of an informal domain tries to answer the question whether the specification actually describes the intended domain. This differs from the verification problem, which deals with the correspondence between formal objects, e.g. between a formal specification of a system and an implementation of it. We consider formal specifications of object-oriented dynamic systems that are subject to static and dynamic integrity constraints. To validate that such a specification expresses the intended behavior, we propose to use a tool that can answer reachability queries. In a reachability query we ask whether the system can evolve from one state into another without violating the integrity constraints. If the query is answered positively, the system should exhibit an example path between the states; if the answer is negative, the system should explain why this is so. An example path produced by the tool can be used to produce scenarios for presentations of system behavior, but can also be used as a basis for acceptance testing. In this paper, we discuss the use of planning and theoremproving techniques to answer such queries, and illustrate the use of reachability queries in the context of information system development

    The evolution of tropos: Contexts, commitments and adaptivity

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    Software evolution is the main research focus of the Tropos group at University of Trento (UniTN): how do we build systems that are aware of their requirements, and are able to dynamically reconfigure themselves in response to changes in context (the environment within which they operate) and requirements. The purpose of this report is to offer an overview of ongoing work at UniTN. In particular, the report presents ideas and results of four lines of research: contextual requirements modeling and reasoning, commitments and goal models, developing self-reconfigurable systems, and requirements awareness