11 research outputs found

    Multi-Sensor System for Land and Forest Fire Detection Application in Peatland Area

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    Forest fire has a dangerous impact on environments and humans because of haze and carbon emitted from it. A common technology to detect fire hotspots is to use satellite images and then process them to determine the number of hotspots and their location. However, satellite systems cannot penetrate in bad weather or cloudy condition. This research proposes a ground sensor system, which uses several sensors related to the indicators of fire, especially fire in peatland area with unique characteristics. Common parameters of fire, such as temperature, smoke, haze, and carbon dioxide, are applied in this system. Indicators are measured using special sensors. Results of every sensor are analyzed by implementing intelligent computer programming, and an algorithm to determine fire hotspots and locations is applied. The fire hotspot location and intensity determined by integrated multiple sensors are more accurate than those determined by a single sensor. Data collected from every sensor are kept in a database, and a graph is generated for reporting and recording. In case of sensor readings with parameters, potential of fire and hotspots detected can be forwarded to the representative department for corresponding actions

    Temperature Monitoring and Forecast System in Remote Areas with 4.0G LTE Mobile Technologies

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    The need to monitor areas of high risk in terms of temperature indexes has included two important elements for its compliance: monitoring and forecast of records in an environment. Performing this procedure manually is inefficient as it provides a flat perspective and can’t predict the state of the environment with rigor. Software systems are contemporary elements in constant refinement, which satisfy emerging needs of a context, so that, in relation to monitoring and forecast an environment, it allows a sophisticated automation of the process, and that tends to lead to a better supervision of the risks in the environment. This article presents a proposal for the supervision of high-risk areas, through temperature registers, manageable through the design of a software system with the implementation of mobile 4.0G LTE technologies, aimed at efficiency and effectiveness in the notification of environmental status. Finally, I conclude with a remote temperature monitoring and forecast system, using mobile technologies, with a fuzzy logic prediction system with a quadratic error not greater than 2.6%, that is, on a fuzzy algebra system whose Numerical calculation does not exceed this error value in comparison with actual values; At the same time that the future works are presented from the approach of the research that is postulated, according to the emergence of new perspectives related to this developing software system

    Application of New Techniques and Information Technology for Early Fire Detection on Ships

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    Damages and losses caused by fire on ships, in the last decade, have accelerated the development of new techniques, technologies and innovation, in order to increase the safety and reliability of the fire detection system. At the same time, by increasing the demand for enhanced technology for early fire detection and its prevention, advanced detection systems are being developed, whose control algorithms have the task of intelligently processing and distinguishing the real smoke or flames signals from the false ones, or real alert from the false one. By using the service that new technology provides, ship owner aims to better protect the crew, ship’s inventory, and to reduce the potential costs, that may occur due to accidents caused by fire. With an overview of the latest techniques and technologies for early fire detection on ships, this paper presents improvement of characteristics of the new systems and components of detection systems, and their abilities, benefits, and applications are being analysed

    Sensor Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems

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    Modern society faces serious problems with transportation systems, including but not limited to traffic congestion, safety, and pollution. Information communication technologies have gained increasing attention and importance in modern transportation systems. Automotive manufacturers are developing in-vehicle sensors and their applications in different areas including safety, traffic management, and infotainment. Government institutions are implementing roadside infrastructures such as cameras and sensors to collect data about environmental and traffic conditions. By seamlessly integrating vehicles and sensing devices, their sensing and communication capabilities can be leveraged to achieve smart and intelligent transportation systems. We discuss how sensor technology can be integrated with the transportation infrastructure to achieve a sustainable Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) and how safety, traffic control and infotainment applications can benefit from multiple sensors deployed in different elements of an ITS. Finally, we discuss some of the challenges that need to be addressed to enable a fully operational and cooperative ITS environment

    Advancements in Forest Fire Prevention: A Comprehensive Survey

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    Nowadays, the challenges related to technological and environmental development are becoming increasingly complex. Among the environmentally significant issues, wildfires pose a serious threat to the global ecosystem. The damages inflicted upon forests are manifold, leading not only to the destruction of terrestrial ecosystems but also to climate changes. Consequently, reducing their impact on both people and nature requires the adoption of effective approaches for prevention, early warning, and well-coordinated interventions. This document presents an analysis of the evolution of various technologies used in the detection, monitoring, and prevention of forest fires from past years to the present. It highlights the strengths, limitations, and future developments in this field. Forest fires have emerged as a critical environmental concern due to their devastating effects on ecosystems and the potential repercussions on the climate. Understanding the evolution of technology in addressing this issue is essential to formulate more effective strategies for mitigating and preventing wildfires

    GIS-Based Forest Fire Susceptibility Zonation with IoT Sensor Network Support, Case Study—Nature Park Golija, Serbia

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    The territory of the Republic of Serbia is vulnerable to various natural disasters, among which forest fires stand out. In relation with climate changes, the number of forest fires in Serbia has been increasing from year to year. Protected natural areas are especially endangered by wildfires. For Nature Park Golija, as the second largest in Serbia, with an area of 75,183 ha, and with MaB Reserve Golija-Studenica on part of its territory (53,804 ha), more attention should be paid in terms of forest fire mitigation. GIS and multi-criteria decision analysis are indispensable when it comes to spatial analysis for the purpose of natural disaster risk management. Index-based and fuzzy AHP methods were used, together with TOPSIS method for forest fire susceptibility zonation. Very high and high forest fire susceptibility zone were recorded on 26.85% (Forest Fire Susceptibility Index) and 25.75% (fuzzy AHP). The additional support for forest fire prevention is realized through an additional Internet of Thing (IoT)-based sensor network that enables the continuous collection of local meteorological and environmental data, which enables low-cost and reliable real-time fire risk assessment and detection and the improved long-term and short-term forest fire susceptibility assessment. Obtained results can be applied for adequate forest fire risk management, improvement of the monitoring, and early warning systems in the Republic of Serbia, but are also important for relevant authorities at national, regional, and local level, which will be able to coordinate and intervene in a case of emergency events

    A Contribution to increasing the efficiency of the ship fire detection system by implementing new electronic and computer technologies

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    Doktorska disertacija – Prilog povećanju učinkovitosti brodskoga vatrodojavnog sustava primjenom novih elektroničkih i računalnih tehnologija – proučava pristup za poboljšanje sigurnosti broda od požara. Tradicionalni način zaštite od požara podrazumijeva tri područja: strukturnu zaštitu od požara, otkrivanje i gašenje požara. Više od polovice brodskih požara dogodi se u prostoru brodske strojarnice, zbog čega se naglasak istraživanja usmjerio upravo u to područje. Štete i gubitci nastali uslijed požara na brodovima zadnjih desetljeća ubrzali su razvoj novih tehnika, tehnologija i inovacija s ciljem povećanja sigurnosti i pouzdanosti sustava detekcije požara. Rano otkrivanje požara ima presudnu ulogu u njegovu gašenju i sprječavanju širenja. Razvoj vatrodojavne tehnologije potaknut je nizom požarnih incidenata, koji su za posljedicu imali velike materijalne gubitke, uz još veće ljudske žrtve. Dosadašnjim razvojem detektora dojave požara integracijom tehnologija dojave požara s mikroelektroničkim i informacijskim tehnologijama ostvaren je visok stupanj autonomnosti sustava, uz istodobno povećanje pouzdanosti i raspoloživost. Istovremeno, povećanjem potražnje za poboljšanom tehnologijom ranog detektiranja požara i njegovog sprječavanja, razvijaju se napredni sustavi detekcije čiji upravljački algoritmi imaju zadatak inteligentne obrade raspoznavanja stvarnog od lažnog signala dima ili plamena. Koristeći uslugu koju nudi nova tehnologija, brodaru je cilj kvalitetnija zaštita posade, brodskog inventara te smanjenje troškova koji bi mogli nastati uslijed nesreće izazvane požarom. Uz pregled najnovije tehnike i tehnologije ranog otkrivanja požara na brodovima, ova doktorska disertacija prikazuje poboljšanje karakteristika novih sustava i komponenti sustava detekcije, analizirajući njihove mogućnosti, prednosti i primjenu. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da se primjenom brodskog vatrodojavnog sustava temeljenog na računalnom vidu može unaprijediti dosadašnji klasični brodski vatrodojavni sustav, postizanjem veće brzine otkrivanja požarnog incidenta, a samim time i bržom intervencijom gašenja i suzbijanja njegovog daljnjeg širenja.Doctoral thesis – A contribution to increasing the efficiency of the Ship fire detection system by implementing new electronic and computer technologies – examines an approach to the increasing ship's safety in a case of fire. The traditional way of fire protection involves three areas: structural fire protection, fire detection and fire fighting. More than half of a ship's fires occur in the area of the ship's engine room, which is why the emphasis of the research is focused precisely in this area. Damage and losses incurred due to fire on ships in recent decades have accelerated the development of new techniques, technologies and innovations to increase the safety and reliability of fire detection systems. Early detection plays a crucial role in fire fighting and prevention of fire spreading. The development of fire alarm technology has been driven by a number of fire incidents which have caused huge material losses, with an even greater human toll. The current development of fire alarm detectors with the integration of technology of fire detection system with micro-electronic and information technology has created a high degree of system autonomy, while increasing reliability and availability. At the same time, the increasing demand for improved technology of early detection of fire and its prevention has developed advanced detection systems whose control algorithms have the task of intelligent processing, distinguishing real from false signals of smoke or flames. Through usage of a service offered by the new technology, the ship operator aims to gain quality crew protection, and the protection of the ship's inventory, as well as reduction of expenses that could appear due to an accident caused by a fire. With an overview of the latest techniques and technologies for early detection of fires on ships, this doctoral thesis shows the improvement of the characteristics of new systems and components of detection systems, analyzing their features, advantages and applications. The results of a research has shown that an implementation of a computer vision based fire detection can improve current classical fire detection system, by reaching greater speed of fire detection, thus faster fire containment and fire suppression