12,870 research outputs found

    The Potential for cross-drive analysis using automated digital forensic timelines

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    Cross-Drive Analysis (CDA) is a technique designed to allow an investigator to “simultaneously consider information from across a corpus of many data sources”. Existing approaches include multi-drive correlation using text searching, e.g. email addresses, message IDs, credit card numbers or social security numbers. Such techniques have the potential to identify drives of interest from a large set, provide additional information about events that occurred on a single disk, and potentially determine social network membership. Another analysis technique that has significantly advanced in recent years is the use of timelines. Tools currently exist that can extract dates and times from the file system metadata (i.e. MACE times) and also examine the content of certain file types and extract metadata from within. This approach provides a great deal of data that can assist with an investigation, but also compounds the problem of having too much data to examine. A recent paper adds an additional timeline analysis capability, by automatically producing a high-level summary of the activity on a computer system, by combining sets of low-level events into high-level events, for example reducing a setupapi event and several events from the Windows Registry to a single event of ‘a USB stick was connected’. This paper provides an investigation into the extent to which events in such a high-level timeline have the properties suitable to assist with Cross-Drive Analysis. The paper provides several examples that use timelines generated from multiple disk images, including USB stick connections, Skype calls, and access to files on a memory card

    Data reduction and data mining framework for digital forensic evidence: storage, intelligence, review and archive

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    With the volume of digital forensic evidence rapidly increasing, this paper proposes a data reduction and data mining framework that incorporates a process of reducing data volume by focusing on a subset of information. Foreword The volume of digital forensic evidence is rapidly increasing, leading to large backlogs. In this paper, a Digital Forensic Data Reduction and Data Mining Framework is proposed. Initial research with sample data from South Australia Police Electronic Crime Section and Digital Corpora Forensic Images using the proposed framework resulted in significant reduction in the storage requirements—the reduced subset is only 0.196 percent and 0.75 percent respectively of the original data volume. The framework outlined is not suggested to replace full analysis, but serves to provide a rapid triage, collection, intelligence analysis, review and storage methodology to support the various stages of digital forensic examinations. Agencies that can undertake rapid assessment of seized data can more effectively target specific criminal matters. The framework may also provide a greater potential intelligence gain from analysis of current and historical data in a timely manner, and the ability to undertake research of trends over time

    Using smartphones as a proxy for forensic evidence contained in cloud storage services

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    Cloud storage services such as Dropbox, Box and SugarSync have been embraced by both individuals and organizations. This creates an environment that is potentially conducive to security breaches and malicious activities. The investigation of these cloud environments presents new challenges for the digital forensics community. It is anticipated that smartphone devices will retain data from these storage services. Hence, this research presents a preliminary investigation into the residual artifacts created on an iOS and Android device that has accessed a cloud storage service. The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, it provides an initial assessment on the extent to which cloud storage data is stored on these client-side devices. This view acts as a proxy for data stored in the cloud. Secondly, it provides documentation on the artifacts that could be useful in a digital forensics investigation of cloud services

    Analysis of adversarial attacks against CNN-based image forgery detectors

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    With the ubiquitous diffusion of social networks, images are becoming a dominant and powerful communication channel. Not surprisingly, they are also increasingly subject to manipulations aimed at distorting information and spreading fake news. In recent years, the scientific community has devoted major efforts to contrast this menace, and many image forgery detectors have been proposed. Currently, due to the success of deep learning in many multimedia processing tasks, there is high interest towards CNN-based detectors, and early results are already very promising. Recent studies in computer vision, however, have shown CNNs to be highly vulnerable to adversarial attacks, small perturbations of the input data which drive the network towards erroneous classification. In this paper we analyze the vulnerability of CNN-based image forensics methods to adversarial attacks, considering several detectors and several types of attack, and testing performance on a wide range of common manipulations, both easily and hardly detectable

    Recovering Residual Forensic Data from Smartphone Interactions with Cloud Storage Providers

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    There is a growing demand for cloud storage services such as Dropbox, Box, Syncplicity and SugarSync. These public cloud storage services can store gigabytes of corporate and personal data in remote data centres around the world, which can then be synchronized to multiple devices. This creates an environment which is potentially conducive to security incidents, data breaches and other malicious activities. The forensic investigation of public cloud environments presents a number of new challenges for the digital forensics community. However, it is anticipated that end-devices such as smartphones, will retain data from these cloud storage services. This research investigates how forensic tools that are currently available to practitioners can be used to provide a practical solution for the problems related to investigating cloud storage environments. The research contribution is threefold. First, the findings from this research support the idea that end-devices which have been used to access cloud storage services can be used to provide a partial view of the evidence stored in the cloud service. Second, the research provides a comparison of the number of files which can be recovered from different versions of cloud storage applications. In doing so, it also supports the idea that amalgamating the files recovered from more than one device can result in the recovery of a more complete dataset. Third, the chapter contributes to the documentation and evidentiary discussion of the artefacts created from specific cloud storage applications and different versions of these applications on iOS and Android smartphones

    Computer Geolocation Using Extracted Features

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    This paper compares the extracted feature data from a sample set of hard drive images in an effort to relate the features to the physical location of the drive. A list of probable zip codes, phone numbers, place names, and IP addresses are extracted from raw drive images and compared to manually identified geolocation data. The results of the individual extractions are then analyzed to determine the feasibility in using automated extraction and analysis techniques for geolocating hard drives. Keywords: hard disk forensics, geocoding, geolocatio

    Forensically-Sound Analysis of Security Risks of using Local Password Managers

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    Password managers have been developed to address the human challenges associated with password security, i.e., to solve usability issues in a secure way. They offer, e.g., features to create strong passwords, to manage the increasing number of passwords a typical user has, and to auto-fill passwords, sparing users the hassle of not only remembering but also typing them. Previous studies have focused mainly on the security analysis of cloud-based and browser-based password managers; security of local password managers remains mostly under-explored. This paper takes a forensic approach and reports on a case study of three popular local password managers: KeePass (v2.28), Password Safe (v3.35.1) and RoboForm (v7.9.12). Results revealed that either the master password or the content of the password database could be found unencrypted in Temp folders, Page files or Recycle bin, even after the applications had been closed. Therefore, an attacker or malware with temporary access to the computer on which the password managers were running may be able to steal sensitive information, even though these password managers are meant to keep the databases encrypted and protected at all times
