136 research outputs found

    Control of Hybrid-excited Permanent Magnet Machines

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    The electric vehicle (EV) performance testing is an indispensable aspect of the design study and marketing of electric vehicle. The development of a suitable electric motor testing environment for EVs is very significant. On the one hand, it provides a relatively realistic testing environment for the study of the key technologies of electric vehicles, and it also plays an essential role in finding a reasonable and reliable optimization scheme. On the other hand, it provides a reference to the evaluation criteria for the products on the market. This thesis is based on such requirements to model and simulate the PM motor testing environment towards EV applications considering road conditions. Firstly, the requirements of the electric motor drive as a propulsion system for EV applications are investigated by comparing to that of the traditional engine as a propulsion system. Then, as the studying objective of this work, the mathematical model of PMSM is discussed according to three different coordinate systems, and the control strategy for EV application is developed. In order to test the PM motor in the context of an EV, a specific target vehicle model is needed as the virtual load of the tested motor with the dyno system to emulate the real operating environment of the vehicle. A slippery road is one of the severe driving conditions for EVs and should be considered during the traction motor testing process. Fuzzy logic based wheel slip control is adopted in this thesis to evaluate the PM motor performance under slippery road conditions. Through the proposed testing environment, the PM motor can be tested in virtual vehicle driving conditions, which is significant for improving the PM motor design and control

    Direct Torque Control for Silicon Carbide Motor Drives

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    Direct torque control (DTC) is an extensively used control method for motor drives due to its unique advantages, e.g., the fast dynamic response and the robustness against motor parameters variations, uncertainties, and external disturbances. Using higher switching frequency is generally required by DTC to reduce the torque ripples and decrease stator current total harmonic distortion (THD), which however can lower the drive efficiency. Through the use of the emerging silicon carbide (SiC) devices, which have lower switching losses compared to their silicon counterparts, it is feasible to achieve high efficiency and low torque ripple simultaneously for DTC drives. To overcome the above challenges, a SiC T-type neutral point clamped (NPC) inverter is studied in this work to significantly reduce the torque and flux ripples which also effectively reduce the stator current ripples, while retaining the fast-dynamic response as the conventional DTC. The unbalanced DC-link is an intrinsic issue of the T-type inverter, which may also lead to higher torque ripple. To address this issue, a novel DTC algorithm, which only utilizes the real voltage space vectors and the virtual space vectors (VSVs) that do not contribute to the neutral point current, is proposed to achieve inherent dc-link capacitor voltage balancing without using any DC-link voltage controls or additional DC-link capacitor voltages and/or neutral point current sensors. Both dynamic performance and efficiency are critical for the interior permanent-magnet (IPM) motor drives for transportation applications. It is critical to determine the optimal reference stator flux linkage to improve the efficiency further of DTC drives and maintain the stability of the drive system, which usually obtained by tuning offline and storing in a look-up table or calculated online using machine models and parameters. In this work, the relationship between the stator flux linkage and the magnitude of stator current is analyzed mathematically. Then, based on this relationship, a perturb and observe (P&O) method is proposed to determine the optimal flux for the motor which does not need any prior knowledge of the machine parameters and offline tuning. However, due to the fixed amplitude of the injected signal the P&O algorithm suffers from large oscillations at the steady state conditions. To mitigate the drawback of the P&O method, an adaptive high frequency signal injection based extremum seeking control (ESC) algorithm is proposed to determine the optimal reference flux in real-time, leading to a maximum torque per ampere (MTPA) like approach for DTC drives. The stability analysis and key parameters selection for the proposed ESC algorithm are studied. The proposed method can effectively reduce the motor copper loss and at the same time eliminate the time consuming offline tuning effort. Furthermore, since the ESC is a model-free approach, it is robust against motor parameters variations, which is desirable for IPM motors

    PMSM Parameter Estimation for Sensorless FOC based on differential power factor

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    © 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting /republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksDuring the last years, different methods for identifying permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) parameters have been developed. Such methods allow a better characterization of PMSMs, thus enabling a better control. This article presents a novel PMSM parameter estimation method based on the differential power factor due to the harmonic distortion, which allows the identification of the motor parameters from data acquisitions representing the entire torque-speed range. This method does not require measuring any geometric parameters, thus avoiding motor disassembly, or prior knowledge of the applied field oriented control (FOC) strategy. It also enables identifying the current, voltage, and dq components of the flux linkage without knowing the rotor position. The proposed method is based on a dq electrical model that considers the harmonic components of the electrical magnitudes. It avoids to apply any optimization technique, thus requiring a low computational burden. The method is first validated experimentally by comparing the identified dq current space vector against the acquired one using a resolver associated with a commercial drive. Finally, it is further validated by using a second PMSM associated with a sensorless drive, comparing the identified dq inductances with ground truth data obtained by a validated method.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Design of flux-weakening space vector control algorithms for permanent magnet brushless DC machines on suitable synchronous reference frames

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    The design of Space Vector Control (SVC) systems suitable for flux-weakening operation of Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Machines (PMBDCMs) is presented in this paper. The proposed design approach enables overcoming the critical issues arising from the non-linearities of PMBDCM voltage and torque equations; these issues derive from the trapezoidal shapes of back-emfs and affect PMBDCM constraint management significantly. The SVCs presented in this paper have been developed within two different synchronous reference frames, both of which enable distinguishing torque and demagnetizing current components clearly. Therefore, reference torque current component is determined in accordance with PMBDCM torque demand, while reference demagnetizing current component is computed through a voltage follower PI regulator, which processes the voltage deficit detected on the DC-link. In this regard, a novel synchronous reference frame is proposed in this paper, which improves PMBDCM constraint management and results into a wider constant-power speed range, but at the cost of some torque ripple. The enhanced performances achievable by SVC approaches are highlighted by numerical simulations, which regard the comparison among the SVCs and an SVC with no flux-weakening capability, at different operating conditions

    Advances in Rotating Electric Machines

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    It is difficult to imagine a modern society without rotating electric machines. Their use has been increasing not only in the traditional fields of application but also in more contemporary fields, including renewable energy conversion systems, electric aircraft, aerospace, electric vehicles, unmanned propulsion systems, robotics, etc. This has contributed to advances in the materials, design methodologies, modeling tools, and manufacturing processes of current electric machines, which are characterized by high compactness, low weight, high power density, high torque density, and high reliability. On the other hand, the growing use of electric machines and drives in more critical applications has pushed forward the research in the area of condition monitoring and fault tolerance, leading to the development of more reliable diagnostic techniques and more fault-tolerant machines. This book presents and disseminates the most recent advances related to the theory, design, modeling, application, control, and condition monitoring of all types of rotating electric machines

    Control solutions for multiphase permanent magnet synchronous machine drives applied to electric vehicles

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    207 p.En esta tesis se estudia la utilización de un accionamiento eléctrico basado en una máquina simétrica dual trifásica aplicada al sistema de propulsión de un vehículo eléctrico. Dicho accionamiento está basado en una máquina síncrona de imanes permanentes interiores. Además, dispone de un bus CC con una configuración en cascada. Por otra parte, se incorpora un convertidor CC/CC entre el módulo de baterías y el inversor de seis fases para proveer el vehículo con capacidades de carga rápida, y evitando al mismo tiempo la utilización de semiconductores de potencia con altas tensiones nominales. En este escenario, el algoritmo de control debe hacer frente a las no linealidades de la máquina, proporcionando un comando de consigna preciso para todo el rango de par y velocidad del convertidor. Por lo tanto, deben tenerse en cuenta los efectos de acoplamiento cruzado entre los devanados, y la tensión de los condensadores de enlace en cascada debe controlarse y equilibrarse activamente. En vista de ello, los autores proponen un novedoso enfoque de control que proporciona todas estas funcionalidades. La propuesta se ha validado experimentalmente en un prototipo a escala real de accionamiento eléctrico de 70 kW, probado en un laboratorio y en un vehículo eléctrico en condiciones reales de conducción.Tecnali

    Multi-level-objective design optimization of permanent magnet synchronous wind generator and solar photovoltaic system for an urban environment application

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    This Ph.D. thesis illustrates a novel study on the analytical and numerical design optimization of radial-flux permanent magnet synchronous wind generators (PMSGs) for small power generation in an urban area, in which an outer rotor topology with a closed-slot stator is employed. The electromagnetic advantages of a double-layer fractional concentration non-overlapping winding configuration are discussed. The analytical behavior of a PMSG is studied in detail; especially for magnetic flux density distribution, time and space harmonics, flux linkages, back-EMF, cogging torque, torque, output power, efficiency, and iron losses computation. The electromagnetic behavior of PMSGs are evaluated when a number of various Halbach array magnetization topologies are presented to maximize the generator’s performance. In addition, the thermal behavior of the PMSG is improved using an innovative natural air-cooling system for rated speed and higher to decrease the machine’s heat mainly at the stator teeth. The analytical investigation is verified via 2-D and 3-D finite element analysis along with a good experimental agreement. Design optimization of electrical machines plays the deterministic role in performance improvements such as the magnetization pattern, output power, and efficiency maximization, as well as losses and material cost minimization. This dissertation proposes a novel multi-objective design optimization technique using a dual-level response surface methodology (D-RSM) and Booth’s algorithm (coupled to a memetic algorithm known as simulated annealing) to maximize the output power and minimize material cost through sizing optimization. Additionally, the efficiency maximization by D-RSM is investigated while the PMSG and drive system are on duty as the whole. It is shown that a better fit is available when utilizing modern design functions such as mixed-resolution central composite (MR-CCD) and mixed-resolution robust (MR-RD), due to controllable and uncontrollable design treatments, and also a Window-Zoom-in approach. The proposed design optimization was verified by an experimental investigation. Additionally, there are several novel studies on vibro-acoustic design optimization of the PMSGs with considering variable speed analysis and natural frequencies using two techniques to minimize the magnetic noise and vibrations. Photovoltaic system design optimization considered of 3-D modeling of an innovative application-oriented urban environment structure, a smart tree for small power generation. The horizon shading is modeled as a broken line superimposed onto the sun path diagram, which can hold any number of height/azimuth points in this original study. The horizon profile is designed for a specific location on the Barcelona coast in Spain and the meteorological data regarding the location of the project was also considered. Furthermore, the input weather data is observed and stored for the whole year (in 2016). These data include, ambient temperature, module’s temperature (open and closed circuits tests), and shading average rate. A novel Pareto-based 3-D analysis was used to identify complete and partial shading of the photovoltaic system. A significant parameter for a photovoltaic (PV) module operation is the nominal operating cell temperature (NOCT). In this research, a glass/glass module has been referenced to the environment based on IEC61215 via a closed-circuit and a resistive load to ensure the module operates at the maximum power point. The proposed technique in this comparative study attempts to minimize the losses in a certain area with improved output energy without compromising the overall efficiency of the system. A Maximum Power Point Track (MPPT) controller is enhanced by utilizing an advanced perturb & observe (P&O) algorithm to maintain the PV operating point at its maximum output under different temperatures and insolation. The most cost-effective design of the PV module is achieved via optimizing installation parameters such as tilt angle, pitch, and shading to improve the energy yield. The variation of un-replicated factorials using a Window-Zoom-in approach is examined to determine the parameter settings and to check the suitability of the design. An experimental investigation was carried out to verify the 3-D shading analysis and NOCT technique for an open-circuit and grid-connected PV module.Esta tesis muestra un novedoso estudio referente al diseño optimizado de forma analítica y numérica de un generador síncrono de imanes permanentes (PMSGs) para una aplicación de microgeneración eólica en un entorno urbano, donde se ha escogido una topología de rotor exterior con un estator de ranuras cerradas. Las ventajas electromagnéticas de los arrollamientos fraccionarios de doble capa, con bobinas concentradas se discuten ampliamente en la parte inicial del diseño del mismo, así como las características de distribución de la inducción, los armónicos espaciales y temporales, la fem generada, el par de cogging así como las características de salida (par, potencia generada, la eficiencia y la distribución y cálculo de las pérdidas en el hierro que son analizadas detalladamente) Posteriormente se evalúan diferentes configuraciones de estructuras de imanes con magnetización Halbach con el fin de maximizar las prestaciones del generador. Adicionalmente se analiza la distribución de temperaturas y su mejora mediante el uso de un novedoso diseño mediante el uso de ventilación natural para velocidades próximas a la nominal y superiores con el fin de disminuir la temperatura de la máquina, principalmente en el diente estatórico. El cálculo analítico se completa mediante simulaciones 2D y 3D utilizando el método de los elementos finitos así como mediante diversas experiencias que validan los modelos y aproximaciones realizadas. Posteriormente se desarrollan algoritmos de optimización aplicados a variables tales como el tipo de magnetización, la potencia de salida, la eficiencia así como la minimización de las pérdidas y el coste de los materiales empleados. En la tesis se proponen un nuevo diseño optimizado basado en una metodología multinivel usando la metodología de superficie de respuesta (D-RSM) y un algoritmo de Booth (maximizando la potencia de salida y minimizando el coste de material empleado) Adicionalmente se investiga la maximización de la eficiencia del generador trabajando conjuntamente con el circuito de salida acoplado. El algoritmo utilizado queda validado mediante la experimentación desarrollada conjuntamente con el mismo. Adicionalmente, se han realizado diversos estudios vibroacústicos trabajando a velocidad variable usando dos técnicas diferentes para reducir el ruido generado y las vibraciones producidas. Posteriormente se considera un sistema fotovoltaico orientado a aplicaciones urbanas que hemos llamado “Smart tree for small power generation” y que consiste en un poste con un generador eólico en la parte superior juntamente con uno o más paneles fotovoltaicos. Este sistema se ha modelado usando metodologías en 3D. Se ha considerado el efecto de las sombras proyectadas por los diversos elementos usando datos meteorológicos y de irradiación solar de la propia ciudad de Barcelona. Usando una metodología basada en un análisis 3D y Pareto se consigue identificar completamente el sistema fotovoltaico; para este sistema se considera la temperatura de la célula fotovoltaica y la carga conectada con el fin de generar un algoritmo de control que permita obtener el punto de trabajo de máxima potencia (MPPT) comprobándose posteriormente el funcionamiento del algoritmo para diversas situaciones de funcionamiento del sistemaLa tesis desenvolupa un nou estudi per al disseny optimitzat, analític i numèric, d’un generador síncron d’imants permanents (PMSGs) per a una aplicació de microgeneració eòlica en aplicacions urbanes, on s’ha escollit una configuració amb rotor exterior i estator amb ranures tancades. Es discuteixen de forma extensa els avantatges electromagnètics dels bobinats fraccionaris de doble capa així com les característiques resultats vers la distribució de les induccions, els harmònics espacials i temporals, la fem generada, el parell de cogging i les característiques de sortida (parell, potencia, eficiència i pèrdues) Tanmateix s’afegeix l’estudi de diferents estructures Halbach per als imants permanents a fi i efecte de maximitzar les característiques del generador. Tot seguit s’analitza la distribució de temperatures i la seva reducció mitjançant la utilització d’una nova metodologia basada en la ventilació natural. Els càlculs analítics es complementen mitjançant anàlisi en 2 i 3 dimensions utilitzant elements finits i diverses experiències que validen els models i aproximacions emprades. Una vegada fixada la geometria inicial es desenvolupen algoritmes d’optimització per a diverses variables (tipus de magnetització dels imants, potencia de sortida, eficiència, minimització de pèrdues i cost dels materials) La tesi planteja una optimització multinivell emprant la metodologia de superfície de resposta i un algoritme de Booth; a més, es realitza la optimització considerant el circuit de sortida. L’algoritme resta validat per la experimentació realitzada. Finalment, s’han considerat diversos estudis vibroacústic treballant a velocitat variable, emprant dues tècniques diferents per a reduir el soroll i les vibracions desenvolupades. Per a finalitzar l’estudi es considera un sistema format per una turbina eòlica instal·lada sobre un pal de llum autònom, els panells fotovoltaics corresponents i el sistema de càrrega. Per a modelitzar l’efecte de l’ombrejat s’ha emprat un model en 3D i les dades del temps i d’irradiació solar de la ciutat de Barcelona. El model s’ha identificat completament i s’ha generat un algoritme de control que considera, a més, l’efecte de la temperatura de la cèl·lula fotovoltaica y la càrrega connectada al sistema per tal d’aconseguir el seguiment del punt de màxima potenciaPostprint (published version