2,559 research outputs found

    Kernel methods in machine learning

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    We review machine learning methods employing positive definite kernels. These methods formulate learning and estimation problems in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) of functions defined on the data domain, expanded in terms of a kernel. Working in linear spaces of function has the benefit of facilitating the construction and analysis of learning algorithms while at the same time allowing large classes of functions. The latter include nonlinear functions as well as functions defined on nonvectorial data. We cover a wide range of methods, ranging from binary classifiers to sophisticated methods for estimation with structured data.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053607000000677 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Face Centered Image Analysis Using Saliency and Deep Learning Based Techniques

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    Image analysis starts with the purpose of configuring vision machines that can perceive like human to intelligently infer general principles and sense the surrounding situations from imagery. This dissertation studies the face centered image analysis as the core problem in high level computer vision research and addresses the problem by tackling three challenging subjects: Are there anything interesting in the image? If there is, what is/are that/they? If there is a person presenting, who is he/she? What kind of expression he/she is performing? Can we know his/her age? Answering these problems results in the saliency-based object detection, deep learning structured objects categorization and recognition, human facial landmark detection and multitask biometrics. To implement object detection, a three-level saliency detection based on the self-similarity technique (SMAP) is firstly proposed in the work. The first level of SMAP accommodates statistical methods to generate proto-background patches, followed by the second level that implements local contrast computation based on image self-similarity characteristics. At last, the spatial color distribution constraint is considered to realize the saliency detection. The outcome of the algorithm is a full resolution image with highlighted saliency objects and well-defined edges. In object recognition, the Adaptive Deconvolution Network (ADN) is implemented to categorize the objects extracted from saliency detection. To improve the system performance, L1/2 norm regularized ADN has been proposed and tested in different applications. The results demonstrate the efficiency and significance of the new structure. To fully understand the facial biometrics related activity contained in the image, the low rank matrix decomposition is introduced to help locate the landmark points on the face images. The natural extension of this work is beneficial in human facial expression recognition and facial feature parsing research. To facilitate the understanding of the detected facial image, the automatic facial image analysis becomes essential. We present a novel deeply learnt tree-structured face representation to uniformly model the human face with different semantic meanings. We show that the proposed feature yields unified representation in multi-task facial biometrics and the multi-task learning framework is applicable to many other computer vision tasks

    Distributional semantics and machine learning for statistical machine translation

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    [EU]Lan honetan semantika distribuzionalaren eta ikasketa automatikoaren erabilera aztertzen dugu itzulpen automatiko estatistikoa hobetzeko. Bide horretan, erregresio logistikoan oinarritutako ikasketa automatikoko eredu bat proposatzen dugu hitz-segiden itzulpen- probabilitatea modu dinamikoan modelatzeko. Proposatutako eredua itzulpen automatiko estatistikoko ohiko itzulpen-probabilitateen orokortze bat dela frogatzen dugu, eta testuinguruko nahiz semantika distribuzionaleko informazioa barneratzeko baliatu ezaugarri lexiko, hitz-cluster eta hitzen errepresentazio bektorialen bidez. Horretaz gain, semantika distribuzionaleko ezagutza itzulpen automatiko estatistikoan txertatzeko beste hurbilpen bat lantzen dugu: hitzen errepresentazio bektorial elebidunak erabiltzea hitz-segiden itzulpenen antzekotasuna modelatzeko. Gure esperimentuek proposatutako ereduen baliagarritasuna erakusten dute, emaitza itxaropentsuak eskuratuz oinarrizko sistema sendo baten gainean. Era berean, gure lanak ekarpen garrantzitsuak egiten ditu errepresentazio bektorialen mapaketa elebidunei eta hitzen errepresentazio bektorialetan oinarritutako hitz-segiden antzekotasun neurriei dagokienean, itzulpen automatikoaz haratago balio propio bat dutenak semantika distribuzionalaren arloan.[EN]In this work, we explore the use of distributional semantics and machine learning to improve statistical machine translation. For that purpose, we propose the use of a logistic regression based machine learning model for dynamic phrase translation probability mod- eling. We prove that the proposed model can be seen as a generalization of the standard translation probabilities used in statistical machine translation, and use it to incorporate context and distributional semantic information through lexical, word cluster and word embedding features. Apart from that, we explore the use of word embeddings for phrase translation probability scoring as an alternative approach to incorporate distributional semantic knowledge into statistical machine translation. Our experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed models, achieving promising results over a strong baseline. At the same time, our work makes important contributions in relation to bilingual word embedding mappings and word embedding based phrase similarity measures, which go be- yond machine translation and have an intrinsic value in the field of distributional semantics

    Intelligent supply and demand for marine protein factory (based on MindSphere platform)

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    Master's thesis in Computer scienceThe purpose of this project is to collect Internet Of Things data from available sources in the value chain. Our viewpoint to observe IoT data streams from all different processes in the factory as well as get an understanding of the different available features and the relation between them, by learning about the process with Siemens engineers and the factory. According to the captured data, the motivation is to model and predict production efficiency by using some appropriate machine learning algorithm. The models provide insights and correlations between features from the input parameters, and also analyze the data to produce the output. Data Pre-processing and re-sampling techniques are necessary to provide a deeper understanding of the essential features and to know which parameters are highly influential on production efficiency. In this experiment, captured data contains the different essential features of fish oil and meal production machines that are provided by Siemens. The significant part of the project is to analyze the data that has performed selecting features, validations, statistical analysis as well as presenting some graphs to decide which model can provide the best prediction with less error and finally propose a model for prediction of one of the critical key performance indicator

    Statistical Significance of the Netflix Challenge

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    Inspired by the legacy of the Netflix contest, we provide an overview of what has been learned---from our own efforts, and those of others---concerning the problems of collaborative filtering and recommender systems. The data set consists of about 100 million movie ratings (from 1 to 5 stars) involving some 480 thousand users and some 18 thousand movies; the associated ratings matrix is about 99% sparse. The goal is to predict ratings that users will give to movies; systems which can do this accurately have significant commercial applications, particularly on the world wide web. We discuss, in some detail, approaches to "baseline" modeling, singular value decomposition (SVD), as well as kNN (nearest neighbor) and neural network models; temporal effects, cross-validation issues, ensemble methods and other considerations are discussed as well. We compare existing models in a search for new models, and also discuss the mission-critical issues of penalization and parameter shrinkage which arise when the dimensions of a parameter space reaches into the millions. Although much work on such problems has been carried out by the computer science and machine learning communities, our goal here is to address a statistical audience, and to provide a primarily statistical treatment of the lessons that have been learned from this remarkable set of data.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-STS368 the Statistical Science (http://www.imstat.org/sts/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    An investigation on automatic systems for fault diagnosis in chemical processes

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    Plant safety is the most important concern of chemical industries. Process faults can cause economic loses as well as human and environmental damages. Most of the operational faults are normally considered in the process design phase by applying methodologies such as Hazard and Operability Analysis (HAZOP). However, it should be expected that failures may occur in an operating plant. For this reason, it is of paramount importance that plant operators can promptly detect and diagnose such faults in order to take the appropriate corrective actions. In addition, preventive maintenance needs to be considered in order to increase plant safety. Fault diagnosis has been faced with both analytic and data-based models and using several techniques and algorithms. However, there is not yet a general fault diagnosis framework that joins detection and diagnosis of faults, either registered or non-registered in records. Even more, less efforts have been focused to automate and implement the reported approaches in real practice. According to this background, this thesis proposes a general framework for data-driven Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD), applicable and susceptible to be automated in any industrial scenario in order to hold the plant safety. Thus, the main requirement for constructing this system is the existence of historical process data. In this sense, promising methods imported from the Machine Learning field are introduced as fault diagnosis methods. The learning algorithms, used as diagnosis methods, have proved to be capable to diagnose not only the modeled faults, but also novel faults. Furthermore, Risk-Based Maintenance (RBM) techniques, widely used in petrochemical industry, are proposed to be applied as part of the preventive maintenance in all industry sectors. The proposed FDD system together with an appropriate preventive maintenance program would represent a potential plant safety program to be implemented. Thus, chapter one presents a general introduction to the thesis topic, as well as the motivation and scope. Then, chapter two reviews the state of the art of the related fields. Fault detection and diagnosis methods found in literature are reviewed. In this sense a taxonomy that joins both Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Process Systems Engineering (PSE) classifications is proposed. The fault diagnosis assessment with performance indices is also reviewed. Moreover, it is exposed the state of the art corresponding to Risk Analysis (RA) as a tool for taking corrective actions to faults and the Maintenance Management for the preventive actions. Finally, the benchmark case studies against which FDD research is commonly validated are examined in this chapter. The second part of the thesis, integrated by chapters three to six, addresses the methods applied during the research work. Chapter three deals with the data pre-processing, chapter four with the feature processing stage and chapter five with the diagnosis algorithms. On the other hand, chapter six introduces the Risk-Based Maintenance techniques for addressing the plant preventive maintenance. The third part includes chapter seven, which constitutes the core of the thesis. In this chapter the proposed general FD system is outlined, divided in three steps: diagnosis model construction, model validation and on-line application. This scheme includes a fault detection module and an Anomaly Detection (AD) methodology for the detection of novel faults. Furthermore, several approaches are derived from this general scheme for continuous and batch processes. The fourth part of the thesis presents the validation of the approaches. Specifically, chapter eight presents the validation of the proposed approaches in continuous processes and chapter nine the validation of batch process approaches. Chapter ten raises the AD methodology in real scaled batch processes. First, the methodology is applied to a lab heat exchanger and then it is applied to a Photo-Fenton pilot plant, which corroborates its potential and success in real practice. Finally, the fifth part, including chapter eleven, is dedicated to stress the final conclusions and the main contributions of the thesis. Also, the scientific production achieved during the research period is listed and prospects on further work are envisaged.La seguridad de planta es el problema más inquietante para las industrias químicas. Un fallo en planta puede causar pérdidas económicas y daños humanos y al medio ambiente. La mayoría de los fallos operacionales son previstos en la etapa de diseño de un proceso mediante la aplicación de técnicas de Análisis de Riesgos y de Operabilidad (HAZOP). Sin embargo, existe la probabilidad de que pueda originarse un fallo en una planta en operación. Por esta razón, es de suma importancia que una planta pueda detectar y diagnosticar fallos en el proceso y tomar las medidas correctoras adecuadas para mitigar los efectos del fallo y evitar lamentables consecuencias. Es entonces también importante el mantenimiento preventivo para aumentar la seguridad y prevenir la ocurrencia de fallos. La diagnosis de fallos ha sido abordada tanto con modelos analíticos como con modelos basados en datos y usando varios tipos de técnicas y algoritmos. Sin embargo, hasta ahora no existe la propuesta de un sistema general de seguridad en planta que combine detección y diagnosis de fallos ya sea registrados o no registrados anteriormente. Menos aún se han reportado metodologías que puedan ser automatizadas e implementadas en la práctica real. Con la finalidad de abordar el problema de la seguridad en plantas químicas, esta tesis propone un sistema general para la detección y diagnosis de fallos capaz de implementarse de forma automatizada en cualquier industria. El principal requerimiento para la construcción de este sistema es la existencia de datos históricos de planta sin previo filtrado. En este sentido, diferentes métodos basados en datos son aplicados como métodos de diagnosis de fallos, principalmente aquellos importados del campo de “Aprendizaje Automático”. Estas técnicas de aprendizaje han resultado ser capaces de detectar y diagnosticar no sólo los fallos modelados o “aprendidos”, sino también nuevos fallos no incluidos en los modelos de diagnosis. Aunado a esto, algunas técnicas de mantenimiento basadas en riesgo (RBM) que son ampliamente usadas en la industria petroquímica, son también propuestas para su aplicación en el resto de sectores industriales como parte del mantenimiento preventivo. En conclusión, se propone implementar en un futuro no lejano un programa general de seguridad de planta que incluya el sistema de detección y diagnosis de fallos propuesto junto con un adecuado programa de mantenimiento preventivo. Desglosando el contenido de la tesis, el capítulo uno presenta una introducción general al tema de esta tesis, así como también la motivación generada para su desarrollo y el alcance delimitado. El capítulo dos expone el estado del arte de las áreas relacionadas al tema de tesis. De esta forma, los métodos de detección y diagnosis de fallos encontrados en la literatura son examinados en este capítulo. Asimismo, se propone una taxonomía de los métodos de diagnosis que unifica las clasificaciones propuestas en el área de Inteligencia Artificial y de Ingeniería de procesos. En consecuencia, se examina también la evaluación del performance de los métodos de diagnosis en la literatura. Además, en este capítulo se revisa y reporta el estado del arte correspondiente al “Análisis de Riesgos” y a la “Gestión del Mantenimiento” como técnicas complementarias para la toma de medidas correctoras y preventivas. Por último se abordan los casos de estudio considerados como puntos de referencia en el campo de investigación para la aplicación del sistema propuesto. La tercera parte incluye el capítulo siete, el cual constituye el corazón de la tesis. En este capítulo se presenta el esquema o sistema general de diagnosis de fallos propuesto. El sistema es dividido en tres partes: construcción de los modelos de diagnosis, validación de los modelos y aplicación on-line. Además incluye un modulo de detección de fallos previo a la diagnosis y una metodología de detección de anomalías para la detección de nuevos fallos. Por último, de este sistema se desglosan varias metodologías para procesos continuos y por lote. La cuarta parte de esta tesis presenta la validación de las metodologías propuestas. Específicamente, el capítulo ocho presenta la validación de las metodologías propuestas para su aplicación en procesos continuos y el capítulo nueve presenta la validación de las metodologías correspondientes a los procesos por lote. El capítulo diez valida la metodología de detección de anomalías en procesos por lote reales. Primero es aplicada a un intercambiador de calor escala laboratorio y después su aplicación es escalada a un proceso Foto-Fenton de planta piloto, lo cual corrobora el potencial y éxito de la metodología en la práctica real. Finalmente, la quinta parte de esta tesis, compuesta por el capítulo once, es dedicada a presentar y reafirmar las conclusiones finales y las principales contribuciones de la tesis. Además, se plantean las líneas de investigación futuras y se lista el trabajo desarrollado y presentado durante el periodo de investigación

    Financial risk management in shipping investment, a machine learning approach

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    There has been a plethora of research into company credit risk and financial default prediction from both academics and financial professionals alike. However, only a limited volume of the literature has focused on international shipping company financial distress prediction, with previous research concentrating largely on classic linear based modelling techniques. The gaps, identified in this research, demonstrate the need for increased effort to address the inherent nonlinear nature of shipping operations, as well as the noisy and incomplete composition of shipping company financial statement data. Furthermore, the gaps illustrate the need for a workable definition of financial distress, which to date has too often been classed only by the ultimate state of bankruptcy/insolvency. This definition prohibits the practical application of methodologies which should be aimed at the timely identification of financial distress, thereby allowing for remedial measures to be implemented to avoid ultimate financial collapse. This research contributes to the field by addressing these gaps through i) the creation of a machine learning based financial distress forecasting methodology and ii) utilising this as the foundation for the development of a software toolkit for financial distress prediction. This toolkit enables the practical application of the financial risk principles, embedded within the methodology, to be readily integrated into an enterprise/corporate risk management system. The methodology and software were tested through the application of a bulk shipping company case study utilising 5000 bulk shipping company-year accounting observations for the period 2000-2018, in combination with market and macroeconomic data. The results demonstrate that the methodology improves the capture of distress correlations, that traditional financial distress models have struggled to achieve. The methodology's capacity to adequately treat the problem of missing data in company financial statements was also validated. Finally, the results also highlight the successful application of the software toolkit for the development of a multi-model, real time system which can enhance the financial monitoring of shipping companies by acting as a practical "early warning system" for financial distress.There has been a plethora of research into company credit risk and financial default prediction from both academics and financial professionals alike. However, only a limited volume of the literature has focused on international shipping company financial distress prediction, with previous research concentrating largely on classic linear based modelling techniques. The gaps, identified in this research, demonstrate the need for increased effort to address the inherent nonlinear nature of shipping operations, as well as the noisy and incomplete composition of shipping company financial statement data. Furthermore, the gaps illustrate the need for a workable definition of financial distress, which to date has too often been classed only by the ultimate state of bankruptcy/insolvency. This definition prohibits the practical application of methodologies which should be aimed at the timely identification of financial distress, thereby allowing for remedial measures to be implemented to avoid ultimate financial collapse. This research contributes to the field by addressing these gaps through i) the creation of a machine learning based financial distress forecasting methodology and ii) utilising this as the foundation for the development of a software toolkit for financial distress prediction. This toolkit enables the practical application of the financial risk principles, embedded within the methodology, to be readily integrated into an enterprise/corporate risk management system. The methodology and software were tested through the application of a bulk shipping company case study utilising 5000 bulk shipping company-year accounting observations for the period 2000-2018, in combination with market and macroeconomic data. The results demonstrate that the methodology improves the capture of distress correlations, that traditional financial distress models have struggled to achieve. The methodology's capacity to adequately treat the problem of missing data in company financial statements was also validated. Finally, the results also highlight the successful application of the software toolkit for the development of a multi-model, real time system which can enhance the financial monitoring of shipping companies by acting as a practical "early warning system" for financial distress