1,086 research outputs found

    A Web2.0 Strategy for the Collaborative Analysis of Complex Bioimages

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    Loyek C, Kölling J, Langenkämper D, Niehaus K, Nattkemper TW. A Web2.0 Strategy for the Collaborative Analysis of Complex Bioimages. In: Gama J, Bradley E, Hollmén J, eds. Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis X: 10th International Symposium, IDA 2011, Porto, Portugal, October 29-31, 2011. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol 7014. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer; 2011: 258-269

    BIOSMILE web search: a web application for annotating biomedical entities and relations

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    BIOSMILE web search (BWS), a web-based NCBI-PubMed search application, which can analyze articles for selected biomedical verbs and give users relational information, such as subject, object, location, manner, time, etc. After receiving keyword query input, BWS retrieves matching PubMed abstracts and lists them along with snippets by order of relevancy to protein–protein interaction. Users can then select articles for further analysis, and BWS will find and mark up biomedical relations in the text. The analysis results can be viewed in the abstract text or in table form. To date, BWS has been field tested by over 30 biologists and questionnaires have shown that subjects are highly satisfied with its capabilities and usability. BWS is accessible free of charge at http://bioservices.cse.yzu.edu.tw/BWS

    How Design Plays Strategic Roles in Internet Service Innovation: Lessons from Korean Companies

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    In order to survive in the highly competitive internet business, companies have to provide differentiated services that can satisfy the rapidly changing users’ tastes and needs. Designers have been increasingly committed to achieving user satisfaction by generating and visualizing innovative solutions in new internet service development. The roles of internet service design have expanded from a narrow focus on aesthetics into a more strategic aspect. This paper investigates the methods of managing design in order to enhance companies’ competitiveness in internet business. The main research processes are to: (1) explore the current state of internet service design in Korea through in-depth interviews with professional designers and survey questionnaires to 30 digital design agencies and 60 clients; (2) compare how design is managed between in-house design groups and digital design agencies though the case studies of five Korean companies; and (3) develop a taxonomy characterizing four roles of designers in conjunction with the levels of their strategic contributions to internet service innovation: visualist, solution provider, concept generator, and service initiator. In addition, we demonstrate the growing contributions of the strategic use of design for innovating internet services, building robust brand equity, and increasing business performance. Keywords: Design Management; Internet Business; Internet Service Design; Digital Design; Digital Design Agency; In-House Design Group, Case Study</p

    Development of an Internet-Based Chronic Disease Self-Management System

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    Patient self-management programs and information systems that support them can improve the quality of healthcare. Flaws in user experience reduce the willingness of patients to adopt such systems. To explore how emerging technology such as rich Internet applications can be used to address the usability issues of personal health information systems, we developed a health self-management application that is based on an open-source framework. In this work we present the architecture of the system, discuss the issues we faced and lessons we learned while developing it. This work can help researchers and practitioners in evaluating approaches towards developing new generation of personal health solutions. Furthermore, this work serves as a basis for implementing a feature-rich system that can improve chronic disease self-management

    BioIMAX : a Web2.0 approach to visual data mining in bioimage data

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    Loyek C. BioIMAX : a Web2.0 approach to visual data mining in bioimage data. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2012

    Ten Years of Rich Internet Applications: A Systematic Mapping Study, and Beyond

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    BACKGROUND: The term Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) is generally associated with Web appli- cations that provide the features and functionality of traditional desktop applications. Ten years after the introduction of the term, an ample amount of research has been carried out to study various aspects of RIAs. It has thus become essential to summarize this research and provide an adequate overview. OBJECTIVE: The objective of our study is to assemble, classify and analyze all RIA research performed in the scienti c community, thus providing a consolidated overview thereof, and to identify well-established topics, trends and open research issues. Additionally, we provide a qualitative discussion of the most inter- esting ndings. This work therefore serves as a reference work for beginning and established RIA researchers alike, as well as for industrial actors that need an introduction in the eld, or seek pointers to (a speci c subset of) the state-of-the-art. METHOD: A systematic mapping study is performed in order to identify all RIA-related publications, de ne a classi cation scheme, and categorize, analyze, and discuss the identi ed research according to it. RESULTS: Our source identi cation phase resulted in 133 relevant, peer-reviewed publications, published between 2002 and 2011 in a wide variety of venues. They were subsequently classi ed according to four facets: development activity, research topic, contribution type and research type. Pie, stacked bar and bubble charts were used to visualize and analyze the results. A deeper analysis is provided for the most interesting and/or remarkable results. CONCLUSION: Analysis of the results shows that, although the RIA term was coined in 2002, the rst RIA-related research appeared in 2004. From 2007 there was a signi cant increase in research activity, peaking in 2009 and decreasing to pre-2009 levels afterwards. All development phases are covered in the identi ed research, with emphasis on \design" (33%) and \implementation" (29%). The majority of research proposes a \method" (44%), followed by \model" (22%), \methodology" (18%) and \tools" (16%); no publications in the category \metrics" were found. The preponderant research topic is \models, methods and methodologies" (23%) and to a lesser extent, \usability & accessibility" and \user interface" (11% each). On the other hand, the topic \localization, internationalization & multi-linguality" received no attention at all, and topics such as \deep web" (under 1%), \business processing", \usage analysis", \data management", \quality & metrics", (all under 2%), \semantics" and \performance" (slightly above 2%) received very few attention. Finally, there is a large majority of \solution proposals" (66%), few \evaluation research" (14%) and even fewer \validation" (6%), although the latter are increasing in recent years

    Knowledge Management and Information Systems based on Workflow Technology

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    Knowledge management is critical for the success of virtual communities, especially in the case of distributed working groups. A representative example of this scenario is the distributed software development, where it is necessary an optimal coordination to avoid common problems such as duplicated work. In this paper the feasibility of using the workflow technology as a knowledge management system is discussed, and a practical use case is presented. This use case is an information system that has been deployed within a banking environment. It combines common workflow technology with a new conception of the interaction among participants through the extension of existing definition languages